01-24-2015, 10:14 AM
After seeing the results of The MadCookieQueen's Shadowvar Inflitrator ( build, I decided to make a few modifications to increase red/purple named dps and greatly enhance its survivability. Class split is 18 wizard / 2 fighter (for the feats and BAB); race is either drow or sun elf; and you single weapon fight with a rapier and orb.
DCs are down by 3-4 in melee mode and 1-2 when in caster mode versus my fully completed 20 wizard PM. Red/Purple named melee only dps is low for a melee, but almost double of what a pure caster will have. Add to that 151 PRR, 195% fortification, DR 60, and always on displacement and it is surivable enough to handle melee combat in EEs.
One of the debates I am having at the moment is if I can handle dropping my Necro DC's down by 1 more in order to fit in Haste boost out of Kensai -- Debate concluded, I went with haste boost.
Note: while this build really doesn't need all the past lives I have, it does benefit from them. Personally, I wouldn't feel comfortable running this in high level EEs without at least 1 wizard past life and tier 2 thunderforged weapons. Even then, you might find yourself better off being in Shadow Caster armor most of the time.
As a rule, if your DCs don't feel like they are high enough and you are failing to land spells more than you would like; I recommend that you run 20 wizard instead. Check out my Pale Master Guide ( in that case. This build was built around the concept of adding sustained red/purple dps to my (every past life and all gear) wizard. I wouldn't recommend this over 20 wizard to anyone that is not similarly spec'd.
Race: Sun Elf or Drow
Class: 18 Wizard / 2 Fighter
Heroic Past Lives: Wizard x3, Sorc x3, Fvs x3, Cleric x3, Completionist
Epic Past Lives: Arcane Alacrity x3, Colors x3, Double Strike x3, Power of life and Death x3, Brace x3, Fortification x3
Str: 22 -- (10 base +3 tome +2 completionist +2 litany +1 GoTIB + 2 rage +2 ship)
Dex: 32 -- (8 base +4 tome +2 litany +1 GoTIB +2 completionist +11 item +2 insight +2 ship)
Con: 47 -- (16 base +6 tome +2 completionist +8 item +2 insight +2 litany +1 GoTIB +4 lich +2 rage +2 ship)
Int: 80 -- (20 base +7 tome +7 level ups +4 harper +2 PM +2 SE + 11 item +3 Insight +1 GoTIB +2 litany + 6 destinies +2 Twist +4 lich +2 completionist +2 yugo +2 ship +2 lasting)
Wis: 32 -- (9 base +3 tome +2 completionist +11 Item +2 litany +1 GoTIB +4 Lich +2 ship)
Cha: 33 -- (9 base +4 tome +2 completionist +11 item +2 litany +1 GoTIB +2 Lich +2 ship)
Wizard: Maximize Spell (2),SF: Necro (6), Heighten Spell (11), Quicken Spell (16)
Base: Insightful Reflexes (1), Completionist (3), PL: Wizard (6), GSF: Necro (9), Empower / SF: Trans (12), ISWF (15), IC: Pierce (18), Overwhelming Critical (21), Epic Intelligence (24), Ruin (27)
Destiny: PTWF (26), epic SP: Negative (28)
Fighter: SWF (1), GSWF (20)
Wizard: Pale Master (35 ap):
C: Dark Reaping (1), Zombie (1), Vampire (1), Wraith (1), Lich (1),
I: Deathless Vigor I (2), Spell Critical: Negative (2), Negative Energy Conduit III (3)
Ii: Efficient: Quicken III (6), Spell Critical: Negative (2), Bone Armor III (3)
III: Spell Critical: Negative (2), Intelligence (2),
IV: Spell Critical: Negative (2), Intelligence (2),
V: Improved Shrouding (2), Necromantic Focus (2)
Wizard: Eldritch Knight (8 ap)
C: Eldritch Strike (1), Spellsword: Fire (1)
I: Item Defense (1), Toughness III (3)
II: Martial Training (2)
Sun Elf or Drow (9 ap):
C: Accuracy II (2), Intelligence II (4),
I: Arcane Fluidity III (3)
Harper (24 ap):
C: Agent of Good II (2), Harper Training: Intelligence II (4),
I: Harper Enchantment (2), Strategic Combat (2), Versatile Adept III (3)
II: Know the Angles III (3), Versatile Adept II (2)
III: Strategic Combat (2), Intelligence (2)
IV: Intelligence (2)
Fighter: Kensei (4 ap)
C: Kensei Focus: Light Blades (1)
I: Action Boost: Haste III (3)
Spell DCs:
If in full casting mode add +2 DC (+1 Profane and +1 Unique); add up-to +4 if using non-renewable consumables (Cookies + House D pots) & a bard along. I only added Deific Focus into the Necro DC’s as Death Aura keeps it at +2 nearly all the time. Add up to +2 to all other schools if you charge the Focus first.
