View Full Version : Comparing Tower Shield + Shield Mastery VS. Hy Shield + Improved Shield Mastery

12-20-2014, 05:53 PM
I was comparing 2 pairs of feats: Tower Shield + Shield Mastery VS. Hy Shield + SM & Improved Shield Mastery on a Pure Pally.

PRR is the same.

Tower nets + 5MRR(maybe? true/false?) +2AC +2DR, but -2Attack and -10 Armor Penalty Skill check.

The HeavyShld combo nets a +5% DblStrk instead of the above.

Does that about sum it up? Am I missing anything?

12-20-2014, 08:26 PM
The tower shield gets a better multiplier for MRR (2.0 vs. 1.5?) for evadable spells, AFAIK.

EDIT: Nope, guess they changed that, according to wiki, both get 2.0. Huh, gotta remember that when rebuilding my Pally.

12-20-2014, 09:51 PM
Take Imp Shield Mastery; UMDing Master's Touch scrolls grants tower shield prof. Alternatively, if you don't have UMD, you can use Aegis (http://ddowiki.com/page/Item:Madstone_Aegis), which grants t.shield prof. EDIT: also you need ISM to take rank 3 of Legendary Shield Mastery, which grants another +5 PRR and +3% doublestrike (+15% total).