View Full Version : Blade of Velsharoon

01-24-2015, 10:14 AM
After seeing the results of The MadCookieQueen's Shadowvar Inflitrator (https://www.ddo.com/forums/showthread.php/452538-Shadovar-Infiltrator) build, I decided to make a few modifications to increase red/purple named dps and greatly enhance its survivability. Class split is 18 wizard / 2 fighter (for the feats and BAB); race is either drow or sun elf; and you single weapon fight with a rapier and orb.

DCs are down by 3-4 in melee mode and 1-2 when in caster mode versus my fully completed 20 wizard PM. Red/Purple named melee only dps is low for a melee, but almost double of what a pure caster will have. Add to that 151 PRR, 195% fortification, DR 60, and always on displacement and it is surivable enough to handle melee combat in EEs.

One of the debates I am having at the moment is if I can handle dropping my Necro DC's down by 1 more in order to fit in Haste boost out of Kensai -- Debate concluded, I went with haste boost.

Note: while this build really doesn't need all the past lives I have, it does benefit from them. Personally, I wouldn't feel comfortable running this in high level EEs without at least 1 wizard past life and tier 2 thunderforged weapons. Even then, you might find yourself better off being in Shadow Caster armor most of the time.

As a rule, if your DCs don't feel like they are high enough and you are failing to land spells more than you would like; I recommend that you run 20 wizard instead. Check out my Pale Master Guide (https://www.ddo.com/forums/showthread.php/405017-Pale-Master-Guide) in that case. This build was built around the concept of adding sustained red/purple dps to my (every past life and all gear) wizard. I wouldn't recommend this over 20 wizard to anyone that is not similarly spec'd.

Race: Sun Elf or Drow
Class: 18 Wizard / 2 Fighter
Heroic Past Lives: Wizard x3, Sorc x3, Fvs x3, Cleric x3, Completionist
Epic Past Lives: Arcane Alacrity x3, Colors x3, Double Strike x3, Power of life and Death x3, Brace x3, Fortification x3

Str: 22 -- (10 base +3 tome +2 completionist +2 litany +1 GoTIB + 2 rage +2 ship)
Dex: 32 -- (8 base +4 tome +2 litany +1 GoTIB +2 completionist +11 item +2 insight +2 ship)
Con: 47 -- (16 base +6 tome +2 completionist +8 item +2 insight +2 litany +1 GoTIB +4 lich +2 rage +2 ship)
Int: 80 -- (20 base +7 tome +7 level ups +4 harper +2 PM +2 SE + 11 item +3 Insight +1 GoTIB +2 litany + 6 destinies +2 Twist +4 lich +2 completionist +2 yugo +2 ship +2 lasting)

Wis: 32 -- (9 base +3 tome +2 completionist +11 Item +2 litany +1 GoTIB +4 Lich +2 ship)
Cha: 33 -- (9 base +4 tome +2 completionist +11 item +2 litany +1 GoTIB +2 Lich +2 ship)

Wizard: Maximize Spell (2),SF: Necro (6), Heighten Spell (11), Quicken Spell (16)
Base: Insightful Reflexes (1), Completionist (3), PL: Wizard (6), GSF: Necro (9), Empower / SF: Trans (12), ISWF (15), IC: Pierce (18), Overwhelming Critical (21), Epic Intelligence (24), Ruin (27)
Destiny: PTWF (26), epic SP: Negative (28)
Fighter: SWF (1), GSWF (20)

Wizard: Pale Master (35 ap):
C: Dark Reaping (1), Zombie (1), Vampire (1), Wraith (1), Lich (1),
I: Deathless Vigor I (2), Spell Critical: Negative (2), Negative Energy Conduit III (3)
Ii: Efficient: Quicken III (6), Spell Critical: Negative (2), Bone Armor III (3)
III: Spell Critical: Negative (2), Intelligence (2),
IV: Spell Critical: Negative (2), Intelligence (2),
V: Improved Shrouding (2), Necromantic Focus (2)

Wizard: Eldritch Knight (8 ap)
C: Eldritch Strike (1), Spellsword: Fire (1)
I: Item Defense (1), Toughness III (3)
II: Martial Training (2)

