View Full Version : Shiradi Wizard Plan For First Lifers

01-26-2015, 11:35 AM
Quick update. I haven't updated this build for U29 yet. I will at least update the feats below.

With the increased crit damage from scion of fire and master of knowledge (and others) the value of crit chance is considerably higher. This means better splits for U29 are :

13 wizard / 3 warlock / 4 favored soul: warlock aura procs empyrean magic and master of knowledge. This is a 14% additional crit chance vs. current build while losing 20% hp bonus and some prr, mrr. This is a max dps version.

13 wizard / 3 paladin / 4 favored soul: a more defensive version without empyrean magic, but still taking advantage of the extra 4% crit chance from 2 more favored soul levels and increasing caster level by 4.

The existing split 15 wizard / 3 paladin / 2 favored soul works just fine and is more survivable than both the other splits due to the extra recon sla, 20% extra hp and 25 PRR/MRR. DPS is still solid. So you will need to weight offense/defense and choose a split that works best for you.

Wizard 15 Paladin 3 Favored Soul 2 Bladeforged (can be warforged also)

Starting Stats:
Str 8
Dex 8
Con: 18
Int: 18
Wis: 8
Char: 14 (12 for a warforged)

Shiradi wizards have been around since the day U14 was released and while Shiradi caster isn't a top 2 build like it used to be, it is still a very effective build for EE that can be built without grinding raid gear or past lifes. To me that is the appeal of a Shiradi caster - there is no need to grind for anything to be effective in EE content. I am going to finish this post over a few days and will leave some placeholder spots at the start.

There has always been a strong consensus that Wizard 14 / Favored Soul 4 / Monk 2 was the best shiradi build in the game after the enhancement pass with some people preferring different splits for flavor builds. With the recent changes in the game (armor up and champions) this build is in need of a make-over. Monk doesn't really make sense any more and can be dropped entirely. While there are pros/cons of various builds I like 3 paladin for defense/saves and 2 favored soul for sp regeneration and dps.

There is some flexibility with when you take your paladin/favored soul levels and feats. A +1 con tome, access to favored soul, access to either bladeforged or warforged and epic destinies are needed for this build and quite frankly - the more and bigger tomes the better, but no others are mandatory.

There is some mythology that Shiradi casters are weak for heroic leveling. This hasn't been my experience, but also keep in mind there is no reason to dump DC @ heroic levels and there is some good gear available to make up for the lack of past lifes. Here are the feats and level up class choices I prefer:

1 Paladin (Standard Feat: Adamantine Body)
2 Wizard (Wizard Feat Maximize)
3 Wizard (Standard Feat: Toughness)
4 Wizard
5 Wizard
6 Wizard (Standard Feat Toughness Wizard Feat Empower)
7 Wizard
8 Wizard
9 Wizard (Standard Feat: Quicken)
10 Wizard
11 Wizard (Wizard Feat: Mental Toughness)
12 Wizard (Standard Feat: Improved Mental Toughness)
13 Wizard
14 Wizard
15 Wizard (Standard Feat: Extend)
16 Paladin
17 Paladin
18 Favored Soul (Standard Feat: Insightful Reflexes)
19 Favored Soul
20 Wizard (Wizard Feat Enlarge)

21 Epic Feat: Wellspring of Power
24 Epic Feat: Master of Knowledge
26: Epic Destiny Feat: Spell Power Force
27: Epic Feat: Intensify
28: Epic Destiny Feat: Hellball
29: Epic Destiny Feat: Arcane Pulse
30: Ruin (or epic mental toughness for 1% crit chance and more sp)
30: Scion of the Plane of Fire (25% crit damage)


Diplomacy (needed for audience with the queen - can get 23 ranks since it is core skill of FVS/Pal)
Spellcraft (helps spell power)
Repair (reconstruct spell power)
Jump (Core Skill of FVS)

01-26-2015, 11:36 AM
http://i1281.photobucket.com/albums/a519/slarden/Shiradi%20Enh_zps8cr6snyk.jpg (http://s1281.photobucket.com/user/slarden/media/Shiradi%20Enh_zps8cr6snyk.jpg.html)

01-26-2015, 11:36 AM
As I said in the original post I am assuming you can't get raid gear or difficult-to-farm items.

Here are a few things I would suggest getting as quick as you can:

HEROIC GEAR (all Min level 15 except the rings)
- Sage's Locket (guaranteed end reward - Friends in Low Places -any difficulty)
- Sage's Cuffs (guaranteed end reward - Army of Shadow - any difficulty)
- Sage's Spectacles (guaranteed end reward - A Break in the Ice - any difficulty)
- Guardian's Ring (guaranteed end reward - What Goes Up - any difficulty)
- Sage's Ring (guaranteed end reward - What Goes Up - any difficulty)

- Epic Sage's Locket (guaranteed end reward - Epic Friends in Low Places -any difficulty) [once you are done with ETR, staying in Shiradi and don't need evocation DC you can swap this out for Necklace of Mystic Eidolons from Haunted Halls]
- Bracers: Open spot for now
- Epic Sage's Spectacles (guaranteed end reward - Epic A Break in the Ice - any difficulty)
- Epic Sage's Ring (guaranteed end reward - Epic What Goes Up - any difficulty)
- Lantern Ring (Haunted Halls drop)
- Manual of Stealthy Pilfering (Haunted Halls drop)
- Libram of Silver Magic (Haunted Halls drop)
- Epic Rod of Mythant with Repair 138 slotted.
- Thunderforged Tier 2 Docent (With Guardian option - again this won't require the raid but will require some trading)
- Epic Belt of Thoughtful Rememberance (Epic Fleshmakers Lab) or Epic Chord of Reprisals for more proc DPS (Epic Inferno). If you use Epic Chord of Reprisals the minos may not be the best headgear choice.
- Epic Glimpse of the Soul (Epic Inferno of the Damned)
- Epic Minos Legens (Epic Fleshmakers Lab). (if you use chord for belt blue +3 int dragon helm would be great , but don't farm for it - something better will come out this year and you can use +2 int augment instead. The helm would still give you a slot and +40 hp)
- Epic Fanged Gloves (+11 int and 10% sp reduction for ruin, etc.)

For boots and cloak fill it with what you need - random loot or other named items with slots. If you run shroud it's a good place for greensteel - concordant opp ideally.

Again this isn't necessarily the best gear setup, but it is all you need and is easy to get.

As you are filling out your epic destinies, run Haunted Halls and the Necro IV epic chain frequently for the base items and upgrade ingredients. If you ETR 3 times as recommended running these quests on EH frequently you will have all the named items by the time you are in your final build.

01-26-2015, 11:37 AM
Definitely consider purchasing bladeforged along with a +1 lesser reincarnation stone to get rid of the paladin level. Bladeforged gives you a low cost reconstruct SLA that is on a different timer than your reconstruct spell. This not only saves you sp, it gives you a nice back up just in case. I would definitely recommend the bf race and +1 lesser if it fits within your budget. If not, Warforged will work just fine. Warforged is also a pay-to-play race.

Bladeforged also starts you at level 15 which is a nice perk. If you get bladeforged, run the whelloon and stormhorns heroic chains on normal for the end rewards before starting any elite streak.

The tomes are expensive and not necessary, but of course they help. If you are going to splurge wait until the +6 tomes are available and use at level 21. If you run Haunted Halls frequently to get the items listed in the previous post, you will probably get quite a few tomes from drops. That is the best place for +5 tome drops in my opinion.

I would NOT recommend using either a heroic or epic otto's boxes. By playing this build @ heroic levels and in off-destinies it helps you play the build more effectively.

01-26-2015, 11:38 AM
This is a suggestion - it's best to go at your own pace and do what you enjoy.

I think you should try and fill out all epic destinies, doing a few epic TR along the way. You can run quests EN and EH until you fill out all destinies. The basic plan is:

1) Heroic Leveling - should be able to maintain elite streak here
2) Epic Leveling to 28 filling out all arcane trees. Make sure you get 6MM Karma before moving to the martial tree. Arcane ETR when you reach 28 and have enough seeds - choosing energy criticals as your feat.
3) Epic level back to 28 in Martial tree. Make sure you get 6MM Karma in Martial before moving to the divine tree. Martial ETR when you reach 28 and have enough seeds - choosing skill mastery as your feat.
4) Epic level back to 28 in Divine tree. Make sure you get 6MM Karma in Divine before moving to the primal tree. Divine ETR when you reach 28 and have enough seeds - choosing saves as your feat.
5) Epic level back to 28 in primal tree.

At this point your charcter is ready to go. Getting 2 more arcane past lifes would be nice, but is not necessary. You don't have to ETR, but you might as well if you are going to fill out your trees.

This gives you 3 twists.


1) Start with Draconic and cap it
2) Move to Fatesinger and cap it
3) Earn 3 ranks in shadowdancer
4) Earn 4 ranks in legendary dreadnought
5) Max out shiradi champion.

No ETR needed and the minimalist plan will get you 3 tier 1 twists, but no energy burst. I would suggest filling out enough destinies to get energy burst and endless faith (36 ranks total)

01-26-2015, 11:38 AM

Tier 1
- Stay Frost 2 ranks
- Wild Shots 3 ranks

Tier 2
- Fey Form 3 ranks
- Prism

Tier 3
- Rainbow

Tier 4
- Double Rainbow
- Elemental Absorbtion 3 ranks

Tier 5
- Nerve Venom 3 ranks

Tier 6
- Audience with the Queen
- Rain of Arrows


1st slot - tier 4: Energy Burst (but try sense weakness as some people prefer it based on play style - it comes into play alot with nerve venom)

2nd slot - tier 2 or 1: Boulder Toss, Save bonus, Inperceptible Casting - whatever fits your style. I go with Lithe for a little better reflex save and some AC.

3rd slot - tier 1: Endless Faith

If you are running a quest with enemies that are immune to magic missles, you can also switch to Draconic which works really well when capped. I do this in Wizard King or Lords of Dust for example unless I am level 27+ with ruin.

The choice of evocation and Heighten may seem like odd choices for a Shiradi build and if you are in a final build you may want to swap those out for something else - enlarge or toughness for example. However, if you plan to ETR and run in off destinies, the evocation is very helpful for running EH content in an off-destiny. Firewall is still an amazing spell for EH content and meteor swarm is awesome when used sparingly and appropriately. Spamming meteor swarm is the perfect plan to run out of sp - use the spell wisely.

The evocation feat lets you twist in the evocation bonuses from draconic and magister in an off destiny. This might actually be better than Energy Burst since it makes so many other spells useful (e.g., firewall).

01-26-2015, 11:40 AM
Spellcraft: 80 (can go higher - being conservative- includes bonuses from Libram and Manual
Thunderforge Item: 150
Archmage Tree: 35
Angel of Vengeance Tree: 16
Eldrich Knight Tree: 24
Spellcasting Implement: 33
Guild Ship Buffs: 15
Insightful Potency from Libram: 10
Fey Form: 15
Six Sense: 5
Smite Foe: 5
Epic Spellpower Force: 20
Total before empower/maximize: 408
Empower Maximize: 225
Total sustainable Spellpower: 633

Alchemical bonus from potions: 20
Spellpower boost SLA from Angel of Vengeance: 30
Scourge (almost always at full stacks in fight): 30

Fire Spellpower with bursts excluding meridian fragment: 713

Sage's Cuffs: 20%
Archmage Tree: 4%
Angel of Vengeance Tree: 6%
Insightful Spell Lore (Libram): 2%
Total: 32%

Spellcraft: 80 (can go higher - being conservative- includes bonuses from Libram and Manual
Sage's Spectacles: 132
Archmage Tree: 35
Angel of Vengeance Tree: 16
Eldrich Knight Tree: 4
Spellcasting Implement: 33
Guild Ship Buffs: 15
Insightful Potency from Libram: 10
Fey Form: 15
Six Sense: 5
Smite Foe: 5
Epic Spellpower Fire: 20
Total before empower/maximize: 370
Empower Maximize: 225
Total sustainable Spellpower: 595

Alchemical bonus from potions: 20
Spellpower boost SLA from Angel of Vengeance: 30
Scourge (almost always at full stacks in fight): 30

Fire Spellpower with bursts excluding meridian fragment: 675

Sage's Spectacles: 18%
Archmage Tree: 4%
Energy Criticals Past Life: 3% (assuming the 1 past life - can go to 9% with 2 more past lifes)
Angel of Vengeance Tree: 6%
Insightful Spell Lore (Libram): 2%
Total: 33%

Again these aren't maxes by any means. This is what you can get with starter gear which is sufficient to start running EE quests in a party. With the SP regeneration from just reward and the proper setting of metamagic your sp pool will stretch far with this build.

01-26-2015, 05:23 PM
If you are new to playing a caster one thing that may not be obvious is that you can turn off metamagic by spell. This is CRITICAL for using your sp properly. I sometimes see people burning through sp when buffing because they don't bother to turn off quicken, extend, enlarge, etc. For spell-like abilities (from epic destinies and enhancements) you should always turn on all metamagic because it costs nothing additional.

With a Shiradi caster you want all your metamagic ON by default and then turn it off on a spell-by-spell basis.

In the list below I will show multiple versions of the same spell in cases where it has 2 purposes with different sp costs.

1st level spells (5)
- Magic Missle (all metamagic turned off)
- Protection from evil (all metamagic turned off)
- Jump (all metamagic turned off)
- Expeditous Retreat (all metamagic turned off)
- Grease (all metamagic turned off) - used as fire accelerant sparingly

2nd level spells (5)
- Blur (all metamagic turned off)
- Invisibility (all metamagic turned off)
- Knock (all metamagic turned off)
- Resist Energy (all metamagic turned off)
- Spawn Screen (all metamagic turned off) - used only for FOT higher difficulties really. It prevents wraiths from spawning when people die

3rd level spells (5)
- Displacement (all metamagic turned off except Extend which is on)
- Chain Missles (all metamagic turned off)
- Haste (all metamagic turned off except Extend which is on)
- Frost Lance (all metamagic turned off)
- Repair Serious Damage (all metamagic turned off) - used to top off hp only

4th level spells (5)
- Ice Storm (all metamagic turned off)
- Force Missles (all metamagic turned off)
- Dimension Door (all metamagic turned off)
- Enervation (all metamagic turned on) - used on orange names and high CR champs to reduce HP quick. Quickened for fast impact.
- Wall of Fire (all metamagic turned off) - used for kiting basically when damage isn't the primary objective
- Wall of Fire (all metamagic turned on) - used in large mobs, with undead and fire-vulnerable mobs. Still amazing at epic levels when used at the right places

5th level spells (5)
- Dismissal (all metamagic turned off) - DC is effective with no investment
- Teleport (all metamagic turned off)
- Break Enchantment (all metamagic turned off)
- Niac's Biting Cold (all metamagic turned on) - this is a backup spell only
- Eldar's Electric Surge (all metamagic turned on) - this is a backup spell only

6th level spells (4)
- Greater Heroism (all metamagic turned off)
- Disintegrate (all metamagic turned off) - works good against low-fort enemies for very little sp
- Disintegrate (all metamagic turned on) - used against some low-fort enemies, crystals, etc.
- Reconstruct (Quicken on)
- Globe of Invulnerability (all metamagic turned off)

7th level spells (3)
- Mass Invisibility (all metamagic turned off)
- Delayed Fireball blast (all metamagic turned off) - not all that useful - backup spell
- Prismatic Spray (all metamagic turned off) - backup spell

8th level spells (2)
- Otto's Irresitable Stun (all metamagic turned off) - usable on orange names and champions
- Black Dragon Bolt or Polar Ray (all metamagic turned on) - back up spells- I swap these depending on quest

SLAs (spell-like abilities) - All metamagic turned on for these
- Magic Missle
- Chain Missle
- Fire Shield
- Gust of Wind
- Energy Burst
- Improved Mage Armor
- Improved Shield
- Reconstruct (if bladeforged)

Basic Spell Rotation is
- Chain Missle SLA
- Chain Missle
- Magic Missle SLA
- Magic Missle
- Force Missles
- Wild Shots (from Shiradi Destiny)
- Energy Burst

You want to time your energy burst well. Some people like to use it to finish off mobs. I like to use it at the start of a fight in a large mob making it easier for the rest of the party to finish off enemies. I love to use it when Arcane Supremacy is active and I am at full stacks of Scourge.

