View Full Version : Warlock EE orange/red/purple named dps is kind of a joke

06-26-2015, 06:09 AM
It takes forever take down any sort of boss.

Did a EE mod & wyrm last night, but it's so frustrating. DPS....well I wouldn't even call it dps.

I am talking strictly for high level EE quest, no heroic or low level EE.

06-26-2015, 06:16 AM
It takes forever take down any sort of boss.

Did a EE mod & wyrm last night, but it's so frustrating. DPS....well I wouldn't even call it dps.

I am talking strictly for high level EE quest, no heroic or low level EE.

With what build/equipment/attacks?

06-26-2015, 06:35 AM
With what build/equipment/attacks?

Well I'm a 20 pure warlock drow DC based running on EA, using utterdark for light spell power with all in game past life & equip.

06-26-2015, 06:53 AM

I'm running the same setup(it sounds) as u and I'm having the same issue. Except on orange names. I devour their soul.

06-26-2015, 06:57 AM

I'm running the same setup(it sounds) as u and I'm having the same issue. Except on orange names. I devour their soul.

Unfortunately I don't have point in Soul eater :(

I went for knockdown immunty as it is a must have for me cos I run toee daily for a chance of tome.

06-26-2015, 07:20 AM
With what build/equipment/attacks?

Even with good gear several epic normal red and orange names take forever to defeat using eldrich blast AND any metamagic'd activated blasts. Especially the ones in ToEE. Orange names though can at least be affected by Hurl through Hell or Devour Soul. Heroic quest bosses aren't anywhere near as crazy. Still dangerous, but not "takes an hour to defeat" levels of nutzoid.

Well, maybe not an hour. But it certainly felt like it on Lam. Higher damage on live servers should help though.

06-26-2015, 05:07 PM
Warlock's dps is weak?Then there is sth wrong with u build..im running with 41 TS but no T5/rest in ES. SLD ED twist 4/3/2/1 energy burst/Empyrean Magic/sound blast/Avenging light MY dps is CRAZY!Much more higher than sor/wiz build i have played. I have solo EE TOEE P1 yesterday with ease..The last boss with 300k hp only take me 2mins+ to kill.However,the mana burn fast >.>

06-26-2015, 05:12 PM
Warlock's dps is weak?Then there is sth wrong with u build..im running with 41 TS but no T5/rest in ES. SLD ED twist 4/3/2/1 energy burst/Empyrean Magic/sound blast/Avenging light MY dps is CRAZY!Much more higher than sor/wiz build i have played. I have solo EE TOEE P1 yesterday with ease..The last boss with 300k hp only take me 2mins+ to kill.However,the mana burn fast >.>

For trash mobs the DPS is fine. It's against orange, red, and purple names the damage starts to look weak in my experience. not tried epic levels on live yet, so don't know how much the damage boost improved things. On Lam though the gelatinous cube in ToEE part 1 literally took an hour to beat on epic normal. And the medusa took an hour and a half.

06-26-2015, 05:22 PM
On live, level 16, 1st life, no twink gear, no tomes beyond a +1 spellcraft tome - human. I was specced mostly Souleater with a secondary focus on Tainted Scholar.

My blasts were hitting Harry for about 100-180 + 90-150 (normal and pact - acid) with crits pushing them to 200-300 + 190-250. Bu that wasn't the shining star of my damage. No, that was Consume. At triple stack, with lootgen level 14 radiance + lore item, I was doing 1000-1500 a tick. That's every 2 seconds. Blasting away between refreshing the dot every 14 seconds or so (it lasts 16, but since it's free, I sometimes even just refreshed it at 10 when the cooldown ended in case I had to dodge harry or slug down a pot or something). That added up really, really fast. Now, without being T5 for souleater, I probably would have a lost a good chunk of that consume damage. But it was certainly brutal, and if it could do that kind of damage with ML14 spellpower and spellcrit, I can only wonder what it'd do for high-epic gear with destinies kicking it up.

06-26-2015, 05:23 PM
I just finished a warlock life on my TR project. And I will have to agree. The red named dps is fairly bad, at least on my build. I'm more than willing to concede there may be better ways of building one (warlock hasn't been out for very long at all), but it seemed pretty bad. We were duoing on two warlocks, and the completion times were about 50% higher than on our usual runs.

Last life was a soul eater/tainted scholar caster-blast build. Will be trying a melee/ES build this life, to see if that's different.

06-26-2015, 07:11 PM
I just finished a warlock life on my TR project. And I will have to agree. The red named dps is fairly bad, at least on my build. I'm more than willing to concede there may be better ways of building one (warlock hasn't been out for very long at all), but it seemed pretty bad. We were duoing on two warlocks, and the completion times were about 50% higher than on our usual runs.

Last life was a soul eater/tainted scholar caster-blast build. Will be trying a melee/ES build this life, to see if that's different.