Sun Elf or Drow (9 ap):
C: Accuracy II (2), Intelligence II (4),

I: Arcane Fluidity III (3)

Harper (24 ap):
C: Agent of Good II (2), Harper Training: Intelligence II (4),
I: Harper Enchantment (2), Strategic Combat (2), Versatile Adept III (3)
II: Know the Angles III (3), Versatile Adept II (2)
III: Strategic Combat (2), Intelligence (2)
IV: Intelligence (2)

Fighter: Kensei (4 ap)
C: Kensei Focus: Light Blades (1)
I: Action Boost: Haste III (3)

Spell DCs:
If in full casting mode add +2 DC (+1 Profane and +1 Unique); add up-to +4 if using non-renewable consumables (Cookies + House D pots) & a bard along. I only added Deific Focus into the Necro DC’s as Death Aura keeps it at +2 nearly all the time. Add up to +2 to all other schools if you charge the Focus first.

Generic to all: +58 (10 base +9 lvl +35 Int +1 wiz +2 augment +1 Guild)

Necromancy: 73 (+58 Generic +2 feats +1 Lich +1 PM +3 ED +6 Item +2 Deific Focus II)
Necromancy (EE MoD): 74 (+59 Generic +2 feats +1 int bonus +1 Lich +1 PM +6 Item +1 Unique +1 profane +2 Deific Focus II)
Enchantment: 62 (+58 Generic +6 Item)
Transmutation: 65 (+58 Generic +6 Item +1 Unique +1 Profane)
Transmutation (EE MoD): 71 (+59 Generic +1 feat +6 Item +1 Unique +1 Profane +3 ED)
Evocation: 61 (67 if dedicated nuking); (+58 Generic +3 Sorc Pls)
Conjuration: 66; (+58 Generic +3 Cleric Pls +5 item)

Core Stats:
Spell Points: 2343
Hit Points: 879
Damage Avoidance: Total of 82.1% of physical damage avoided – 55% chance to avoid getting hit (10% ghostly * 50% Displacement) || 148 PRR || 75 MRR
Fortification: 195% (130% item + 100% undead -50% yugo +15% airship)
Saves: Fort: 55 / Ref: 73 / Will: 50
Avg DA tick: ~166 hp
Avg NEB: ~385 hp

Epic Destinies: Shadow Dancer
I: Intelligence (2); Technician II (2)
II: Intelligence (2); Lithe II (2)
III: Intelligence (2); Shrouding Strike I (1), Cloak of shadows (2), Grim Percision I (1)
IV: Intelligence (2);
V: Intelligence (2); Shadow Manipulation (2)
VI: Intelligence (2); Consume (2)
Twists: Draconic: Energy Burst (4), Magister: Necromancy/Trans Specialist (2), Magister: Intelligence (2), Magister: Intelligence (1)

Epic Destinies: Draconic (EE MoD)
I: Intelligence (2); Energy Sheath III (3)
II: Intelligence (2); Go out with a Bang III (3)
III: Intelligence (2);
IV: Intelligence (2); Energy Burst III: Fire (3), Draconic Spell Knowledge I (1)
V: Intelligence (2); Flyby Attack (1), Dragon Breath: Fire (1)
V: Intelligence (2);
Twists: Fatesinger: Echo’s of the Magister (3), Magister: School Spec: Transmutation (2), Magister: Intelligence (2), Magister: Intelligence (1)

Trinket: Epic Litany (Blue/Yellow: Open | Green: +2 Enchantment)
Head: Epic Deific Focus: (Blue/Yellow: Open | Green: +2 Necromancy )
Neck: Epic Noxious Embers: 150 combustion; Universal Spell Crit 17%; (Yellow: +2 Evocation | Green: Crushing Wave Guard (alchemical resistance ritual)
Goggles: Intricate Field Goggles +3 insightful intelligence (Green: 250 Spell Points | Yellow: GoTIB)
Bracers: Dumathoin’s Bracers (Blue: +40 False Life)
Body: Shadow Dragon Heavy Armor, Shadow caster/Guardian (Blue: -15% ASF | Green: Golem’s Heart)
Cloak: Deathwyrm Cloak (Green: +8 Con)
Ring: EE Consuming Darkness (Green: +2 insight Con) || Circle of Malevolence (Green: +2 insight con)
Ring: Seal of Avithoul
Boots: Epic Boots of the Innocent (Blue/Yellow: Open | Green: +13 Jump)
Gloves: Sanctified Gages (Blue/Yellow: Open | Green: +2 Conjuration)
Belt: Battleragers Harness (Green: Good Luck+2 )

