View Full Version : First Warlock Enhancement Tree
04-01-2015, 11:09 AM
We’re excited to announce the first of the Warlock enhancement trees! The Pirate's Council has been looking at this for at least 36 hours now, and we've made some dramatic changes based on their feedback already, but overall player reception has been quite positive.
Toughness is the Warlock’s primary DPS tree. We feel the reverse Core Toughness enhancements and the tier 2 passive Action Boost: Toughness synergize well with Eldritch Blast. The Toughness line up the center should help out whether your pact is with Fiend, Fey, or Toughness. This is also the first tree where you can take an enhancement on the right side and cross over to the left, though that requires four Warlock class levels due to balance concerns. The tier 5 Toughness enhancements pack a lot of punch and should really make this tree stand out compared to the other Warlock Enhancement Trees, Mental Toughness and the very Warlock specific version, Eldritch Toughness.
04-01-2015, 11:13 AM
Happy April 1st to you too! :p
04-01-2015, 11:19 AM
You need to nerf this! Warlock are going to be too powerful. I'd change the T4, first to the left, only 1 rank max. Then, I think it would be fine
04-01-2015, 11:21 AM
I think the most exciting thing about this tree is the fact that it will need a minimum of 81 AP to fully max out (assuming all abilities require 1 AP).
Is this a sneak preview of a revamp of the whole enhancement system... maybe allowing 5 AP per level in order to provide a much needed power boost to certain under-performing classes (Pure Pallies are particularly had done by trying do decide where to thinly spread the available 80 AP)?
04-01-2015, 11:21 AM
I smell some tough build choices here.
04-01-2015, 11:22 AM
We’re excited to announce the first of the Warlock enhancement trees! The Pirate's Council has been looking at this for at least 36 hours now, and we've made some dramatic changes based on their feedback already, but overall player reception has been quite positive..
You know everyone is going to splash Warlock now to get at this tree. Do you guys even think this through???? I figure that if I drop Arti from by Pally(14)/Bard(8)/Arti(2) character I will improve my DPS by over 1%! Something is very Broken in your process to allow this.
04-01-2015, 11:23 AM
I know it was a joke when I saw it here so early, but it still made me laugh. Gogogo constitution-based warlocks!
Love the NWN2 reference, too. XD
04-01-2015, 11:26 AM
The Tier 3 Column 5 ability seems too powerful for its prerequisites. I would suggest adding the Tier 4 Column 5 ability as a prerequisite for it to cause an infinite loop whenever the tree's prerequisite chain is parsed.
04-01-2015, 11:27 AM
The Pirate's Council
I don't remember seeing an application for that!
04-01-2015, 11:28 AM
Y'arr, this one pirate approves o'this.
04-01-2015, 11:33 AM
Wow, OP. This is going to call for a new difficulty level: Casual, Normal, Hard, Elite, and TOUGH.
04-01-2015, 11:37 AM
Could you add a toughness stance and Warlock pastlives of toughness.
04-01-2015, 11:38 AM
ha ha that's a good one
04-01-2015, 11:40 AM
Thanks, Obama.
04-01-2015, 11:41 AM
Happy Holidays!
04-01-2015, 11:43 AM
I don't remember seeing an application for that!
Guessing you didn't see the application for the Shadow Council either?
04-01-2015, 11:45 AM
I was so exited when I saw this, then I got a great laugh.
04-01-2015, 11:56 AM
More importantly...
EVIL alignment!
now you can have legit Assassins and soon Blackguard options oh and Dirge Singers because singing to the melancholy undead should be done by more than just The Cure.
Make this happen!
Btw....can I get toughness to damage. I think that would be perfect for a capstone.
Happy Aprils Fools to you too Varg ^^
04-01-2015, 12:01 PM
How much Toughness do you get for a Warlock free Past Life feat?
How about the purchased past life feat? I hope I can take that multiple times.
A 3x past life Warlock Warlock will be super tough!
04-01-2015, 12:09 PM
Gogogo constitution-based warlocks!
Finally the perfect PrE for my TYWA warlock tank! I call him "Panzer Faust."
04-01-2015, 12:16 PM
need more points to spend in tree because its just that good and too many 'tough' choices. :P
04-01-2015, 12:22 PM
This made me laugh... well done, sir!
04-01-2015, 12:59 PM
So all those references to ToEE have really meant Toughness of Elemental Evil? Who would have thought it.
04-01-2015, 01:00 PM
A few things:
Obviously you did not think about {insert favorite build, class, race, etc.} when you made this tree.
