03-12-2015, 10:18 PM
Looking for a new start on Sarlona, I just got my main toon swapped from Argonnessen to Sarlona. When i come to Sarlona i couldnt find a guild that interested me, so i made my own. We are very new and are very active. We are looking for active players new or old to join us in building this soon to be amazing guild. I have started many guilds in my time and one of them got to level 157 on Argonnessen. I have 4 years of DDO experience and have 17 lives behind my belt. I play for the most part daily and willing to help anybody on anything. If you wish to join just send my Toon a message. My name is Bigbe-1 on Sarlona. All are welcome to join in our family. :)