Weapon Sets:
General: +12 TF Rapier 1st Degree Burns; +6 Enchant (Orange: 138 Force SP); Mortal Fear (Colorless: +15 spell craft) || +12 TF Orb 150 Nullification; +6 Necro (Orange: Meridian Fragment); Draconic Reguv (Colorless: +15 Heal)

Red Name: +12 TF Rapier 1st Degree Burns; Dragon’s Edge (Orange: 138 Force SP); Crippling Flames (Colorless: +15 spell craft) || +12 TF Orb 150 Nullification; +6 Necro (Orange: Meridian Fragment); Draconic Reguv (Colorless: +15 Heal)

Nuking: +11 TF Dagger 150 Force; Purple: 138 Glaciation SP (Orange: 138 Corrosion SP); (Colorless: +15 spell craft) || +12 TF Orb 150 Nullification; +6 Necro (Orange: Meridian Fragment); Eternal Chilling Darkness (Colorless: +15 Heal)

Stone to Flesh: +11 TF Quarterstaff 150 Nullification; +1 Exceptional DC; +6 Trans DC; (Red: 138 Force SP Orange: +2 Transmutation)
Max Necro: +11 TF Quarterstaff 150 Nullification; +1 Exceptional DC; +6 Necro DC; (Red: 138 Force SP Orange: Meridian Frag)
Robot Repair: +138 Repair of Repair lore 19% (Red: 138 Force) club || +12 TF Orb 150 Nullification; +6 Necro (Orange: Meridian Fragment); Eternal Chilling Darkness (Colorless: +15 Heal)
Spell Pen: +11 TF Short Sword 150 Force; +7 Spell Pen (Orange: 138 Glaciation SP) || +12 TF Orb 150 Nullification; +6 Necro (Orange: Meridian Fragment); Eternal Chilling Darkness (Colorless: +15 Heal)

DPS Calculations:
Calculated DPS Melee only: 1,849 | 2,315 Haste boost
Real world test EE Bruntsmash: 1,924 EE Bruntsmash

Weapons: (with mods):
Main-hand: +13 4.75[1d8] 15-20x2|19-20x3 Thunder Forged rapier 1st Degree Burns; Dragon’s Edge (Orange: 138 Force SP); Crippling Flames (Colorless: +15 spell craft)

Melee Power: 63.25 = (24 epic power + 24 SD innate +5 Harper +10 combat style +0.25 SD: Shadow mastery)
Damage Mod: 104 = (+13 weapon [12+1 Holy Sword] + 11 deadly + 4 profane +52 (34*1.5) Int +17 KtA +2 Agent of Good II [evil only] +2 Alchemical)
Attack Speed Mod: +30% Combat Style (SWF)
Double Strike: 32% (+5% Perfect TWF +9% Epic PL +12% Item +3% Eldritch Knight +3% Shadow Dancer)
Seeker: 18 (12 Seeker +6 airship)
SA damage: 36 per swing (21 (6 SA dice) +6 iSA +8 SA +1 past life) Deception proc: ~69.4% Fort Bypass: 45% (35% dragons Edge +5% Airhip +5% Grim percision)
Spellsword*: 10 average damage per swing
Lich form*: 5.5 average neg damage per swing

01-25-2015, 03:09 PM
...add up-to +5 if using non-renewable consumables (Cookies + Store & House D pots) & a bard along.

Between the recent buff to Lasting Ability ("Store") potions (duration increased to 1 hours, pauses in public areas), and the fact that we can now get Lasting Ability potions in-game, from the Mysterious Fragment turn-ins, personally I've decided to start considering that +2 to be sustainable.

