View Full Version : Poll: what boots do you wear on your cleric before level 27?

04-11-2015, 03:07 AM
I'm running my 4th cleric life and I still don't know what boots to wear BEFORE 27. At 27 I suppose it's concesus epic boots of innocent.

I used to wear whatever until 18 where I would switch to cannith boots of propulsion but nowadays I'm leaning towards crafted boots.

What do you wear on your cleric, irrelevant of build?

04-11-2015, 03:19 AM

04-11-2015, 03:51 AM
Mine wears Halcyon Boots, but I haven't updated his gear since last year. He's positively drowning in Gianthold gear.

04-11-2015, 04:49 AM
I'm running my 4th cleric life and I still don't know what boots to wear BEFORE 27. At 27 I suppose it's concesus epic boots of innocent.

Not for me. I have Resistance elsewhere (Thoughtful Remembrance), and nothing else on Innocent are of any use to me at all.

I used to wear whatever until 18 where I would switch to cannith boots of propulsion but nowadays I'm leaning towards crafted boots.

What do you wear on your cleric, irrelevant of build?

When I'm running in my primary Epic Destiny, Exalted Angel, I typically use Sage's Shoes. Heroic 19-26, Epic 27-28.

When in an off-destiny, I use crafted boots with Feather Falling and something or other else.

Either way, it's an easy swap slot; for example, I have crafted 33% Fire absorb and 33% Electrical absorb boots.

04-11-2015, 05:53 AM
cannith boots of propulsion

04-17-2015, 12:04 AM
Orcish Privateer's boots from 24 until I get to 27.

From 20-23 I mostly just use Cannith Propulsion boots.

04-17-2015, 01:06 AM
Epic Kundarak Delving Boots, socketed with +5% XP. From 25, Halcyon (with the same augment in a colorless slot and optionally a resist 35 in the yellow) is an option too.

Dispels are just common enough that I can't pass up the undispellable FOM.

04-29-2015, 06:47 AM
Epic Kundarak Delving Boots, socketed with +5% XP. From 25, Halcyon (with the same augment in a colorless slot and optionally a resist 35 in the yellow) is an option too.

Dispels are just common enough that I can't pass up the undispellable FOM.

When I last played, my feeling was that Kundarak Delving Boots are too useful at lower levels to make Epic, if one plans on TR'ing.

It's been a couple of years since I played, so there may be other reliable sources of FoM at lower levels now.

04-29-2015, 08:04 AM

Level 9+ Kundarek Delving boots (for those pesky dispellers) useful right until I can equip Orcish Privateer's Boots ).
~ never found any value to making these epic. much more useful to leave as is and Re-use every TR life.

Level 18+ Boots of Propulsion (swap-in as needed through endgame)

Level 24 Orcish Privateer's Boots (swap-in as needed
Level 25 Halcyon Boots

Level 27+Epic Boots of the Innocent

also use the boot spot for Swap-in -feather falling of jumping for varying levels until 18

04-29-2015, 08:20 AM
At 27 I suppose it's concesus epic boots of innocent.

Only if you've got them in the first place!

Heck even then it's gonna depend on the rest of your gear setup and what you actually need on your boots!

04-29-2015, 09:24 AM
Only if you've got them in the first place!

Heck even then it's gonna depend on the rest of your gear setup and what you actually need on your boots!

They are worth running Vol repeatedly for and are BTA...

Not really,
Permanent GH, Haste, resistance 11 and two augment slots are enough to make them desirable for any build as a static item..

Clerics can cast FOM so the FOM boots are optional for those dispellable incidences.
Propulsion boots are a swap in for Feather fall/abundant step moments..

Pretty tough to beat the Epic Boots of Innocent.

04-29-2015, 09:32 AM
They are worth running Vol repeatedly for and are BTA...

Not really,
Permanent GH, Haste, resistance 11 and two augment slots are enough to make them desirable for any build as a static item..

Clerics can cast FOM so the FOM boots are optional for those dispellable incidences.
Propulsion boots are a swap in for Feather fall/abundant step moments..

Pretty tough to beat the Epic Boots of Innocent.

Agreed, those boots are the clear winner after 27 in my opinion. Not just for clerics but for most any class. Luckily they drop in the easiest to farm quest in necro 4. I got so unlucky with them though. I think it took me over 50 runs to get mine. It was so worth it though, and that quest in a great XP/min run in and of itself.

04-29-2015, 03:52 PM
Permanent GH, Haste, resistance 11 and two augment slots are enough to make them desirable for any build as a static item..

I think you lost your "m" and "s" in "many builds" and somehow misspelled it as "any build".

GH = scrolls
Movement speed = quiver
Melee/ranged attack speed = nice for those types of builds, but casting-focused don't care at all
Resistance = available in a variety of places, including a very nice belt from the Orchard
Augment slots = available in tons of places

On the other hand,
+5 to a one of my school DCs that doesn't take up a hand slot = only one option

04-29-2015, 04:04 PM
While Boots of the Innocence are a nice set of boots, I always treated the boots slot as a swappable area.

Part of that might have to deal with the Boots of Anchoring mechanic for the ToD raid.

Also like being able to swap in Ghostly or other effects like swim or featherfall or speed

But in the end it truly comes down to what ever other gear you have as wearing gear because you have it even if it does not complement your other gear in the end is a waste. But many people have geared around a specific item they have.

04-30-2015, 06:31 AM
I always used epic corrosion boots for set, i like to splash fsoul on my clerics so to keep max caster level i use 3 abi set 90% of the time i play a cleric.
Even when i want to mess around with mm shiradi cleric builds i would be in 3 set chrono gear layout, boots bracers and cloack or similiar

04-30-2015, 06:42 AM
For all my caster lives I use my GS SP boots from level 11 through to cap. I just cant find anything that is worth losing 100 or 150 SP.

05-01-2015, 08:29 AM
For all my caster lives I use my GS SP boots from level 11 through to cap. I just cant find anything that is worth losing 100 or 150 SP.

GS is a swap in at higher levels.. shrine with them on, buff, swap out.

05-25-2015, 06:35 AM
I ended up wearing heroic elite ghostly boots because I have the mysterious cloak on cloak slot. Not sure it's the correct choice, I'm tempted to think gs boots is the ideal on casters.

Thank you all for the feedback