Otto's Irresistable Dance is for when you face a really dangerous orange name enemy or champion.

01-26-2015, 06:10 PM
Audience with the Queen is in the top tier of the Shiradi Champion and provides a 5-minute random buff:


When you get the last buff listed under the "Joy of the Queen" your DPS becomes amazing. Use this before important fights. If you don't get that buff, +10 to saves, +75% energy resist, +100 PRR or +300 hp still isn't bad.

Charisma Score:

6: Starting Score
8: Charisma Augment
2: Ship Buffs

16 Total

Diplomacy Skill
Charisma Bonus: +3
Ranks: +23
Epic Glimpse of the Soul: 20
Manual of Stealthy Pilfering: 6

52 total which is enough to get the top tier result every time.

01-26-2015, 06:26 PM
This build has solid defenses without raid gear and past life grinding:

PRR: 110
Adamantine Body: 51
Item: 24
Improved Shield Spell: 10
Sacred Defense: 10
Durable Defense: 15

MRR: 79
Adamantine Body: 30
Item: 24
Sacred Defense: 10
Durable Defense: 15

Fortitude: Approx 78
Reflex: Approx 77
Will: Approx 67

Solid hitpoints with high con, toughness, epic toughness and a few action points spent on HP.

Great self-healing with reconstruct and potentially the reconstruct SLA (if bladeforged) and a large sp-pool that allows you to self-heal liberally without running out of spell points.

Over 200% fortification which will make you immune to critical hits except by champions. The PRR should be enough to keep you alive if you are at full. Use your Otto's Irresistable Dance to keep champ melees cc'd in the highest level EEs.

Extended Displacement, Ghostly and a decent AC that limits how much you are hit. Ghostly and Displacement alone results in a 55% miss chance by enemies. AC is really hard to understand, but it will provide at least some additional miss chance.

01-26-2015, 07:03 PM
I find it odd that your "First Life Shiradi Wizard" goes through 3 ETRs before ever actually going into the Shiradi destiny.

01-26-2015, 07:42 PM
I find it odd that your "First Life Shiradi Wizard" goes through 3 ETRs before ever actually going into the Shiradi destiny.

It's a plan that requires no past lifes that can be started as a fresh first-lifer. The plan includes 3 optional ETRs to fill out destinies and get the energy burst twist. It can be done without any ETR by capping 2 arcane destinies and working your way over to Shiradi.

As I said, the plan is up to the person - the ETRs are just my recommendation as part of filling out the destines. Your point is good though, I should include a minimalist plan for people that don't care about twists.

To put it in perspective, other EE Caster builds require multiple heroic lifes and the capping out all destinies. It's a much easier path to EE than the other alternative caster builds.

01-26-2015, 08:46 PM
Vs. a crowd, I like to open with
Basic Spell Rotation is
- Chain Missile
- Chain Missile SLA
- Magic Missile SLA
- Chain Missile

It fits in an extra chain missile into the rotation. If at any point during that rotation, I get arcane supremacy. I stop doing that rotation and fire off my epic destiny attacks such as energy burst, wild shots or boulder toss, sometimes even ruin.

Twists add a huge amount of offense to the final build.

BTW, I deleted my post that ended up in the middle of your chain of posts. I did not know you had more good stuff on the way!

01-27-2015, 04:42 AM
Vs. a crowd, I like to open with
Basic Spell Rotation is
- Chain Missile
- Chain Missile SLA
- Magic Missile SLA
- Chain Missile

It fits in an extra chain missile into the rotation. If at any point during that rotation, I get arcane supremacy. I stop doing that rotation and fire off my epic destiny attacks such as energy burst, wild shots or boulder toss, sometimes even ruin.

Twists add a huge amount of offense to the final build.

BTW, I deleted my post that ended up in the middle of your chain of posts. I did not know you had more good stuff on the way!

This is a great point! I don't cast the spells in the same order - if chain missle is off a timer I cast it rather than a magic missle since it helps the party to hit as many enemies with nerve venom as possible.

I agree twists are very helpful. The build works without energy burst, but the proper use of energy burst gives this build alot of extra punch and is worth the extra time to acquire.

02-01-2015, 12:07 PM
looking for the "ANGEL OF VENGEANCE TREE " where you say to take core: font of power. I don't see the tree anywhere. I have toggled trees all the way to right and do not see it. correct me if I am wrong but am assuming that this tree is no longer there. so, if that is true, what do u suggest to take instead?

02-01-2015, 02:26 PM
looking for the "ANGEL OF VENGEANCE TREE " where you say to take core: font of power. I don't see the tree anywhere. I have toggled trees all the way to right and do not see it. correct me if I am wrong but am assuming that this tree is no longer there. so, if that is true, what do u suggest to take instead?

Scroll to the right it may be there but right of what you can see. There is an arrow on the right hand side of the class enhancements. Also if it's not there you can pick a tree you don't need and choose the drop-down arrow and change it to Angel of Vengeance. It's either to the right or it's hidden and can replace an existing tree you don't need.

02-01-2015, 04:03 PM
I tried that. only options for harper and PM are archer and PM. shrug. weird. unless there is a way to totally delete one of those and t hen it will pop up with AV as possible.

02-02-2015, 05:54 PM
is the ANGEL OF VENGEANCE TREE even available anymore? I can't get anything for wizard excerpt the ones t hat come up originally ?

02-02-2015, 06:24 PM
is the ANGEL OF VENGEANCE TREE even available anymore? I can't get anything for wizard excerpt the ones t hat come up originally ?

Apologies - that tree is from the favored soul levels. It won't show up until you take your first favored soul level.

02-03-2015, 01:36 PM
AH! I should have thought of that. ty very much. hopefully t his build will do what you were talking about. or I should say t hat I can make it work like you talked about. at level 4 now and not doing much shadow maging as the quests here are not convient for that or s o it seems.

08-23-2015, 09:44 PM
I soloed all 3 Quests on EE. It takes a little longer as DPS is sustainable but not as high as a Paladin, but still effective in high end EE content. I had to move around to stay alive as the enemies hit so hard which added to my completion time a bit.

http://i1281.photobucket.com/albums/a519/slarden/Shiradi%20Caster%20Demon%20Assault%202_zpsbnqrimsg .jpg (http://s1281.photobucket.com/user/slarden/media/Shiradi%20Caster%20Demon%20Assault%202_zpsbnqrimsg .jpg.html)

http://i1281.photobucket.com/albums/a519/slarden/Shiradi%20Caster%20%20Demon%20Assault%201_zps3ygxo bje.jpg (http://s1281.photobucket.com/user/slarden/media/Shiradi%20Caster%20%20Demon%20Assault%201_zps3ygxo bje.jpg.html)

I presented some starter gear but this is what I used. I only obtained 1 piece of raid gear prior to U27, but I ran 40 Defiler of the Just and got lucky on drops. Here is what I am running with:

Goggles: Epic Glimpse of the Soul with Globe of True Imperial Blood slotted
Helm: Sightless with Vitality +20 and Concentration +15 slotted
Neck: Epic Noxious Embers with Greater Evocation and Search +15 slotted
Trinket: Manual of Stealthy Pilfering with Protection +8 slotted
Cloak: Countenance with Mythic +1 boost and Ins Int + 2 / Resistance +8 slotted
Belt: Epic Chord of Reprisals with False Life 40 slotted
Ring 1: Lantern Ring with Str +8 and Draconic Soul Gem slotted
Gloves: Gauntlets of the Arcane Soldier with Dex +8 and Sonic Resist 40 slotted
Boots: Boots of Blessed Travels with Repair 15 and Armored Agility +2 slotted
Ring 2: Sage's Ring with Feather Falling Slotted
Bracers: Dissolution with Spell Agility 15 and ins charisma +2 slotted
Armor: Shadowscale Docent with Shadow Guardian and Ins Con +2 and Natural Armor 8 slotted

Weapon 1: Epic Rod of Mythant +2 mythic boost and reconstruction 138 slotted
Weapon 2: Libram of Silver Magic - Meridian Fragment slotted

If you are new to raiding Defiler of the Just is a great raid to start with. It's a fairly simple and new-player-friendly raid and the gear available for a shiradi caster is amazing. In addition to what is listed I really want to get the Resonation necklace but at the moment I thin the 17% lore necklace is providing more dps, but eventually another spell lore item will be available and then I can slot the necklace.

The gloves give me an effective caster level of +2 for 17 total. It also gives me 20 spellcraft which will allow me to replace the orb with a spell lore item when I get the resonation necklace.

08-24-2015, 02:41 PM
http://i1281.photobucket.com/albums/a519/slarden/Shiradi%20Enh_zps8cr6snyk.jpg (http://s1281.photobucket.com/user/slarden/media/Shiradi%20Enh_zps8cr6snyk.jpg.html)

can u make the Enhancement pic a bit bigger i cant see the numbers lol might getting old butt haveing a problem on see em

08-24-2015, 08:48 PM
can u make the Enhancement pic a bit bigger i cant see the numbers lol might getting old butt haveing a problem on see em

I am not sure how to make the picture bigger, but if you choose a larger zoom option on your browser it will make the picture bigger. Here is what I am taking

Warforged Tree
- Improved Fortifcation
- Mechanist x1 (repair)
- Inscribed Armor x3
- Communion of Scribing x 3

Archmage Tree
- Evocation 1: Magic Missle
- Evocation 2: Gust of Wind
- Evocation 3: Chain Missles
- Evocation 4: Fire Shield
- Traditional Caster x3
- Energy of the Scholar x3
- Wand and Scroll Mastery x1
- Spell Critical - Elemental and Force
- Spell Critical - Elemental and Force
- Spell Penetration x2
- Spell Critical - Elemental and Force
- Intelligence
- Spell Critical - Elemental and Force
- Intelligence
- Arcane Supremacy

Angel of Vengeance
- Font of Power
- Scourge x3
- Animus x3
- Smiting
- Just Reward x3
- Smiting

Sacred Defender
- Holy Bastion
- Sacred Defense
- Durable Defense x3
- Sacred Armor Mastery x2
- Resilient Defense x3
- Tenacious Defense x3

Eldritch Knight
- Eldtritch Strike
- Spellsword Frost
- Improved Mage Armor x3
- Toughness x1
- Improved Shield x3

08-25-2015, 02:18 PM
I am not sure how to make the picture bigger, but if you choose a larger zoom option on your browser it will make the picture bigger. Here is what I am tak

Thank you fore the help when one cant find my True Seeing (spell) today !!

Warforged Tree
- Improved Fortifcation
- Mechanist x1 (repair)
- Inscribed Armor x3
- Communion of Scribing x 3

Archmage Tree
- Evocation 1: Magic Missle
- Evocation 2: Gust of Wind
- Evocation 3: Chain Missles
- Evocation 4: Fire Shield
- Traditional Caster x3
- Energy of the Scholar x3
- Wand and Scroll Mastery x1
- Spell Critical - Elemental and Force
- Spell Critical - Elemental and Force
- Spell Penetration x2
- Spell Critical - Elemental and Force
- Intelligence
- Spell Critical - Elemental and Force
- Intelligence
- Arcane Supremacy

Angel of Vengeance
- Font of Power
- Scourge x3
- Animus x3
- Smiting
- Just Reward x3
- Smiting

Sacred Defender
- Holy Bastion
- Sacred Defense
- Durable Defense x3
- Sacred Armor Mastery x2
- Resilient Defense x3
- Tenacious Defense x3

Eldritch Knight
- Eldtritch Strike
- Spellsword Frost
- Improved Mage Armor x3
- Toughness x1
- Improved Shield x3

Thank you for the help when one can't find my True Seeing (spell) today !!

09-21-2015, 09:44 AM
Since you've been playing it a while, any tweaks to the build? What about gear loadout from 24+? Final gear loadout? While a lot of the gear you did list was great, a lot of it is also lvl28 stuff. To get us there, what should we be looking for? I'm currently lvl 17, and this build rocks! Very good solo capabilities, and with a small group, able to take on elite with no issues.

I'm wondering why I don't see a resonance 138 in your loadout? I don't remember if it's inherent on any of the gear, and I know it is a big piece of the puzzle for this build.

Also, do you find it a good to boost necromancy? With some of the spells you're using, it would seem like a good idea.

Would it be better to do the Arcane trees in ED first, and what does that do for playability until you go the Shiradi route?

Sorry if some of this has been answered, but it's early in the morning, and it's what's been consuming me the last couple days. GREAT thread though!! thorough layout, and great descriptions!!!

09-21-2015, 08:31 PM
Since you've been playing it a while, any tweaks to the build? What about gear loadout from 24+? Final gear loadout? While a lot of the gear you did list was great, a lot of it is also lvl28 stuff. To get us there, what should we be looking for? I'm currently lvl 17, and this build rocks! Very good solo capabilities, and with a small group, able to take on elite with no issues.

I'm wondering why I don't see a resonance 138 in your loadout? I don't remember if it's inherent on any of the gear, and I know it is a big piece of the puzzle for this build.

Also, do you find it a good to boost necromancy? With some of the spells you're using, it would seem like a good idea.

Would it be better to do the Arcane trees in ED first, and what does that do for playability until you go the Shiradi route?

Sorry if some of this has been answered, but it's early in the morning, and it's what's been consuming me the last couple days. GREAT thread though!! thorough layout, and great descriptions!!!

Hi, this build will be much better for you in epic levels once you get shiradi champion filled out. This build is especially designed for epic levels with shiradi champions, but is versatile enough to work without. I am glad it is working out for you at heroic levels - the build also worked fine for me during heroic leveling, but just wait until you start getting nerve venom and double rainbow procs during epic levels :) That is when it gets real fun.

The most important enhancements are to remove arcane spell failure, then just reward (for spell point regen), then up the archmage tree for arcane supremacy. If you are having trouble with damage you can drop some of the offense and go for defensive stance while leveling.

I go through 3 major sets of gear during epic leveling and some of it you can start getting now at level 17. I swap weapons almost every level until 25 because extra dps is always good. My 25 gear I stick with until 28 and typically don't take level 27 until I am ready to take 28.