Agreed on the non-renew-ablility of House D, Cookie, and Bard. :-)

01-25-2015, 03:55 PM
Between the recent buff to Lasting Ability ("Store") potions (duration increased to 1 hours, pauses in public areas), and the fact that we can now get Lasting Ability potions in-game, from the Mysterious Fragment turn-ins, personally I've decided to start considering that +2 to be sustainable.

Agreed on the non-renew-ablility of House D, Cookie, and Bard. :-)

True, but they are still rare enough that I wouldn't use them in all quests. However, the duration change is very welcome and makes it actually worthwhile to spend TP on them every once in a while.

01-27-2015, 12:59 PM
why not just go all in and do a 20 pale master, max INT, max CON take harper tree up to get int for to-hit and damage, and just use spells that don't have somatic http://ddowiki.com/page/Category:Arcane_Spells_without_a_Somatic_Component and build the rest for DCs.

these spells include things you would use in EE anyways

- blur, ddoor, displacement, otto's irresistable dance, dancing ball, pwk, wail of the banshee

you would not have to waste any build points in ASF removal because these spells simply don't need it. wade into battle with your greataxe and swing until your wail comes off timer.

01-27-2015, 02:38 PM
why not just go all in and do a 20 pale master, max INT, max CON take harper tree up to get int for to-hit and damage, and just use spells that don't have somatic http://ddowiki.com/page/Category:Arcane_Spells_without_a_Somatic_Component and build the rest for DCs.

these spells include things you would use in EE anyways

- blur, ddoor, displacement, otto's irresistable dance, dancing ball, pwk, wail of the banshee

you would not have to waste any build points in ASF removal because these spells simply don't need it. wade into battle with your greataxe and swing until your wail comes off timer.

Negative Energy Burst, Death Aura...how do you plan on healing yourself while swinging that greataxe???

Or do you plan on not going PM Lich Form and if not...then what do you propose for a survivability option? Hopefully nothing that requires Reconstruct.

Honestly...put on heavy armor and you will need to spend those 3 tiny APs or you know...just not heal ^^

01-27-2015, 02:51 PM
Negative Energy Burst, Death Aura...how do you plan on healing yourself while swinging that greataxe???

Or do you plan on not going PM Lich Form and if not...then what do you propose for a survivability option? Hopefully nothing that requires Reconstruct.

Honestly...put on heavy armor and you will need to spend those 3 tiny APs or you know...just not heal ^^

i had actually forgot about that...but...but...you would sstill be able to use reconstruct as a SLA so it would work with bladeforged ;) fine it worked out better in my head, but could *barely* work as a bladeforged...

01-27-2015, 10:36 PM
i had actually forgot about that...but...but...you would sstill be able to use reconstruct as a SLA so it would work with bladeforged ;) fine it worked out better in my head, but could *barely* work as a bladeforged...

You will lose more DC's being a bladeforged not in undead form that I lose by taking 2 levels of fighter.

Also, I need the fighter levels for the extra feats and BAB to make the build work.

While I enjoy swinging a great axe at level 4 like the next guy.. in EEs at level 28 it is weaker than I would like.

01-28-2015, 01:58 AM
This is a very nice build. When Harper came out I worked on a Lich hybrid but never settled on feats and was trying some other builds like xbow Paladin. One change I had was 18/1ftr/1arty. Pet, traps, and more spell points since Arty uses intelligence. Since my char wouldn't have completionist I could fit in swf at 3 instead of ftr. Is there another reason to take ftr2? If not I recommend anyone making this without completionist to consider that option.

01-28-2015, 09:37 AM
This is a very nice build. When Harper came out I worked on a Lich hybrid but never settled on feats and was trying some other builds like xbow Paladin. One change I had was 18/1ftr/1arty. Pet, traps, and more spell points since Arty uses intelligence. Since my char wouldn't have completionist I could fit in swf at 3 instead of ftr. Is there another reason to take ftr2? If not I recommend anyone making this without completionist to consider that option.
On that 18/1/1 you won't have enough BAB at level 20 to take GSWF (BAB10 vs req. 11), so you have to sacrifice one of the epic feats for it. I think it's a great split and would probably be a strong EPL farming build, but it would not be as strong for the OP's goal of being an EE powerhouse.

