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12-24-2014, 03:29 AM
Have you ever seen a Silver, Byshek, Adamantine, or Cold Iron?

Getting really into my Staff build and realize I have no good staffs untill 15 or so. Normally I just craft my weapon from 1-15 and been having a terrible time locating some of the Staffs with DR Bypass.. Realize I could just craft metaline but that just takes up space from the ML.

So if you are on G-Land and have one of the DR staff's ive listed plese contant me in game, mail, Message through here what ever..

12-24-2014, 05:43 AM
Have you ever seen a Silver, Byshek, Adamantine, or Cold Iron?

Getting really into my Staff build and realize I have no good staffs untill 15 or so. Normally I just craft my weapon from 1-15 and been having a terrible time locating some of the Staffs with DR Bypass.. Realize I could just craft metaline but that just takes up space from the ML.

So if you are on G-Land and have one of the DR staff's ive listed plese contant me in game, mail, Message through here what ever..

Metal type staffs don't drop very often.
They are all BtA, and may drop from end reward lists that have named BtA staffs.
They don't have the metal type in the name, so mouse over any staff you get in such a list.
I've seen them in the Delera's end reward list, as well as Threnal and Waterworks.

My staff build ended up using a MinII greensteel staff for DR breaking.

Edit: If you are really desperate, you can buy a blessed silver (or cold iron) staff from the DDO store.


12-24-2014, 05:57 AM
Nah not that desperate.
Now that you mention to actually scroll over staff's im'a have to start doing that. Figured it would have said it in the name like normal. good advice

12-24-2014, 09:12 AM
The staff out of the Thernal chain is admantine, and so is witching hour - not sure about the other DR by passers

12-24-2014, 09:27 AM
http://ddowiki.com/page/Category:Quarterstaffs might be useful

If not, since you're investigating anyway, please consider updating the wiki once you've investigated :)

12-24-2014, 12:18 PM
Yeah, not much there.

My staff wielder also had the same issue,

You can craft upon a Red Slot staff and fill the slot with a DR breaker, or buy from the store, or get really lucky.

Go into chronoscope, and into the tavern with the ddoor. There are two vendors in there that sell flame touched iron weapons. Totally unbound and craftable.

Thank you +1 for being helpful and informative.

12-24-2014, 12:34 PM
Go into chronoscope, and into the tavern with the ddoor. There are two vendors in there that sell flame touched iron weapons. Totally unbound and craftable.