View Full Version : Flaming sphere scroll Fan Club thread

12-15-2014, 05:19 PM
Updated 1/13/2020. The following thread is a work in progress. Please consider adding suggestions with screenshots.

http://ddowiki.com/images/FlamingSphere.pngFlaming Sphere (http://ddowiki.com/page/Flaming_sphere)

Where to buy: Marketplace (and PH) Morna Wyrmtouched <Arcane Scroll Vendor - Level 2> in The Marketplace Bazaar - 15pp. Cheap!!!! Or use the Long Broom of Mystery (http://ddowiki.com/page/Item:Long_Broom_of_Mystery) from Night Revels (http://ddowiki.com/page/The_Night_Revels), 5 charges/day
Duration: 1 minute. Update: according to Luxgolg (https://www.ddo.com/forums/member.php/419113-Luxgolg) in post 30, Artificer's Knowledge does not extend this duration.
When cast: breaks stealth and invisibility. Update: from Qezuzu (https://www.ddo.com/forums/member.php/391037-Qezuzu) in post 24, Shadar-Kai can use shadow phase to cast it in plain sight! Also, one can use other techniques demonstrated in this thread (https://www.ddo.com/forums/showthread.php/457293-Stealth-Acting-Even-killing-in-Plain-Sight-outside-Assassinate).
Action: Follows you around like a slow-moving summon but does not count as a summon! (you can have another)
Damage: so lousy that it is negligible.
According to Lanhelin (https://www.ddo.com/forums/member.php/453732-Lanhelin), they are typed as Ooze!!! See this post (https://www.ddo.com/forums/showthread.php/453250-Flaming-sphere-scroll-Fan-Club-thread?p=5734493&viewfull=1#post5734493) for more details if you wish to charm an 'enemy' sphere!
They are not pulling enemies from as far away since Update 37 Patch 4 (http://ddowiki.com/page/Update_37_Patch_4_Release_Notes) (medium range).

This scrolled spell is very useful for tactics, both for general use (see below) and moving enemies in stealth operations. It cannot get blown away by wind elementals.

General Stuff
Light a Grease spell!

Summon multiples if scrolled (rather useless but fun)! Easy to do if back and forth between the Long Broom and the Scrolls! Casting it creates a long cooldown of the spell, so one at a time for sp users!

Specific Quests/Uses:

Missing screenshots To be added later:
- Distract wondering guards in Irestone Inlet (via cdbd3rd's post here (https://www.ddo.com/forums/showthread.php/453250-Flaming-sphere-scroll-Fan-Club-thread?p=5789618&viewfull=1#post5789618))
- Draw out invisible mobs preventing room completions in Prison of the Planes when they aggro onto someone outside

Finding Dorris: Activate and draw the Pit fight audience away! Visit here for more! (https://www.ddo.com/forums/showthread.php/453250-Flaming-sphere-scroll-Fan-Club-thread?p=6281103&viewfull=1#post6281103)

Blown to Bits: draw warforged from the other sides of crates before placing the demolitions!

Light the tents in Siegebreaker

Move that last obstinate guardian off its pressure plate in Claw of Vulkoor. This does not cause it to see you! See this post (https://www.ddo.com/forums/showthread.php/453250-Flaming-sphere-scroll-Fan-Club-thread?p=5684068&viewfull=1#post5684068) for the penultimate one as well! If you try a regular summon, like a dog, it will count as 'spotting you'! Noisemakers work better but not everyone has four levels of rogue!

Light the Torches in Inferno of the Damned!

Distract pursuant Drow in Offering of Blood! (See this post (https://www.ddo.com/forums/showthread.php/453250-Flaming-sphere-scroll-Fan-Club-thread?p=5713462&viewfull=1#post5713462) for details.)

