View Full Version : LightLock - The Pure Enlightened Spirit

05-20-2015, 06:50 PM
LightLock is an INT/CHA based melee hybrid, focused on dealing tons of AoE damage and providing some mild support abilities through spells, bewitching/defensive auras, and healing. INT for damage/to-hit is specifically for Know the Angels and being able to use the attack stat for the reflex save as well.

This build works best with some past lives, especially 3x Sorc, 3x Sun Elf, and 3x Paladin- as well as Epic Completionist and the Doublestrike/Energy Criticals stances. Any combination of these should be fine- if you need to build this as anything but a third life, don't drop CON any lower and take some points out from INT.

A few multiclassing options include 18 Warlock and:
2 Rogue (traps/evasion)
2 Paladin (epic saves)
1 Fighter/1 Favored Soul (Haste Boost+Scourge)

LightLock also sports some solid defenses with the bonuses to PRR/MRR, healing abilities, medium armor, Staunch (even at 50% max HP, it's still strong) and easily handled permanent displacement.

20 Warlock
Lawful Neutral Human

STATS (36 Point)
STR 31 (10 Base, 2 Litany, 6 Tome, 2 Ship, 1 Exceptional, 2 Insight, 8 Enhancement, 2 Rage)
DEX 37 (14 Base, 2 Litany, 6 Tome, 2 Ship, 1 Exceptional, 2 Insight, 8 Enhancement)
CON 40 (14 Base, 2 Litany, 6 Tome, 2 Ship, 1 Exceptional, 3 Insight, 2 Capstone, 11 Enhancement, 2 Rage)
INT 40 (14 Base, 2 Litany, 6 Tome, 2 Ship, 1 Exceptional, 2 Insight, 11 Enhancement)
WIS 32 (8 Base, 2 Litany, 6 Tome, 2 Ship, 1 Exceptional, 2 Insight, 11 Enhancement)
CHA 60 (18 Base, 2 Litany, 6 Tome, 2 Ship, 1 Exceptional, 2 Insight, 2 Capstone, 7 Levels, 1 Harper Agent, 2 Tainted Scholar, 4 Divine Crusader, 11 Enhancement, 2 Yugo)

Feats (In order)
Pact: Fiend
Human: Empower
Two Weapon Fighting
Improved Critical: Slashing
Improved Two Weapon Fighting
Greater Two Weapon Fighting
Empower Healing Spell
Overwhelming Critical
Epic Spell Power: Light
Spell Focus: Evocation
Perfect Two Weapon Fighting

Concentration, Balance, Spellcraft, UMD, Heal, Perform
After level 7 - Jump or anything else you want.

Harper Agent
12 Points
C: Agent of Good I, Charisma I
T1: Strategic Combat I, Harper Enchantment
T2: Know the Angels III
T3: Strategic Combat II

Tainted Scholar
27 Points
C: 4 Cores - Tainted Spellcasting, Tainted Lore I, Staunch, Tainted Lore II
T1: Planar Power II, Strong Pact, Feigned Health III
T2: Unholy Blast, Strong Pact
T3: Charisma, Faltering Blast Strong Pact
T4: Charisma, Bewitching Blast, Strong Pact

Enlightened Spirit
41 Points
C: 6 Cores - Eldritch Aura, Aura of Courage, Shape Vestments, Aura of Menace, Spirit Armor, Celestial Spirit
T1: Resilience of Soul II, Spiritual Defense III
T2: Spiritual Bastion III, Power: Light III
T3: Eldritch Burst, Spiritual Ward III, Power: Light III
T4: Medium Armor Proficiency, Retribution III, Cure Moderate Wounds III
T5: Spirit Blast, Displacement SLA, Beacon

Spell List
1: Nightshield, Resist Energy
2: Invisibility, Sleet Storm
3: Dimension Door, Haste
4: Teleport, True Seeing
5: Symbol of Stunning, Mind Fog
6: Wail of the Banshee, Hold Monster- Mass

Epic Destiny
Divine Crusader
Purge the Wicked
Consecration III
Empyrean Magic
Sacred Ground
Celestial Champion
Heavenly Presence
Strike Down

