View Full Version : A New Idea for Spell Power

01-31-2015, 06:25 PM
Hello everyone.

I've been studying the class skills. The calculation of spell power seems very involved, way too involved. It really seems like it may even cause more lag due to the huge amount of split second calculations needed in a heavy battle. Who can calculate your spell power during a large battle? I can't, and I've a Bachelors in Science. Making the game comprehensible would be a very good thing. There must be an easier system, or, we all will lose out, including old and new players. Even during casual play, I don't care about it. But, if I was able to actually calculate myself, in my own mind, during battle, well, that would be excellent !
Consolidating the number crunch seems like a very good answer. The alternative is to compartmentalize it. The equation needs to be presented to us in an algebraic way.

(A x B) + (A x C) = D

..... where, A = Spell Craft, B = Universal Spell Power and C = {Elemental} Spell Power.

There are only three variables in the equation. The developers put in 100 more variables, not good. So, finish with a balance between classes, including having spell craft balanced which gets me back to my original sentence, the study of class skills. Spell Craft needs to be modified by a casters primary ability score, INT for wizards and artificers, WIS for Clerics & Druids, CHA for Sorcerers, Bards & Favored Souls. Basically, the player needs to be able to choose which ability score that his spell power is based off of.

God Bless and Peace,
Jelly Fish

01-31-2015, 07:45 PM
I'm not 100% sure if I'm understanding correctly, but you can check your spellpower on your character sheet without any difficulties. It's like a purple gemstone or something towards the right side of the sheet.

02-01-2015, 03:59 AM
Making the game comprehensible would be a very good thing. There must be an easier system

There used to be an easier system, prior to U14. It got replaced, by spell power.

02-02-2015, 08:43 AM

02-02-2015, 09:07 AM
What excactly is complicated with the current spellpower system?
Your spellpower is a simple addition of different sources (enhancements, spellcraft skill, items, destiny).
I don't find anything about it complicated.

Universal spellpower and elemental spellpower is the same bonus by the way. Whichever is higher applies.