Generic to all: +58 (10 base +9 lvl +35 Int +1 wiz +2 augment +1 Guild)
Necromancy: 73 (+58 Generic +2 feats +1 Lich +1 PM +3 ED +6 Item +2 Deific Focus II)
Necromancy (EE MoD): 74 (+59 Generic +2 feats +1 int bonus +1 Lich +1 PM +6 Item +1 Unique +1 profane +2 Deific Focus II)
Enchantment: 62 (+58 Generic +6 Item)
Transmutation: 65 (+58 Generic +6 Item +1 Unique +1 Profane)
Transmutation (EE MoD): 71 (+59 Generic +1 feat +6 Item +1 Unique +1 Profane +3 ED)
Evocation: 61 (67 if dedicated nuking); (+58 Generic +3 Sorc Pls)
Conjuration: 66; (+58 Generic +3 Cleric Pls +5 item)
Core Stats:
Spell Points: 2343
Hit Points: 879
Damage Avoidance: Total of 82.1% of physical damage avoided – 55% chance to avoid getting hit (10% ghostly * 50% Displacement) || 148 PRR || 75 MRR
Fortification: 195% (130% item + 100% undead -50% yugo +15% airship)
Saves: Fort: 55 / Ref: 73 / Will: 50
Avg DA tick: ~166 hp
Avg NEB: ~385 hp
Epic Destinies: Shadow Dancer
I: Intelligence (2); Technician II (2)
II: Intelligence (2); Lithe II (2)
III: Intelligence (2); Shrouding Strike I (1), Cloak of shadows (2), Grim Percision I (1)
IV: Intelligence (2);
V: Intelligence (2); Shadow Manipulation (2)
VI: Intelligence (2); Consume (2)
Twists: Draconic: Energy Burst (4), Magister: Necromancy/Trans Specialist (2), Magister: Intelligence (2), Magister: Intelligence (1)
Epic Destinies: Draconic (EE MoD)
I: Intelligence (2); Energy Sheath III (3)
II: Intelligence (2); Go out with a Bang III (3)
III: Intelligence (2);
IV: Intelligence (2); Energy Burst III: Fire (3), Draconic Spell Knowledge I (1)
V: Intelligence (2); Flyby Attack (1), Dragon Breath: Fire (1)
V: Intelligence (2);
Twists: Fatesinger: Echo’s of the Magister (3), Magister: School Spec: Transmutation (2), Magister: Intelligence (2), Magister: Intelligence (1)
Trinket: Epic Litany (Blue/Yellow: Open | Green: +2 Enchantment)
Head: Epic Deific Focus: (Blue/Yellow: Open | Green: +2 Necromancy )
Neck: Epic Noxious Embers: 150 combustion; Universal Spell Crit 17%; (Yellow: +2 Evocation | Green: Crushing Wave Guard (alchemical resistance ritual)
Goggles: Intricate Field Goggles +3 insightful intelligence (Green: 250 Spell Points | Yellow: GoTIB)
Bracers: Dumathoin’s Bracers (Blue: +40 False Life)
Body: Shadow Dragon Heavy Armor, Shadow caster/Guardian (Blue: -15% ASF | Green: Golem’s Heart)
Cloak: Deathwyrm Cloak (Green: +8 Con)
Ring: EE Consuming Darkness (Green: +2 insight Con) || Circle of Malevolence (Green: +2 insight con)
Ring: Seal of Avithoul
Boots: Epic Boots of the Innocent (Blue/Yellow: Open | Green: +13 Jump)
Gloves: Sanctified Gages (Blue/Yellow: Open | Green: +2 Conjuration)
Belt: Battleragers Harness (Green: Good Luck+2 )
Weapon Sets:
General: +12 TF Rapier 1st Degree Burns; +6 Enchant (Orange: 138 Force SP); Mortal Fear (Colorless: +15 spell craft) || +12 TF Orb 150 Nullification; +6 Necro (Orange: Meridian Fragment); Draconic Reguv (Colorless: +15 Heal)
Red Name: +12 TF Rapier 1st Degree Burns; Dragon’s Edge (Orange: 138 Force SP); Crippling Flames (Colorless: +15 spell craft) || +12 TF Orb 150 Nullification; +6 Necro (Orange: Meridian Fragment); Draconic Reguv (Colorless: +15 Heal)