Distract the Guardians of the Spear for the Giant Skellie optional in Haunted Halls! (See this post for the technique (https://www.ddo.com/forums/showthread.php/453250-Flaming-sphere-scroll-Fan-Club-thread?p=5763394&viewfull=1#post5763394))

Distract the Kobold Ambush in Fear Factory! (https://www.ddo.com/forums/showthread.php/453250-Flaming-sphere-scroll-Fan-Club-thread?p=6085499&viewfull=1#post6085499)

Master of stealth Quezuzu demonstrates how one can use the flaming sphere to move mobs blocking the many corridors in To Curse the Sky. Please note that the devs cruelly nerfed this quest to make pure stealth runs impossible!
His video is here (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KUZf94FQ4Ok); the forum thread is here (https://www.ddo.com/forums/showthread.php/469658-To-Curse-the-Sky-one-kill-A-Video-Guide). Below is a screenshot:

Distract scout minotaurs in Framework! (They will not sound alarm!) Also, use in final boss fight to pull the minotaur boss! See this video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Avy1TJuGhuo&feature=youtu.be) here by Spellburst!

Draw the Orthons and Barbed Devils in Sins of Attrition! (no Dungeon Alert risks here!)

Lure curious cultists to their doom in The Mask of Deception! This works in many quests with traps and 'mobs around the corner!'

Distract the mobs in the Drow Ritual of Servants of the Overlord! So much smoother to do this than to have them firing away at your friends! You might get hit!!!

Distract the Ambush in Litany of the Dead! Sort of...see this post (https://www.ddo.com/forums/showthread.php/453250-Flaming-sphere-scroll-Fan-Club-thread?p=5924633&viewfull=1#post5924633)how you can try it.http://i.imgur.com/EJzwBC9.jpg

And more! Here, for The Snitch (https://www.ddo.com/forums/showthread.php/453250-Flaming-sphere-scroll-Fan-Club-thread?p=6095864&viewfull=1#post6095864).
Death House: (https://www.ddo.com/forums/showthread.php/453250-Flaming-sphere-scroll-Fan-Club-thread?p=6101785&viewfull=1#post6101785) Rob the old couple more easily!!!
Pull hidden mephits (https://www.ddo.com/forums/showthread.php/453250-Flaming-sphere-scroll-Fan-Club-thread?p=6100035&viewfull=1#post6100035) in Fane of the Six!
Kill less collared slaves (https://www.ddo.com/forums/showthread.php/453250-Flaming-sphere-scroll-Fan-Club-thread?p=6157378&viewfull=1#post6157378), merciful one!
Finish Siegebreaker (https://www.ddo.com/forums/showthread.php/453250-Flaming-sphere-scroll-Fan-Club-thread?p=6182162&viewfull=1#post6182162) less painfully! So inexpensive to do!

Stealth Tactics
Casting this breaks stealth and invisibility. Therefore, cast it while doing these tricks (https://www.ddo.com/forums/showthread.php/457293-Stealth-Acting-Even-killing-in-Plain-Sight-outside-Assassinate). Also, you can cast it out of sight and then stealth into a location. It groups enemies like a noisemaker, setting up avoidance or CC. Very useful for stealth builds that do not have noisemakers and trapmaking! Can be used in conjunction with them! Please note that U37Patch4 (http://ddowiki.com/page/Update_37_Patch_4_Release_Notes) changes make the sphere pull mobs from a smaller radius ("medium range").


here, it blew out, but they still stand around like dummies!!!

Qezuzu (https://www.ddo.com/forums/member.php/391037-Qezuzu) demonstrates the use of Thunder-forged armor's shadow phase clickie to cast it in plain sight! See this thread (https://www.ddo.com/forums/showthread.php/457293-Stealth-Acting-Even-killing-in-Plain-Sight-outside-Assassinate) for similar tricks!

12-15-2014, 06:22 PM
Pretty awesome, you've opened my eyes to a new spherical realm! :)

12-15-2014, 07:46 PM

You're truly a hero to the little spells, Saekee.

12-15-2014, 08:44 PM

You're truly a hero to the little spells, Saekee.

What Dagolar said. Well done!

12-15-2014, 10:58 PM
Went to market and picked up a stack of 100.

12-15-2014, 11:43 PM
Went to market and picked up a stack of 100.

What Dagolar said. Well done!


You're truly a hero to the little spells, Saekee.

Pretty awesome, you've opened my eyes to a new spherical realm! :)

Thank you all! I will keep this updated as more uses come up.

12-16-2014, 01:47 AM
Wow ... this post is full of win ... who knew that this spell actually had a use?^^

and: +1 ;)

12-16-2014, 02:34 AM
+1, well done!
Very useful info, thanks!