Level 28 end game gear

Goggles: Epic glimpse of soul with globe of imperial blood slotted
Helmet: Sightless with Vitality 20 and concentration 15 slotted
Necklace: Epic Noxious Embers with Search 15 and Greater Evocation slotted
Trinket: Manual of Stealthy Pilfering with Protection 8 slotted
Cloak: Countenance with mythic +1 bonus and ins int +2 and Resistance 8 slotted
Belt: Epic Chord of Reprisals (gives 144 sonic spellpower) with False life 40 slotted
Ring: Epic Sage's Ring with feather falling slotted
Gloves: Gauntlets of the Arcane Soldier with Dex +8 and Sonic Resist 40 slotted
Boots: Boots of the Blessed Traveller with Repair 15 and armored agility + 2 slotted (increases dodge cap by 4 - 2 for aug and 2 for boots)
Ring 2: Epic Lantern Ring with Str +8 and draconic soul gem slotted
Bracers: Dissolution with spell agility 15 and char +2 slotted
Armor: Shadowscale Docent with Shadow Guardian (30 damage reduction) with ins con +2 and natural armor 8 slotted
Weapon 1: Epic Rod of Mythant with +2 mythic bonus and reconstruction 138 slotted
Orb: Upgraded Libram of Silver Magic with Meridian Fragment slotted
Quiver: (Don't have on this character but take epic quiver of alacrity if you ever get the chance)
Cosmetic: Elite Spider Cult Mask with 120 Festival Frost

Level 25 Gear (just under halfway through xp curve and also when I can use blue dragon armor)
Goggles: Int +9 goggles of eloquence +17
Helmet: Blue Dragon Helm with ins int +3 and str +7/striding 30% slotted
Necklace: Epic Normal Stolen Necklace with feather falling slotted
Trinket: Pale Green Ioun Stone
Cloak: Cloak of Night level level 24
Belt: Epic Elite Belt of Seven Ideals with Dex +7 and spell agility 15 slotted
Ring: Guardians' ring level 19 with deathblock slotted
Gloves: Health +8 false life 40 random loot gloves
Boots: Concordant Opposition Greensteel Boots
Ring 2: Seal of House Szind with ins char +2 slotted
Bracers: Bracers of the Sun Soul
Armor: Fully upgraded flawless blue dragonscale docent with resistance +7 slotted
Weapon 1: Epic Elite Crystalline Scepter with Reconstruction 114 slotted
Weapon 2: +8 Impulse 120 Scepter of Kinetic Lore 18%
Quiver: None
Cosmetic: Elite Spider Cult Mask with 120 Festival Frost

Level 20 Gear (I don't have twilight or I would use it with trinket for set bonus - I upgrade weapons every level here until 25)
Goggles: Sage's Spectacles
Helmet: Purple Dragon Helm
Necklace: Heroic Elite Stolen Necklace with feather falling slotted
Trinket: Epic Treasure Hunter's Spyglass Level 20 fully upgraded with master's gift slotted
Cloak: Cloak of Night Level 20
Belt: Deathblock belt of good luck (custom crafted) with exc con +1 and striding 30% slotted
Ring: Sage's Ring Level 19 with wisdom 6 slotted
Gloves: Purple Dragon Knight Gloves
Boots: Concordant Opposition Greensteel Boots
Ring 2: Guardians Ring level 19 with repair 11 slotted
Bracers: Sage's Cuffs
Armor: Upgraded Quorforged Docent of Battle
Weapon 1: Impulse 90 Kinetic Lore 15% random loot
Weapon 2: Combustion 90 Fire Lore 15% random loot
Quiver: Empty

This isn't necessarily the best gear setup for any of the 3 levels, but it does the job for me. In Shiradi Champion destiny I start running EE right at level 20 - even some higher level EEs. By 25 I can solo most EEs - so I usually start and post an LFM. Outside of Shiradi Champion I join EEs and do just fine, but my power is reduced without the nerve venom, procs and audience with the queen. At 28 I can solo all the EE eAmarath quests with this build.

To farm for my necklace in mark of death I built for necromancy and transmutation which was good enough for epic normal cc. Beyond that I don't use anything that requires DC except occassionall firewall. I just blast away using energy burst whenever it's off a timer.

There is alot of good end reward loot in wheloon and stormhorns. I would get as much of that as you can and you can during heroic levels. Some of those items can be used as substitutes for the items I have listed if you don't have.

Definitely run for quarforged docent as part of your daily runs unti you get it. You can get that as an end reward every 3 runs of mindsunder on any difficulty. You can also get in the chest, but you need to unlock with 4 rings so it's easier to get as an end reward.

11-08-2015, 08:21 PM
Well, I LR'd my old Shiradi into this newer Shiradi, but I clearly screwed something up. I'm sure I'll figure it out, but I'm guessing most of you regulars know it off the top of your head.

Three things different.

First, I had to go WF because that's what I was, and I was using an LR. I assume there is no way to move from a lv27 WF to a BF other than TRing?

Secondly, I had to drop my Con to 14 because I'm a 34 pt build. I wasn't thinking about the 21 con needed, so I had to use a lv up for con once to hit 21 con. No biggie I don't think.

Lastly, because of my layout, I went 1 wiz/1 pal/7 wiz/1 FVS/7 Wiz/1 pal/1 FVS/1 pal. Yeah, I know... a mess. Don't ask. How I got there is embarrassing.

Fine, since you asked... I had to LR twice. The first time I forgot that I wasn't Lawful Good, so I couldn't take paladin to start, but the reminder when I began said I couldn't have paladin because it would have been my fourth class (starting from Wz/FvS/Mk). So I sloppily forged ahead before realizing what the real problem was. Then I had to finish up and use a reset timer to do it again. Only the second time I forgot to add points into perform, and was putting them in jump instead. I realized mid stream that I was wasting a bunch of skill points because I didn't have a FVS level yet, but that whole perform/jump connection hadn't been made yet, so I dropped a FVS level in there, but I miscounted on my heart +5 and got to the end and was out of changes. And that's how you get the hot mess of leveling you see. And probably why I'll end up blowing yet another LR. Good thing I've been saving all these free one's up over the years...

Anywhoo, Ruin wasn't an option at level 27. I'm guessing because my last class (lv20) wasn't wizard?

11-09-2015, 09:11 AM
Well, I LR'd my old Shiradi into this newer Shiradi, but I clearly screwed something up. I'm sure I'll figure it out, but I'm guessing most of you regulars know it off the top of your head.

Three things different.

First, I had to go WF because that's what I was, and I was using an LR. I assume there is no way to move from a lv27 WF to a BF other than TRing?

Secondly, I had to drop my Con to 14 because I'm a 34 pt build. I wasn't thinking about the 21 con needed, so I had to use a lv up for con once to hit 21 con. No biggie I don't think.

Lastly, because of my layout, I went 1 wiz/1 pal/7 wiz/1 FVS/7 Wiz/1 pal/1 FVS/1 pal. Yeah, I know... a mess. Don't ask. How I got there is embarrassing.

Fine, since you asked... I had to LR twice. The first time I forgot that I wasn't Lawful Good, so I couldn't take paladin to start, but the reminder when I began said I couldn't have paladin because it would have been my fourth class (starting from Wz/FvS/Mk). So I sloppily forged ahead before realizing what the real problem was. Then I had to finish up and use a reset timer to do it again. Only the second time I forgot to add points into perform, and was putting them in jump instead. I realized mid stream that I was wasting a bunch of skill points because I didn't have a FVS level yet, but that whole perform/jump connection hadn't been made yet, so I dropped a FVS level in there, but I miscounted on my heart +5 and got to the end and was out of changes. And that's how you get the hot mess of leveling you see. And probably why I'll end up blowing yet another LR. Good thing I've been saving all these free one's up over the years...

Anywhoo, Ruin wasn't an option at level 27. I'm guessing because my last class (lv20) wasn't wizard?

Ruin has no requirements so it should be available to you at level 27, but it shows up near the top of the list with other epic feats so if you scroll down to the "R" section where the heroic feats are it won't be there.

I am sorry - I should have updated this build for U28 patch 1. As of U28 patch 1 divine grace only gives a max save bonus of 11 for 3 levels of paladin. This means any point of charisma over 32 won't increase your saves and is probably a waste. The main reason I was putting so many points into charisma was for the saves - the perform boost was just a small bonus for the sonic procs.

So as a 34 point build if you start with

Int: 18
Con: 18

You will have 6 points left to put to charisma for 12 charisma instead of 16. Going to 16 on a warforged definitely is not necessary since those last 2 from 14 to 16 cost the max.

For Divine Grace:

Starting Stat: 12
Ship Buffs: 2
Charisma Item: 11 (libram)
Insightful Augment: 2
Tome: 3

This would get you to exactly 30 which gives you +10 to saves vs. the max you can get now of +11. If you find a +5 tome you will be at +11 saves which is the max benefit you can get so as you can see getting to 16 charisma isn't necessary.

I will try to update my post in the next few days to explain this better. I will also explain the skill point selection, because yeah you want to max out diplomacy in fvs/paladin and repair when in wizard levels to get the most of your points. I didn't do a good job of explaining when to take the skill points.

11-09-2015, 11:55 AM
Thanks slarden, for the quick reply. I did find Ruin in the list, it was greyed out. My only options for epic feats were all the pierces (pierce adamantine, byeshk, etc.) and standard toughness (I'd already taken an epic toughness). I had Ruin on my previous incarnation, so I know it's possible to get. I checked the wiki and didn't see any pre-reqs. The only thing I could think of was that my last level was now martial instead of spell caster.

EDIT: I just remembered one other issue. My ASF is still at 14%. Is that made up by gear in some way? Or is that a function of being WF instead of BF?

11-10-2015, 05:54 AM
Thanks slarden, for the quick reply. I did find Ruin in the list, it was greyed out. My only options for epic feats were all the pierces (pierce adamantine, byeshk, etc.) and standard toughness (I'd already taken an epic toughness). I had Ruin on my previous incarnation, so I know it's possible to get. I checked the wiki and didn't see any pre-reqs. The only thing I could think of was that my last level was now martial instead of spell caster.

EDIT: I just remembered one other issue. My ASF is still at 14%. Is that made up by gear in some way? Or is that a function of being WF instead of BF?

I just took 27 on my pure barbarian and Ruin was available as a feat for me. It sounds like you hit some weird bug or there is a prerequisite I am not aware of.

If I didn't post it, you will need a sapphire of spell agility +15 slotted somewhere to remove the arcane spell failure in addition to the 20 removed from enhancements. It will still show up on the spell, but if you check your log there won't be any actual rolls for spell failure once you have the sapphire slotted You can get these as random drops, AH or DDO Store.

I will go back and update my build based on your feedback this weekend. The points you raised are important and it appears I omitted that information inadvertently.

11-10-2015, 07:31 AM
Thanks slarden, for the quick reply. I did find Ruin in the list, it was greyed out. My only options for epic feats were all the pierces (pierce adamantine, byeshk, etc.) and standard toughness (I'd already taken an epic toughness). I had Ruin on my previous incarnation, so I know it's possible to get. I checked the wiki and didn't see any pre-reqs. The only thing I could think of was that my last level was now martial instead of spell caster.

Those feats you listed are epic destiny feats which you can pick at 26 and 28. Ruin is an epic feat that can only be picked at 27.

11-10-2015, 12:16 PM
Those feats you listed are epic destiny feats which you can pick at 26 and 28. Ruin is an epic feat that can only be picked at 27.

Thanks Eth. Most likely the problem is user error. Based on how that day went, that is highly unsurprising.

And thanks slarden, for the additional info.

11-19-2015, 09:07 AM
Great post thank you! Been tweaking the Shiradi for years now this is the perfect post/build IMHO.

11-27-2015, 05:35 PM
Ok, I'm getting ready to fix my LR. As a WF, should I be rearranging the class order in any way, since I don't have to start as a paladin?

Also, did you have a chance to sort out the order of skills? No biggie if not, I can figure it out.

edit: also, why search as a skill, instead of maybe balance or something?

double edit: I did my LR. Started as paladin. No real problem with skills, but there aren't enough points to max everything. I went for perform, spell craft, and maybe concentration... now I forget.

Oh, and I figured out what my feat problem was. I was able to take Ruin at level 27. It was my level 26 feat that is the problem, and I'm assuming that is because I haven't maxed any arcane destinies, I've only maxed one martial destiny. But I'll go back and do that, and then feat swap.

Otherwise, a nice bump from my previous build. Thanks again!

12-02-2015, 03:38 PM
Great post thank you! Been tweaking the Shiradi for years now this is the perfect post/build IMHO.

Any news on this? Just TRd a Wizard life and looking to try this as it looks interesting. Is it still EE viable without raid gear? I'm Bladeforged, pure wizard atm. I don't mind buying a heart +5 or two in order to get any needed classes.


12-02-2015, 04:49 PM
Any news on this? Just TRd a Wizard life and looking to try this as it looks interesting. Is it still EE viable without raid gear? I'm Bladeforged, pure wizard atm. I don't mind buying a heart +5 or two in order to get any needed classes.


It's still strong in EE without raid gear and I suspect the changes coming in U29 will be very helpful as well since there is no real concern about trading off dps for dc. A shiradi caster can simply max out dps with the new feats.

The only recent negative impact to the build is that tea with the queen has one new option that doesn't benefit casters at all and many people believe the best options proc less. That was a never a critical part of the build - just a nice bonus when 1 of the 2 big benefits resulted.

Great post thank you! Been tweaking the Shiradi for years now this is the perfect post/build IMHO.

Thank you for the kind words! I am thinking the build will get better with the changes coming in U29 and if monster damage is higher a Shiradi caster can easily add skyvault shield, feats and possibly even a twist for more prr/mrr.

Ok, I'm getting ready to fix my LR. As a WF, should I be rearranging the class order in any way, since I don't have to start as a paladin?

Also, did you have a chance to sort out the order of skills? No biggie if not, I can figure it out.

edit: also, why search as a skill, instead of maybe balance or something?

double edit: I did my LR. Started as paladin. No real problem with skills, but there aren't enough points to max everything. I went for perform, spell craft, and maybe concentration... now I forget.

Oh, and I figured out what my feat problem was. I was able to take Ruin at level 27. It was my level 26 feat that is the problem, and I'm assuming that is because I haven't maxed any arcane destinies, I've only maxed one martial destiny. But I'll go back and do that, and then feat swap.

Otherwise, a nice bump from my previous build. Thanks again!

I would go with the same class order only because changing the order might change when certain feats are available.

With an 18 int and taking int for level ups you should be able to maximize these skills:

- Spellcraft
- Diplomacy
- Repair
- Perform

Beyond that I would put 1 pt to tumble, some point to jump and then look at search only because with your high int you will be able to find a good percentage of secret doors. Concentration isn't critical with quicken, but it can help with casting scrolls.

Ah yeah the destiny limits. That is a good plan to swap out feats after capping the prerequisite destinies.

12-02-2015, 08:42 PM
The only recent negative impact to the build is that tea with the queen has one new option that doesn't benefit casters at all and many people believe the best options proc less. That was a never a critical part of the build - just a nice bonus when 1 of the 2 big benefits resulted.

Just wanted to chime in with what I've observed regarding tea. Indulgence pops up roughly the same as it used to (I do not believe the proc rate for it has changed). The proc rate for +10 stats and 50% procs has definitely been reduced (on a statistically significant sample of exactly 2000 teas - I recorded only 3 +10 stat procs). So either the proc rate is messed up or the random number generator is messed up - I have a feeling the proc rate is.

You are right it is not critical to the build - but I worry that if the devs are willing to stealth nerf shiradi over and over again - we basically have to do rigorous testing after each update to make sure things are working as before / intended.

12-02-2015, 11:22 PM
but I worry that if the devs are willing to stealth nerf shiradi over and over again - we basically have to do rigorous testing after each update to make sure things are working as before / intended.

It seems like Shiradi is the one option to allow people like myself (part timers trying to keep up) to not be a drain in epics. I would hope, with the other "better" options out there now, that Devs are not nerfing Shiradi at this point...

12-02-2015, 11:30 PM
It's still strong in EE without raid gear and I suspect the changes coming in U29 will be very helpful as well since there is no real concern about trading off dps for dc. A shiradi caster can simply max out dps with the new feats.

The only recent negative impact to the build is that tea with the queen has one new option that doesn't benefit casters at all and many people believe the best options proc less. That was a never a critical part of the build - just a nice bonus when 1 of the 2 big benefits resulted.

Thank you for the kind words! I am thinking the build will get better with the changes coming in U29 and if monster damage is higher a Shiradi caster can easily add skyvault shield, feats and possibly even a twist for more prr/mrr.

I would go with the same class order only because changing the order might change when certain feats are available.

With an 18 int and taking int for level ups you should be able to maximize these skills:

- Spellcraft
- Diplomacy
- Repair
- Perform

Beyond that I would put 1 pt to tumble, some point to jump and then look at search only because with your high int you will be able to find a good percentage of secret doors. Concentration isn't critical with quicken, but it can help with casting scrolls.

Ah yeah the destiny limits. That is a good plan to swap out feats after capping the prerequisite destinies.

Does it have to be WF/BF?

Why not Elf, Drow or Human?

Can we please have a Non PM Caster that's viable for Fleshies?

12-03-2015, 12:34 AM
Does it have to be WF/BF?

Why not Elf, Drow or Human?

Can we please have a Non PM Caster that's viable for Fleshies?

Ostensibly, the more than obvious answer is you can. Just make the same build but as a fleshy and twist in cocoon like everyone else does.

12-03-2015, 03:18 AM
Does it have to be WF/BF?

Why not Elf, Drow or Human?

Can we please have a Non PM Caster that's viable for Fleshies?

It can definitely be a non-wf/bf. Since wizards get reconstruct as a level 6 spell and bladeforged have a second version on a different timer, it just makes for easy self-healing, but it's not necessary. Warforged/Bladeforged also make it easier to take epic toughness since they start with a higher con - so the tome needed won't be as high. Epic toughness isn't critical to the build.