Energy Burst: Fire
Evocation Specialist
Radiant Power
Hail of Blows

Spell DCs
Hurl Through Hell
30 Base
25 CHA
Total: 55 Will

Energy Burst
34 Base
25 CHA
Total: 59 Reflex

Spell Power
100 Base
30 Radiant Power
30 Enlightened Spirit
20 Epic Spell Power: Light
63 Spellcraft
36 Implement
144 Lantern Ring
19 Tainted Scholar
12 Enlightened Spirit
Total: 454

100 Base
68 Spellcraft
36 Implement
144 Inferno Bracers
19 Tainted Scholar
12 Enlightened Spirit
Total: 379

100 Base
30 Healing Power
39 Heal
36 Implement
150 Thunderforged
19 Tainted Scholar
12 Enlightened Spirit
10 Divine Crusader Core
Total: 396

100 Base
63 Spellcraft
36 Implement
150 Thunderforged
19 Tainted Scholar
12 Enlightened Spirit
Total: 380

10 Capstone
12 Enlightened Spirit
36 Implement Bonus
19 Tainted Scholar
63 Spellcraft
Total: 140

Heal Amp
100 Base
30 Paladin Past Life
5 Warlock Core
20 Beacon
20 Divine Crusader Core
60 Shroud of Argent
Total: 235%

120 Base
80 Epic
420 CON
10 Draconic Vitality
25 Heroic Durability
45 Greensteel
45 Vitality
40 False Life
30 Barbarian Past Lives
33 Epic Primal Past Lives
20 Ship
60 Divine Crusader
Total: 928

Spell Points
525 Base
150 Exalted Angel
250 Wizardry
80 Magical Training
725 CHA
Total: 1730

39 Medium Armor
6 Resilience of Body
10 Spiritual Bastion
10 Spirit Armor (this caps at 10, but 10 would be more reasonably maintained)
30 Sheltering
Total: 95

20 Medium Armor
6 Resilience of Soul
10 Shape Vestiments
10 Spirit Armor
25 Paragon's Aegis
30 Sheltering
Total: 101

6/6/12 Warlock
4/4/4 Epic Levels
5/0/0 Fiend Pact
2/2/2 Brace for Impact
3/2/2 Ship Buffs
11/11/11 Resistance
4/4/4 Greater Heroism
2/2/2 Good Luck
15/0/0 Constituion
0/13/0 Dexterity
0/0/11 Wisdom
2/2/2 Dark One's Luck
Totals: 54/46/50
Pretty crappy, but tons of immunities and MRR so I'm not horribly worried

9 Epic Past Lives
3 Hail of Blows
5 Epic Two Weapon Fighting
Total: 17

Main Hand: T3 Thunderforged Khopesh - 150 Devotion, Dragon's Edge, Mortal Fear (Empty, Ruby Eye of Force)
Off-Hand: T3 Thunderforged Khopesh - 150 Impact, +6 Evocation, Kinectic Lore 22% (Empty, Ruby Eye of Inferno)
Armor: Flawless Shadowscale Armor - Deathblock, 150% Fortification, Ghostly, Shadow Striker (Globe of True Imperial Blood)
Helm: Mythic Minos Legens - Fortification 150%, Vitality 45, Insightful Fortitude 2, Sheltering 30, Insightful Constitution 3, (Greater Spell Focus Evocation, Golem's Heart)
Cloak: Greensteel - 45 HP
Goggles: Shadowsight - Ethereal, Wisdom 11, Accuracy 10 (Insightful CHA 2)
Necklace: Shroud of Ardent - Armor Bonus 8, Sheltering 30, Smoke Screen, Fear Immunity, Healing Amplification 60 (Good Luck 2, Insightful INT 2)
Trinket: Epic Litany of the Dead - (Natural Armor 8, Insightful DEX 2)
Belt: Epic Chord of Reprisals - Charisma 11, Resonance 144, Perform 20, Soundproof, Roar, Sheltering 24 (Protection 8, Insightful STR 2)
Bracers: Epic Inferno Bracers - Constitution 11, Combustion 144, Spellcraft 20 (Strength 8, Insightful WIS 2)
Boots: Epic Boots of the Innocent - Speed 15, Resistance 11, Greater Heroism (Dexterity 8, Empty)
Gloves: Sanctified Gages - UMD 5, Scorching Sun, Deadly 11 (False Life 40, Empty)
Ring 1: Lantern Ring - 144 Radiance, Radiance Lore 18% (Heal 15, Empty)
Ring 2: Epic Eye of the Beholder - Deathblock 21%, Intelligence 11, 250 Spell Points, Saves vs Spells 1 (Empty or Empty, Empty)

05-20-2015, 07:43 PM
looking good so far!

