View Full Version : So, now they've gone and started taking down the server ubruptly themselves...

05-29-2015, 12:27 PM
I love all of the advanced notice, and that e.t.c. of we'll get back to you is just so awesome. But, I guess it's okay, because, I mean, after all, they are going to fix it once and for all, right now... /me looks around... Does anyone even believe that G-land can be fixed at this point, cause I've pretty much lost my faith in them being able to figure it out. I don't want random maintenance, I want out. Right now, you have an entire subset of customers being tortured, while the rest of your customers are doing just fine. I'm sure some of them have lag, but I could give a rat's about lag compared to this garbage. Exactly how long does this have to go on, before you allow us to leave, and experience the same level of quality of game play service that all the other customers are enjoying for their money. I know I'm not the only one sick of this, pumping money in, and getting terribly important quest interrupts with every crash, it's just enough already.

When do you give us and our friends/guilds the ability to migrate to a stable server?

05-29-2015, 12:34 PM
They wont even address it lol..
Ive sent tickets, Called, Sent messages to all the staff thats on the forum just gets ignored.

But hey.. You play DDO its not like you have 7 ALT That need to be moved at $25 USD Each
Then that airship you bought for $200 has a good chance of never being seen again.

Yea I just dont..

I said in another post, they could give a bag of stupid cookies or something.. Just some kind of token that they care, that they appreciate us sticking around through these numerous crashes, Dwindling populations, and economy breaking bugs after economy breaking buds..

The people that play this game LOVE this game.. Like on another level die hard fan base.
I think a lot of us on G-Land would just like to see the same commitment we have for DDO be returned to us.

05-29-2015, 12:45 PM
Fully and permanently resolving the recent issues we've been experiencing on Ghallanda remains one of our utmost top priorities. We appreciate the frustration you've been experiencing.

The thread title is somewhat misleading, which is why I'm closing the thread. The title seems to indicate that bringing down a world for a bit to address necessary maintenance is something new, rather than something we've been doing for almost a decade now.