12-03-2015, 03:43 AM
Just wanted to chime in with what I've observed regarding tea. Indulgence pops up roughly the same as it used to (I do not believe the proc rate for it has changed). The proc rate for +10 stats and 50% procs has definitely been reduced (on a statistically significant sample of exactly 2000 teas - I recorded only 3 +10 stat procs). So either the proc rate is messed up or the random number generator is messed up - I have a feeling the proc rate is.

You are right it is not critical to the build - but I worry that if the devs are willing to stealth nerf shiradi over and over again - we basically have to do rigorous testing after each update to make sure things are working as before / intended.

Yes the +10 stats and 50% proc rate is the one I was referring to that seems down. It seemed to happen at the same time the ranged power buff was added. Your point about testing is good - I plan to test quite a bit on Lamannia this time around. I think this latest proc rate change was unintentional based on previous comments from Sev. I also don't have any reason to think it's going to be fixed for U29.

A couple of feats that look interesting but need to be tested:

Epic Destiny Feats:

Spirit Blades (1 Divine+2 Arcane) - I would probably use this with metamagic off in most cases, but might keep a version on my hotbar with metamagic on.

Spell: Create a series of spectral blades which fly at a nearby opponent. Each of the five blades does 2d20 Piercing and 1d20 Force damage.

Arcane Pulse (3 Arcane Destinies) - I would probably use this with metamagic off in most cases, but might keep a version on my hotbar with metamagic on.

Spell: A magical pulse of force reverberates through the target's body, dealing 3d6+6 force damage every 2 seconds for a duration of 16 seconds. This spell can stack on the target up to 5 times, increasing the damage with each stack. 3 second cooldown

I a assuming the above are not SLAs, if they are SLAs that would be great so I could keep meta on. I would think each hit of these would give a chance for a shiradi proc.

Level 30 Legendary Feat:

Scion of the Plane of Fire

+25% Spell Critical Damage with all spells
+10 PRR, +10 MRR
+10 Fire Spell Power, +30 Universal Spell Power
Add 2d20 Fire damage to weapon and unarmed attacks (Scales with Spell Power)

Other feats for epic levels

Greater Ruin (level 30 general feat)

Requires Ruin.
Deals 1000 untyped damage to a single enemy (no saving throw). Costs 150 SP

Intensify Spell (level 24+ general feat)

METAMAGIC: +75 Spell Power, spells cost +25SP. Works on any spell affected by Empower.

Wellspring of Power (level 21+ general feat)

Activate to gain +150 Universal Spell Power and +20% Spell Critical Damage for 30 seconds. 3 minute cooldown.

To take these new feats it would mean giving up epic mental toughness and epic toughness, but it's a significant power boost. The other option is giving up ruin/greater ruin and keeping epic toughness and epic mental toughness. While Ruin is nice for fast big damage #s, it's not necessary for the build. Still, it's an interesting trade-off because having the big fast single-target damage is nice at times. Obviously you would want to use greater ruin with wellspring of power to get maximum use of those spell points.

12-03-2015, 07:16 AM
A couple of feats that look interesting but need to be tested:

Epic Destiny Feats:

Spirit Blades (1 Divine+2 Arcane) - I would probably use this with metamagic off in most cases, but might keep a version on my hotbar with metamagic on.

Spell: Create a series of spectral blades which fly at a nearby opponent. Each of the five blades does 2d20 Piercing and 1d20 Force damage.

Arcane Pulse (3 Arcane Destinies) - I would probably use this with metamagic off in most cases, but might keep a version on my hotbar with metamagic on.

Spell: A magical pulse of force reverberates through the target's body, dealing 3d6+6 force damage every 2 seconds for a duration of 16 seconds. This spell can stack on the target up to 5 times, increasing the damage with each stack. 3 second cooldown

I a assuming the above are not SLAs, if they are SLAs that would be great so I could keep meta on. I would think each hit of these would give a chance for a shiradi proc.

Just confirming Arcane Pulse is NOT an SLA. With metas on, though, 5 stacks was doing >2k damage per tick. Given the cool down, I'm thinking this may well be a better option than mana-dumping with greater ruin on bosses.

12-03-2015, 12:17 PM
Just confirming Arcane Pulse is NOT an SLA. With metas on, though, 5 stacks was doing >2k damage per tick. Given the cool down, I'm thinking this may well be a better option than mana-dumping with greater ruin on bosses.

This is great information - thank you. So without metas it is about 1300-1400 per tick. I guess whether metas are worth it depends on the sp cost. Like many spells I can keep a copy with and without metas on depending on the situation.

Yeah it may make sense to drop ruin/greater ruin and take this. Shiradi is all about longevity with sp rather than max burst dps. The new spellpower boosts I view as a must. Ruin and Greater Ruin are "nice to haves". Then again, 200 spell points and 60 hit points (with 20% boost from defender) also isn't a must, so I will have to play around with all these on Lamannia tomorrow. It shoud be fun.

12-03-2015, 02:15 PM
Does it have to be WF/BF?

Why not Elf, Drow or Human?

Can we please have a Non PM Caster that's viable for Fleshies?
Ugh, Firefox ate my first draft, so now you get the abridged version. :p

If you want to be a fleshy wizard who's not a Pale Master, then you have to invest in other self-healing options. The obvious choices for epics are Rejuvenation Cocoon and Consecration+Sacred Ground (which also meshes well with a fire spec). But what about heroic leveling? You could just stock up on Cure pots, use hires, etc. - i.e., all the usual consumable options - but let's dust off an old build concept: Dragonmarked halfling Archmage.

15/3/2 Wizard/Paladin/Favored Soul
Lawful Good Halfling

Level Order

1. Favored Soul 6. Wizard 11. Wizard 16. Wizard
2. Wizard 7. Wizard 12. Wizard 17. Paladin
3. Wizard 8. Wizard 13. Wizard 18. Paladin
4. Wizard 9. Wizard 14. Wizard 19. Paladin
5. Wizard 10. Wizard 15. Favored Soul 20. Wizard

28pt 32pt Tome Level Up
---- ---- ---- --------
Strength 8 8 4: INT
Dexterity 10 10 8: INT
Constitution 16 16 +5 12: INT
Intelligence 18 18 +2 16: INT
Wisdom 8 8 20: INT
Charisma 8 12 24: INT
28: INT

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Concent 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 23
Spellcr 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 4 23
Diplo 4 1 7 7 2 1 1 23
Heal 4 1 2½ ½ 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 3 21
Perform 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11
Search 2 1½ ½ 1 1 1 1 1½ ½ 1 11
UMD 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 11
Tumble 1 1
24 6 6 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9


1 : Least Dragonmark: Healing
1 Deity : Follower of: Sovereign Host
2 Wizard : Maximize Spell
3 : Empower Healing Spell
6 : Extend Spell
6 Wizard : Empower Spell
9 : Insightful Reflexes
11 Wizard : Mental Toughness
12 : Improved Mental Toughness
15 : Spell Focus: Evocation
18 : Toughness
20 Wizard : Heighten Spell
21 Epic : Epic Mental Toughness
24 Epic : Epic Toughness
26 Destiny: Epic Spell Power: Force
27 Epic : Ruin
28 Destiny: Hellball

Enhancements (80 AP)

Halfling (12 AP)

Halfling Luck

Jorasco Dragonmark Focus III, Acrobatic I
Lesser Dragonmark of Healing, Break out the Leeches, Nimble Reaction I
Greater Dragonmark of Healing

Archmage (32 AP)

Magic Missile, Gust of Wind, Chain Missile, Fire Shield

Traditionalist Caster III, Spell Critical, Wand and Scroll Mastery III
Efficient Maximize III, Spell Critical
Spell Critical, Intelligence
School Mastery: Evocation, Spell Critical, Intelligence
Arcane Supremacy

Eldritch Knight (Wizard) (8 AP)

Eldritch Strike, Spellsword: Acid

Improved Mage Armor III, Battlemage I
Light Armor Proficiency

Sacred Defender (13 AP)

Holy Bastion, Sacred Defense

Durable Defense III, Sacred Armor Mastery I
Instinctive Defense I, Resilient Defense III
Tenacious Defense III

Angel of Vengeance (14 AP)

Font of Power

Scourge III, Animus III, Smiting
Just Reward III, Smiting

Warpriest (1 AP)

Smite Foe

Destiny (24 AP)

Shiradi Champion

Wild Shots III, Healing Spring III, Illusion of Well Being I
Prism, Fey Spring I, Fey Form II
Double Rainbow, Elemental Absorption I
Nerve Venom III
Audience with the Queen, Rain of Arrows

Twists of Fate (30 fate points)

Energy Burst: Fire (Tier 4 Draconic)
Sacred Ground (Tier 3 Crusader)
Consecration (Tier 2 Crusader)
Rejuvenation Cocoon (Tier 1 Primal)

EDIT: In essence, you trade WF body feat for Dragonmark and invest in Heal instead of Repair skill. Taking FvS at lvl 1 delays your wiz spells but unlocks both CCW wands and FvS skills (Heal, Diplo).

Listed Twists are a best-case scenario after earning Epic Completionist; naturally you'll have to tweak it to fit however many Fate pts and unlocked EDs you actually have.

One drawback is halflings don't get racial ASF reduction like elves do; this configuration gets -10% from EK and -15% from a blue augment, not enough for heavy armor but good enough for medium. You could pick up more ASF reduction from EK, but that costs a lot more APs and isn't worth it, IMHO. EDIT: the important point is med armor is sufficient to enable Tenacious Defense as well as providing more PRR than lt armor.

12-07-2015, 09:55 AM
Since the new epic caster feats look so nice, what do you think of ditching the heroic Toughness feats; then taking Shield Mastery + ISM and twisting LSM? That gives you +45 PRR when using a tower shield (e.g., EH/EE Skyvault which has 0 ASF), which seems a fair tradeoff for the ~100 HPs you lose ditching Toughness+eToughness.

12-11-2015, 02:19 PM
Possible epic feat list:

21: Wellspring of Power
24: Master of Knowledge
26: Force Spellpower
27: Ruin or Intensify Spell
28: Hellball
29: Arcane Pulse
30: Scion of Plane of Fire

Any thoughts?

12-11-2015, 03:03 PM
Possible epic feat list:

21: Wellspring of Power
24: Master of Knowledge
26: Force Spellpower
27: Ruin or Intensify Spell
28: Hellball
29: Arcane Pulse
30: Scion of Plane of Fire

Any thoughts?

Does Intensify Spell work on SLAs?

12-11-2015, 03:11 PM
Does Intensify Spell work on SLAs?
I presume it does, since all other metamagics affect SLAs; and one of the changes in U29 is Arcane Bolt / Blast can finally be meta'ed, IIUC. But I've not checked on Lama to confirm that.

I have a BF sorc I'm trying to level cap so I can ITR into this before U29 comes out; just looking for feedback on how to tweak this build for U29.

12-11-2015, 03:19 PM
I presume it does, since all other metamagics affect SLAs; and one of the changes in U29 is Arcane Bolt / Blast can finally be meta'ed, IIUC. But I've not checked on Lama to confirm that.

I have a BF sorc I'm trying to level cap so I can ITR into this before U29 comes out; just looking for feedback on how to tweak this build for U29.

I'm sure it SHOULD based on the wording, but I haven't been able to test it.

12-11-2015, 04:09 PM
I'm sure it SHOULD based on the wording, but I haven't been able to test it.

yes but I didn't test every sla. It worked on all the SLAs I tested including MM/CM from archmage.

12-11-2015, 04:27 PM
Possible epic feat list:

21: Wellspring of Power
24: Master of Knowledge
26: Force Spellpower
27: Ruin or Intensify Spell (@ 24)
28: Hellball
29: Arcane Pulse
30: Scion of Plane of Fire

Any thoughts?

Looks really solid. The ones in bold are feats I definitely will be taking. I am undecided on a few spots.

I received a recommendation for Forced Escape on my warlock build and I really liked it even though it's wisdom based. Hellball is really solid but Forced Escape gives a decent burst option along with Energy Burst and has the side benefit of dispelling cc effects on me, but Hellball is also really good for shradi casters.

I need to test with Master of Knowledge - it looks good but since it is subject to a save, the slas have 5/6 second cooldowns and will have a low DC - I am not sure. I have not tested with it yet. Stacking up to 30 times is insane if it can be sustained. If I am reading that right the benefits will apply to everything.

12-11-2015, 04:30 PM
Since the new epic caster feats look so nice, what do you think of ditching the heroic Toughness feats; then taking Shield Mastery + ISM and twisting LSM? That gives you +45 PRR when using a tower shield (e.g., EH/EE Skyvault which has 0 ASF), which seems a fair tradeoff for the ~100 HPs you lose ditching Toughness+eToughness.

It's funny you mention that because it's exactly what I have been looking at - beefing up PRR /MRR and giving up HP since there are so many epic DPS feats available now.

I am not sure about the twist, but definitely the feats and shield.

12-15-2015, 03:35 PM
I'm prepping a BF sorc to ITR into this build, hopefully before U29 comes out and the level cap goes up. I'm on the fence about some of my feats, though; in particular, I'm not sure how much to invest in boosting survivability vs DPS.

So here's a first stab at what I'll be attempting which tries to shoot for max survivability:

BF Shiradi Wiz
15/3/2 Wizard/Paladin/Favored Soul
Lawful Good Bladeforged

Level Order

1. Paladin 6. Wizard 11. Wizard 16. Paladin
2. Wizard 7. Wizard 12. Wizard 17. Favored Soul
3. Wizard 8. Paladin 13. Wizard 18. Favored Soul
4. Wizard 9. Wizard 14. Wizard 19. Wizard
5. Wizard 10. Wizard 15. Wizard 20. Wizard

28pt 32pt 34pt 36pt Tome Level Up
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- --------
Strength 8 8 8 8 4: INT
Dexterity 6 6 6 6 8: INT
Constitution 18 18 18 18 +3 12: INT
Intelligence 18 18 18 18 +3 16: INT
Wisdom 6 6 6 6 20: INT
Charisma 10 14 15 16 24: INT
28: INT

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Concent 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 23
Repair 3 1 3 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 4 23
Spellcr 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 23
Diplo 4 7 8 1 1 1 1 23
Perform 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 11
Search 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11
UMD 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11
Jump 1 4 5
Balance 1 1 2 4
Tumble 1 1
24 6 6 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 10
24 6 6 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 10


1 : Adamantine Body (Mithral Body to start)
1 Deity : Follower of: Lord of Blades
2 Wizard : Maximize Spell
3 : Shield Mastery
6 : Insightful Reflexes
6 Wizard : Quicken Spell
9 : Empower Spell
12 : Force of Personality
12 Wizard : Spell Focus: Evocation
15 : Improved Shield Mastery
18 : Toughness
20 Wizard : Heighten Spell (or Extend or Enlarge)
21 Epic : Wellspring of Power
24 Epic : Epic Toughness or Master of Knowledge
26 Destiny: Epic Spell Power: Force
27 Epic : Ruin or Intensify Spell
28 Destiny: Hellball
29 Destiny: Arcane Pulse
30 Legend: Scion of Plane of Fire

Enhancements (80 AP)

Bladeforged (12 AP)

Improved Fortification

Mechanist I, Inscribed Armor III
Communion of Scribing III

Archmage (35 AP)

Magic Missile, Gust of Wind, Chain Missile, Fire Shield

Traditionalist Caster III, Spell Critical, Wand and Scroll Mastery III
Efficient Maximize III, Spell Critical
Arcane Bolt III, Spell Critical
Spell Critical
Arcane Blast III, Arcane Supremacy

Eldritch Knight (Wizard) (6 AP)

Eldritch Strike, Spellsword: Acid

Improved Mage Armor III, Battlemage I

Angel of Vengeance (14 AP)

Font of Power

Scourge III, Smiting
Just Reward III, Smiting, Spell Power Boost III

Sacred Defender (13 AP)

Holy Bastion, Sacred Defense

Item Defense I, Durable Defense III
Instinctive Defense I, Resilient Defense III
Tenacious Defense III

Start with Mithral Body, swap to Adamantine when you can afford to slot -35% ASF thru gear & enhs. Fanion (http://ddowiki.com/page/Fanion) would be a good shield to start: 0% ASF, GFL, Archmagi, purple slot.