05-20-2015, 08:29 PM
Pretty good thus far. I'm waiting for the third tree to come out before I try my own design, since everything is subject to change

05-20-2015, 08:47 PM
Alright, that's all done. Have at it, you animals.

05-20-2015, 09:24 PM
You have errors in your MRR calculation. Of note:

39 from Medium Armor is actually 20 from medium armor. The BAB*2/3+4 part of the formula only applies to PRR.

However, this is counteracted by you not adding the 30 Sheltering or the fact that you actually gain 25 MRR from Paragon's Aegis (you put 20). This gives you 91 base MRR before Spirit Armor brings you anywhere up to 111.

05-20-2015, 10:09 PM
You have errors in your MRR calculation. Of note:

39 from Medium Armor is actually 20 from medium armor. The BAB*2/3+4 part of the formula only applies to PRR.

However, this is counteracted by you not adding the 30 Sheltering or the fact that you actually gain 25 MRR from Paragon's Aegis (you put 20). This gives you 91 base MRR before Spirit Armor brings you anywhere up to 111.

That's fixed, thank you for letting me know and bringing me the good news.

05-21-2015, 06:14 PM
LightLock isn't really effected by the new SoulEater tree. While there are some pretty cool things in that tree, I can't really see myself getting the low hanging fruit in exchange for what SoulEater provides. I will, however, be doing an alternate build based on SoulEater as I really like that concept as well.

05-29-2015, 11:17 PM
As an update from playtesting in lamannia-

-Equipment is great, no changes needed.
-Divine Crusader has much more synergy with this build than Exalted Angel. Crusade is wonderful in combination and will be updating this later. The loss of DCs don't really matter, and the greatest benefit is your cleave abilities counting as spells. Multiclassers should consider 1 level of favored soul for a guaranteed full stack of Scourge.
-The action point allotment needed to be switched around, and sacrificing a few abilities was required.
-Most of your damage is light and force- spell power and spell critical is absolutely more beneficial than melee power.
-Spell crits on this build are ridiculous. With no past lives, epic or otherwise, Ruin and Energy Burst easily were hitting upwards of 8k.
-The biggest weakness of this build are saves. Either build/cast for plenty of immunities or die, basically. STR instead of INT and 2 paladin is sounding better and better. It frees up a few precious action points.
-While single target damage is a bit low, the aoe damage of this build is quite amazing.
-The cleaves are fantastic, and a pure caster Enlightened Spirit should be heavily considered with the cleaves, although adding melee does contribute quite a bit to single target.
-Quite tanky. I was able to easily hit 109 PRR with no past lives and no stacks. No idea how that worked out, but it was cool. MRR hit about 90 as well, which is amazing.
-Spell saves aren't as important as I thought they would be. Losing a few DC wasn't the end of the world, and light damage far outscales all other damage types. The light damage portion of this build has no saves, so a STR build would actually be viable, though the stun ability was quite useful for disabling casters or other pesky mobs and was never saved against.
-Epic Elite capable, and does not need to be played TOO carefully.

05-30-2015, 03:07 AM
Okay... I just read your build like 3 times and can't find the reason why you need high Evo DC. I'm sure the answer is there I'm just having an extended brainfart or something... Please enlighten me before I go crazy lol

EDIT: okay... logged on to Lama and found out. Pact damage.

05-30-2015, 11:03 AM
Okay... I just read your build like 3 times and can't find the reason why you need high Evo DC. I'm sure the answer is there I'm just having an extended brainfart or something... Please enlighten me before I go crazy lol

EDIT: okay... logged on to Lama and found out. Pact damage.

Yeah. Gonna test without it because it's a small amount.

05-30-2015, 11:25 AM
Yeah. Gonna test without it because it's a small amount.

I think you'd get better value out of a good enchantment DC, mass hold + nuke sounds fun. Also if you go for Great Old One pact the save against pact damage would be will based, so you could get away with way lower EVO.