Increase {insert enhancement} cooldown to {insert ridiculous time}
Decrease {insert enhancement} cooldown to {insert ridiculous time}
Only a mentally challenged player would use anything in the {insert column} column.
This puts {insert class} back in the dark ages.
This tree needs more {insert favorite measurable attribute} to be viable.
How can you justify adding so much {insert favorite measurable attribute} when {insert other class tree} does not?
By the name of {insert mythical deity}! How {insert negative adjective} is this!
I have a few more comments but I am {at work/in the toilet/driving/other activity no one cares about} and my {phone/tablet/laptop/typewriter} is {insert excuse for brain skid}.
And BTW, a good April 1 to you too!
04-01-2015, 01:10 PM
Wait, there's no Constitution enhancements in this tree, just more toughness! I demand the ability to spend 4 AP for 28 HP and 1 Fort at cap!
04-01-2015, 01:16 PM
So all those references to ToEE have really meant Toughness of Elemental Evil?
Close! It actually stands for "Toughness of Elemental toughnEss."
04-01-2015, 01:26 PM
Thanks everyone for the excellent feedback so far.
For this particular reply, I've filled in the questions with the direction we're currently thinking of heading.
Obviously you did not think about TOUGHNESS when you made this tree.
Increase TOUGHNESS cooldown to TOUGHNESS
Decrease TOUGHNESS cooldown to TOUGHNESS
Only a mentally challenged player would use anything in the TOUGHNESS column.
This puts TOUGHNESS back in the dark ages.
This tree needs more TOUGHNESS to be viable.
How can you justify adding so much TOUGHNESS when TOUGHNESS does not?
By the name of TOUGHNESS! How TOUGHNESS is this!
I have a few more comments but I am TOUGHNESS and my TOUGHNESS is TOUGHNESS.
You might know me from such films as "TOUGHNESS Guys", "Being John TOUGHNESSvich", and "TOUGHNESS in Seattle".
04-01-2015, 01:34 PM
Thanks everyone for the excellent feedback so far.
For this particular reply, I've filled in the questions with the direction we're currently thinking of heading.
You might know me from such films as "TOUGHNESS Guys", "Being John TOUGHNESSvich", and "TOUGHNESS in Seattle".
I think Cord should change your title to Toughness Developer.
Just as a thought.
Cord make it happen!
04-01-2015, 01:34 PM
Thanks everyone for the excellent feedback so far.
For this particular reply, I've filled in the questions with the direction we're currently thinking of heading.
You might know me from such films as "TOUGHNESS Guys", "Being John TOUGHNESSvich", and "TOUGHNESS in Seattle".
04-01-2015, 01:49 PM
I think Cord should change your title to Toughness Developer.
Just as a thought.
Cord make it happen!
Toughness Toughveloper?
04-01-2015, 01:50 PM
and After
Don't miss out on the best tree in the game...
04-01-2015, 02:05 PM
Looks squishy. It's missing its major saves enhancements: "Tough Luck"
04-01-2015, 02:39 PM
We’re excited to announce the first of the Warlock enhancement trees! The Pirate's Council has been looking at this for at least 36 hours now, and we've made some dramatic changes based on their feedback already, but overall player reception has been quite positive.
Toughness is the Warlock’s primary DPS tree. We feel the reverse Core Toughness enhancements and the tier 2 passive Action Boost: Toughness synergize well with Eldritch Blast. The Toughness line up the center should help out whether your pact is with Fiend, Fey, or Toughness. This is also the first tree where you can take an enhancement on the right side and cross over to the left, though that requires four Warlock class levels due to balance concerns. The tier 5 Toughness enhancements pack a lot of punch and should really make this tree stand out compared to the other Warlock Enhancement Trees, Mental Toughness and the very Warlock specific version, Eldritch Toughness.
While I congratulate you for doing this on April Fools Day, I like how the time is managed. After all, Severlin did say his dev's time is precious and alotted for certain things. Glad time could be made for a joke and not more serious things.
04-01-2015, 02:41 PM
That downward arrow is hilarious!
04-01-2015, 02:51 PM
While I congratulate you for doing this on April Fools Day, I like how the time is managed. After all, Severlin did say his dev's time is precious and alotted for certain things. Glad time could be made for a joke and not more serious things.
I am also glad that my team is fun and supportive of my spending my lunch doing this and then allowing me to post it! DDO has a great team!
Luckily, the team actually doesn't get to allot my lunch time, though I do often voluntarily contribute it to working on DDO, such as today's live stream.
04-01-2015, 02:53 PM
I am also glad that my team is fun and supportive of my spending my lunch doing this and then allowing me to post it! DDO has a great team!