Nuking: +11 TF Dagger 150 Force; Purple: 138 Glaciation SP (Orange: 138 Corrosion SP); (Colorless: +15 spell craft) || +12 TF Orb 150 Nullification; +6 Necro (Orange: Meridian Fragment); Eternal Chilling Darkness (Colorless: +15 Heal)
Stone to Flesh: +11 TF Quarterstaff 150 Nullification; +1 Exceptional DC; +6 Trans DC; (Red: 138 Force SP Orange: +2 Transmutation)
Max Necro: +11 TF Quarterstaff 150 Nullification; +1 Exceptional DC; +6 Necro DC; (Red: 138 Force SP Orange: Meridian Frag)
Robot Repair: +138 Repair of Repair lore 19% (Red: 138 Force) club || +12 TF Orb 150 Nullification; +6 Necro (Orange: Meridian Fragment); Eternal Chilling Darkness (Colorless: +15 Heal)
Spell Pen: +11 TF Short Sword 150 Force; +7 Spell Pen (Orange: 138 Glaciation SP) || +12 TF Orb 150 Nullification; +6 Necro (Orange: Meridian Fragment); Eternal Chilling Darkness (Colorless: +15 Heal)
DPS Calculations:
Calculated DPS Melee only: 1,849 | 2,315 Haste boost
Real world test EE Bruntsmash: 1,924 EE Bruntsmash
Weapons: (with mods):
Main-hand: +13 4.75[1d8] 15-20x2|19-20x3 Thunder Forged rapier 1st Degree Burns; Dragon’s Edge (Orange: 138 Force SP); Crippling Flames (Colorless: +15 spell craft)
Melee Power: 63.25 = (24 epic power + 24 SD innate +5 Harper +10 combat style +0.25 SD: Shadow mastery)
Damage Mod: 104 = (+13 weapon [12+1 Holy Sword] + 11 deadly + 4 profane +52 (34*1.5) Int +17 KtA +2 Agent of Good II [evil only] +2 Alchemical)
Attack Speed Mod: +30% Combat Style (SWF)
Double Strike: 32% (+5% Perfect TWF +9% Epic PL +12% Item +3% Eldritch Knight +3% Shadow Dancer)
Seeker: 18 (12 Seeker +6 airship)
SA damage: 36 per swing (21 (6 SA dice) +6 iSA +8 SA +1 past life) Deception proc: ~69.4% Fort Bypass: 45% (35% dragons Edge +5% Airhip +5% Grim percision)
Spellsword*: 10 average damage per swing
Lich form*: 5.5 average neg damage per swing
DCs are down by 3-4 in melee mode and 1-2 when in caster mode versus my fully completed 20 wizard PM. Red/Purple named melee only dps is low for a melee, but almost double of what a pure caster will have. Add to that 151 PRR, 195% fortification, DR 60, and always on displacement and it is surivable enough to handle melee combat in EEs.
One of the debates I am having at the moment is if I can handle dropping my Necro DC's down by 1 more in order to fit in Haste boost out of Kensai -- Debate concluded, I went with haste boost.
Note: while this build really doesn't need all the past lives I have, it does benefit from them. Personally, I wouldn't feel comfortable running this in high level EEs without at least 1 wizard past life and tier 2 thunderforged weapons. Even then, you might find yourself better off being in Shadow Caster armor most of the time.
As a rule, if your DCs don't feel like they are high enough and you are failing to land spells more than you would like; I recommend that you run 20 wizard instead. Check out my Pale Master Guide ( in that case. This build was built around the concept of adding sustained red/purple dps to my (every past life and all gear) wizard. I wouldn't recommend this over 20 wizard to anyone that is not similarly spec'd.