Since character copy is not working I just rolled up a lvl 4 warlock to check how the arcane blast works and ran to casual butcher's path to play with it a bit. The "cleave" blasts seem really good, the description didn't say that Maximize and Empower are working on them, but the base blast is aggravating to play with... Maybe using the cone or the homing stance makes it barable to play with, but otherwise I'd stick with TWF (maybe I'd just stick with twf anyway, blasts don't seem to be as good dps as just swinging 2 heavy picks or maybe khopeshes in DC...)

If you decide to splash I'd take a look at 18/1fvs/1 fighter, it'd get you an extra feat (for khopesh proficiency maybe?), cheap haste boost, scourge, 2% crit chance, cheap Divine might (so you can stay cha based and still sport 60+ str) and also some more SP from the vfs levels. Sure pally gives good saves, but you have pretty great selfheal and mrr, I just see it as a waste of offensive potential.

If you have access to completionist human is also probably a better race choice than drow, only losing 1 CHA for racial damage boost.

05-31-2015, 12:43 AM
After playing around a bit on Lammania with Enlightened Spirit I am curious to see how effective it can be when combine with melee, so this build looks really interesting to me. Eventually, if at all possible, it'd be great to see a version of something like this for a 1st life 28 or 32 pt build. I don't have access to all the buffs/gear/lives but I'd still like to try something like this out.

05-31-2015, 11:30 PM
Nice looking build!

I have something very similar in mind, but am hesitant to put anything to pen and paper just yet, as nothing has been finalized as final for the warlock class.

I made a similar build on Lam, but tested out a few different items and went with a swf/orb combo with 2 levels of bard for being able to have more ranks in perform. Later i realized that this was only if i wanted to run in Fey, but as it stands, i'm leaning more towards Acid or Fire. Fire would make more sense with running Divine Crusader, mob immunities not withstanding. Acid seems the best route overall am but still undecided, but dont think 2 levels of bard is worth it, as I'd be missing out on some of the bard's strengths.

I equipped an Epic Deific Diadem, and let me say that I was running around with the +2 to spell dc buff whenever anything ran into my aura. I was thinking that this might be a better helm slot item for this build. Didn't have time to work up Divine crusader to test if the helm works on the cleaves or not, but thought it worth mentioning. The added benefit of have Wisdom, Intelligence and Charisma at +11 on one item might free up some other choices for other items.

Just my 2 plat.

Saduj of Thelanis

06-01-2015, 09:01 AM
Looking good. I have very similar idea. Mine is drow 18 lock/ 2 FvS with SWF feats and orb in offhand. Originally was also considering Pal2 but felt that FvS was a better route for me though the saves given by paladin would be sweet. My reasoning:

+ Awesome saves
- Forced to Fey pact with (Ref save.)
- Expensive DM at tier 2 with hardly anything else interesting in lower tiers
+ 4 more HP and +1 BAB

Favored Soul
+ Scourge (+30 Light, Fire, physical spell power.)
+ Cheap DM + articles of faith, Wall of steel, smiting crit line, righteous weapon
+ A bit more spell power (USP and fire/light) and spell points

Feats are really tight either way.

06-01-2015, 10:48 AM
Hey guys! I really appreciate the feedback. Unfortunately I am going to be lacking internet for the next few weeks so I won't be able to update much. With the testing I did, I love the offensive potential of splashing 1 fvs. Without the pally splash, it is important to keep up as many immunities as you can, so I'll be looking at equipment and spells to include FoM and whatever else I can fit in. I'll try to get away to a hotspot for a few hours to fix the write up, a few notes based on your feedback- sorry for the lack of quotes as I am on my phone.

-1 fvs/1 fighter does look good.
-twf is important as you get more light damage from multiple hits. I'm actually looking at an unarmed varient to maximize this damage because the weapon damage isn't horribly impressive by comparison, though you lose out on medium armor

06-01-2015, 01:14 PM
-1 fvs/1 fighter does look good.
-twf is important as you get more light damage from multiple hits. I'm actually looking at an unarmed varient to maximize this damage because the weapon damage isn't horribly impressive by comparison, though you lose out on medium armor

As suggested, for completionist chars Human sounds a better option. I also like the 1fvs/1fighter splash.

When you say unarmed version, you mean 2 monk for feats and evasion? That would open stunning fist as an option, not sure about the dps though.