Luckily, the team actually doesn't get to allot my lunch time, though I do often voluntarily contribute it to working on DDO, such as today's live stream.
04-01-2015, 02:54 PM 45c3cb2ad5ae60.jpg
04-01-2015, 03:03 PM
We’re excited to announce the first of the Warlock enhancement trees! The Pirate's Council has been looking at this for at least 36 hours now, and we've made some dramatic changes based on their feedback already, but overall player reception has been quite positive.
Toughness is the Warlock’s primary DPS tree. We feel the reverse Core Toughness enhancements and the tier 2 passive Action Boost: Toughness synergize well with Eldritch Blast. The Toughness line up the center should help out whether your pact is with Fiend, Fey, or Toughness. This is also the first tree where you can take an enhancement on the right side and cross over to the left, though that requires four Warlock class levels due to balance concerns. The tier 5 Toughness enhancements pack a lot of punch and should really make this tree stand out compared to the other Warlock Enhancement Trees, Mental Toughness and the very Warlock specific version, Eldritch Toughness.
This is quite cute - I'm sad to see the usual "boohoo why wasn't the 4 minutes spent on this (apparently on the devs own done) used to fix every bug in existance?! Waah!" that plauges the DDO community, but hey.
I'm also wondering.. and feel free to put your tinfoil hats on for this one.. but even just by jokingly mentioning "Fiend, Fey, or Toughness," perhaps there is a subtle nugget of foreshadowing here. in 4th ed the initial choices are fiend, fey, and star.. we may be seeing a 4th-ed style enhancement setup, much as we have for some other classes recently? Sounds absolutely splendid to me, if so! The flavors of the fiend/fey/star were all super well done, and could translate very interestingly into DDO. This makes me all the more excited for warlock when it comes! Then again, they could also do 'infernal,' which always felt kinda redundant to me in terms of the aesthetic - fiend and infernal, while distinct in their own ways, still "feel" very similar. Rather than the star which is delightfully different from the normal gods and demons and such of D&D! Can't wait to see what comes about, either way.
04-01-2015, 03:22 PM
We’re excited to announce the first of the Warlock enhancement trees! The Pirate's Council has been looking at this for at least 36 hours now, and we've made some dramatic changes based on their feedback already, but overall player reception has been quite positive.
Toughness is the Warlock’s primary DPS tree. We feel the reverse Core Toughness enhancements and the tier 2 passive Action Boost: Toughness synergize well with Eldritch Blast. The Toughness line up the center should help out whether your pact is with Fiend, Fey, or Toughness. This is also the first tree where you can take an enhancement on the right side and cross over to the left, though that requires four Warlock class levels due to balance concerns. The tier 5 Toughness enhancements pack a lot of punch and should really make this tree stand out compared to the other Warlock Enhancement Trees, Mental Toughness and the very Warlock specific version, Eldritch Toughness.
If you count it up, this tree gives an extra 810hps! In the right destiny, with the right build...
I am eagerly awaiting those screaming 'nerf' when they see the 'less durable' trees presented later in the year! :D
04-01-2015, 03:30 PM
If you count it up, this tree gives an extra 810hps! In the right destiny, with the right build...
I am eagerly awaiting those screaming 'nerf' when they see the 'less durable' trees presented later in the year! :D
LOL Admit it, if this was possible you would take it all. I know I would. That way when my cmw does 3500 heal crits, I won't have to worry about it wasting anything.
04-01-2015, 03:32 PM
I am also glad that my team is fun and supportive of my spending my lunch doing this and then allowing me to post it! DDO has a great team!
Luckily, the team actually doesn't get to allot my lunch time, though I do often voluntarily contribute it to working on DDO, such as today's live stream.
and Kobold saw you sneak off and snack on BACON!
04-01-2015, 03:32 PM
04-01-2015, 04:06 PM
Not tough enough for the warlock, they need something like a
tough stance:
-Activation: 300 SP
-Increases total hit points by 50.
-toggles off when user casts a spell or performs a melee/ranged attack.
However, this might make a nice P2W tree like the harpers!
(Lol, I wonder what would happen if a tree like this WAS available in the store :D )
04-01-2015, 04:22 PM
haha thats real funny..except that it really isn't T_T get my hope up~~~ i hate april first
edit: notice the name.. this get my hope up again.. at least one of the dev play nwn2..
04-01-2015, 04:25 PM
They wanna know, is it...?
04-01-2015, 04:39 PM
The tree is already being applied:
04-01-2015, 04:58 PM
We’re excited to announce the first of the Warlock enhancement trees! The Pirate's Council has been looking at this for at least 36 hours now, and we've made some dramatic changes based on their feedback already, but overall player reception has been quite positive.