Race: Sun Elf or Drow
Class: 18 Wizard / 2 Fighter
Heroic Past Lives: Wizard x3, Sorc x3, Fvs x3, Cleric x3, Completionist
Epic Past Lives: Arcane Alacrity x3, Colors x3, Double Strike x3, Power of life and Death x3, Brace x3, Fortification x3
Str: 22 -- (10 base +3 tome +2 completionist +2 litany +1 GoTIB + 2 rage +2 ship)
Dex: 32 -- (8 base +4 tome +2 litany +1 GoTIB +2 completionist +11 item +2 insight +2 ship)
Con: 47 -- (16 base +6 tome +2 completionist +8 item +2 insight +2 litany +1 GoTIB +4 lich +2 rage +2 ship)
Int: 80 -- (20 base +7 tome +7 level ups +4 harper +2 PM +2 SE + 11 item +3 Insight +1 GoTIB +2 litany + 6 destinies +2 Twist +4 lich +2 completionist +2 yugo +2 ship +2 lasting)
Wis: 32 -- (9 base +3 tome +2 completionist +11 Item +2 litany +1 GoTIB +4 Lich +2 ship)
Cha: 33 -- (9 base +4 tome +2 completionist +11 item +2 litany +1 GoTIB +2 Lich +2 ship)
Wizard: Maximize Spell (2),SF: Necro (6), Heighten Spell (11), Quicken Spell (16)
Base: Insightful Reflexes (1), Completionist (3), PL: Wizard (6), GSF: Necro (9), Empower / SF: Trans (12), ISWF (15), IC: Pierce (18), Overwhelming Critical (21), Epic Intelligence (24), Ruin (27)
Destiny: PTWF (26), epic SP: Negative (28)
Fighter: SWF (1), GSWF (20)
Wizard: Pale Master (35 ap):
C: Dark Reaping (1), Zombie (1), Vampire (1), Wraith (1), Lich (1),
I: Deathless Vigor I (2), Spell Critical: Negative (2), Negative Energy Conduit III (3)
Ii: Efficient: Quicken III (6), Spell Critical: Negative (2), Bone Armor III (3)
III: Spell Critical: Negative (2), Intelligence (2),
IV: Spell Critical: Negative (2), Intelligence (2),
V: Improved Shrouding (2), Necromantic Focus (2)
Wizard: Eldritch Knight (8 ap)
C: Eldritch Strike (1), Spellsword: Fire (1)
I: Item Defense (1), Toughness III (3)
II: Martial Training (2)
Sun Elf or Drow (9 ap):
C: Accuracy II (2), Intelligence II (4),
I: Arcane Fluidity III (3)
Harper (24 ap):
C: Agent of Good II (2), Harper Training: Intelligence II (4),
I: Harper Enchantment (2), Strategic Combat (2), Versatile Adept III (3)
II: Know the Angles III (3), Versatile Adept II (2)
III: Strategic Combat (2), Intelligence (2)
IV: Intelligence (2)
Fighter: Kensei (4 ap)
C: Kensei Focus: Light Blades (1)
I: Action Boost: Haste III (3)
Spell DCs:
If in full casting mode add +2 DC (+1 Profane and +1 Unique); add up-to +4 if using non-renewable consumables (Cookies + House D pots) & a bard along. I only added Deific Focus into the Necro DC’s as Death Aura keeps it at +2 nearly all the time. Add up to +2 to all other schools if you charge the Focus first.
Generic to all: +58 (10 base +9 lvl +35 Int +1 wiz +2 augment +1 Guild)
Necromancy: 73 (+58 Generic +2 feats +1 Lich +1 PM +3 ED +6 Item +2 Deific Focus II)
Necromancy (EE MoD): 74 (+59 Generic +2 feats +1 int bonus +1 Lich +1 PM +6 Item +1 Unique +1 profane +2 Deific Focus II)
Enchantment: 62 (+58 Generic +6 Item)
Transmutation: 65 (+58 Generic +6 Item +1 Unique +1 Profane)
Transmutation (EE MoD): 71 (+59 Generic +1 feat +6 Item +1 Unique +1 Profane +3 ED)
Evocation: 61 (67 if dedicated nuking); (+58 Generic +3 Sorc Pls)
Conjuration: 66; (+58 Generic +3 Cleric Pls +5 item)
Core Stats:
Spell Points: 2343
Hit Points: 879
Damage Avoidance: Total of 82.1% of physical damage avoided – 55% chance to avoid getting hit (10% ghostly * 50% Displacement) || 148 PRR || 75 MRR
Fortification: 195% (130% item + 100% undead -50% yugo +15% airship)
Saves: Fort: 55 / Ref: 73 / Will: 50
Avg DA tick: ~166 hp
Avg NEB: ~385 hp
Epic Destinies: Shadow Dancer
I: Intelligence (2); Technician II (2)
II: Intelligence (2); Lithe II (2)
III: Intelligence (2); Shrouding Strike I (1), Cloak of shadows (2), Grim Percision I (1)
IV: Intelligence (2);
V: Intelligence (2); Shadow Manipulation (2)
VI: Intelligence (2); Consume (2)