12-16-2014, 02:43 AM
Pretty awesome, you've opened my eyes to a new spherical realm! :)

It's a use they never thought of- it will get nerfed

12-16-2014, 06:06 AM
This is truly incredible! I had no idea this spell could have so many uses :)

12-16-2014, 06:22 AM
Pretty awesome, you've opened my eyes to a new spherical realm! :)

I really hope that doesn't mean a nerf. :(

I knew some of this, but always considered them too slow to bother with.

Never knew they could catch so many things on fire though.

This makes me want to try this out sometimes. (although I still think they are too slow for me to use them often.)

12-16-2014, 06:25 AM
wiki updated!

12-16-2014, 07:59 AM
Nice! I'd try it right away if I hadn't just TR'd my main from rogue to fighter...

12-16-2014, 08:27 AM
Learned this from Saekee, too. These make excellent aggro-magnets, even against red-names. I used one at the end-fight of an Elite run of "Diplomatic Impunity" to gather everything so I could later pull and kill the boss for a precise one-kill victory. Sage advice.

12-16-2014, 08:56 AM
thank you all for the responses. I wouldn't worry about a nerf--it is slow-moving and demands a very particular playstyle, one which does not need nerfing.

I wonder if the sphere can be cast in front of mobs in the midst of a shadow phase by Shadar Kai or the TF armor clickie.

If anyone else can find uses for this spell, please post!

12-16-2014, 10:48 AM
I am currently reading "Critical Failures" series by Robert Bevan. It is full of very... creative... uses of low-level spells. Bevan's characters would be proud of you!

12-16-2014, 12:33 PM
I am currently reading "Critical Failures" series by Robert Bevan. It is full of very... creative... uses of low-level spells. Bevan's characters would be proud of you!

hi Brian, can you provide examples? I haven't read it.

12-16-2014, 01:49 PM
Nice post Saekee. This just makes me wonder how did you come up with this? I mean not many of us ever bothered thinking of that spell if I can be honest.

12-16-2014, 02:04 PM
(lots of good stuff i didn't know)

thank you good sir, you just gave me a new way to play ddo, thanks to you the rest of my lives will have something different and new to offer, i mean, haven't played a nseaky life yet, seeing what you have shown me, the incentive is great, "just to try if i can do it too"

it's not like i'm always focused in speed running nor zerging, i never managed to distract last guardian (and rest can be done w/o much focus on sneaking XD)

tyvm for sharing your knowledge, add me as a rookie member of the flaming sphere scroll fan club, because haven't any more arcane lives left (and the 3 ranger lives will be shadar-kai too so... i'm enjoying just the thoughts of the possibilities you have opened with the scroll xD)

+1 to rep too

12-16-2014, 02:24 PM
hi Brian, can you provide examples? I haven't read it.
"Critical Failures" take place in D&D world -- third edition, to be exact. Wizard Julian's favorite spell in Mount: first level, summons a horse. Uses so far:

Cast during battle in a dungeon room -- instant meatshield
Cast inside a room full of traps -- all traps set off, very dead horse
Emergency food for a hungry, but somewhat friendly vampire -- ensures she stays friendly
All-purpose distraction -- a horse popping out of nowhere is liable to cause confusion, at least briefly

No wonder one of Julian's friends asks him "What have you got against horses?" Answer: nothing. Sometimes he even rides them.

Unfortunately, most DDO traps are not one-shot -- they keep spinning or firing until disarmed. So you cannot just send in a sacrificial pet/hireling.

12-16-2014, 03:48 PM
Nice post Saekee. This just makes me wonder how did you come up with this? I mean not many of us ever bothered thinking of that spell if I can be honest.

thx Holybird. I recall encountering them in Chains of Flame as castings by enemy gnolls. I found them really annoying and they followed me about. So I thought, why not do that also to them? Though I figured it out on my own, I am not the first. In another thread on stealth builds, some players have revealed knowledge about them.

thank you good sir, you just gave me a new way to play ddo, thanks to you the rest of my lives will have something different and new to offer, i mean, haven't played a nseaky life yet, seeing what you have shown me, the incentive is great, "just to try if i can do it too"

it's not like i'm always focused in speed running nor zerging, i never managed to distract last guardian (and rest can be done w/o much focus on sneaking XD)

tyvm for sharing your knowledge, add me as a rookie member of the flaming sphere scroll fan club, because haven't any more arcane lives left (and the 3 ranger lives will be shadar-kai too so... i'm enjoying just the thoughts of the possibilities you have opened with the scroll xD)

+1 to rep too
Thanks psykopeta! I encourage you to check out Spencerian's guide in my sig. I am trying to add to it, just haven't had much solid playtime. I recently had to abandon a PUG 30 minutes into Let Sleeping Dust Lie. It was a shame, since I was having fun assisting a well-played assassin there.

