View Full Version : Joke Weapons #11: Enchanted Breakable Sword

06-17-2015, 10:18 AM
No this is NOT the Giant's Knife, before you say anything.

Giant's Knife is a greatsword.

Find the rest of my joke weapons here! -> List of Joke Weapons (https://www.ddo.com/forums/showthread.php/441029-ForgettableNPC-s-List-of-Joke-Weapons)

Name: Enchanted Breakable Sword

Weapon Type: Longsword
Damage: (0-5) 1d6 - 1 Slash

Critical Roll: (0 - 10) 20 / x2

Attack Mod: STR+
Damage Mod: STR+

Durability: 20
Material: Scrap
Hardness: 0


-1: This weapon is less well-made than normal, giving a -1 penalty to Attack and Damage Rolls.

Poor Durability: This weapon was made with less-than-durable materials, and will always lose 1 durability with every successful hit.


"Why would I ever want a sword to be enchanted so that it breaks literally almost after every battle!?"

"Well...maybe you could give it to your enemies?"

"Great idea! Here, hold the sword for a second..."

-- Last conversation held by Erwin the Enchanter and his client, shortly before the former's untimely demise at the hands of the latter who requested his services and was unsatisfied with the result.

06-18-2015, 06:39 AM

06-18-2015, 07:15 AM

Wouldn't a better question be: "Why not?"

06-19-2015, 04:28 AM
Wouldn't a better question be: "Why not?"

No... I mean if you had a choice between having the devs allocate their finite time and energy to something, would you rather have them spend it on somewhat amusing but otherwise useless items or work on something you can use or even fix bugs on that could make existing products better? At least that's my why not lol

06-20-2015, 01:00 AM
No... I mean if you had a choice between having the devs allocate their finite time and energy to something, would you rather have them spend it on somewhat amusing but otherwise useless items or work on something you can use or even fix bugs on that could make existing products better? At least that's my why not lol
Fixing a bug takes longer then making an item like this, plus it tends to be handled by different departments.

As for making useful items, that takes more time then a joke weapon, as they need to be properly balanced where as a joke weapon only has to be funny/amusing and otherwise can be completely useless.

06-20-2015, 03:16 AM
Fixing a bug takes longer then making an item like this, plus it tends to be handled by different departments.

As for making useful items, that takes more time then a joke weapon, as they need to be properly balanced where as a joke weapon only has to be funny/amusing and otherwise can be completely useless.

Not sure that's accurate...

06-20-2015, 07:49 AM
No... I mean if you had a choice between having the devs allocate their finite time and energy to something, would you rather have them spend it on somewhat amusing but otherwise useless items or work on something you can use or even fix bugs on that could make existing products better? At least that's my why not lol

Lol Rofaust the joke weapons are just for a laugh here on the forums to tease around game mechanics. They are not proposals!

06-20-2015, 07:58 AM
If you click 'add junk' at the public vendors under the 'sell' menu, the EBS gets added, even if locked.

Adamantine eldritch rituals only increase hardness by 1 pt.

EBS has ghost touch due to its own incorporeality.

Does bleeding damage on hit due to its pieces being lodged in the enemy. This only works on mobs vulnerable to bleeding.

The EBS can sometimes drop (as one of those little purple bags) from the corpses of rust monsters, jellies, slimes and cubes. Great farming locations include Rainbow in the Dark and Stromvauld's Mine. Rant threads on low drop rate NOT allowed! They are not bound to account so they can be posted on the ASAH.

06-21-2015, 01:22 AM
Not sure that's accurate...

Which part?

06-29-2015, 12:14 PM
where as a joke weapon only has to be funny/amusing and otherwise can be completely useless.
Still a waste of time and resources, and is painfully not funny to boot. This junk needs to be saved for the OP's pnp table.

06-29-2015, 01:24 PM
How about having powerful cursed items where another player needs to cast spells like remove curse or break enchantment on you in order to remove them once you have them equipped?

06-29-2015, 02:23 PM
Still a waste of time and resources, and is painfully not funny to boot. This junk needs to be saved for the OP's pnp table.

These are not proposals! They are meant for the forums only!

06-30-2015, 03:09 AM
How about the tavern brawler's bottle? Glass club, 30% chance on hit to break causing no-save stun effect.

06-30-2015, 07:56 AM
Here are some funny ones in the game.
A vorpal Hammer. Gonna knock your head off! That was what vorpal did at first. I am an old time player from the 70's when your race was the class.
A vorpal dagger a couple of voral maces and a vorpal staff. They made me laugh when I got em.