Toughness is the Warlock’s primary DPS tree. We feel the reverse Core Toughness enhancements and the tier 2 passive Action Boost: Toughness synergize well with Eldritch Blast. The Toughness line up the center should help out whether your pact is with Fiend, Fey, or Toughness. This is also the first tree where you can take an enhancement on the right side and cross over to the left, though that requires four Warlock class levels due to balance concerns. The tier 5 Toughness enhancements pack a lot of punch and should really make this tree stand out compared to the other Warlock Enhancement Trees, Mental Toughness and the very Warlock specific version, Eldritch Toughness.
Possible Truths under the fools? (WARNING: THIS IS ALL JUST A GUESS!!...and a bit tongue in cheek)
Fey and Fiend were mentioned, are these the actually trees?'s hoping the third is the Cosmic or Celestial Pact (regardless at least on of them needs to be.
(That said I would rather the trees NOT be pact related and instead have them be a Lvl 1 Warlock choice that grants further abilities similar to FvS Diety Feats)
Evil Alignment may actually be being considered...I hope though don't FORCE Warlocks to be evil though..I'd be fine with Chaotic OR Evil (Allowing for CE, LE,NE, CN or CG) but would prefer it be no requirement (as long as Dark One's Luck doesn't stack with Paladin Divine Grace)
Eldritch Toughness...sounds cool...I hope something gets this name
Mental Toughness? Will the resourceless Warlock be forced to have a Blue Bar, PLEASE NO!!!!
Anyways have fun speculating guys :D
04-01-2015, 05:05 PM
That's pretty good lol
04-01-2015, 05:14 PM
I am also glad that my team is fun and supportive of my spending my lunch doing this and then allowing me to post it! DDO has a great team!
Luckily, the team actually doesn't get to allot my lunch time, though I do often voluntarily contribute it to working on DDO, such as today's live stream.
On a more serious note I am curious to get an idea of where Dev's are heading with warlocks. Will they have 2 trees at launch? I Melee one spellcaster? Will offhand orbs and SWF be an important part of Melee warlocks? Is demon form being added?
Will Erdrich blasts remain a ranged "touch" attack and not a spell with an evadeable dc?
Would love to hear even just a tiny bit of real info. :)
04-01-2015, 05:23 PM
While I congratulate you for doing this on April Fools Day, I like how the time is managed. After all, Severlin did say his dev's time is precious and alotted for certain things. Glad time could be made for a joke and not more serious things.
I am also glad that my team is fun and supportive of my spending my lunch doing this and then allowing me to post it! DDO has a great team!
Luckily, the team actually doesn't get to allot my lunch time, though I do often voluntarily contribute it to working on DDO, such as today's live stream.
04-01-2015, 05:30 PM
lol very nice!! I can't wait to see the Eldritch Toughness tree! :p
04-01-2015, 05:49 PM
While I congratulate you for doing this on April Fools Day, I like how the time is managed. After all, Severlin did say his dev's time is precious and alotted for certain things. Glad time could be made for a joke and not more serious things.
I agree, I think all the devs should be chained to their desks until all the bugs are squashed. It is the best way to motivate creative people, there should be no fun in the workplace ever. If they wanted to have fun at work the devs should have gotten jobs at a prison or a nuclear power plant. What kind of fool goes to work for a game company thinking they might enjoy their job and have fun! Don't they know their customers are very serious people!
Also I can't believe they get lunch breaks? Just put a tray of food in front of them or better yet have an intern feed them while they work.
Next we find out they get to go home at night? Preposterous !
Why are they even allowed to post on the forums? That time should be deducted from their bathroom breaks, although If I was in charge they would wear diapers and keep working.
Are you on the PC?, if not you need to get on next year and straighten things out.
04-01-2015, 06:38 PM
At last
CON is truly a dump stat
04-01-2015, 06:51 PM
While I congratulate you for doing this on April Fools Day, I like how the time is managed. After all, Severlin did say his dev's time is precious and alotted for certain things. Glad time could be made for a joke and not more serious things.
I hope you this comes back to bite you as you get fired from your job for spending 5 minutes doing something non-job related. Even if Vargouille did not spend his lunch time to do this, you are still being very unrealistic and unfair to the devs, not to mention rude. They are human and need a break sometimes too.
Next time try not to twist people's words and make false assumptions if you want to be taken seriously. Your sarcastic tone doesn't help your case either.
04-01-2015, 07:35 PM
I hope you this comes back to bite you as you get fired from your job for spending 5 minutes doing something non-job related. Even if Vargouille did not spend his lunch time to do this, you are still being very unrealistic and unfair to the devs, not to mention rude. They are human and need a break sometimes too.