01-28-2015, 04:28 PM
On that 18/1/1 you won't have enough BAB at level 20 to take GSWF (BAB10 vs req. 11), so you have to sacrifice one of the epic feats for it. I think it's a great split and would probably be a strong EPL farming build, but it would not be as strong for the OP's goal of being an EE powerhouse.

This is spot on.

If you are leveling 1 Arty is good for that trap bonus, extra spell points, and enchant weapon. Thinking through it, arty is a better splash than the rogue I threw in the Shadowvar Infiltrator build

01-28-2015, 04:58 PM
Thinking through it, arty is a better splash than the rogue I threw in the Shadowvar Infiltrator build
Arty 1 is better than Rogue 1. I'm not sure that Arty 2 is better than Rogue 2, although once you max out Shadowdancer and gain Evasion that way it comes out ahead again.

01-29-2015, 06:30 PM
Just hit 28 again with the build and ran a quick DPS test using EE Bruntsmash in Cabal for One. The build still isn't complete dps wise (still need 1 doublestrike PL and a Battlerager's Harness, so I am down 7% doublestrike) but I wanted to see how it was shaping up.

I had 1,870 dps using melee and ruin/hellball (when off timer) with half my spell points left when he went down (Starting @ 125,274 hp) in Shadowdancer

For comparison my pure 20 wizard using Arcane Supremacy in Draconic had 1,375 dps and had to drink a pot to finish him off. And DPS focused Pallys in LD or Divine Crusader (using zeal) are landing in the 3,500-4,000 dps range. I ran a test in Divine Crusader just to get a closer apples to apples comparison to a melee build and came up @2,419 which is pretty poor in comparison to true melee builds, but good for having almost full DC casting ability.

Overall though, I am very happy with the results so far. Only big issue is having a smaller blue bar (about 2/3s of my 20 wizard in draconic) and having some pretty poor Spell pen due to giving up 7 caster levels (however, consume gets around that).

Other than that I haven't noticed much of a loss of effectiveness so far (Still need to test it in EE Stormhorns and EE Mod which I will do this weekend) in DCs and the addition of sustainable DPS has been welcome.

03-10-2015, 03:48 AM
Did you ever play in your mind a version of this build that would have higher enchantment dc by sacrificing some necromancy dc or other things somehow? I've been having fun as CC caster and would like the idea hitting CCed mobs with my sword. I didn't do any brainwork of my own how to distribute APs, just thinking if you would know directly why such a CC version would not work or be possible.

03-10-2015, 09:15 AM
Did you ever play in your mind a version of this build that would have higher enchantment dc by sacrificing some necromancy dc or other things somehow? I've been having fun as CC caster and would like the idea hitting CCed mobs with my sword. I didn't do any brainwork of my own how to distribute APs, just thinking if you would know directly why such a CC version would not work or be possible.

This build has no issue landing enchantment spells on any mob, except the Orc Priests in WGU (those require a debuff first). Mid-60s enchant DCs will hold most of the mobs in the game. With this setup you can Insta-Kill, CC, Nuke, and Melee DPS.

For comparison my full 20 wizard only runs with a 68 enchant DC and he can fairly reliably land holds on WGU Orc Priests.. to do that with this build you would just need to throw a Crushing Dispair first and you should be able to cover the one mob that is beyond your DCs.

03-15-2015, 01:45 PM
How often do you see yourself actually mleeing?

03-15-2015, 07:39 PM
How often do you see yourself actually mleeing?

A lot more often than I would have thought when I first built the toon.

The build plays very fast and I commonly use melee whenever the preferred spell is on cooldown, to finish off the last few HP after an energy burst/hellball/DBF, all Red/Purple named, and whenever I am looking to conserve a few SP.

With the addition of melee you are always doing something as you can melee in between cooldowns. It is rare that I go more than 3 seconds without hitting something with my sword.