I'm trying to hedge my bets when it comes to DCs; this will only be a second-life build with semi-crummy gear and I still need to level my off-EDs, which means I can't always count on Shiradi procs to do all the heavy lifting. I should have 6 or 7 Fate pts when I ITR; that enough for Evocation Specialist + Unearthly Reactions, I think.

I'm not convinced I need Toughness+eToughness anymore, but I'll leave them in for now. Likewise, FoP might be overkill, but we'll see.

12-16-2015, 08:46 PM
I'm prepping a BF sorc to ITR into this build, hopefully before U29 comes out and the level cap goes up. I'm on the fence about some of my feats, though; in particular, I'm not sure how much to invest in boosting survivability vs DPS.

So here's a first stab at what I'll be attempting which tries to shoot for max survivability:

Start with Mithral Body, swap to Adamantine when you can afford to slot -35% ASF thru gear & enhs. Fanion (http://ddowiki.com/page/Fanion) would be a good shield to start: 0% ASF, GFL, Archmagi, purple slot.

I'm trying to hedge my bets when it comes to DCs; this will only be a second-life build with semi-crummy gear and I still need to level my off-EDs, which means I can't always count on Shiradi procs to do all the heavy lifting. I should have 6 or 7 Fate pts when I ITR; that enough for Evocation Specialist + Unearthly Reactions, I think.

I'm not convinced I need Toughness+eToughness anymore, but I'll leave them in for now. Likewise, FoP might be overkill, but we'll see.

Very nice build. My heroic feats look to be identical except I will be slotting mental toughness and improved mental toughness in place of toughness and force of personality. That gives me 200 spell points and 2% crit chance.

I am also looking to slot mysterious cloak for 25MRR when they become available - need about 800 more remnants first.

For epic levels you also get a level 30 feat. I am thinking greater ruin at 30 but I know I will just get myself into trouble if I do that. And Pulse is way better with the multiple shiradi proc chances.

DC is a very interesting and solid option. Shiradi casters are down about 8 -10 DC and 10 caster levels which is going to make master of knowledge a much weaker option compared to what a 20 archmage in draconic would get. However, the 10 DC can be made up with one simple twist - evocation augmentation which will be boosted by magic missle, chain missle and spells like ice storm as well. Even with less caster levels it still might be worth taking for the buff alone, but I am still on the fence until I get a chance to try it out more. Adding heighten is not a big deal and doesn't squeeze out anything important.

My regular epic feats will most likely be wellspring of power, ruin, intensify spell, greater ruin although I just know I will over-use the greater ruin easy button so I am strongly considering other options as well - preferably options that also boost spell points.

12-17-2015, 04:40 PM
Paladin seems pretty extravagant for defenses IMO. Bladeforged arcane with adamantine body already seems really survivable.

I'm planning on 15 wiz/4 FvS/1 barbarian. Maxing out AoV crit lines is even better than before, due to higher crit damage so I think it's definitely worth it. Arcane bolt/blast are also affected by increased CL from intense faith at tier 4 AoV.

12-17-2015, 04:42 PM
My regular epic feats will most likely be wellspring of power, ruin, intensify spell, greater ruin although I just know I will over-use the greater ruin easy button so I am strongly considering other options as well - preferably options that also boost spell points.
Swap out intensify for master of knowledge. How can you pass up on 90 spellpower and +60% crit damage?

12-17-2015, 06:58 PM
Paladin seems pretty extravagant for defenses IMO. Bladeforged arcane with adamantine body already seems really survivable.
Pal 3 is +20% HPs, up to +14 to saves (+11 from Div Grace, +3 from Resilient Defense), and +25 PRR/MRR from defensive stance for 13 APs. If you can survive fine without those bonuses, that's great; not all of us have such bad@$$ chars, though. :rolleyes:

More to the point, if you're going BF, you start out w/pal, so you either build on that or you pay to LR +1 and possibly for an alignment change. Again: not everyone wants to go thru that added hassle / expense.

12-17-2015, 07:54 PM
Swap out intensify for master of knowledge. How can you pass up on 90 spellpower and +60% crit damage?

I am definitely taking intensify - that one isn't debatable.

I need to test with Master of Knowledge because those benefits require you to use arcane bolt/blast which both have a reflex save. So the dps of those spells and any animation delays could also be a factor. As I said I want to test it, but I won't take master of knowledge unless I am convinced it a net dps gain.

If I take master of knowledge I would drop greater ruin before I'd drop intensify.

12-17-2015, 08:02 PM
Paladin seems pretty extravagant for defenses IMO. Bladeforged arcane with adamantine body already seems really survivable.

I'm planning on 15 wiz/4 FvS/1 barbarian. Maxing out AoV crit lines is even better than before, due to higher crit damage so I think it's definitely worth it. Arcane bolt/blast are also affected by increased CL from intense faith at tier 4 AoV.

20% hp bonus, +14 saves, 25 PRR and 25 MRR. That's not a small benefit.

The extra 3 caster levels from 2 fvs are definitely worth considering but I would be more likely to go 18 wizard 2 fvs because meteor swarm is awesome with shiradi and might be a bigger benefit than 4% crits.

Pal 3 is +20% HPs, up to +14 to saves (+11 from Div Grace, +3 from Resilient Defense), and +25 PRR/MRR from defensive stance for 13 APs. If you can survive fine without those bonuses, that's great; not all of us have such bad@$$ chars, though. :rolleyes:

More to the point, if you're going BF, you start out w/pal, so you either build on that or you pay to LR +1 and possibly for an alignment change. Again: not everyone wants to go thru that added hassle / expense.

yes exactly. The build objective was to be EE-capable without the past lifes. The paladin levels help with survivability significantly.

12-17-2015, 09:04 PM
I am definitely taking intensify - that one isn't debatable.

I need to test with Master of Knowledge because those benefits require you to use arcane bolt/blast which both have a reflex save. So the dps of those spells and any animation delays could also be a factor. As I said I want to test it, but I won't take master of knowledge unless I am convinced it a net dps gain.

If I take master of knowledge I would drop greater ruin before I'd drop intensify.

You're definitely overvaluing intensify by a lot. 75 extra spellpower (on top of maximize and empower) is like ~7% DPS increase, whereas master of knowledge is more like a ~30% DPS increase.

Pushing arcane blast every ~10 seconds isn't really that much of a burden (it mult-procs master of knowledge). From what I understand, mobs are going to save pretty much always, but arcane blast is still another AOE and is better than magic missile against 2+ mobs.

12-18-2015, 05:55 AM
You're definitely overvaluing intensify by a lot. 75 extra spellpower (on top of maximize and empower) is like ~7% DPS increase, whereas master of knowledge is more like a ~30% DPS increase.

Pushing arcane blast every ~10 seconds isn't really that much of a burden (it mult-procs master of knowledge). From what I understand, mobs are going to save pretty much always, but arcane blast is still another AOE and is better than magic missile against 2+ mobs.

I will most likely take both, but as I said I need to test master of knowledge first. I think having that 75 spellpower on the SLAs is more important than greater ruin which is only a situational burst spell.

The arcane bolt and blast will need to be cycled to build up and maintained charges which is probably ok. If it works out another class split option would be 14 wizard 4 fvs 2 fighter using the 2 figter feats for shield mastery and improved shield mastery but losing the saves. This would bring you effective caster level 17.

12-18-2015, 07:51 AM
At least we can Heighten Arcane Bolt and Arcane Blast now. Since they count as level 2 and level 4 spells, respectively, that's a decent DC boost. It's probably not nearly enough for EEs though.

12-18-2015, 10:15 AM
At least we can Heighten Arcane Bolt and Arcane Blast now. Since they count as level 2 and level 4 spells, respectively, that's a decent DC boost. It's probably not nearly enough for EEs though.

Yeah heighten + twisting in evocation augmentation is probably enough to hit many of the enemies EE, but the dps is not horrible even on a failed save and in the worst case scenario where the enemy has evasion and makes their save master of knowledge still procs, so I think master of knowledge is definitely a must have for a shiradi. I will continue to dump DC and use the arcane bolt/blast just to power up master of knowledge and do some dps as well.

I think I will stick with 15 wiz / 3 pal/ 2 fvs for now over 14 wiz/ 4 fvs/ 2 fighter. Although if someone has alot of divine/pdk past lifes that is probably a better split for max dps. The 2 fighter can be used for shield feats which makes up for the loss of defensive stance but not the saves.

I only had a few minutes to jump in try the new quest LE and the enemies are definitely hitting harder than U27 and U28 and have more hp. I am not prepared to lower my defenses for more dps at this point, but the build is very capable of soling the new content on LE. Of course I was only in the quest for a few minutes and only fought kobolds so it's a bit premature to say that until I actually complete both quests. If it's like TOEE EE the monster stats may be bizarre.

My current epic feats are:

21) Wellspring of Power
24) Intensify
27) Ruin
29) Master of Knowledge

Not necessarily in this order, I had prepped my sagas and went right to 30 so I didn't have to worry about the order. I will post more in a few days.

12-18-2015, 02:31 PM
I will most likely take both, but as I said I need to test master of knowledge first. I think having that 75 spellpower on the SLAs is more important than greater ruin which is only a situational burst spell.

The arcane bolt and blast will need to be cycled to build up and maintained charges which is probably ok. If it works out another class split option would be 14 wizard 4 fvs 2 fighter using the 2 figter feats for shield mastery and improved shield mastery but losing the saves. This would bring you effective caster level 17.

You don't really need to use arcane bolt. Arcane blast multiprocs.

12-18-2015, 11:04 PM
You don't really need to use arcane bolt. Arcane blast multiprocs.

It's still useful against bosses and since the bolt has a 6 second cooldown and the stacks expire every 6 seconds it still useful to build up stacks and use against single-targets.

I think it's best to keep it on the hotbar and then decide what to use during combat.

12-21-2015, 04:58 AM
I am taking the gearing changes slowly as finding that perfect random loot is going to take some time.

So far the easiest thing to replace was the libram which I replaced with a random loot reconstruction 143 insightful impulse +67 spellcrafting implement +90. Unfortunately the +67 is on the low side for a level weapon and I will try to upgrade it to a higher number in the 70s, but this gives me an immediate boost to my force spellpower of over 100 and +50 to everything else. If you don't have a spellcraft item somewhere else it would be benecial to slot a +15 spellcraft augment somewhere.

I also added a +14 int, +19 diplomacy cloak that dropped for me. Over time I would like to get +15 int and +6 insightful int (most likely cloak and goggles), but it's not a big priority for me. When it drops I'll swap it in.

There are some really nice gloves dropping with universal spell lore. I was lucky enough to get a reconstructed 148 spell lore 21% gloves- but there is one problem - the spell lore isn't working at all. So for now I am keeping those in the bank. If you get some good spell lore gloves I would hang on to those, but I wouldn't buy or trade for those because there is a chance Turbine won't fix it and will simply stop putting that suffix on gloves.

The docent of celestial sage from Hox looks good, but I lose ghostly and 30 DR so I am not 100% positive I will make that switch.

I am also using the docent from Night Revels as a swap item for a short-term crit damage boost. With docents it's easy to swap in/out.

That's it for now - swapping in other random loot is problematic for me since I typically lose augment slots. So unless that perfect random loot drops these are the only major changes at the moment.

The build is surviving well in LE content. DPS is solid, but enemies have many more hp so it's a bit slower compared to EE - and considerably slower if arcane oozes are involved.

The build gained a large amount of force spellpower not including the wellspring of power clickie. Master of Knowledge can't always be maintained, but it's fairly easy to keep up while fighting for a 60% crit damage boost.

Spellpower gained off the top of my head:
110: gear (can be higher - that is just for now)
75: Intensify spell (SLAs only)
90: Master of knowledge (takes a bit to build up but sustainable during fights)
60: Epic Levels

Spell Critical Damage Bonus:
Scion of the Plane of Fire: 25%
Master of Knowledge: 60%
Sustainable Critical Damage Boost: 85%

Wellspring of Power: 20% (30 seconds every 3 minutes)
Delighter's Docent Spooky Bonus: 25% (once per shrine for 90 seconds)
Total Burst Spell Critical Damage Bonus: 130%

These are the feats I ended up taking

21 Wellspring of Power (swap for epic toughness)
24: Master of Knowledge (swap for epic mental toughness)
26: Spellpower Force
27: Ruin
28: Hellball
29: Arcane Pulse
30: Intensify Spell
30: Scion of the Plane of Fire

Although Greater Ruin is tempting for things like the shroud crystal, bosses, force immune or resistant and dangerous enemies but I prefer Intensify spell which boosts all my SLAs for no mana cost. I also find having that greater ruin easy button available usually means I will over-use it and run into mana problems. Arcane pulse gave me a solid boss dps boost

I will update the original build shortly. I am still considering a few more minor tweaks to enhancements before posting.

Master of Knowledge is working so good I have also been noodling the idea of a DC casting archmage 18 wizard 2 fvs specializing in enchantment and force - probably in draconic with cold as the element.

12-21-2015, 01:20 PM
Have you tried out spirit blades (in place of arcane pulse)? Thoughts?

12-21-2015, 02:43 PM
Can Spirit Blades be meta'ed? The description makes it sound similar to Wild Shots, but have not had a chance to try it out.

12-21-2015, 02:46 PM
Have you tried out spirit blades (in place of arcane pulse)? Thoughts?

I haven't tried it yet but will give it a try. Pulse works great esp when at full knowledge stacks.

12-21-2015, 03:16 PM
Can Spirit Blades be meta'ed? The description makes it sound similar to Wild Shots, but have not had a chance to try it out.

It can be meta'd but it was completely bugged out on lamma and didn't work at all. I'm wondering if it multi-procs shiradi like magic missiles.

12-22-2015, 07:34 AM
Can Spirit Blades be meta'ed? The description makes it sound similar to Wild Shots, but have not had a chance to try it out.

it can,but u cant quicken dat spell,it takes like 1.5s to cast...

12-22-2015, 04:07 PM
it can,but u cant quicken dat spell,it takes like 1.5s to cast...

If it can't be quickened I'd say it's a showstopper for end game. Ty for saving me the time :)

01-13-2016, 02:13 PM
Mentioned in a different thread, but:

Yep you get empyrean magic or master of knowledge but not both.
Does this change anything for your build (w/ or w/out warlock splash)?

01-13-2016, 02:24 PM
Mentioned in a different thread, but:

Does this change anything for your build (w/ or w/out warlock splash)?

I don't think I would bother with a warlock splash now. 60% crit damage from master of knowledge made empyrean magic more useful and the easiest way to maintain empyrean magic for a shiradi caster was the warlock aura. I don't see rotating fire, light or positive in just for empyrean magic.

I am going to look at squeezing in mental toughness and improved mental toughness for the extra 2% crit chance (spell points are just a bonus). I will also try to find a 24% kinetic lore ring to boost my crit chance.

Also I will probably go 13 fvs / 3 paladin / 4 fvs now to get the extra 4% crit chance from the fvs tree and I also get 3 caster levels to make up for the loss of 2 wizard levels. Unfortunately it means having to give up the reconstruct SLA from bladeforged though. I wasn't too worried about that 4% but now with 60% more crit damage from mok and 25% from scion of plane of fire, it's much more beneficial (.04 x 1.85 = equivalent of 7.4% crit chance before U29).

I might also try to squeeze in interrogation as a twist.

I am also thinking getting 18% ore more hp from greensteel is better choice then adding a few spellcraft from int skills.

01-14-2016, 02:56 AM
I don't think I would bother with a warlock splash now. 60% crit damage from master of knowledge made empyrean magic more useful and the easiest way to maintain empyrean magic for a shiradi caster was the warlock aura. I don't see rotating fire, light or positive in just for empyrean magic.

I am going to look at squeezing in mental toughness and improved mental toughness for the extra 2% crit chance (spell points are just a bonus). I will also try to find a 24% kinetic lore ring to boost my crit chance.