Next time try not to twist people's words and make false assumptions if you want to be taken seriously. Your sarcastic tone doesn't help your case either.
Hey good of you to come to this thread. In case you missed it, today is April Fool's Day and you just made the cut. Oh and in the states they have something called labor laws. Where companies can get in trouble when employees voluntarily work on there breaks to do something work related, so have no fear of me doing it.
I agree, I think all the devs should be chained to their desks until all the bugs are squashed. It is the best way to motivate creative people, there should be no fun in the workplace ever. If they wanted to have fun at work the devs should have gotten jobs at a prison or a nuclear power plant. What kind of fool goes to work for a game company thinking they might enjoy their job and have fun! Don't they know their customers are very serious people!
Also I can't believe they get lunch breaks? Just put a tray of food in front of them or better yet have an intern feed them while they work.
Next we find out they get to go home at night? Preposterous !
Why are they even allowed to post on the forums? That time should be deducted from their bathroom breaks, although If I was in charge they would wear diapers and keep working.
Are you on the PC?, if not you need to get on next year and straighten things out.
Yeah totally I mean if they really wanted to have fun they should have built a life sized pacman game in there free time instead.
04-01-2015, 09:03 PM
today is April Fool's Day
Which gives you license to pull pranks not to be a jerk
04-01-2015, 09:10 PM
I'm also wondering.. and feel free to put your tinfoil hats on for this one..
I tried to take clues before making any of my independent projects (except for the Warmage one), so I can tell you that the last clue I pieced together was Varg making a random Warlock related comment on Lamania.
Hence, Varg got a good look at public opinion on said topic:
Warlock Project (
without any need to commit anything but reading time. Part of the reason I started those projects is because I had a fair amount of confidence in them and hoped they would speed up things later on. But it was you folks that made this happen.
Later Sev announced official word, Warlock is coming!
So, we might assume that Varg is going to be lead Dev with lots of help from others (like Steel might be lead Dev on the Arty stuff).
Now is about the time that the PC will start seeing rough stuff for the next update, a little at a time.
So, maybe Varg's eyes are turning towards Warlock (not necessary next update but at least soon) and there is a lot to do.
Fiend and Fey pacts (either in feat or tree form) make a lot of sense, leaving Star/Celestial/infernal/??? an interesting 3rd/4th choice.
Warlock unlike other 3rd edition classes has been greatly influenced by 4th and 5th edition ideas, in fact latter 3.5 ed was a prelude to 4th ed. The class was defined by later editions, like it or not. Although one could keep a 3rd Ed feel to it.
The mental toughness reference might could be ignored as its just more toughness talk, then nontoughness stuff might be more important and knowing the way these things work, everything could change...
As far as time spent, it is pretty much greatly expected for a gaming company to go all out on April 1st and with the Dev tracker being read this was an easy way to do it. Great job!
04-01-2015, 09:13 PM
At last
CON is truly a dump stat
Oh and yes possibly Con as a casting stat option maybe?
04-01-2015, 09:22 PM
Which gives you license to pull pranks not to be a jerk
I'm glad the day almost over. It seems your not pulling a prank here and seem to be really offended over something.
04-01-2015, 09:24 PM
I'm hoping that Warlocks get the Toughness feat free as part of their Capstone. Otherwise I am very pleased with the way this tree is shaping up. When I was on the Pirate Council back in 1988, we were pushing for something like this. I like to think we laid the groundwork for this and are now seeing the fruits of our labor.
Side story - Myself and one of the other Pirate Council members (Morgan Fairchild, we were dating back then) actually recommended that Cordovan (an intern at the time) be hired on permanently and the kid that brought in Starbucks for everyone should be hired as a paid intern - can you guess who that was? None other than Varg! I remember the time he set a 4-cup carrier of lattes on top of the G-Land server and they spilled all down inside... Hahaha they told everyone the subsequent issues were due to the network provider. A bunch of people on the forums did some ping tests and said no way, others came to the defense of Microsoft (who owned DDO back in the 80's and 90's) and said there is no lag.
So yes, seeing this really brings back the memories. :)
04-01-2015, 09:36 PM
I like the overall flavor of this tree. Should make for some interesting builds.
Couple of suggestions:
1) The tree should grant 1HP per action point spent.
2) Add an AoE party buff to hit points called "tough s***".
04-01-2015, 09:47 PM
I am also glad that my team is fun and supportive of my spending my lunch doing this and then allowing me to post it! DDO has a great team!