04-07-2015, 12:03 PM
Fire Spell power: 387 || Spell sword avg/swing: 51.3 (10 [4d4] *5.13 spell power [1+spell power])

Can you confirm that the spellsword per swing damage you are seeing is actually influenced by spell power? I've tested/tried this in the past and found that it has no effect. After seeing this I tried again (so, post U25) and it still appears to have zero effect. At 18, I expect to see 4-16 damage per swing and that is what I see, never a value over 16, even with 200+ spell power on this test case.

The enhancement text leads me to believe this is WAI, as they never address the per hit damage re: spell power, only the eldritch strike:

"While active, your Eldritch Strike deals an additional 0 to 2 (element) damage per character level. This additional damage is affected by your (element) spellpower."

Double checking whether you actually see damage averages of 51 per swing from spell sword would be most appreciated. I'm curious whether the lich on hit damage is actually scaling with spell power as well.

04-07-2015, 02:38 PM
Can you confirm that the spellsword per swing damage you are seeing is actually influenced by spell power? I've tested/tried this in the past and found that it has no effect. After seeing this I tried again (so, post U25) and it still appears to have zero effect. At 18, I expect to see 4-16 damage per swing and that is what I see, never a value over 16, even with 200+ spell power on this test case.

The enhancement text leads me to believe this is WAI, as they never address the per hit damage re: spell power, only the eldritch strike:

"While active, your Eldritch Strike deals an additional 0 to 2 (element) damage per character level. This additional damage is affected by your (element) spellpower."

Double checking whether you actually see damage averages of 51 per swing from spell sword would be most appreciated. I'm curious whether the lich on hit damage is actually scaling with spell power as well.

It looks like something changed. I just did a couple quick tests to see and it looks like it is no longer adding spell power to Spellsword or Lich form.

I should have some old videos laying around that show this working, i'll look for them when I get home. I did extensive testing when I set the build up to ensure it was getting the full spell power on both lich and spellsword toggles.

Looks like it is time to submit a bug report and hope that it gets fixed someday. Its quite annoying as that bug results in about a 8% drop in melee dps.

04-07-2015, 03:59 PM
Well I'd never seen it be affected by spellpower but the last time I tried it was sometime before U23, or even before U22... thanks for checking.

It looks like something changed. I just did a couple quick tests to see and it looks like it is no longer adding spell power to Spellsword or Lich form.

I should have some old videos laying around that show this working, i'll look for them when I get home. I did extensive testing when I set the build up to ensure it was getting the full spell power on both lich and spellsword toggles.

Looks like it is time to submit a bug report and hope that it gets fixed someday. Its quite annoying as that bug results in about a 8% drop in melee dps.

04-07-2015, 04:55 PM
Well I'd never seen it be affected by spellpower but the last time I tried it was sometime before U23, or even before U22... thanks for checking.

My testing was right around U24 (either right before or right after). Either way.. now I get to look at the enhancements again and see if there is a better way to spend those points.

04-22-2015, 05:23 PM
Any particular reason why fighter was taken at level 1 instead of going wizard? (and therefore getting more skills)

04-23-2015, 01:16 AM
Any particular reason why fighter was taken at level 1 instead of going wizard? (and therefore getting more skills)

More skills how? Either Fighter and Wizard get (2+Int)x4 at level 1.

04-23-2015, 06:19 PM
More skills how? Either Fighter and Wizard get (2+Int)x4 at level 1.

I guess I did word that pretty badly.

I meant to ask if going wizard at first level would be a more effect use the skill points. Since I'm assuming that the skills the build would go for is concentration, spellcraft etc etc. I'm not good w/ the min-max thing, so I didn't know if there was some long term build decision that was made to make fighter at lvl 1.


05-16-2015, 12:06 AM
I guess I did word that pretty badly.

I meant to ask if going wizard at first level would be a more effect use the skill points. Since I'm assuming that the skills the build would go for is concentration, spellcraft etc etc. I'm not good w/ the min-max thing, so I didn't know if there was some long term build decision that was made to make fighter at lvl 1.


Primarily, for feats and addition power when leveling.. but if you want to go Wizard for level 1.. there is nothing saying you can't do that. I just chose to take it at level 1.

05-29-2015, 07:42 AM
I guess I did word that pretty badly.