"Critical Failures" take place in D&D world -- third edition, to be exact. Wizard Julian's favorite spell in Mount: first level, summons a horse. Uses so far:

Cast during battle in a dungeon room -- instant meatshield
Cast inside a room full of traps -- all traps set off, very dead horse
Emergency food for a hungry, but somewhat friendly vampire -- ensures she stays friendly
All-purpose distraction -- a horse popping out of nowhere is liable to cause confusion, at least briefly

No wonder one of Julian's friends asks him "What have you got against horses?" Answer: nothing. Sometimes he even rides them.

Unfortunately, most DDO traps are not one-shot -- they keep spinning or firing until disarmed. So you cannot just send in a sacrificial pet/hireling.

Hah! The use of summons is actually used in that way too. Ghoste championed it in his videos--he used the celestial dog as his sacrificial pet. He would use it to distract enemies or move them closer to each other. He was able to cast the dog right where he wanted to do so.

I use them too--I keep a Roderic's Wand on my hotbar for summoning a variety of little sacrifices, depending on the situation. I think they might cause an alert with the scorpion in Claw of Vulkoor, but I am not sure. They can be used in tandem with flaming sphere. One of the advantages of flaming sphere is that the mobs walk very slowly to check it out, whereas the dog will get attacked aggressively (and usually die quickly). So both work, just depends on circumstances.

For example, at the entrance of Running with the Devils, I cast a flaming sphere and ran ahead of it to the first gate switch by the archons. The archons eventually finished their dialogue, and around that time the flaming sphere began to rumble towards them. So they lit up and attacked it, running past me (I was invisible and in stealth). Then it was easy to proceed. No good guys got hurt, except some minor burns! (Not counting all my deaths on several failed runs)

I have attempted to plop several spheres in the nasty final air elemental mess of Fleshmakers. The air elementals sometimes get aggro on the spheres and give you a break. Not the best way, but helped.

12-16-2014, 09:54 PM
I wonder if the sphere can be cast in front of mobs in the midst of a shadow phase by Shadar Kai or the TF armor clickie.

It can. AFAIK no effect/action is able to prematurely end Greater Invisibility/Shadow Phase. This makes it completely incredible when going for zero-kill runs.

12-16-2014, 11:16 PM
It can. AFAIK no effect/action is able to prematurely end Greater Invisibility/Shadow Phase. This makes it completely incredible when going for zero-kill runs.

Would you like to verify it and, if so, post a screenie here? I can add it to the first post with your name

12-17-2014, 06:18 AM
Would you like to verify it and, if so, post a screenie here? I can add it to the first post with your name





12-17-2014, 06:36 AM
I think I knew all this... and yet... I've never bothered.

Since stealth is completely broken at the moment (unless it's just me: can anyone else sound-pull by shooting the floor/wall near mobs at the moment? I certainly can't), my Rogue is going to pick up a stack of these. Enchant wiz too I think.

12-17-2014, 09:25 AM
I'm going to assume that Arty PL increases the duration also?

12-17-2014, 10:21 AM
Thank you Qezuzu! I have edited the first page!

I think I knew all this... and yet... I've never bothered.
Since stealth is completely broken at the moment (unless it's just me: can anyone else sound-pull by shooting the floor/wall near mobs at the moment? I certainly can't), my Rogue is going to pick up a stack of these. Enchant wiz too I think.
Stealth isn't broken; it has just been altered. I haven't sound-pulled in a while; that may be less effective or broken. I think the mobs got smarter. It DOES work when you target a breakable.

