View Full Version : Malleficent "Favored Soul Evoker True First Life" Video Project Companion Thread

12-30-2014, 03:24 AM
NOTE: I am no longer monitoring this thread. My apologies for not responding to those that posted here in the months after the series was over.

This is a companion thread to my video series The Favored Soul Evoker True First Life Project (https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLTX5IZhNI5uYpokUhK-X0-WIEVFUoIN1g).

For the project, I started on a new server with no friends, no guild, no buffs, no gear, no plat, no store merchandise, etc. This was something that I'd been wanting to do for a while for the challenge and the fun, plus I had some requests for another "first life" video series. I made a trailer for the project which you can check out HERE (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OTzzfXELX78).

The build philosophy for Malleficent is the same as my pure Favored Soul on Sarlona (Sportyspyce), who is a caster/healer/tank. Similar to my druid Gingerspyce, but with my favored soul, the casting power isn't as strong in epics and the crowd control is completely missing in epics compared to my druid.

During heroic levels, the emphasis is caster-healer-tank (in that order), but as I get closer to epic cap the focus shifts to healer-tank-caster (in that order). The video series only goes to level 20.

Starting with nothing and working with very little put me in a position where I had to make some different choices than I otherwise would have and I will make notes accordingly. In other places I am making minor adjustments to what I did in the videos.


1st: Heavy Armor Proficiency
Human bonus feat: Toughness
3rd: Extend Spell (will swap later)
6th: Maximize Spell
9th: Quicken Spell
12th: Empower Spell, swap Extend Spell for Shield Mastery at any point in which buffs are lasting long enough without being extended
15th: Improved Shield Mastery (in the series I took Mental Toughness because I was mana starved as a first lifer)
18th: Empower Healing (in the series I took Improved MT because I need the mana)


Lawful Good, Sovereign Host


Starting (28 pt build): STR 8, DEX 8, CON 18, INT 8, WIS 14, CHA 14. Increase wisdom every time when leveling.
Wisdom affects spells DC's on a Favored Soul, Charisma affects spell points and spell access


Normally I would want to max out Spellcraft, Concentration, Heal, Intimidate, Balance and some points in UMD to use Teleport scrolls. For the true first life project I was skill point starved and could only max Spellcraft and Concentration.


http://s13.postimg.org/h8j8fdrtf/malleficent_enhancements.jpg (http://postimg.org/image/h8j8fdrtf/)


http://s30.postimg.org/60wz4f4wd/malleficent_spells.jpg (http://postimg.org/image/60wz4f4wd/)


http://s23.postimg.org/oxofl2wjb/melleficent_gear.jpg (http://postimg.org/image/oxofl2wjb/)

Episode 1:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ph8NxROIEms&index=2&list=PLTX5IZhNI5uYpokU hK-X0-WIEVFUoIN1g

12-30-2014, 06:02 PM
A curiousity question more then anything...

Have champions been game changing? I see all kinds of posts on champs and everyone has a different idea. Starting from scratch with no gear and no money and no friends or ship buffs...have champions stopped you from running elite? Do you find yourself dying more then you thought?

Really curious. I keep thinking about starting a new toon to try it but I am wanting to get Hirtz a few more TR's and Ziffin to 28 for guild raids.

12-31-2014, 01:24 AM
A curiousity question more then anything...

Have champions been game changing? I see all kinds of posts on champs and everyone has a different idea. Starting from scratch with no gear and no money and no friends or ship buffs...have champions stopped you from running elite? Do you find yourself dying more then you thought?

Really curious. I keep thinking about starting a new toon to try it but I am wanting to get Hirtz a few more TR's and Ziffin to 28 for guild raids.

Sadly, Champions were released when I was L17 on this toon so I can't say for early levels. I was ok til I hit L20ish quests and at that point Champions were a game changer in terms of being able to solo elites at-level on this "true first life" toon. I tried a few quests like Wrath of the Flame and Finding the Path and I just didn't have the resources to make it to the end. Surviveability wasn't a problem, it was lack of mana. If I had pots I could've done it. For curiosity's sake, I ran them with Gingerspyce (as a L19 pure cleric) and I was able to solo Wrath and Path, but used my entire blue bar and all my mana clickies to finish. Didn't have to drink any pots though. Note that this was in the first week of champions prior to them being nerfed. I have 2 more solo elite videos with Malleficent that I will publish soon (LOD and Eye of the Titan). Both were in the first few days of release of Champions.

01-06-2015, 11:13 AM
Really enjoying the druid build so this is brillaint - I don't have a FVS life on my mian toon, Marrioc.

I'm doing the ITR route to heroic completionist and at the same time workign through the iconics.

My druid version has 1 cleric as a sun elf and gets the benefit of heavy dragon armour.

What iconic would you take for FVS - I was assuming cleric for the wis focus but i havent looked through the videos yet?

Anyway good job and hope to see more before I ITR again.

01-08-2015, 11:48 PM
Really enjoying the druid build so this is brillaint - I don't have a FVS life on my mian toon, Marrioc.