Luckily, the team actually doesn't get to allot my lunch time, though I do often voluntarily contribute it to working on DDO, such as today's live stream.
Your dialogue with the players and humor is very much appreciated!
04-01-2015, 10:54 PM
What you can tell from this thread:
- Warlock uses HP to perform action attack.
- Warlock will be charisma based.
- Warlock will get class specific action bar.
... Also, that blue core enchantment icon looks very cool.
04-01-2015, 11:35 PM
What you can tell from this thread:
Most perceptive, had to look back, ty.
- Warlock uses HP to perform action attack.
Why not, -1 hp per eldritch blast sounds interesting?
- Warlock will be charisma based.
With possible benefit from Con, yes, well seen.
- Warlock will get class specific action bar.
Totally missed that one, but it sounds cool!
... Also, that blue core enchantment icon looks very cool.
Whoever did the ARTWORK with the blue background with gold star inside circle ~ congratulations!
Can we keep that, I love it!
Regarding Neutral Evil ~ might be April Fools, but I am willing to open up alignments.
04-01-2015, 11:38 PM
Your dialogue with the players and humor is very much appreciated!
In fact one of my in game conversations while on the player's council with a raiding group boiled down to "one of the greatest faults of past Devs is simply not bothering to communicate when it would not harm secrets...." ...thanks.
04-02-2015, 01:02 AM
We’re excited to announce the first of the Warlock enhancement trees! The Pirate's Council has been looking at this for at least 36 hours now, and we've made some dramatic changes based on their feedback already, but overall player reception has been quite positive.
Toughness is the Warlock’s primary DPS tree. We feel the reverse Core Toughness enhancements and the tier 2 passive Action Boost: Toughness synergize well with Eldritch Blast. The Toughness line up the center should help out whether your pact is with Fiend, Fey, or Toughness. This is also the first tree where you can take an enhancement on the right side and cross over to the left, though that requires four Warlock class levels due to balance concerns. The tier 5 Toughness enhancements pack a lot of punch and should really make this tree stand out compared to the other Warlock Enhancement Trees, Mental Toughness and the very Warlock specific version, Eldritch Toughness.
Pfft! I'll see your maxed toughness tree, and raise you CHUCK NORRIS!
04-02-2015, 01:50 AM
what's an Almond Jello???
04-02-2015, 03:17 AM
Whoever did the ARTWORK with the blue background with gold star inside circle ~ congratulations!
Can we keep that, I love it!
Btw, what you are looking at is the class icon. I'm talking about April fool's made up Toughtness tree icon. That thing is well thought :)
...still a better DPS tree than eldritch knight.
04-02-2015, 03:30 AM
It's ok to buff new classes when you introduce them in the game but that is way too much!!! I detest how you find new ways to [instert 1st typical complain here] and then you find a way to fool players because you will eventually nerf this. [insert 2nd typical complain here] and bla bla bla and nerf nerf nerf.
On a "serious" note the symbol and the neutral evil alignment is just too awesome \m/
04-02-2015, 05:00 AM
I actually want to play this.
15PAL/5 Warlock, T5 in this warlock tree, spending all pts in toughnesses.
For an truly epic build. xd
04-02-2015, 05:46 AM
LOL Ammon Jerro I love it!
Even though I quit DDO last year I am still keeping an eye on the Warlock progress. This was a humorous surprise.
04-02-2015, 10:22 AM
This is also the first tree where you can take an enhancement on the right side and cross over to the left, though that requires four Warlock class levels due to balance concerns.
i loved the left t3 enhancement and it's reverse upgrade
but i can't cross the tree from right to left
overall you lied, you made me sad :(
good thing the overall cost in the tree is 80 AP tho
04-02-2015, 10:43 AM
i loved the left t3 enhancement and it's reverse upgrade
but i can't cross the tree from right to left
overall you lied, you made me sad :(
good thing the overall cost in the tree is 80 AP tho
Called out!
See, that cross-line turned out to be overperforming, so we had to nerf it before it reached you guys... Yeah, that's it!
04-02-2015, 02:10 PM
Ammon Jerro (
Nicely done.
I think the "+" indicates administration account maybe?
04-02-2015, 04:03 PM
You need to nerf this! Warlock are going to be too powerful. I'd change the T4, first to the left, only 1 rank max. Then, I think it would be fine
Are you real
04-02-2015, 06:48 PM
Btw, what you are looking at is the class icon. I'm talking about April fool's made up Toughness tree icon. That thing is well thought :)
Dang you are right, looking at it with a magnifying glass.
Hmm...what is it?
Star? ~ not shiny enough.
Perhaps a Dark Star which is PACT like.