Sound pulling definitely does NOT work on the last scorpion in Claw. In epics it seems to come down to the secret door when it is opened, though--I do not recall if that is only on EH or EE.

I'm going to assume that Arty PL increases the duration also?
Hi Luxgolg, I checked the wiki (http://ddowiki.com/page/Past_Life_Feats)on Arty PL:

Passive: You were an Artificer in a past life. You occasionally find yourself tinkering with your gear. Each time you acquire this feat you gain a stacking +1 bonus to all Intelligence based skills and Use Magic Device. This feat can be stacked up to three times.

Feat: You recall more about your past life as an artificer. When you use a rod, staff, or wand, you have a 15% chance to retain essence and not expend a charge, and can produce an Enchant Armor or Enchant Weapons effect a total of ten times per rest. (Activate this artificer ability to increase the Enhancement Bonus of your target's currently equipped weapons or shields by 1, or to increase the Enhancement Bonus of your target's currently equipped armor by 1. An item can have only one temporary item enchantment at a time.)

OTOH, having the artificer ability 'Artificer Knowledge' might extend it. I have not tested it. Would you like to and post the results? One minute is already pretty long anyway but it would be funny if artificers can have it extend significantly:
Scrolls: Artificer level 1. Grants a +2 to UMD checks related to scroll use, and all scrolls used by the Artificer have their caster levels increased by 1. This caster level bonus increases by 1 at Artificer levels 4, 7, 10, and 13, and is capped by the Artificer's Intelligence Bonus.

12-17-2014, 02:59 PM
(awesome stuff)

You, sir, are an asset to the community, and have been ever since you first started posting on the forums. Thanks for making this game more fun!

12-17-2014, 03:10 PM
You, sir, are an asset to the community, and have been ever since you first started posting on the forums. Thanks for making this game more fun!

Thank you LuKaSu, that is a very thoughtful comment.

12-17-2014, 03:18 PM
Thank you Qezuzu! I have edited the first page!

Stealth isn't broken; it has just been altered. I haven't sound-pulled in a while; that may be less effective or broken. I think the mobs got smarter. It DOES work when you target a breakable.

Sound pulling definitely does NOT work on the last scorpion in Claw. In epics it seems to come down to the secret door when it is opened, though--I do not recall if that is only on EH or EE.

Hi Luxgolg, I checked the wiki (http://ddowiki.com/page/Past_Life_Feats)on Arty PL:

Passive: You were an Artificer in a past life. You occasionally find yourself tinkering with your gear. Each time you acquire this feat you gain a stacking +1 bonus to all Intelligence based skills and Use Magic Device. This feat can be stacked up to three times.

Feat: You recall more about your past life as an artificer. When you use a rod, staff, or wand, you have a 15% chance to retain essence and not expend a charge, and can produce an Enchant Armor or Enchant Weapons effect a total of ten times per rest. (Activate this artificer ability to increase the Enhancement Bonus of your target's currently equipped weapons or shields by 1, or to increase the Enhancement Bonus of your target's currently equipped armor by 1. An item can have only one temporary item enchantment at a time.)

OTOH, having the artificer ability 'Artificer Knowledge' might extend it. I have not tested it. Would you like to and post the results? One minute is already pretty long anyway but it would be funny if artificers can have it extend significantly:
Scrolls: Artificer level 1. Grants a +2 to UMD checks related to scroll use, and all scrolls used by the Artificer have their caster levels increased by 1. This caster level bonus increases by 1 at Artificer levels 4, 7, 10, and 13, and is capped by the Artificer's Intelligence Bonus.

Tested(by a guildie who was online) and does not increase duration

12-17-2014, 03:26 PM
Tested(by a guildie who was online) and does not increase duration

Thx Luxgolg! I have updated the first post!

12-18-2014, 11:04 PM
I did Rainbow in the Dark and can confirm that it does NOT light the darkness in any way.

12-19-2014, 03:20 AM
I remember the very first time I played an arcane I asked in guild what spells to take in early levels.
Sure enough someone told me to take Flame Sphere as my lvl 2 spell. Took me a bit to realise I got trolled.

But cool to see some people can find creative ways to utilise spells like that :)

12-19-2014, 03:35 AM
General Stuff
Ride a Flaming Sphere !!!

/signed Hellhounds in Big Top.