06-01-2015, 03:05 PM
I'm actually thinking about pure PDK now with Knight Training and longswords for CHA based damage. It loses a lot on crit profile sure, but retains the capstone, which is fairly important imo, and also saves some AP by not requiring Strategic Combat II. (plus I have just the right longswords from my crusader warpriest life - ps. still hate every turbine employee who took part in nerfing that build)

I think I would go human/pdk over drow even on non completionist characters, the cheap racial damage boost is just too good to give up, the extra feat is very valueable, and while a high CHA score is important, such build is far from being a DC caster.

I would also go for a TOEE weapon in the offhand over a 2nd TF crafted, the build takes full advantage of the set bonus, and the gear setup can come around without 2nd TF as well (by using Epic Noxious Embers).

Here is a copy paste of my notepad file with the build I have in mind atm: (character builder will never be my thing)

Pure PDK 20 warlock

Starting Stats: (STR and DEX could be dropped lower actually)

STR 10
DEX 14
CON 14
INT 14
CHA 18

feats: (8 heroic, 3 epic, 2 destiny)


IC: slashing

Power Attack
SF: Evo/ruin/mental toughness

Epic spellpower: Light

41 AP enlightened Spirit
1 AP Souleater
26 AP Tainted Scholar
8 AP Harper

Main destiny: Divine Crusader

Energy Burst
Haste Boost
Light Spellpower
Extra Action boosts

Light Spellpower:
30 sun elf past lives
15 ship
40 pots (commendation + alchemical)
144 item
48 implement
24 psionic (meridian fragment)
20 empyrean magic
10 capstone
30 power of enlightment
30 EA twist
21 tainted scholar
99 spellcraft (will have to see if I can actually cap it, but should get close the very least)
5 interrogation
5 souleater core
1 harper
20 destiny feat
28 TOEE set + mythic bonuses
_______________________________521 Light (+75 with clickies)

18 base
7 lvl
6 tome
8 completionist + pots + ship
1 gear
8 enhancements
1 destiny
_______________________________64 CHA

14 base
6 tome
6 ship/pot/completionist
1 gear
______________________________42 int---> 8 dmg w/ KTA

Evo DC (blast)
19 base (eldricht blast is considered lvl 9 spell for DC/spell pen/whatever purposes iirc)
3 past life
8 gear
27 CHA
1 ship
_______________________________58 (+2 defic focus by the aura constantly ticking for a total of 60)--> probably most things will save for half. 64 is reachable with minor changes but I doubt it worths the effort

Weapons: TOEE longsword (caster- fire) + TF Longsword (1st degree burns + Dragon's Edge/evo focus + Mortal fear/Light crit)
Necklace: Epic Noxious Embers
Armor: Toee
Helm: Epic Defic Diadem
Trinket: Epic Litany
Gloves: Sanctified Gages
Ring1: Seal of House Avithoul
Ring2: Lantern Ring
Bracer: Dumathion's Bracer
Belt: Battlerager's Harness
Goggles: Epic Mentau
Cloak: HP/SP/SP land and sky
Boots: Epic Innocent

Blast damage:
14d4 fire
10d6 force
6d6 light

**might include some minor errors**

Probably not a top build in terms of power level, but I'm so sick of cleaving and my caster is so outdated, that I'll probably go for it anyway lol.

06-02-2015, 08:53 AM
Interesting ideas and builds. Thank you. This definately helps with my own planning.

Has anyone done any math to TWF vs. SWF for this build. I'm thinking TWF would be better but then again for SWF could dump DEX and for TWF would have to start with at least 14 DEX (only have +3 DEX tome) Any idea how much of an advantage TWF has over SWF. Could also put a lot of caster stuff on orbs without sacrificing on the damage.

I would propably make a pure PDK Warlock but really can't stomach the way they look. Half orc model with even uglier faces....no thanks.

Human vs. Drow....with action surges and extra feat human could actually pull ahead. Managing ABs on top of everything else is a bit of a chore though.. For drow I would have Celestia ready for most of elite content. Not too worried which would be better at 28 since I don't plan on spending too much time there.

06-02-2015, 11:09 AM
Alright. Updated on my phone. Equipment is NOT final, needs more str and double strike.

06-02-2015, 11:28 AM
Don't think you can use Warlock with Iconics.. at least not until after your first life perhaps?

06-02-2015, 01:19 PM
Don't think you can use Warlock with Iconics.. at least not until after your first life perhaps?