Also I will probably go 13 fvs / 3 paladin / 4 fvs now to get the extra 4% crit chance from the fvs tree and I also get 3 caster levels to make up for the loss of 2 wizard levels. Unfortunately it means having to give up the reconstruct SLA from bladeforged though. I wasn't too worried about that 4% but now with 60% more crit damage from mok and 25% from scion of plane of fire, it's much more beneficial (.04 x 1.85 = equivalent of 7.4% crit chance before U29).

I might also try to squeeze in interrogation as a twist.

I am also thinking getting 18% ore more hp from greensteel is better choice then adding a few spellcraft from int skills.

I'm playing a 15 wiz/4 FvS/1 lock right now, and you're right that keeping empyrean magic up is pretty tough. Even with the aura, you needed it to hit mobs for it to proc MOK and empyrean. My thought was to prioritize scorching ray in my rotation more, but that doesn't work as well with so many fire immunes in current end game.

That said, they're both pretty significant boost in DPS. I'm currently thinking something like 12 FvS/8 wiz split. Archon means empyrean is kept up pretty much all the time, so you'd only need to worry about MOK which simplifies things a lot. I don't think the answer is dropping either of these abilities. They are both way too strong to be ignore IMO.

01-14-2016, 11:08 PM
I'm playing a 15 wiz/4 FvS/1 lock right now, and you're right that keeping empyrean magic up is pretty tough. Even with the aura, you needed it to hit mobs for it to proc MOK and empyrean. My thought was to prioritize scorching ray in my rotation more, but that doesn't work as well with so many fire immunes in current end game.

That said, they're both pretty significant boost in DPS. I'm currently thinking something like 12 FvS/8 wiz split. Archon means empyrean is kept up pretty much all the time, so you'd only need to worry about MOK which simplifies things a lot. I don't think the answer is dropping either of these abilities. They are both way too strong to be ignore IMO.

Yeah with 15 wizard you might get multi procs from unmeta'd sunburst and/or cocoon. Perhaps twisting in consecration and sacred ground but that's a huge twist investment for the 10% crit range. Two tier 3s and a tier 2.

You are right that fvs shiradi will have an easier time keeping up empyrean magic.

01-15-2016, 01:32 AM
Did your enhancements change after taking MoK? Will you update that picture in the second post?


01-15-2016, 07:22 AM
Did your enhancements change after taking MoK? Will you update that picture in the second post?


Only change I made is dropping 6pts of spell pen and 3 pts in animus and moving that to 3 pts in subtle spellcasting, 3 pts in arcane bolt and 3 pts in arcane blast. That build worked well in LE.

I am testing out 13 wizard / 3 paladin / 4 favored soul right now which is theoretically a little better since that 4% extra crit chance from the 3rd and 4th tier of AOV means alot more with the extra crit damage from scion of element of fire, mok and of course the new swap item delighter's docent which gives 25% spooky bonus to crit damage for 90 seconds once per rest.

To get those extra 4% crit chance I had to give up alot - spending 28 pts in AoV for more caster levels and the 4th tier of crit chance. You still need 6 pts in Eld Knight and 4 pts in bladeforged/warforged to get rid of arcane spell failure. That means all you can really get is 25 PRR/MRR from defense stance (and saves) and not the 20% hp bonus or the reconstruct SLA.

For max dps 13 wizard / 3 paladin / 4 fvs is a little better, but I didn't notice much of a dps difference clearing the 2 new LE quests.

I still think 15 wizard / 3 paladin / 2 fvs is a bit more balanced and definitely a more friendly build for most people. If you feel the defenses are overkill then swap out 2 wizard for 2 fvs, otherwise I am still liking the 15 wizard / 3 paladin /2 fvs split with access to level 8 spells. I just need to figure out if I can squeeze in empyrean magic and make it work since 10% increase to crit chance along with the buff to crit damage is huge.

On the other hand if the loss of recon sla and less defenses means you are having to focus more on staying alive that is a definite dps loss and not worth the 4% crit chance from fvs. I plan to stick with 15 wizard / 3 paladin / 2 fvs and am toying with the idea of maxing con instead of int when I switch back (difference of 4 spell power and reflex save and about 200 hp). So starting stats would be 20 con with all level ups to con and 18 int. My dc is already low on the arcane bolt/blast and energy burst so I don't think I lose anything but 4 spellpower by doing this.

If anyone can think of a reason why maxing con over int is a bad idea please let me know so I don't have to waste a lesser fixing the build :)

01-15-2016, 07:45 AM
I'm playing a 15 wiz/4 FvS/1 lock right now, and you're right that keeping empyrean magic up is pretty tough. Even with the aura, you needed it to hit mobs for it to proc MOK and empyrean. My thought was to prioritize scorching ray in my rotation more, but that doesn't work as well with so many fire immunes in current end game.

That said, they're both pretty significant boost in DPS. I'm currently thinking something like 12 FvS/8 wiz split. Archon means empyrean is kept up pretty much all the time, so you'd only need to worry about MOK which simplifies things a lot. I don't think the answer is dropping either of these abilities. They are both way too strong to be ignore IMO.

Just charge it to 10 outside of fights with an eternal wand. If you need to charge it more quickly use unmeta'd close wounds.
Once you have it at 10 hellball easily keeps it fully stacked when fighting.

01-15-2016, 07:57 AM
If anyone can think of a reason why maxing con over int is a bad idea please let me know so I don't have to waste a lesser fixing the build :)

DCs for energy burst and hellball mainly. My shiradi gets both to 60ish.
I'm thinking of switching from main Int to main Con, because that DC doesn't seem to cut it anyway in the higher end quests. Having 90 more HP however would help a lot (I'm currently at 900ish on a sun-elf with 14 starting con).
3 less spellpower isn't important IMO (due to lower spellcraft skill).

01-15-2016, 10:10 AM
Just charge it to 10 outside of fights with an eternal wand. If you need to charge it more quickly use unmeta'd close wounds.
Once you have it at 10 hellball easily keeps it fully stacked when fighting.

Yeah I just tested with cure light wounds unmeta'd and it can be used to charge up before fights cheaply. Spawn screen also works for a few more sp if you want to rotate 2 spells to quickly charge up, but it no longer charges up for each party member hit by the spell as it once did.

I threw in avenging light as a twist in my spell rotation for now, but may not need it. The damage isn't too bad for a 3sp sla.

DCs for energy burst and hellball mainly. My shiradi gets both to 60ish.
I'm thinking of switching from main Int to main Con, because that DC doesn't seem to cut it anyway in the higher end quests. Having 90 more HP however would help a lot (I'm currently at 900ish on a sun-elf with 14 starting con).
3 less spellpower isn't important IMO (due to lower spellcraft skill).

Yeah that ship sailed with U29 - even maxing out int I don't think my energy burst or hellball DC is in a range that matters. It might be different if someone is playing a shiradi caster with their main character and have completionist, littany, max tomes, etc. This character isn't a maxed out character. The only reason I can think of to keep int as my main stat is that the DC might matter in LH raids, but this character's dps is still good without those 2 spells hitting for max on LH. I would rather build around LE.

01-15-2016, 11:00 AM
Here is the quick math on spell crit chance and multiplier before empyrean magic, arcane supremacy, etc.

Crit Chance
23: Dire Impulsive Ring
5: Magical Training
1: Mental Toughness
1: Improved Mental Toughness
1: Epic Mental Toughness
3: Spell Critical: Elemental and Force 1
3: Spell Critical: Elemental and Force 2
4: Spell Critical: Elemental and Force 3
4: Spell Critical: Elemental and Force 4
2: Smiting: First Rank
2: Smiting: Second Rank
1: Interrogation
10: Empyrean Magic
Total Sustainable Critical Chance: 60

85% Spell Critical Chance when Arcane Supremacy is active

Crit Multiplier
25: Scion of Plane of Fire
60: Master of Knowledge

85 Sustainable Crit Multiplier (I would like to eventually get 4 piece LGS set but that will be quite a while).

25: Delighter's Docent
20: Wellspring of Power
100: Arcane Supremacy

230 Surge Crit Multiplier when Arcane Supremacy, Wellspring of Power and Delighter's Docent activated

01-15-2016, 01:30 PM
Here is the quick math on spell crit chance and multiplier before empyrean magic, arcane supremacy, etc.

Crit Chance
23: Dire Impulsive Ring
5: Magical Training
1: Mental Toughness
1: Improved Mental Toughness
1: Epic Mental Toughness
6: Magister enhancements
4: Angel of Vengeance enhancements
1: Interrogation

Total should be 42 but I am showing 50 on my sheet before empyrean magic, arcane supremacy, etc.. Does anyone know where that extra 8% is coming from? Is it just a display bug? I swapped of all items, switched destinies, etc. and nothing seems to be working better than advertised. I didn't try resetting enhancements yet.

Assuming the 50 showing is correct. It would be 60% with empyrean magic at full charges and 85% with arcane supremacy active.

Crit Multiplier
25: Scion of Plane of Fire
60: Master of Knowledge

85 Sustainable Crit Multiplier (I would like to eventually get 4 piece LGS set but that will be quite a while).

25: Delighter's Docent
20: Wellspring of Power
100: Arcane Supremacy

230 Surge Crit Multiplier when Arcane Supremacy, Wellspring of Power and Delighter's Docent activated

8% is coming from archmage enhancements (description is wrong).

01-15-2016, 01:33 PM
Just charge it to 10 outside of fights with an eternal wand. If you need to charge it more quickly use unmeta'd close wounds.
Once you have it at 10 hellball easily keeps it fully stacked when fighting.

Run speed drop from wanding doesn't sound appealing, but I'll try out close wounds. Thanks for the tip.

01-15-2016, 02:26 PM
8% is coming from archmage enhancements (description is wrong).

Ty I confirmed this and updated my post.

01-15-2016, 03:32 PM
I used a lesser +3 to get back to 15 wizard / 3 paladin / 2 fvs and now master of knowledge isn't working. Does anyone know if there is anything besides warlock aura that suppresses it?

I tried turning off colors of the queen, prism, defense stance, etc. No luck. I removed empyrean magic as a twist - no luck.

01-15-2016, 04:40 PM
I wonder if it is the LR process itself that sets the flag (with no way to turn it off since you don't have aura).

01-28-2016, 01:42 PM
My Shiradi Wizard is a straight 18th level wizard / 2 lvl Favored.
( still has delusions of being an effective DC Evocation Caster )

Anyway I set up three seperate bars attack spell hot key bars:

Standard Force and Fire
Force Immune
Fire Immune.

For the fire Immune, I'm finding Nimbus of Light works well to keep Empyrean Magic going. With Lantern Ring the damage ( not wasting sp by putting metas on it ) is weak but not pathetic. More importantly even without Quicken it casts really fast. I can add it to my spell rotation without missing a beat. Also its a ray so no range problems.

05-09-2016, 04:27 AM
I still need 2 more Deep Gnome lives for my rogue after doing a shiradi 12/6/2 fvs wiz rogue trapper. The problems I feel with more wizard levels on a fleshy is lose of cure spell and the loss of archon for empyream. Blade Barrier was also strong hitting for 500-800 dmg on a save. I also found the wizard set from eveningstar to be useful set for the 10% spell point cost. Think maximise was costing me 2 spell points.

Is it worth going 12 levels of Wiz for force missiles as cant see much benefit doing higher than 10 for the feat on fleshy when more favored would would get better cure spells.

Im thinking for fleshy build 10/6/4, 9/7/4 or 9/8/3 wiz/fvs/pal. Anyone got any opinions?

05-10-2016, 06:35 AM
I still need 2 more Deep Gnome lives for my rogue after doing a shiradi 12/6/2 fvs wiz rogue trapper. The problems I feel with more wizard levels on a fleshy is lose of cure spell and the loss of archon for empyream. Blade Barrier was also strong hitting for 500-800 dmg on a save. I also found the wizard set from eveningstar to be useful set for the 10% spell point cost. Think maximise was costing me 2 spell points.

Is it worth going 12 levels of Wiz for force missiles as cant see much benefit doing higher than 10 for the feat on fleshy when more favored would would get better cure spells.

Im thinking for fleshy build 10/6/4, 9/7/4 or 9/8/3 wiz/fvs/pal. Anyone got any opinions?

12 Wiz for wraith form and the APs to heal with neg energy, make sure you pick up death aura spells (rare scroll).
3 Warlock || paladin || artificer if you want trapping more

Can get medium armor without asf, light shield for defense if needed (just for leveling usually dps setup is better)

05-15-2016, 12:05 PM
12 Wiz for wraith form and the APs to heal with neg energy, make sure you pick up death aura spells (rare scroll).
3 Warlock || paladin || artificer if you want trapping more

Can get medium armor without asf, light shield for defense if needed (just for leveling usually dps setup is better)

Dont know why I didn't think of going undead for fleshy build. Shadow mail is a good example of no asf meduim armor. Heroic is ml16 with 10asf which is same ml for spell agility aug 10. While ee shadowmail has no asf.

The other option for wiz life I was thinking was pdk instead of deep gnome as a centered undead kensei with a 12 wiz 6 fighter 2 monk build.

06-30-2016, 05:34 AM
I didn't change the build at all - I simply reworked my gear a bit to take advantage of new items - most importantly legendary pansophic circlet which is a potency item on steriods.

New gear
Goggles: LGS tier 2: Profane spell points 151 spellcraft 22 comp, Insight spell points 151, spellcraft 11 insight
Legendary pansophic circlet (Heavy fort slotted with +1 mythic bonus)
Epic Noxious Embers (Deathblock, Resistance 8 slotted)
Manual of Stealthy Pilfering -upgraded (Protection +8 slotted)
Legendary Earthen Mantle (+2 ins int slotted), +3 mythic bonus
Epic Chord of Reprisals (globe of imperial true blood, false life 40 slotted)
Lantern Ring (vitality 20, draconic soul gem slotted)
Gauntlets of the Arcane Soldier (Ins Con +2, Sonic Resist 40 slotted)
Boots of Blessed Travels (Repair +15, Armored Agility +2 slotted)
Hardy 15 False Life 58 ring (diplomacy 15 slotted)
Dissolution (festive int +2, spell agility +15 slotted)
Legendary Heartwood Docent (natural armor +8 slotted with +2 mythic bonus)
Epic Rod of Mythant (meridian fragment slotted with +4 mythic bonus)
LGS Sceptre tier 3 Vacuum: Int +15, Quality MRR + 9, Exc electric Spellpower 37 (3rd tier shard was leftover from a failed idea but gives this character vacuum which is a nice party dps boost)
Epic Quiver of Alacrity

The build is still able to easily handle LE content. Ruin/Greater Ruin would speed up the boss dps significantly, but the only thing I would consider giving up is epic mental toughness. Stars aligned Greater Ruin would be amazing obviously, but it would require giving up intensify and epic mental toughness which lowers dps on all other spells so I decided to rely on mm/cm/arcane pulse for boss damage even though it means slower quest completion.

Interestingly enough the build was able to handle LE content even before the gear upgrades. Although I use alot of raid gear because I was running so many raids when that gear came out - none of it is really needed. There is a new ring coming out with 15% spell lore that can replace the necklace. There are also 13-14% spell lore random items - all gloves I believe. Dissolution I will probably replace with a random item since I don't really need anything on it and I already have 2 redundant augments I can unslot at anytime and replace with what is in the bracers (deathblock redundant with cloak and false life redundant with ring), I just haven't found anything good enough to make me use a jeweler's kit.

The goggles are also only netting me 13 spellpower since tier 1 no longer stacks with my gloves, but I also get the 300+ spell points. I would consider replacing those if I could find something useful that raises my dps significantly.

Both my LGS is tier 2 which is fine. I won't bother with tier 3 on this character since the impact on dps is nil.

Giving up the TF docent with 30 Damage Reduction was tough, but I do have 10 DR from my cloak and the extra PRR is giving me some extra damage reduction as well. I don't notice the difference in DR at all, but the repair amp bonus I do notice so it was worth the swap. TF docent + legendary construct's mantle is also a solid option.