12-19-2014, 09:27 AM
I remember the very first time I played an arcane I asked in guild what spells to take in early levels.
Sure enough someone told me to take Flame Sphere as my lvl 2 spell. Took me a bit to realise I got trolled.

But cool to see some people can find creative ways to utilise spells like that :)

Thx Eth!

General Stuff
Ride a Flaming Sphere !!!

/signed Hellhounds in Big Top.

Awesome Wipey!

12-19-2014, 06:29 PM
Very new player to DDO, and have to agree also from a new player perspective. I have only tried one Wizard so far and took Flaming Sphere as one of my initial spells (created lvl 4 vet status). When fighting at low levels solo w/hirelings, Flaming Sphere has been a nice distraction regardless that it doesn't damage heavily. I actually came to rely on it when in some Elite dungeons. I did find it odd that the spell does not scale with levels, nor is there a more powerful version you get later. My recommendation to dev's - do one or the other.

12-19-2014, 06:41 PM
Very new player to DDO, and have to agree also from a new player perspective. I have only tried one Wizard so far and took Flaming Sphere as one of my initial spells (created lvl 4 vet status). When fighting at low levels solo w/hirelings, Flaming Sphere has been a nice distraction regardless that it doesn't damage heavily. I actually came to rely on it when in some Elite dungeons. I did find it odd that the spell does not scale with levels, nor is there a more powerful version you get later. My recommendation to dev's - do one or the other.

Hi Nuclear_Elvis, welcome to the game and forums, and thanks for posting! It is true that it is odd that Flaming Sphere does not scale with combustion power. Even if it did, it would still be pretty lousy and is not worth recoding. Its behavior is so unlike other spells anyway and why I focused upon it for tactical reasons.

In any event I recommend that one use the scroll directly, not cast the spell. The cast version is somewhat expensive in terms of spell points (15 sp). I do not even recommend that one take it as one of the selected spells with the trainer (see Rare arcane scroll (http://ddowiki.com/page/The_Rare_Arcane_Scroll_List) list for what-to-take each level since those on the list cannot be simply bought from a vendor). The scroll version is cheap and fairly easy to UMD due to its low-level and automatic for anyone with 2 levels in druid, sorc or wizard classes.

12-20-2014, 05:12 AM
I figured that since the character was Wizard and can learn spells - was less a factor, since I can learn more spells over time. I could see that advice as key for other casters who don't learn spells though.

02-07-2015, 12:38 PM
Little late on the forums for this but if anyone is still looking for uses...the best by far IMHO is to cast in GoP during the drop to the ghostly beholder.

The flaming sphere gets agro for a few seconds and that's usually long enough to kill the boss at each level and summon another one during the next drop.

02-07-2015, 01:27 PM
Little late on the forums for this but if anyone is still looking for uses...the best by far IMHO is to cast in GoP during the drop to the ghostly beholder.

The flaming sphere gets agro for a few seconds and that's usually long enough to kill the boss at each level and summon another one during the next drop.

hi Sehenry03, awesome tip. Can you get a screenie? I will then add it to the first page with props. Is that for heroic or epic content?

02-07-2015, 01:31 PM

I will be using this tip all the time now I suspect on my stealth toon.

TY! +1

02-07-2015, 01:33 PM
hi Sehenry03, awesome tip. Can you get a screenie? I will then add it to the first page with props. Is that for heroic or epic content?

Never done a screen shot on the forums so no idea where to begin. But it should work on epic the same.

The basic idea is that the sphere gets the beholders agro first and the sphere has a time limit and no hp's so it can't be 1 shot and killed. Anytime the beholder attacks something it keeps its attention on that something for a few seconds...maybe evem up to 10 seconds of free attacking and no con drain. That's usually enough time for a decent group to do enough damage for the floor to fall out. Then summon another sphere and the beholders agro resets after the floor falls out so it attacks the sphere again since the party SHOULD be feather falling down so again you should have 5-10 seconds of free attacking on the beholder again. Rinse/Repeat til the final floor.

02-08-2015, 02:32 PM

I will be using this tip all the time now I suspect on my stealth toon.

TY! +1
thanks Phillymiket! Glad you like this!

Never done a screen shot on the forums so no idea where to begin. But it should work on epic the same.