Yeah, I'm not getting this OP lock that everyone is talking about. I'm a double completionist, level 22 lock (17/ 3 ftr atm) and my spell power and melee power isn't under much than it normally is on other classes. I am write even in dmg in large trash mobs with barbarians/paladins/other AoE heavy hitter, maybe I do a little better, but when it comes to single targest or smaller mobs, my dmg isn't that great. Sorcs, Instakill Wizard and FvS, Barbarian out perform me.

54 charisma
230-270 spell power, not w/ pots and empyrean magic, so 300 really,
char to dmg
71 armor
109 PRR at Full BaB
+5 tomes on all stats, +6 soon,
In Divine Crusader atm.

Most of my single target dmg is from consume/striken and 25% vulnerablity. You can keep it up, and move it to multiple mobs if they are in aura. I think not having 2 second aura may be a bigger dps loss than I realize though, and I can give up exotic weapons for another Lock level.

My Barbarian completely would kill this toon. I'll come up with a uber build by ETR if I don't get tired of it and go back to my completionist barbarian.

06-26-2015, 07:20 PM
Warlock's dps is weak?Then there is sth wrong with u build..im running with 41 TS but no T5/rest in ES. SLD ED twist 4/3/2/1 energy burst/Empyrean Magic/sound blast/Avenging light MY dps is CRAZY!Much more higher than sor/wiz build i have played. I have solo EE TOEE P1 yesterday with ease..The last boss with 300k hp only take me 2mins+ to kill.However,the mana burn fast >.>

As someone who has soloed ee toee part 1 several times ... the bosses have no more than 200k when soloing. Usually though they have 130k - 150k. Even with the setup you are describing the dps is no where close to high end dps from melee/repeaters. I think that is what they are referring to. As a note though my warlock is only level 5. So can't say what is and what isn't, but still have a fairly good idea.

06-26-2015, 08:04 PM
As someone who has soloed ee toee part 1 several times ... the bosses have no more than 200k when soloing. Usually though they have 130k - 150k. Even with the setup you are describing the dps is no where close to high end dps from melee/repeaters. I think that is what they are referring to. As a note though my warlock is only level 5. So can't say what is and what isn't, but still have a fairly good idea.

Yup warlock's single target dps is not high as barb/mech rogue,but still the highest in arcane classes,im waiting for the spell crit buff in next patch

06-26-2015, 08:43 PM
It's aoe damage that warlocks excel at. Although the chance to apply neg levels without worrying about spell pen is probably a big help against some bosses.

06-26-2015, 09:58 PM
And at 'stealing' damage, when possible. Like confusing or charming the boss's minions so they hammer the boss too. Kill all adds? Only if they're red!!

06-27-2015, 01:37 AM
Well souleater gives you a ok dot and the best in game vulnerability stacking ability. (wonder if they will nerf it)

/personal opinion
I would skip on temple pt2 if you are farming for tomes, it can be such a waste of time.
Better farm pt1 with main and a alt or 2 /not to hard even on alts on ee.
We pulled only 2 7s so far tho, and time wise its more effective to farm pt1 imo, pt 2 if unlucky with node can be such a pita

06-27-2015, 05:06 AM
Re farming tomes: I hit up Part 2 up to the pyramid on Normal with a +2 loot boost gem. Its an easy way to ransack the chests 3-4 chests

Since I have no tomes, I am a bit worried that the +2 loot gem doesnt actually give me the shot at tomes

06-27-2015, 05:56 AM
Unfortunately I don't have point in Soul eater :(

I went for knockdown immunty as it is a must have for me cos I run toee daily for a chance of tome.

And this is exactly your problem. I can totally understand your reason to go enlightened spirit. You get alot of light spellpower, your eldritch blast deals additional light damage, knockdown immunity,...

But souleater has a pretty mean debuff. Stricken makes your EB stack vulnerable up on the boss. Not even a 2wf can stack it up to 20 as fast as a warlock. If you take greater hunger you deal additional 2d6 allignment damage per blast. I tried out both, and souleater is by far the better boss dps.

06-27-2015, 06:14 AM
And this is exactly your problem. I can totally understand your reason to go enlightened spirit. You get alot of light spellpower, your eldritch blast deals additional light damage, knockdown immunity,...

But souleater has a pretty mean debuff. Stricken makes your EB stack vulnerable up on the boss. Not even a 2wf can stack it up to 20 as fast as a warlock. If you take greater hunger you deal additional 2d6 allignment damage per blast. I tried out both, and souleater is by far the better boss dps.

And don't forget Consume, spitting out (as souleater) 8d10 chaotic damage scaling with 150% spellpower every 2 seconds for 16 seconds, stacking up to three times. With the 20 stacks of vulnerable, and solid Radiance and Radiance Lore, that gets very mean, very fast. And can be Maximized and Empowered and even Enlarged if you want to stack it up from a long ways off.