06-30-2016, 07:04 AM
New gear
Goggles: LGS tier 2: Profane spell points 151 spellcraft 22 comp, Insight spell points 151, spellcraft 11 insight
Legendary pansophic circlet (Heavy fort slotted with +1 mythic bonus)
Epic Noxious Embers (Deathblock, Resistance 8 slotted)
Manual of Stealthy Pilfering -upgraded (Protection +8 slotted)
Cloak of Night level 24
Epic Chord of Reprisals (globe of imperial true blood, false life 40 slotted)
Lantern Ring (vitality 20, draconic soul gem slotted)
Gauntlets of the Arcane Soldier (Ins Con +2, Sonic Resist 40 slotted)
Boots of Blessed Travels (Repair +15, Armored Agility +2 slotted)
Hardy 15 False Life 58 ring (diplomacy 15 slotted)
Dissolution (festive int +2, spell agility +15 slotted)
Legendary Heartwood Docent (natural armor +8 slotted with +2 mythic bonus)
Epic Rod of Mythant (meridian fragment slotted with +4 mythic bonus)
LGS Sceptre tier 2: int +15, ins int +7
Epic Quiver of Alacrity

My current set up on 13/4/3warlock :

LGS goggles (acid spell crit 20%, electric spell crit 10% insight, uncon range 32)
Planar Compass
Earthen Mantle
Chord of Reprisals
Kinetic lore 24 ring
Gauntlets of Arcane Soldier
LGS boots ( electric spell crit 20%, Spell points 151+ int skills 11, deathblock)
Lantern Ring
Bracers +15 con
Docent of Celestial Sage
Vacuum kama ( 150 electric power, 7 int, 37 electric power)
Golden Orb of Death

This set up has higher force power and prr than your listed equipment. Along with more electric and acid critical multiplier.

The lgs bonus gives me 12% spell points for a total of 3761.
HP 911 ( am first life on +4 tomes)
int 47
con 44
prr/mrr 101/60

I'm looking to get 5 piece lgs set bonus and will give up cloak, bracers, and belt for the other 3 eventually. I was thinking of giving up orb of death, kinetic lore ring, and embers once New u32 ring comes out with spell lore. I can then use Rod of Mythan and gain implement bonus, slot Resonation on neck.

06-30-2016, 07:21 AM

My current spellpower, crit chance and multiplier. Buffed with +20 meridia potions, wellspring, spellpower boost fvs, and empyrean.

The max spllpower would be +110 universal more than pictured due to MoK stacks, and an additional 30 to fire, force, light from scourge stacks. Max spell critical chance +25% higher than pictured from Arcane Supremacy. And max critical multiplier +160% higher than pictured from Supremacy and MoK.

06-30-2016, 08:00 AM

My current spellpower, crit chance and multiplier. Buffed with +20 meridia potions, wellspring, spellpower boost fvs, and empyrean.

The max spllpower would be +110 universal more than pictured due to MoK stacks, and an additional 30 to fire, force, light from scourge stacks. Max spell critical chance +25% higher than pictured from Arcane Supremacy. And max critical multiplier +160% higher than pictured from Supremacy and MoK.
Ty I am not a big fan of screenshots for spell power because I've seen Too much fudging. If you can provide a breakdown that would be great.

06-30-2016, 08:27 AM
Ty I am not a big fan of screenshots for spell power because I've seen Too much fudging. If you can provide a breakdown that would be great.

I'm not into fudging builds. ;p

90 mok
20 tainted spellcasting
150 wellspring
20 fvs spell power boost
99 spellcraft
20 greater potions
60 universal from lv 30
30 scion of fire
131 potency
27 quality potency
65 insightful potency
10 shiradi cores 2 and 4
15 fey from shiradi
2 fey srping tier 1 shiradi
20 empyrean
5 interrogation
4.5 from 6 ap into tainted scholar
5 from 1 ap into soul eater core 1
10 when equipped with orb from AM tree
28 AoV tree 28 ap
3 from EK 6 ap
1 mythic trinket bonus ( :( )

Non-universals :

55 perform
20 epic force
30 scourge fire, force, light
138 magnetism augment
150 combustion on Embers
187 electric vacuum kama
144 resonance Chord
184 force Mantle
144 radiance lantern Ring

06-30-2016, 08:59 AM
I'm not into fudging builds. ;p

90 mok
20 tainted spellcasting
150 wellspring
20 fvs spell power boost
99 spellcraft
20 greater potions
60 universal from lv 30
30 scion of fire
131 potency
27 quality potency
65 insightful potency
10 shiradi cores 2 and 4
15 fey from shiradi
2 fey srping tier 1 shiradi
20 empyrean
5 interrogation
4.5 from 6 ap into tainted scholar
5 from 1 ap into soul eater core 1
10 when equipped with orb from AM tree
28 AoV tree 28 ap
3 from EK 6 ap
1 mythic trinket bonus ( :( )

Non-universals :

55 perform
20 epic force
30 scourge fire, force, light
138 magnetism augment
150 combustion on Embers
187 electric vacuum kama
144 resonance Chord
184 force Mantle
144 radiance lantern Ring

ty I forgot about mantle since I've been away. I need to get one of those for sure for 34 more force.

I am not seeing any real difference in sustainable spell power looking over your list. You are using two lgs weapons? I don't see implement bonus or meridian fragment which is why I ask.

06-30-2016, 09:35 AM
ty I forgot about mantle since I've been away. I need to get one of those for sure for 34 more force.

I am not seeing any real difference in sustainable spell power looking over your list. You are using two lgs weapons? I don't see implement bonus or meridian fragment which is why I ask.
I use vacuum lgs kama and orb of death with meridian slotted. Meridian proc doesnt stack with everything I listed above and decided to not list the bonus. Also getting hit in LE raids is not going to give me a meridian proc because I will die before it does ;p)

you have additional 2 spellcraft from spellcraft 22 item, int item 15 for 6 more craft, and manual +6 and good luck 3. total of 15 higher there than my set up.

Rod mythan 34 implement bonus and 4 mythic total of 38 + 9 + 6 = 53 spellpower. I recoup some of it from 10 off orb equipped and quality potency 27 on armor(12 higher than Pansophic), 27 total lower than your set up for universal. But the gain is 9 extra kinetic crit chance, 5 universal crit chance, 30 electric crit multiplier, 20 acid multiplier, and 187 stacking magnetism.

06-30-2016, 10:00 AM
I use vacuum lgs kama and orb of death with meridian slotted. Meridian proc doesnt stack with everything I listed above and decided to not list the bonus. Also getting hit in LE raids is not going to give me a meridian proc because I will die before it does ;p)

you have additional 2 spellcraft from spellcraft 22 item, int item 15 for 6 more craft, and manual +6 and good luck 3. total of 15 higher there than my set up.

Rod mythan 34 implement bonus and 4 mythic total of 38 + 9 + 6 = 53 spellpower. I recoup some of it from 10 off orb equipped and quality potency 27 on armor(12 higher than Pansophic), 27 total lower than your set up for universal. But the gain is 9 extra kinetic crit chance, 5 universal crit chance, 30 electric crit multiplier, 20 acid multiplier, and 187 stacking magnetism.
I assume that is the 10% from tainted scholar.

i am ok with that. I am sitting at 1500hp 4000sp and over 150prr. That's the trade off between warlock levels and pal levels. I don't really bother with acid and electric except as deep backups.

06-30-2016, 11:52 AM
I assume that is the 10% from tainted scholar.

i am ok with that. I am sitting at 1500hp 4000sp and over 150prr. That's the trade off between warlock levels and pal levels. I don't really bother with acid and electric except as deep backups.

Not sure what you mean by the 10% from tainted scholar. That is a critical multiplier if that's what youre asking about?

That hp, prr, and sp from past lives though and a 36 point build? The build cannot get there without material lgs bonus for the hp, and prr for the past lives.

There is not enough AP to spend 13 in stalwart.

35 ap in AM. Can't really cut any of that and the only option there to cut is a tier from arcane blast. I rather have 6 second cooldown for MoK stacker than 1 ap extra and 12 second cooldown.

28 points into AoV. Shaving off from there would mean less smiting lines, less caster levels for CM spam, no spell power boost, or no stacking maximize reductions.

6 in EK for 5% asf reduction
4 in racial for 15% asf reduced

That leaves the build with 7 ap to spare. I placed it into warlock trees for 70 universal power. Depravity is 25 spell power and 2 dcs to your spells, 3 spellcraft, and 4.5 from 6 ap spent. Another point in soul eater for 1st core is 5 universal. 7 ap for a total of 37.5 spellpower. The 10% crit multi is 35 spellpower then that is 72.5 total.

Stalwart can get 25 prr for 6 ap. Leaves 1 ap then. No way it's getting 20% hp in stalwart though without giving up a lot of the things listed in the aov trees.

The acid and electric critical multipliers and magnetism spellpower is for electric energy burst, chain lit, prismatic spray's orange and yellow beams, and hellball. 30 electric multiplier and 187 stacking magnetism comes out to 292 electric power. 20 acid multiplier is 70 acid spellpower. I probably should have went with cold over acid for Niac's and Ice Storm, but this makes hellball and prismatic spray better overall.

06-30-2016, 01:16 PM
Not sure what you mean by the 10% from tainted scholar. That is a critical multiplier if that's what youre asking about?

That hp, prr, and sp from past lives though and a 36 point build? The build cannot get there without material lgs bonus for the hp, and prr for the past lives.

There is not enough AP to spend 13 in stalwart.

35 ap in AM. Can't really cut any of that and the only option there to cut is a tier from arcane blast. I rather have 6 second cooldown for MoK stacker than 1 ap extra and 12 second cooldown.

28 points into AoV. Shaving off from there would mean less smiting lines, less caster levels for CM spam, no spell power boost, or no stacking maximize reductions.

6 in EK for 5% asf reduction
4 in racial for 15% asf reduced

That leaves the build with 7 ap to spare. I placed it into warlock trees for 70 universal power. Depravity is 25 spell power and 2 dcs to your spells, 3 spellcraft, and 4.5 from 6 ap spent. Another point in soul eater for 1st core is 5 universal. 7 ap for a total of 37.5 spellpower. The 10% crit multi is 35 spellpower then that is 72.5 total.

Stalwart can get 25 prr for 6 ap. Leaves 1 ap then. No way it's getting 20% hp in stalwart though without giving up a lot of the things listed in the aov trees.

The acid and electric critical multipliers and magnetism spellpower is for electric energy burst, chain lit, prismatic spray's orange and yellow beams, and hellball. 30 electric multiplier and 187 stacking magnetism comes out to 292 electric power. 20 acid multiplier is 70 acid spellpower. I probably should have went with cold over acid for Niac's and Ice Storm, but this makes hellball and prismatic spray better overall.

I have 2 levels of fvs for just reward and scourge so I have the ap for it. I've run this build with warlock and more fvs levels and honestly I didn't really notice any dps loss with this split. The extra spell power and crits for energy burst and hellball makes sense. It's working really good on le right now but I might take a look at lgs options at some point.

i appreciate all the good ideas.

06-30-2016, 07:25 PM
I have 2 levels of fvs for just reward and scourge so I have the ap for it. I've run this build with warlock and more fvs levels and honestly I didn't really notice any dps loss with this split. The extra spell power and crits for energy burst and hellball makes sense. It's working really good on le right now but I might take a look at lgs options at some point.

i appreciate all the good ideas.

I think you just convinced me that 3 pally is the better splash. 25 prr for 6 ap, fear immunity, disease immunity, and +12 to saves. The only cool thing about the warlock splash is running around without weapon and orb displayed. Makes me feel caster-ly ;p Also blast works on Abbot and Wiz King where missile spam will not. But, yeah other than that 12 to saves and 25 prr would fix the weaknesses on my character.

09-09-2016, 07:08 PM
Belt: Epic Chord of Reprisals (gives 144 sonic spellpower) with False life 40 slotted

Why sonic and not force ?

I just finished my 2nd Wiz life and am now a lvl 15 BF using your build. I am trying Shiradi for the first time and I thought Chain/Magic missiles were force spells, so I am confused as to why you are taking sonic. I didn't see any sonic spells in the spell list.

Thanks. Great build so far.

09-09-2016, 07:40 PM
Why sonic and not force ?

I just finished my 2nd Wiz life and am now a lvl 15 BF using your build. I am trying Shiradi for the first time and I thought Chain/Magic missiles were force spells, so I am confused as to why you are taking sonic. I didn't see any sonic spells in the spell list.

Thanks. Great build so far.

The real strength of the build comes when you get to epic levels and are able to run in the shiradi destiny. This destiny has 4 types of procs that have a chance to proc on each missle:

1) force procs
2) sonic procs
3) double rainbow procs (random good stuff)
4) nerve venom that makes enemies helpless

So it's basically for the sonic procs in the shiradi destiny at epic levels. I agree at heroic levels there is no need for sonic. I need to update some of my level 30 gear which I'll do shortly after the next update, but the force spellpower and crit chance comes from the weapon.

09-10-2016, 12:55 AM
nice build, if I come back I think I will tr my warforged AM into it, its an old scroll farming toon............yeah that old lol, form 2011. Have some levels of fatesinger done at least. How would this do in n or h shroud epic, second life, some basic gear? He was also an old shroud farmer for heroic be nice to have a mat farmer for my main. And if I like it might put more PL and gear into him.

09-10-2016, 06:17 AM
The real strength of the build comes when you get to epic levels and are able to run in the shiradi destiny. This destiny has 4 types of procs that have a chance to proc on each missle:

1) force procs
2) sonic procs
3) double rainbow procs (random good stuff)
4) nerve venom that makes enemies helpless

So it's basically for the sonic procs in the shiradi destiny at epic levels. I agree at heroic levels there is no need for sonic. I need to update some of my level 30 gear which I'll do shortly after the next update, but the force spellpower and crit chance comes from the weapon.

Ok, thank you. That explains why you took Perform skills.

09-26-2016, 11:49 AM
My first-lifer is now at level 18. I still have a 14% ASF, but I did get a good deal on a Sapphire of Spell Agility +15 in the AH, so I am ready for level 20.
I have some questions.

Can I wear Twilight Heavy Armor and reduce my ASF, and boost my AC that way ?
Is the arcane bolt or burst worth taking ?

Thanks for the build slarden.

09-26-2016, 12:10 PM
I can't believe I missed this ...would have really come in handy 10 days ago, but food for thought on my next Wizzy life :)

10-27-2016, 06:09 PM
Well I'm level 24 now and got to Shiradi. I had to use a key of destiny but it was worth it.
You are correct about the capped Shiradi destiny doing great DPS. Sure is fun, and I'm only a 2nd life Wiz.

I'm having a little trouble farming the gear for level 25, but it doesn't matter. The build is fun.

Thank for the build.

10-27-2016, 07:40 PM
I just took level 26. Your original build said to take Spell Power Force, but that is not an option any longer, so I took Spell Power Fire.

10-28-2016, 08:22 AM
I just took level 26. Your original build said to take Spell Power Force, but that is not an option any longer, so I took Spell Power Fire.

You probably don't have the prereq. Force requires a capped destiny in the arcane sphere. Elemental spell powers require one in either arcane or primal.
I guess you have a capped destiny in the primal sphere but none in the arcane one.

10-28-2016, 08:59 AM
You probably don't have the prereq. Force requires a capped destiny in the arcane sphere. Elemental spell powers require one in either arcane or primal.
I guess you have a capped destiny in the primal sphere but none in the arcane one.

Thanks for the feedback. You are correct. I don't have 6Million in any destiny yet. I used key of destiny to jump to Shiradi because I was anxious to try it.
I will cap all the destinies before I ETR, so I will be able to pick Epic Spell Power Force next time.

06-02-2017, 12:51 PM
Does this build still reign supreme for end game? I have read the entire 6 pages of this thread(that was a lot)!! The only thing that I am not grasping is the understanding of first life. Slarden mentions in his early posts to get a LR which the game gives it to you for free, I guess because I am VIP? He also goes on to say to use it to get rid of the paladin level, well which level? There are 3 paladin levels.... But as I kept reading I saw that Unbongwah(sp?) revamped Slarden's for a different race?


Ugh, Firefox ate my first draft, so now you get the abridged version. :p

If you want to be a fleshy wizard who's not a Pale Master, then you have to invest in other self-healing options. The obvious choices for epics are Rejuvenation Cocoon and Consecration+Sacred Ground (which also meshes well with a fire spec). But what about heroic leveling? You could just stock up on Cure pots, use hires, etc. - i.e., all the usual consumable options - but let's dust off an old build concept: Dragonmarked halfling Archmage.

