View Full Version : Gingerspyce's Week in Videos: EE Temple of Elemental Evil First Look and EE Grey Garl

04-09-2015, 01:21 AM
Hello DDO'ers!

Today I noticed a surprisingly large spike in my channel views on April 6th, which blew way past my previous best day of views. I was puzzled for a moment then I got a good laugh when I realized that this was the day the servers were down all day, so that means a bunch of you watched my videos while you were waiting for the servers to come back up, lol. Thank you for stopping by my channel during the downtime! :)

Temple of Elemental Evil - part 1
15 minutes after the servers came up, me and some guildies dove head-first into EE TOEE. None of us had done it on Lamannia, nor did we have experience with the old tabletop module. So this was a true first look and first experience for all of us. Check out the video below to see how we did!

[edit 4/12/15: I've uploaded a newer version of the part 1 video. The original was missing the end fight. Thank you Ghanto DDO for bringing that to my attention.]


Temple of Elemental Evil - part 2
We were halfway into our 4-hour campaign and we were starting to get really tired. By the time we finished part 2 it was after 4am and I think most of us were sleep walking, lol. Check out the thrilling conclusion to see who couldn't stay awake and watch us in our epic battle against Zuggtmoy in EE Temple of Elemental Evil pt. 2 - First Look, Day of Release (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZvFQ36FpaNE).

Old Tomb, New Tenants (aka Epic Grey Garl)
Episode 27 of the TR Guide to the Gingerspyce Pure Druid Caster/Healer/Quasi-tank put me in EE Grey Garl (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tpprTkaz9DM). This was my second level 27 video. I decided to do another L27 video because it had been 10 weeks since I did the EE Thrill of the Hunt video, and I wanted to go over some gearing changes that I've made since then, and I also discuss one of my new favorite spells- Creeping Doom, a very cool druid AOE DOT that I had seriously overlooked til now. Props to Cypan41 on the forums for turning me onto it! Only 2 videos left to go in the series!

Thanks again for watching and for all the support and positive words!

Much love,
Gingerspyce of Sarlona

04-09-2015, 10:37 AM
hi Gingerspyce, thx for posting the videos!

Just some thoughts on Old Grey Garl:
This quest is actually easier if stealthed, since most of the mobs are facing away from the levers. I know your build is not geared for that, but just thought i would mention it. For stealthy builds, the only issue is the final fight, since it becomes a CC beatdown which your build handled easily.

For Krystznila (or however one says the Red Boss), I recommend that you do not combat her on the platform where she appears. You can easily draw her back to the entrance door platform and kill her there. That will prevent needing to fight the spawns that appear on her platform.

For what it is worth, I did this a long time ago (or seems like it a long time ago) on EE with 14 kills on my undergeared toon at the time. (screenies here (http://i.imgur.com/zyEec2E.jpg) and here (http://i.imgur.com/vDdKsYR.jpg). About half of my quest time was taking forever beating down Krystnila since my DPS was horrendous; I used GMoF everything is nothing for last room).