View Full Version : Building the character - not only in game, but also i writings :)

03-29-2015, 09:19 AM
Please take a look at my work on my character Bloodlickr

I like to do more than just play the character - I like to build his history and personality too


Please comment here or at my blog - would like to hear your opinions and ideas.

Please take in mind, that i am not a native english user, so grammatics can be a bit off :)

03-29-2015, 09:46 AM
well-written! I like how you do not keep the writing strictly tied to DDO which then liberates your imagination.

The explanation for the nickname was...sick lol. Have you considered the lore of the ancient king of Argos from Seven Against Thebes in which he was famed for devouring his enemies? (I think it was their brain or something.) Anyway it appears in one of the Bronzes of Riace in the form of the scultpure's mouth.

03-29-2015, 10:25 AM
You mean for inspiration?

I actually don't know what you are talking about, but will look it up now :)

Thx very much for your response :D


Edit: ooohhh Argos :P Was so tied up in ddo universe that I did not notice what you actually were talking about ;)