Looks like a red $ in the middle of it.
Acolyte of the Skin ? ~ maybe, maybe not.
I like it anyway.
Anyway, the name Ammon = Demi-god type Warlock/Wizard (represented in NW2 as a Warlock) along with the SP bar and mention of Mental Toughness and Eldritch Toughness do grant some possible tin-foil-hat clues.
There probably will be an Eldritch Bar (already mentioned above) which made tons of sense in earlier debates. I guess Eldritch Toughness, Greater Eldritch Toughness, and Epic Eldritch Toughness would grant ?% Invocation crit chances along with +X per Y Eldritch Bar resources.
The ability scores are Cha, Con, then bit into Str and the rest dumped.
That indicates Warlock's having a possible Melee type tree or some sort of melee support which was very much requested.
There probably will be an SP Bar as shown on the character sheet and mentioned by the access to mental toughness. This follows the 5th edition variation which is my favorite. This would allow a Warlock to function fairly well in casting type Epic Destinies such as Exalted Angel and Draconic; being able to cast Energy Burst and Divine Wrath consistently while still depending upon Warlock features for the main burden of power.
{This is my favorite approach, possibly granting a few spells within one or more trees. However the Eldritch Bar would be the main power source.}
Ammon indicates that the resulting almost required new Warlock Epic Destiny would be in the Arcane Sphere. This could mean the new Artificier Epic Destiny might be in the Martial Sphere (with more Xbow DPS)? So we might not get a new Epic Destiny Sphere at this time such as a Planar Sphere.
The April Fools joke allowed Varg to get us a possible sneak peak and resulting small feedback without committing to anything.
As I said already, Fey and Fiend makes a lot of sense for Pacts.
The alignment issues are brought up with Neutral Evil.
Many agree that Warlock probably should have some sort of alignment restrictions.
The main line is where the Bards and Barbarians lie atm ~ non lawful.
And of course the question of "Why are we not allowed to be evil?" will be brought up with Warlock development.
Regardless of the final answer which I don't have.
Until this was posted my thoughts on when Warlock will appear was about 50% / 50% for the next two updates.
But now with the next update (after April 6th) being Shavarath (very planar) and Warlocks being pacts with extra planar creatures, I am moving the estimate to 80% likely to be in the Shavarath pack.
Likely the Pirate's Council is about to see a "what do you think about these Warlock basic concepts?" or the like. Don't bother trying to get much out of them, the Devs are smart enough not to reveal too much ahead of time.
04-04-2015, 05:24 PM
loled hard at this, I expected these to be placeholder icons and was looking for real stuff... ya got me.
looking forward to our 4k HP warlocks.
04-04-2015, 08:25 PM
We’re excited to announce the first of the Warlock enhancement trees! The Pirate's Council has been looking at this for at least 36 hours now, and we've made some dramatic changes based on their feedback already, but overall player reception has been quite positive.
Toughness is the Warlock’s primary DPS tree. We feel the reverse Core Toughness enhancements and the tier 2 passive Action Boost: Toughness synergize well with Eldritch Blast. The Toughness line up the center should help out whether your pact is with Fiend, Fey, or Toughness. This is also the first tree where you can take an enhancement on the right side and cross over to the left, though that requires four Warlock class levels due to balance concerns. The tier 5 Toughness enhancements pack a lot of punch and should really make this tree stand out compared to the other Warlock Enhancement Trees, Mental Toughness and the very Warlock specific version, Eldritch Toughness.
I would use tp points to get this if it were a generic tree!!
04-04-2015, 10:10 PM
I would use tp points to get this if it were a generic tree!!
You got a point there Lord Tiger, its a joke tree, but a variation would be easy to do and some players like tons of HP....
04-04-2015, 10:39 PM
I haven't played DDO for a while, but want to play a warlock and so occasionally check for warlock updates. Hence, I of course had to click on this Dev Tracker link - thanks for keeping up hope that it is coming soon :)
In case anyone else, like me, is interested in forensically analysing any possible warlock information, I thought I would post my analysis of Vargouille's screenshot.
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Traditionally, Warlock can be any chaotic or any evil, so this looks good! Of course it would also be consistent with almost any class, with the exceptions of Monk and Paladin.
Saving throws:
Fortitude: +3 = +0 (Low) + 3 (CON) => Low
Reflex: -1 = +0 (Low) - 1 (DEX) => Low
Will: +1 = +2 (High) - 1 (WIS) => High
So saving throws are consistent with what Warlock traditionally has; but also with Artificer, Sorcerer, and Wizard.
