View Full Version : Swashbuckler gear?

02-28-2015, 11:26 AM
Ok so I finally made a swashbuckler and went with PDK.

I have the following:
Black Dragon Light armor
Flawless Black Dragon armor
Tieflings Blade
Envenomed Blade (not epic) is this better then Razorend?
Can make a T2 thunderforged Shortsword at 26

I am wondering if someone could give me a few ideas for shortswords/light armor/bucklers at various lvls to 28.

I was told Star of Day so I will get a few of those and hope for some decent specials on it.
Bucklers I see nothing really so am I stuck with crafted?
Is the Flawless black the best option til 28 and I make Shadowscale?

Any help on gear would be greatly appreciated =)

02-28-2015, 12:45 PM
Oh and another question...I haven't played a bard in YEARS. When I played (back in my day???) Ironskin chant was a bard song that lasted a couple minutes. Did I read it right that it is a passive now? Are there many passive songs that used to be activated?

02-28-2015, 01:07 PM
I know you've seen Monte Cristo before, but there are plenty of gear suggestions in there as well. Check out the links in the gear section for weapon and item suggestions for both heroic and epic. UurlockYgmeov did a PDK swash and listed his gear from 15-28 (https://www.ddo.com/forums/showthread.php/443235-The-Count-of-Monte-Cristo-dps-CC-survivability-focused-pure-swashbuckler?p=5504359&viewfull=1#post5504359). I made a level 20 gear set (https://www.ddo.com/forums/showthread.php/443235-The-Count-of-Monte-Cristo-dps-CC-survivability-focused-pure-swashbuckler?p=5509026&viewfull=1#post5509026) composed primarily of Eveningstar commendation turn in rewards and Wheloon/Stormhorns end rewards.

Oh and another question...I haven't played a bard in YEARS. When I played (back in my day???) Ironskin chant was a bard song that lasted a couple minutes. Did I read it right that it is a passive now? Are there many passive songs that used to be activated?

Many of the warchanter abilities were turned into passive chants. Ironskin chant grants a passive 6 DR and 6 PRR. Reckless chant provides 6 spell power, doubstrike, and doubleshot. A couple of the tier 5s are also passive chants, but I'm guessing you're not taking tier 5s in warchanter.

02-28-2015, 01:43 PM
Many of the warchanter abilities were turned into passive chants. Ironskin chant grants a passive 6 DR and 6 PRR. Reckless chant provides 6 spell power, doubstrike, and doubleshot. A couple of the tier 5s are also passive chants, but I'm guessing you're not taking tier 5s in warchanter.

I will check out the gear selections thanx.

Yeah I am gonna try the Tier 5 Warchanter AP's first and see what I think.