Twists: Draconic: Energy Burst (4), Magister: Necromancy/Trans Specialist (2), Magister: Intelligence (2), Magister: Intelligence (1)
Epic Destinies: Draconic (EE MoD)
I: Intelligence (2); Energy Sheath III (3)
II: Intelligence (2); Go out with a Bang III (3)
III: Intelligence (2);
IV: Intelligence (2); Energy Burst III: Fire (3), Draconic Spell Knowledge I (1)
V: Intelligence (2); Flyby Attack (1), Dragon Breath: Fire (1)
V: Intelligence (2);
Twists: Fatesinger: Echo’s of the Magister (3), Magister: School Spec: Transmutation (2), Magister: Intelligence (2), Magister: Intelligence (1)
Trinket: Epic Litany (Blue/Yellow: Open | Green: +2 Enchantment)
Head: Epic Deific Focus: (Blue/Yellow: Open | Green: +2 Necromancy )
Neck: Epic Noxious Embers: 150 combustion; Universal Spell Crit 17%; (Yellow: +2 Evocation | Green: Crushing Wave Guard (alchemical resistance ritual)
Goggles: Intricate Field Goggles +3 insightful intelligence (Green: 250 Spell Points | Yellow: GoTIB)
Bracers: Dumathoin’s Bracers (Blue: +40 False Life)
Body: Shadow Dragon Heavy Armor, Shadow caster/Guardian (Blue: -15% ASF | Green: Golem’s Heart)
Cloak: Deathwyrm Cloak (Green: +8 Con)
Ring: EE Consuming Darkness (Green: +2 insight Con) || Circle of Malevolence (Green: +2 insight con)
Ring: Seal of Avithoul
Boots: Epic Boots of the Innocent (Blue/Yellow: Open | Green: +13 Jump)
Gloves: Sanctified Gages (Blue/Yellow: Open | Green: +2 Conjuration)
Belt: Battleragers Harness (Green: Good Luck+2 )
Weapon Sets:
General: +12 TF Rapier 1st Degree Burns; +6 Enchant (Orange: 138 Force SP); Mortal Fear (Colorless: +15 spell craft) || +12 TF Orb 150 Nullification; +6 Necro (Orange: Meridian Fragment); Draconic Reguv (Colorless: +15 Heal)
Red Name: +12 TF Rapier 1st Degree Burns; Dragon’s Edge (Orange: 138 Force SP); Crippling Flames (Colorless: +15 spell craft) || +12 TF Orb 150 Nullification; +6 Necro (Orange: Meridian Fragment); Draconic Reguv (Colorless: +15 Heal)
Nuking: +11 TF Dagger 150 Force; Purple: 138 Glaciation SP (Orange: 138 Corrosion SP); (Colorless: +15 spell craft) || +12 TF Orb 150 Nullification; +6 Necro (Orange: Meridian Fragment); Eternal Chilling Darkness (Colorless: +15 Heal)
Stone to Flesh: +11 TF Quarterstaff 150 Nullification; +1 Exceptional DC; +6 Trans DC; (Red: 138 Force SP Orange: +2 Transmutation)
Max Necro: +11 TF Quarterstaff 150 Nullification; +1 Exceptional DC; +6 Necro DC; (Red: 138 Force SP Orange: Meridian Frag)
Robot Repair: +138 Repair of Repair lore 19% (Red: 138 Force) club || +12 TF Orb 150 Nullification; +6 Necro (Orange: Meridian Fragment); Eternal Chilling Darkness (Colorless: +15 Heal)
Spell Pen: +11 TF Short Sword 150 Force; +7 Spell Pen (Orange: 138 Glaciation SP) || +12 TF Orb 150 Nullification; +6 Necro (Orange: Meridian Fragment); Eternal Chilling Darkness (Colorless: +15 Heal)
DPS Calculations:
Calculated DPS Melee only: 1,849 | 2,315 Haste boost
Real world test EE Bruntsmash: 1,924 EE Bruntsmash
Weapons: (with mods):
Main-hand: +13 4.75[1d8] 15-20x2|19-20x3 Thunder Forged rapier 1st Degree Burns; Dragon’s Edge (Orange: 138 Force SP); Crippling Flames (Colorless: +15 spell craft)
Melee Power: 63.25 = (24 epic power + 24 SD innate +5 Harper +10 combat style +0.25 SD: Shadow mastery)
Damage Mod: 104 = (+13 weapon [12+1 Holy Sword] + 11 deadly + 4 profane +52 (34*1.5) Int +17 KtA +2 Agent of Good II [evil only] +2 Alchemical)
Attack Speed Mod: +30% Combat Style (SWF)
Double Strike: 32% (+5% Perfect TWF +9% Epic PL +12% Item +3% Eldritch Knight +3% Shadow Dancer)
Seeker: 18 (12 Seeker +6 airship)
SA damage: 36 per swing (21 (6 SA dice) +6 iSA +8 SA +1 past life) Deception proc: ~69.4% Fort Bypass: 45% (35% dragons Edge +5% Airhip +5% Grim percision)
Spellsword*: 10 average damage per swing
Lich form*: 5.5 average neg damage per swing