View Full Version : Is Know the Angles bugged?

04-09-2015, 03:24 AM
My level 15 Swashbuckler with 33 Int does not seem to get any benefit from Know the Angles. I wonder if it is bugged or there might be some stacking issue i cannot spot.

Activating KtA results in Effects: "(Effects): You benefit from your Know The Angles. // (Effects): --- Insight modifier to Ranged Damage: +5" and an icon, but no apparant effect on damage (not even ranged).

I am running with Greater Single Weapon Fighting, Int-to-damage from Two Steps Ahead, and Precision/Thread the Needle. Do any of those give Insight damage bonus so that KtA won't stack? (Switching Precision/Thread the Needle on-and-off gives and loses 5 damage whether KtA is active or not so that one seems to be ok.)

So... Is there a bug I should know about regarding Know the Angles?

04-09-2015, 03:43 AM
The damage increase doesn't show up in the inventory panel sadly, but you should see an increase on your actual damage.
Btw. a 34 Int would give you another +1 damage, while 33 does nothing (it's the same as having 30 Int for KTA).

04-09-2015, 03:46 AM
The damage increase doesn't show up in the inventory panel sadly, but you should see an increase on your actual damage.
Btw. a 34 Int would give you another +1 damage, while 33 does nothing (it's the same as having 30 Int for KTA).

get some masterwork shuriken and throw them at the dummy. they are good for testing stuff like this because the damage variation is +/-1 so just throw a couple, note the damage, then repeat with kta running. you should see about 5 more damage. if you had other insight bonuses to your damage, it would show up as not stacking in your combat log.

edit oops: Not sure if it's working with melee damage. just checked my combat log and it looks like yours

(Effects): --- Insight modifier to Ranged Damage: +4

Edit: tested with a dagger, seems to be adding the +4

04-09-2015, 04:32 AM
Yes thanks (OOPS! :) it does add the damage, only the inv display is bugged.

Also, one more point of intelligence will give +2 dam since I use int-to-damage to begin with. Just need more enhancement points :)