Hit points:
HP: 37 = 30 (Heroic Durability) + 4 (Hit die) + 3 (CON) => d4 hit die
Traditionally, Warlock would have d6 hit die, so this is unfortunate. However, a d4 hit die is consistent with Wizard and Sorcerer.
Spell points:
This is the most problematic, as traditionally, Warlock would not have any spell points, as it doesn't cast spells at all, but rather has unlimited use of invocations. However, we can still check if the screenshot is of an existing class:
SP(Artificer/Wizard): 80 (Magical Training) + 50 (Artificer/Wizard) - 10 (INT) = 120
SP(Bard): 50 (Bard) + 40 (CHA) = 90
SP(Cleric/Druid): 80 (Magical Training) + 50 (Cleric/Druid) - 10 (WIS) = 120
SP(Fav. Soul/Sorcerer): 80 (Magical Training) + 100 (Fav. Soul/Sorcerer) + 40 (CHA) = 220
The SP in the screenshot is 120. So although not consistent with a traditional Warlock, this is consistent with an Artificer, Wizard, Cleric, and Druid.
Ki: 0
A Warlock is not a monk; but then again, neither is any class besides monk.
If we combine all of the above, the only class consistent with the Alignment, Saving Throws, Hit Points, Spell Points, and Ki in the screenshot is a Wizard. Thus my conclusion is that Vargouille photoshopped the character sheet of a level 1 Wizard. Looking again, that 'W' in Warlock does look a little suspicious!
04-05-2015, 06:20 AM
I haven't played DDO for a while, but want to play a warlock and so occasionally check for warlock updates. Hence, I of course had to click on this Dev Tracker link - thanks for keeping up hope that it is coming soon :)
In case anyone else, like me, is interested in forensically analysing any possible warlock information, I thought I would post my analysis of Vargouille's screenshot.
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Traditionally, Warlock can be any chaotic or any evil, so this looks good! Of course it would also be consistent with almost any class, with the exceptions of Monk and Paladin.
Saving throws:
Fortitude: +3 = +0 (Low) + 3 (CON) => Low
Reflex: -1 = +0 (Low) - 1 (DEX) => Low
Will: +1 = +2 (High) - 1 (WIS) => High
So saving throws are consistent with what Warlock traditionally has; but also with Artificer, Sorcerer, and Wizard.
Hit points:
HP: 37 = 30 (Heroic Durability) + 4 (Hit die) + 3 (CON) => d4 hit die
Traditionally, Warlock would have d6 hit die, so this is unfortunate. However, a d4 hit die is consistent with Wizard and Sorcerer.
Spell points:
This is the most problematic, as traditionally, Warlock would not have any spell points, as it doesn't cast spells at all, but rather has unlimited use of invocations. However, we can still check if the screenshot is of an existing class:
SP(Artificer/Wizard): 80 (Magical Training) + 50 (Artificer/Wizard) - 10 (INT) = 120
SP(Bard): 50 (Bard) + 40 (CHA) = 90
SP(Cleric/Druid): 80 (Magical Training) + 50 (Cleric/Druid) - 10 (WIS) = 120
SP(Fav. Soul/Sorcerer): 80 (Magical Training) + 100 (Fav. Soul/Sorcerer) + 40 (CHA) = 220
The SP in the screenshot is 120. So although not consistent with a traditional Warlock, this is consistent with an Artificer, Wizard, Cleric, and Druid.
Ki: 0
A Warlock is not a monk; but then again, neither is any class besides monk.
If we combine all of the above, the only class consistent with the Alignment, Saving Throws, Hit Points, Spell Points, and Ki in the screenshot is a Wizard. Thus my conclusion is that Vargouille photoshopped the character sheet of a level 1 Wizard. Looking again, that 'W' in Warlock does look a little suspicious!
If you look closely, that "W" seem to be bluffy.
05-17-2015, 03:35 PM
So for the record, that tree is a joke... right...?
05-17-2015, 06:19 PM
So for the record, that tree is a joke... right...?
The date of the original post will answer that question for you.
05-17-2015, 06:35 PM
So for the record, that tree is a joke... right...?
The date of the original post will answer that question for you.
What Slarden MEANT to say was "Yes, it was an April Fools day joke"
05-19-2015, 06:04 AM
Yes!Now I can go for Dwarf/WF in this class! I was afraid the Cha penalty would hold me back, but this tree will see to it that I make the perfect build.
A few thoughts:
-Change the third core to grant +30 HP rather than 25.
-Change the Capstone to provide +4 Con
-Add a stance similar to the stance sacred defenders have, providing +hp% and plus con when wearing light armour.
And finally, can we get a preview on the Warlock trees?
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