The basic idea is that the sphere gets the beholders agro first and the sphere has a time limit and no hp's so it can't be 1 shot and killed. Anytime the beholder attacks something it keeps its attention on that something for a few seconds...maybe evem up to 10 seconds of free attacking and no con drain. That's usually enough time for a decent group to do enough damage for the floor to fall out. Then summon another sphere and the beholders agro resets after the floor falls out so it attacks the sphere again since the party SHOULD be feather falling down so again you should have 5-10 seconds of free attacking on the beholder again. Rinse/Repeat til the final floor.

Will do--I should be able to hit Orchard in a few weeks--am leveling slowly--so I will experiment at least on EH with my current vamp monk build.
If anyone else is reading this and would like to try to experiment with this on epic play, and get a screenie, I would appreciate it!

04-01-2015, 10:15 PM

Really good post, OP, thanks very much for this.

Take care.

04-01-2015, 11:47 PM
Thanks Blerk for bumping this thread and TYVM Saekee for making it.
Now all we need is a video of a full party of UMDers casting Flaming Spheres in GoP set to Jerry Lee Lewis' Great Balls of Fire.

04-02-2015, 09:01 AM
Little late on the forums for this but if anyone is still looking for uses...the best by far IMHO is to cast in GoP during the drop to the ghostly beholder.

The flaming sphere gets agro for a few seconds and that's usually long enough to kill the boss at each level and summon another one during the next drop.
I played with this briefly and it does work. Didn't manage a decent screenie but my gimp toon at the time was running eGoP on the lowest difficulty settting (ahem...) so I was too embarrassed to make a screenie anyway.


Really good post, OP, thanks very much for this.

Take care.
Glad you liked it blerkington!

Thanks Blerk for bumping this thread and TYVM Saekee for making it.
Now all we need is a video of a full party of UMDers casting Flaming Spheres in GoP set to Jerry Lee Lewis' Great Balls of Fire.

Alfhild this is great--I can't make vids but it would be funny to make a tutorial on the themes here with that song in the background.

I need to update this thread with some of my 'act/kill in plain sight' studies. Will do it later.

05-12-2015, 12:22 PM
Cast it before you are near them, then sneak. Works really well!


05-12-2015, 12:49 PM
So in a recent thread about light sources, someone suggested (https://www.ddo.com/forums/showthread.php/459746-Is-there-a-personal-light-source?p=5604494&viewfull=1#post5604494) trying Flaming Sphere.

I haven't had a chance yet to pick up some scrolls to test this out, but I'm wondering if this would really work. I'd love a way to light up some of the really dark dungeon areas where I can't see to play.

05-12-2015, 12:55 PM
Utterly brilliant. :)
Where do I sign up for the fan club? I wanna sign up for the Fan Club!


05-12-2015, 01:45 PM
Cast it before you are near them, then sneak. Works really well!


Neat idea. Only problem in that dungeon is that you can't leave them mesmerized, right? Otherwise they'll soon collect again and cause Dungeon Alert so massive that you'll crash the server. :) It's great for tactical use, I think, as it makes it really easy for a party to slap the devils down with less aggro.

05-12-2015, 04:47 PM
So in a recent thread about light sources, someone suggested (https://www.ddo.com/forums/showthread.php/459746-Is-there-a-personal-light-source?p=5604494&viewfull=1#post5604494) trying Flaming Sphere.

I haven't had a chance yet to pick up some scrolls to test this out, but I'm wondering if this would really work. I'd love a way to light up some of the really dark dungeon areas where I can't see to play.
hi DANTEIL, it does not work as a lightsource, sadly.

Utterly brilliant. :)
Where do I sign up for the fan club? I wanna sign up for the Fan Club!

Done Memnir! And thx for the rep!

Neat idea. Only problem in that dungeon is that you can't leave them mesmerized, right? Otherwise they'll soon collect again and cause Dungeon Alert so massive that you'll crash the server. :) It's great for tactical use, I think, as it makes it really easy for a party to slap the devils down with less aggro.
Hi Spence, it does not trigger DA! That is the nice thing about the Sphere. It is unlike a summon which triggers direct aggro. I think the coding makes it similar to a noisemaker--they walk up to it slowly and inspect it in the same way. Unlike a noisemaker, it moves and goes towards them, and even lasts a little longer. Of course, casting it breaks stealth.