I'm doing the ITR route to heroic completionist and at the same time workign through the iconics.

My druid version has 1 cleric as a sun elf and gets the benefit of heavy dragon armour.

What iconic would you take for FVS - I was assuming cleric for the wis focus but i havent looked through the videos yet?

Anyway good job and hope to see more before I ITR again.

I did 2 of my fvs lives on ginger using morninglord (1 clr/19 fvs) and was fun :)

10-27-2015, 03:02 PM
So how has this toon worked out for you, after finishing the project? Could you post an update of your build, if you don't mind? Love divine casters

12-06-2015, 11:22 AM
I did 2 of my fvs lives on ginger using morninglord (1 clr/19 fvs) and was fun :)

I have run versions of your Gingerspyce and they are great, so I am interested in your ideas as I start my second FVS life. My first life has not been as good as I expected, so when I saw that you had posted a FVS build I wanted to try it as well.

I assume the feats are the same. Do you recommend taking more in Wisdom to boost the BB and Implosion DPS?
How different were your enhancements when you were a Morninglord FVS?
You don't show anything for Epic Destinies of Epic levels. I would be interested in hearing about that also.

Thanks for your builds and YouTube videos. You have really helped me understand how to be a better player.

12-14-2015, 07:08 AM
I have run versions of your Gingerspyce and they are great, so I am interested in your ideas as I start my second FVS life. My first life has not been as good as I expected, so when I saw that you had posted a FVS build I wanted to try it as well.

I assume the feats are the same. Do you recommend taking more in Wisdom to boost the BB and Implosion DPS?
How different were your enhancements when you were a Morninglord FVS?
You don't show anything for Epic Destinies of Epic levels. I would be interested in hearing about that also.

Thanks for your builds and YouTube videos. You have really helped me understand how to be a better player.

Differences between Human and Morninglord:

ML loses 1 feat from the loss of the Human bonus
ML starts at 6 CON so getting to 14 CON takes some build points
ML has potential for higher light spell power than Human
Cleric splash grants Heavy Armor for free which is better PRR

My ML builds are usually 8 STR and DEX. 14 CON, INT and CHA. I put the rest into WIS. Since you start at level 15, you will have access to Blade Barrier.

That stat spread assumes that you are going the caster route. All of your level ups go into WIS. Gear will take care of your spell point pool increases and carry capacity.

For AP, 17 into ML racial tree for 30 light power, 40-49 in AoV granting Universal Spell Power and Spell points, 5 in DD (clr) for 20 light power. Remaining into FvS war priest for HP and PRR

Preferred Destiny is (for me) Exalted Angel. Avenging light is cheap damage and Divine Wrath is a fantastic spell. Epics is more about conserving spell points than BB killing stuff. Rely on Divine Wrath and then clean up with Avenging Light.

12-14-2015, 08:31 AM
A couple questions:

1) Why start with 18 Con and 14 Wis? Why not 16/16? You've already stated that this build needs DCs.

2) Why didn't you use the Hireling Vendor in Korthos - Either of the Melee Hires will enable an Elite Completion of Cannith Crystal at Lvl 1. If this is a newbie guide then surely you should be letting them know about hirelings? They're pretty cheap too and certainly wouldn't eat into your 300+ plat.

3) You're refusing to use your Gold Roll xp stone {for now} but you seemed to forget about the plat cap that a newbie would encounter extremely quickly today with the much better random drops in low level quests than what we got 4-6 years ago {Plat Cap at Lvl 2 is disgustingly low!}.
When you hit that cap could we get an opinion on whether the scale should be changed to allow more plat at lower levels to F2Ps? {Heck 10k at Lvl 1, 20k at Lvl 2 would be fine for today's game in my view.}.

I was gonna ask also how on Eberron you got the name Malleficent but you answered that in the vid.

BTW: You missed the Optional in Sacrifices - Arissa can be in one of two spots:
1) Where you found her next to the boss.
2) in the side corridor in the right hand cage next to the exit.
I usually do the side corridor first to finish releasing the other prisoners but then if I want full xp don't speak to Arissa but go back and kill the boss {oh and grab the chest too}.
You did the boss first and spoke to Arissa finishing the quest but forgot about the other prisoners.

You also didn't mention the underwater locked door that has a chest behind it - I know you weren't playing a Rogue or Arti but if this is a newbie guide you might think about mentioning little things like that that a Rogue or Arti could get a little extra from.

Finally: It's nice to see one of DDO's greats having trouble with those jumps to the Arcane Skelly and of course having to skip him because he's way too difficult for the character - I remember back when I started playing DDO that Skelly was murder {IF I made it past the jumps!}.
I'm really glad the Devs removed Champs from Korthos - That Skelly as a Champ would just be wrong on so many levels! BUT I wouldn't mind the Devs adding a "Reaper" difficulty for 3rd Life+ Toons only.

EDIT: Whoops - Just realised this is a Necroed thread - Why did you stop at just the one video?