06-27-2015, 06:48 AM
And this is exactly your problem. I can totally understand your reason to go enlightened spirit. You get alot of light spellpower, your eldritch blast deals additional light damage, knockdown immunity,...

But souleater has a pretty mean debuff. Stricken makes your EB stack vulnerable up on the boss. Not even a 2wf can stack it up to 20 as fast as a warlock. If you take greater hunger you deal additional 2d6 allignment damage per blast. I tried out both, and souleater is by far the better boss dps.

And don't forget Consume, spitting out (as souleater) 8d10 chaotic damage scaling with 150% spellpower every 2 seconds for 16 seconds, stacking up to three times. With the 20 stacks of vulnerable, and solid Radiance and Radiance Lore, that gets very mean, very fast. And can be Maximized and Empowered and even Enlarged if you want to stack it up from a long ways off.

I used Consume and Stricken on bosses. The DPS, to me, still did not seem very impressive. It took ages to get bosses down, compared to the recent mech, barb, and pally lives. Wasn't even as good as my sorc lives. And not even as good as my 12 wiz/6 pally/2 fighter melee lives. It felt slow and cumbersome. The shifting between SLAs or spells to blast still seems clunky and loses DPS, the queueing is still not totally working, the confusion - while nice - bugs out quests here and there, and the targeting leaves a lot to be desired as well.

Warlock has some great ideas. I like the concept. As a live build, I haven't seen it working great yet.

06-27-2015, 06:51 AM
Re farming tomes: I hit up Part 2 up to the pyramid on Normal with a +2 loot boost gem. Its an easy way to ransack the chests 3-4 chests

Since I have no tomes, I am a bit worried that the +2 loot gem doesnt actually give me the shot at tomes

Loot gem doesnt matter.
To have a chance on +7 tomes you need to complete the quest on ee and only end chest has chance to drop it

06-27-2015, 06:53 AM
And this is exactly your problem. I can totally understand your reason to go enlightened spirit. You get alot of light spellpower, your eldritch blast deals additional light damage, knockdown immunity,...

But souleater has a pretty mean debuff. Stricken makes your EB stack vulnerable up on the boss. Not even a 2wf can stack it up to 20 as fast as a warlock. If you take greater hunger you deal additional 2d6 allignment damage per blast. I tried out both, and souleater is by far the better boss dps.

Dont forget the 20% mov speed upgrade that you get when you use stricken or consume ;)

Cant live without that

06-27-2015, 10:26 AM
Even with good gear several epic normal red and orange names take forever to defeat using eldrich blast AND any metamagic'd activated blasts. Especially the ones in ToEE. Orange names though can at least be affected by Hurl through Hell or Devour Soul. Heroic quest bosses aren't anywhere near as crazy. Still dangerous, but not "takes an hour to defeat" levels of nutzoid.

Well, maybe not an hour. But it certainly felt like it on Lam. Higher damage on live servers should help though.

Why would you waste your time doing this if you can Hurl it to hell.

And this is simply not true if you built your toon right.

06-27-2015, 12:49 PM
Why would you waste your time doing this if you can Hurl it to hell.

And this is simply not true if you built your toon right.

Because when doing the test runs on Lam I didn't have Hurl through Hell. I had either Fey pact or Great Old One pact. Didn't really do anything with fiend pact till live servers.

06-30-2015, 10:45 AM
Because when doing the test runs on Lam I didn't have Hurl through Hell. I had either Fey pact or Great Old One pact. Didn't really do anything with fiend pact till live servers.

The Wiki explicitly states that "hurl through hell" does not work on bosses. My warlock is too "young" (low level) to know for sure.

06-30-2015, 11:33 AM
The Wiki explicitly states that "hurl through hell" does not work on bosses. My warlock is too "young" (low level) to know for sure.

It works on Orange names, even in EE

06-30-2015, 12:44 PM
The Wiki explicitly states that "hurl through hell" does not work on bosses. My warlock is too "young" (low level) to know for sure.

Red names (bosses) and purple names (raid bosses) can't be affected by it. But you know the beholder/ghost beholder in In the Flesh? Yeah, the orange named mini-boss and orange named optional boss... I killed the ghost version with Hurl through Hell on the second try. First time he made the save so just got paralyzed. Didn't try the when you first fight him, didn't think it'd work.

06-30-2015, 05:00 PM
How does the DPS compare to a DC Wizard, DC Sorc, or other DC caster? Saying a DC caster doesn't have the dps of a barb or paladin is sorta ... well expected. I would expect a non-DC melee/aura warlock to be able to be competitive.

Not in epic levels yet. But by level 8 damage is comparable to my sorcerers. I expect that'll keep up too.