I meant to ask if going wizard at first level would be a more effect use the skill points. Since I'm assuming that the skills the build would go for is concentration, spellcraft etc etc. I'm not good w/ the min-max thing, so I didn't know if there was some long term build decision that was made to make fighter at lvl 1.


It's better that he actually run a lvl 1 fighter than wizard. Wizard lack a lot a level one and are difficult until lvl 3-6 depending on your experience. The one fighter level allows him to melee more efficiently and gives him martial skills without having to spell slot a great axe. Means he's less likely to die.

05-29-2015, 07:54 AM
I have been thinking about doing a 18/1ft/1barbarian variant of this since barbarian pass since I learned that Ravager Core 1 works off spell and pot rage. +1-6 dmg and 10% run speed and +4 con vs. bosses seems like an ok trade for a feat. Plus, I'm known being a raging machine. Anyways, I'm curious as to which feat you'd suggest to lose? A spell focus maybe?

Also, SP to Spell Sword line has never worked live. I filed a report on it back in Nov. 2014 when I ran a 18/2 monk. I was never really answered, however, it works fine on Lamm. It does work off the force power on E-cleave and tier 5 cleave. Someone told me in game, so I don't know if it's true, that the bug was in the capstone and it applied the spell power to spell sword cores. Does anyone know if that's true?

05-29-2015, 10:55 AM
I have been thinking about doing a 18/1ft/1barbarian variant of this since barbarian pass since I learned that Ravager Core 1 works off spell and pot rage. +1-6 dmg and 10% run speed and +4 con vs. bosses seems like an ok trade for a feat. Plus, I'm known being a raging machine. Anyways, I'm curious as to which feat you'd suggest to lose? A spell focus maybe?

The issue is that this build is very feat tight. If you wanted to go with 1 lvl of Barb you could, but it is going to cost you either a point of int (-1 to all DCs) if you have a odd numbered Int tome, or -1 Necro DC (if you have a even numbered int tome). Personally, I want to still accomplish everything a pure 20 wizard can do.. and with that I do want every point of DC I can get my hands on. The loss of -1 Necro is not too bad, but not worth 10% run speed and a few points of damage (although you rarely if ever miss wwith this build); and your not going to get the +4 con as you are casting spell constantly and can't use Barb rage.

So really you are trading -1 DC for 10% run speed. That seems to be a very poor trade to me. As always though ymmv

09-01-2015, 05:58 AM
Hey Andoris,

I am a casual player (VIP), started back in 2006 coming and going from DDO on multiple occasions. A couple of months back I saw your build and as I really was enjoying the pale trapper build from Ellis I really felt that you added the ingredient I was missing...the melee..being not an uber player as some guys around, not a completionist (though I do have 3xwiz-3xfvs-3xsorc on this toon with lots of time for me to achieve that!) with relatively decent gear all around (just found out of TF weaps so got into making a couple) I slightly changed the build to 18wiz/1fighter/1arti (human) to be able and farm some ePLs (still have a 4 destinies to complete them all) and stroll around either with my guild friends or soloing.

got to 28 again, eTRed back to 20 and now I want to tr. Ideally I would tr to the sun-elf keeping the same more or less class/lvl setup till i finish with my EDs and add a few ePLs under my sleeve in which case I can let arti go (that %bonus in xp from trapping is too good to pass now) and get the 2nd fighter as you proposed.

Have you had any thoughts of how the toon should be changed to accommodate the latest nerf of the EE dc-spec casters..? I had thoughts of warlock/bard(swashb)/fighter(SDefender), but I feel all the time I spend in heroic TR to add these caster lives would be a waste...or not? or do I just park it till devs fix the problem and catch up at a later stage..i just like him too much :) another option is retaining the wiz as main lvls i can also make a wiz/rogue/bard .. and play more with CC...

I highly respect players that put effort and time into their game..so any suggestion, would be very welcome! (I am not good in creating builds so I usually copy one or change one I like to fit my purposes....I am usually playing carefully and with patience and to that extend I can solo some good EE content if noone is around to party with).

many thanks again for the great built (so great it actually made me write my 1st ever post in the forums!)