15/3/2 Wizard/Paladin/Favored Soul
Lawful Good Halfling

Level Order

1. Favored Soul 6. Wizard 11. Wizard 16. Wizard
2. Wizard 7. Wizard 12. Wizard 17. Paladin
3. Wizard 8. Wizard 13. Wizard 18. Paladin
4. Wizard 9. Wizard 14. Wizard 19. Paladin
5. Wizard 10. Wizard 15. Favored Soul 20. Wizard

28pt 32pt Tome Level Up
---- ---- ---- --------
Strength 8 8 4: INT
Dexterity 10 10 8: INT
Constitution 16 16 +5 12: INT
Intelligence 18 18 +2 16: INT
Wisdom 8 8 20: INT
Charisma 8 12 24: INT
28: INT

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Concent 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 23
Spellcr 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 4 23
Diplo 4 1 7 7 2 1 1 23
Heal 4 1 2½ ½ 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 3 21
Perform 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11
Search 2 1½ ½ 1 1 1 1 1½ ½ 1 11
UMD 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 11
Tumble 1 1
24 6 6 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9


1 : Least Dragonmark: Healing
1 Deity : Follower of: Sovereign Host
2 Wizard : Maximize Spell
3 : Empower Healing Spell
6 : Extend Spell
6 Wizard : Empower Spell
9 : Insightful Reflexes
11 Wizard : Mental Toughness
12 : Improved Mental Toughness
15 : Spell Focus: Evocation
18 : Toughness
20 Wizard : Heighten Spell
21 Epic : Epic Mental Toughness
24 Epic : Epic Toughness
26 Destiny: Epic Spell Power: Force
27 Epic : Ruin
28 Destiny: Hellball

Enhancements (80 AP)

Halfling (12 AP)

Halfling Luck

Jorasco Dragonmark Focus III, Acrobatic I
Lesser Dragonmark of Healing, Break out the Leeches, Nimble Reaction I
Greater Dragonmark of Healing

Archmage (32 AP)

Magic Missile, Gust of Wind, Chain Missile, Fire Shield

Traditionalist Caster III, Spell Critical, Wand and Scroll Mastery III
Efficient Maximize III, Spell Critical
Spell Critical, Intelligence
School Mastery: Evocation, Spell Critical, Intelligence
Arcane Supremacy

Eldritch Knight (Wizard) (8 AP)

Eldritch Strike, Spellsword: Acid

Improved Mage Armor III, Battlemage I
Light Armor Proficiency

Sacred Defender (13 AP)

Holy Bastion, Sacred Defense

Durable Defense III, Sacred Armor Mastery I
Instinctive Defense I, Resilient Defense III
Tenacious Defense III

Angel of Vengeance (14 AP)

Font of Power

Scourge III, Animus III, Smiting
Just Reward III, Smiting

Warpriest (1 AP)

Smite Foe

Destiny (24 AP)

Shiradi Champion

Wild Shots III, Healing Spring III, Illusion of Well Being I
Prism, Fey Spring I, Fey Form II
Double Rainbow, Elemental Absorption I
Nerve Venom III
Audience with the Queen, Rain of Arrows

Twists of Fate (30 fate points)

Energy Burst: Fire (Tier 4 Draconic)
Sacred Ground (Tier 3 Crusader)
Consecration (Tier 2 Crusader)
Rejuvenation Cocoon (Tier 1 Primal)

EDIT: In essence, you trade WF body feat for Dragonmark and invest in Heal instead of Repair skill. Taking FvS at lvl 1 delays your wiz spells but unlocks both CCW wands and FvS skills (Heal, Diplo).

Listed Twists are a best-case scenario after earning Epic Completionist; naturally you'll have to tweak it to fit however many Fate pts and unlocked EDs you actually have.

One drawback is halflings don't get racial ASF reduction like elves do; this configuration gets -10% from EK and -15% from a blue augment, not enough for heavy armor but good enough for medium. You could pick up more ASF reduction from EK, but that costs a lot more APs and isn't worth it, IMHO. EDIT: the important point is med armor is sufficient to enable Tenacious Defense as well as providing more PRR than lt armor.

Not much of a difference than Slarden's, however... still confused of Slarden's original post to get rid of the paladin level yet there are 3 of them and he mentions that he likes to have the 3 levels for what that brings to the table. So, I guess all in all, what I am looking for is a right up of what to get and when to get it, for a new player. I like how Unbongwah wrote out that build, it breaks it all down for the not so knowledge players like myself. I have purchased BF and FvS. Is there anything else I need to get for this build to work and I may get started on it?

Thank you!

06-04-2017, 04:22 AM
It means that you have to use a LR +1 to remove the paladin level that, as an iconic race, bladeforged start with.

Slardens original build plan has kept the paladin level at L1 so you'll be fine just following that leveling plan.

With the increased crit damage from scion of fire and master of knowledge (and others) the value of crit chance is considerably higher. This means better splits for U29 are :

13 wizard / 3 warlock / 4 favored soul: warlock aura procs empyrean magic and master of knowledge. This is a 14% additional crit chance vs. current build while losing 20% hp bonus and some prr, mrr. This is a max dps version.

13 wizard / 3 paladin / 4 favored soul: a more defensive version without empyrean magic, but still taking advantage of the extra 4% crit chance from 2 more favored soul levels and increasing caster level by 4.

The existing split 15 wizard / 3 paladin / 2 favored soul works just fine and is more survivable than both the other splits due to the extra recon sla, 20% extra hp and 25 PRR/MRR. DPS is still solid. So you will need to weight offense/defense and choose a split that works best for you.

The above suggestion is you either change the number of wizard levels vs FvS or use an LR+1 to remove the paladin level once you've leveled to 15 and take three warlock levels for more DPS and easy empyrean procs.

(The character planner here https://www.ddo.com/forums/showthread.php/455712-Character-Builder-Lite is an excellent way to plan your build.)

06-04-2017, 09:40 AM
Thank you tapster for the response!

06-06-2017, 10:06 PM
I am sorry I haven't kept up on this or other build threads. I was in a bad car accident in February and have multiple fractured vertebrae among other issues that is limiting my play time. I played quite a bit of reaper before I realized the extent of my injuries but now I am focused mostly on rehab and physical therapy exercises in my spare time and it will be close to a year before I can consider playing the same amount of time I played previously.

In non-reaper content the build is as effective as ever. If you plan to play low skull reaper the build will work with repair amp and a good repair spellpower that basically makes up for the reaper healing penalty. Once you get to mid skull or higher healing via repairs vs fleshy healing is a big negative since your amp potential is lower and getting healing from others is less effective.

If you want to solo or run low skull reaper it's still an effective build. Above that I think you would want to look at warlock which doesn't require alot of past lifes and benefits from some OP abilities in reaper (charms, temp hp which isn't subject to healing penalty).

06-07-2017, 09:08 AM
So sorry to hear about your accident. Hope things get better for you soon!

06-09-2017, 08:25 PM
Personally I went with putting 20 levels into a ranger. ( Though the past life of a druid or barbarian may have been more valuable ) Because I felt grinding out multiple martial and primal spheres to get to primal would have been much more grinding. And I wanted Shiradi and Healing Cocoon as early as possible in Epics.

I then TR'd into a sun-elf wizard 17, favored 2 and cleric 1. ( at the time cleric gave me heavy armor, and heavy armored mage was a thing before PRR and MRR got nerfed )

Since then a lot changed

Heavy armor PRR and MRR got nerfed.
Powerball and powerbolt got metamagics and suddenly became viable.
Master of knowledge, Intensify came to be
I splurged for a +1 LR heart of wood to get rid of the cleric level.

So if i were to do it now ....

1) I'd still do a druid or barbarian life so Shiradi could be my first destiny. And Healing Cocoon my first twist. Then reincarnate as a Deep Gnome.
2) If I didn't do that I'd go warforged or bladeforged to get self healing because hires are unreliable and group healers have become exceedingly rare. ( Recently playing my druid wolf I shocked the other members of my team because I threw heal spells their way in addition to fighting. "people still do that?")
3) I'd go with powerball and power bolt because the damage is good and master of knowledge really boosts shiradi damage
4) To keep them effective I'd take as many wizard levels as possible ( except of course 2 levels for favored for the constant fountain of temp sp)
5) Then once I had cocoon and done shiradi I'd work my way through the epic desiny spheres to Empryeon Casting under Divine Crusader.
6) Wouldn't worry about reaching 6 mil in any destiny as the first reincarnation upon reaching level 30 would be Iconic so I could get the wizard past life feat. ( Which has the only purchased past life feat I think worth getting )

Come to think of it, I'm probably not a true Shiradi caster, but more of a hybrid. I'm casting a lot a shiradi type spells.( scorching ray, magic missile(SLA), chain missile(SLA), magic missle ) but mixing in power bolt and powerball as well. And my DC while not great it isn't horrible either.

Defense is a bit of a problem but after Int I'd put everything else into Con. Wearing the best Sheltering item I can find. ( guardian ring - guaranteed for completing heroic normal what goes up is good ), increased reflexes, and doing the best I can to find a large or tower shield this character can use without chance of arcane failure. ( except for skyvault they all still require slotting a sapphire to reduce spell failure chance ) and then I try to wear light or medium armor.

06-11-2017, 04:49 AM
Personally I went with putting 20 levels into a ranger. ( Though the past life of a druid or barbarian may have been more valuable ) Because I felt grinding out multiple martial and primal spheres to get to primal would have been much more grinding. And I wanted Shiradi and Healing Cocoon as early as possible in Epics.

I then TR'd into a sun-elf wizard 17, favored 2 and cleric 1. ( at the time cleric gave me heavy armor, and heavy armored mage was a thing before PRR and MRR got nerfed )

Since then a lot changed

Heavy armor PRR and MRR got nerfed.
Powerball and powerbolt got metamagics and suddenly became viable.
Master of knowledge, Intensify came to be
I splurged for a +1 LR heart of wood to get rid of the cleric level.

So if i were to do it now ....

1) I'd still do a druid or barbarian life so Shiradi could be my first destiny. And Healing Cocoon my first twist. Then reincarnate as a Deep Gnome.
2) If I didn't do that I'd go warforged or bladeforged to get self healing because hires are unreliable and group healers have become exceedingly rare. ( Recently playing my druid wolf I shocked the other members of my team because I threw heal spells their way in addition to fighting. "people still do that?")
3) I'd go with powerball and power bolt because the damage is good and master of knowledge really boosts shiradi damage
4) To keep them effective I'd take as many wizard levels as possible ( except of course 2 levels for favored for the constant fountain of temp sp)
5) Then once I had cocoon and done shiradi I'd work my way through the epic desiny spheres to Empryeon Casting under Divine Crusader.
6) Wouldn't worry about reaching 6 mil in any destiny as the first reincarnation upon reaching level 30 would be Iconic so I could get the wizard past life feat. ( Which has the only purchased past life feat I think worth getting )

Come to think of it, I'm probably not a true Shiradi caster, but more of a hybrid. I'm casting a lot a shiradi type spells.( scorching ray, magic missile(SLA), chain missile(SLA), magic missle ) but mixing in power bolt and powerball as well. And my DC while not great it isn't horrible either.

Defense is a bit of a problem but after Int I'd put everything else into Con. Wearing the best Sheltering item I can find. ( guardian ring - guaranteed for completing heroic normal what goes up is good ), increased reflexes, and doing the best I can to find a large or tower shield this character can use without chance of arcane failure. ( except for skyvault they all still require slotting a sapphire to reduce spell failure chance ) and then I try to wear light or medium armor.

When on the epic TR train I played an 18 wiz/2 fvs DC caster in the shiradi destiny for DPS to get my primal lifes (took the mm/cm slas despite being necro focused). It worked really well and that was at a time when DC casting was considered weak. The DPS is slower against bosses obviously but clearing mobs was better with holds and death spells.

06-15-2017, 08:11 PM
As I said in the original post I am assuming you can't get raid gear or difficult-to-farm items.

Here are a few things I would suggest getting as quick as you can:

HEROIC GEAR (all Min level 15 except the rings)
- Sage's Locket (guaranteed end reward - Friends in Low Places -any difficulty)
- Sage's Cuffs (guaranteed end reward - Army of Shadow - any difficulty)
- Sage's Spectacles (guaranteed end reward - A Break in the Ice - any difficulty)
- Guardian's Ring (guaranteed end reward - What Goes Up - any difficulty)
- Sage's Ring (guaranteed end reward - What Goes Up - any difficulty)

- Epic Sage's Locket (guaranteed end reward - Epic Friends in Low Places -any difficulty) [once you are done with ETR, staying in Shiradi and don't need evocation DC you can swap this out for Necklace of Mystic Eidolons from Haunted Halls]
- Bracers: Open spot for now
- Epic Sage's Spectacles (guaranteed end reward - Epic A Break in the Ice - any difficulty)
- Epic Sage's Ring (guaranteed end reward - Epic What Goes Up - any difficulty)
- Lantern Ring (Haunted Halls drop)
- Manual of Stealthy Pilfering (Haunted Halls drop)
- Libram of Silver Magic (Haunted Halls drop)
- Epic Rod of Mythant with Repair 138 slotted.
- Thunderforged Tier 2 Docent (With Guardian option - again this won't require the raid but will require some trading)
- Epic Belt of Thoughtful Rememberance (Epic Fleshmakers Lab) or Epic Chord of Reprisals for more proc DPS (Epic Inferno). If you use Epic Chord of Reprisals the minos may not be the best headgear choice.
- Epic Glimpse of the Soul (Epic Inferno of the Damned)
- Epic Minos Legens (Epic Fleshmakers Lab). (if you use chord for belt blue +3 int dragon helm would be great , but don't farm for it - something better will come out this year and you can use +2 int augment instead. The helm would still give you a slot and +40 hp)
- Epic Fanged Gloves (+11 int and 10% sp reduction for ruin, etc.)

For boots and cloak fill it with what you need - random loot or other named items with slots. If you run shroud it's a good place for greensteel - concordant opp ideally.

Again this isn't necessarily the best gear setup, but it is all you need and is easy to get.

As you are filling out your epic destinies, run Haunted Halls and the Necro IV epic chain frequently for the base items and upgrade ingredients. If you ETR 3 times as recommended running these quests on EH frequently you will have all the named items by the time you are in your final build.

What is a good set of epic gear for Level 30, say if I was able to get the good gear, such as if I'm not first life and running this build. U35

06-23-2017, 04:10 PM
What is a good set of epic gear for Level 30, say if I was able to get the good gear, such as if I'm not first life and running this build. U35

Well ideally you want 5 piece LGS material opposition set for hp bonus, crit damage and the proc. Legendary Golden Orb of Death, Legendary Pansophic Circlet, Legendary Quiver of Alacrity, Legendary Slavers gear (2-3 pieces), a few cannith crafted items to max out con and int. That's more grinding than most want to do and the marginal benefit is maybe 15% more dps.

While I enjoyed playing this build and variations of this build since shortly after U14, it's simply not as good for reaper as it was the past 5 years. One big benefit of the build is easy-button healing with reconstruct. The cost relative to the benefit is too high now with the healing nerf. It's still solid for non-reaper and good for low skull reaper. It drops off starting with mid skulls and when grouping with healers.

I have a few other fleshy shiradi builds that work better in reaper, but am not ready to post those yet. I will say this much - think maxing int instead of dc dumping and having enchant and charms that will work on most enemies despite not being a max DC build. And the basic concept of spamming mm cm for dps while having a good enough enchant DC works well in heroics also. Take the evocation archmage dps slas - all 4.

10-01-2017, 10:38 PM
http://i1281.photobucket.com/albums/a519/slarden/Shiradi%20Enh_zps8cr6snyk.jpg (http://s1281.photobucket.com/user/slarden/media/Shiradi%20Enh_zps8cr6snyk.jpg.html)

Can you update you Enhancement photos? Appreciate the build!

06-30-2018, 05:52 PM
Is there a reason to have elemental absorption if you mostly solo?