You can just like every other class.

06-03-2015, 10:25 PM
Some notes from my testing:
-Hurl through hell is overpowered. It doesn't matter if they save. Twist in sense weakness and big booms happen.
-Pure is better. Scourge and Divine Might do not make up for the extra light damage and huge boost to melee power.
-A warlock paladin mix for light damage might be cool.
-Stack up immunities and saves aren't really a problem. With your PRR and MRR combined with displacement, nothing will hit you hard enough to be a problem.
-Resist energies enhancement does not stack with others.
-Cure Moderate SLA is extremely good. Straight up amazing.

06-03-2015, 11:01 PM
Build is fully fleshed out. Pure's damage potential is by far superior and this is why it was chosen.

06-04-2015, 07:07 AM
Your twists require 35 fate points, is that even possible?

Edit: How are you getting 27 CHA bonus on energy burst when your modifier is only 25?

Edit 2: Your spell points include 300 from exalted angel but you're in divine crusader, and your hp total includes barbarian past lives which aren't suggested for the build at the top. (Either suggest them or take them out of totals as this gives a false total otherwise imo).

Otherwise this looks like an interesting build and I'm tempted to try it at some point :).

06-04-2015, 09:43 AM
Your twists require 35 fate points, is that even possible?

Edit: How are you getting 27 CHA bonus on energy burst when your modifier is only 25?

Edit 2: Your spell points include 300 from exalted angel but you're in divine crusader, and your hp total includes barbarian past lives which aren't suggested for the build at the top. (Either suggest them or take them out of totals as this gives a false total otherwise imo).

Otherwise this looks like an interesting build and I'm tempted to try it at some point :).

Thanks- did calculations really quickly and must have missed a few considerations. Fixing now.

EDIT: Fixed.

06-05-2015, 09:26 AM
More melee power with Toee set. Would be a better option instead of TF dragons edge/mortal fear most of the time, since you can't give up the Impact weapon. Maybe dragon edge against High fort mobs? Since you dont have precision.

06-19-2015, 04:28 PM
Hey guys! I really appreciate the feedback. Unfortunately I am going to be lacking internet for the next few weeks so I won't be able to update much. With the testing I did, I love the offensive potential of splashing 1 fvs. Without the pally splash, it is important to keep up as many immunities as you can, so I'll be looking at equipment and spells to include FoM and whatever else I can fit in. I'll try to get away to a hotspot for a few hours to fix the write up, a few notes based on your feedback- sorry for the lack of quotes as I am on my phone.

-1 fvs/1 fighter does look good.
-twf is important as you get more light damage from multiple hits. I'm actually looking at an unarmed varient to maximize this damage because the weapon damage isn't horribly impressive by comparison, though you lose out on medium armor

If you're looking to apply that light damage to Monk Unarmed fists, DON'T! The reason being that Retribution does NOT work with unarmed attacks - I attempted a Bladeforged Fiend-pact Monk in a bid to exploit the light damage and high double strike from ninja), as well as explore the perceived synergies of Henshin mystic with monk. Huge waste of time, but thankfully not resources, as I did this on Lamannia.

06-19-2015, 10:54 PM
-Cure Moderate SLA is extremely good. Straight up amazing.

Yes, it was. Too bad it was too amazing. Or maybe they got word from Wizards of the Coast that they couldn't have cure SLA on a warlock. Either way, it's gone. And the replacement is not quite as good. Still decent, but not as good.

06-19-2015, 10:57 PM
Yes, it was. Too bad it was too amazing. Or maybe they got word from Wizards of the Coast that they couldn't have cure SLA on a warlock. Either way, it's gone. And the replacement is not quite as good. Still decent, but not as good.

It works better for tank builds, I've found.

06-20-2015, 10:09 PM
As suggested, for completionist chars Human sounds a better option. I also like the 1fvs/1fighter splash.

When you say unarmed version, you mean 2 monk for feats and evasion? That would open stunning fist as an option, not sure about the dps though.

1 Fighter/1 Favored Soul (Haste Boost+Scourge)

well I did this already :)

Narcissistic-Diabolist (https://www.ddo.com/forums/showthread.php/461855-Narcissistic-Diabolist-18-warlock-1-Fighter-1-Favored-Soul)

You can get pretty crazy spellpower & much higher PRR