05-12-2015, 05:13 PM
use the Cultist's traps against them in The Mask of Deception!

Here are shots from Heroic elite; the first pic is the beginning of the lure, the second after a while of their standing in the traps:


06-25-2015, 08:37 AM
this was one of my favorite spells in my first life (was a wizard)
i never used it to distract enemies though, but i knew it could set stuff on fire

i assume the distracted enemies are vulnerable to sneak attacks? and are less likely to detect you sneaking up to them?
that would be a nice tool for a stealthy rogue with some umd :)

since i haven't rolled a rogue yet and i always wanted to TR into a sneaky one
i guess i'll try this, it seems like this is alot of fun!
thanks for sharing!

06-26-2015, 10:24 AM
this was one of my favorite spells in my first life (was a wizard)
i never used it to distract enemies though, but i knew it could set stuff on fire

i assume the distracted enemies are vulnerable to sneak attacks? and are less likely to detect you sneaking up to them?
that would be a nice tool for a stealthy rogue with some umd :)

since i haven't rolled a rogue yet and i always wanted to TR into a sneaky one
i guess i'll try this, it seems like this is alot of fun!
thanks for sharing!

hi Lanadazia, thanks for your comments! I don't recommend it as a spell, though, since there are better ones--the scroll casting is cheap and easy.
Distracted enemies are vulnerable to sneak attack, but only on the first hit. Then they stop gazing at the pretty fire ball and go after you. They will be less likely to perceive someone in stealth only in that they are facing a different direction, which counts for a lot. And yes--I think rogues and ninjas benefit the most from this thread!

I am still occasionally updating my findings. I use them in lots of situations; I plan to add just the bizarre stuff. For example, in Blown to Bits, it is fun to cast one before setting a charge. The timing is about right to draw mobs from the other side of the crates close enough to get hit by the explosion.

The main thing is that stealth and invisibility break when you cast it (unless you use some of the clever tricks mentioned above, like Improved Invisiblity). Hence it must be cast out of sight.

What is nice is that it follows you, albeit at the speed of a massively obese daschund.


06-26-2015, 11:55 AM
This is awesome. I'm wondering all the fun places I could use it.

09-09-2015, 02:20 PM
The second-to-last guardian in Claw can be tricky as well. On heroic elite, I can sometimes step on the pad right in front of it while invisible and it does not spot me. However, this one was a champ and had true sight. I tried using my standard trick which is to hide on the ramp and hit the breakable there with a thrown weapon. This did not work (with noisemakers, this is easy, but my current rogue splash does not have them yet...). So I summoned a flaming sphere, went invisi and stealth, and moved out of the area. It drew the scorpion and I was able to subdue it.


On 5/2017 I found out that it can be used also to pull the fire giant out of the first corridor:


10-01-2015, 10:28 AM
Projected in the Mabar event!


thanks devs!

10-01-2015, 12:00 PM
Projected in the Mabar event!


thanks devs!

Now if we can get the dev's to make them purple.

10-25-2015, 08:35 AM
Projected in the Mabar event!


thanks devs!

I was hoping you saw this new item. I've made it a priority to make several. :)

Given how so few people used this spell until you noted it, I'm betting the devs have a few fans of your idea.

10-25-2015, 09:32 AM
I was hoping you saw this new item. I've made it a priority to make several. :)

Given how so few people used this spell until you noted it, I'm betting the devs have a few fans of your idea.

Yes, I'd spotted this and thought of this thread. I really want one for my rogue's next life. Can't remember the cost of it in the barter window, hopefully it is inexpensive.

10-25-2015, 10:47 AM
I was hoping you saw this new item. I've made it a priority to make several. :)

Given how so few people used this spell until you noted it, I'm betting the devs have a few fans of your idea.
Heya. Yes, am happy about it--in a thread discussing the Revels rewards items, a dev responded that 'there is a fan club' so we all inspired this item!

Yes, I'd spotted this and thought of this thread. I really want one for my rogue's next life. Can't remember the cost of it in the barter window, hopefully it is inexpensive.
Hi dunklezhan, it is not too pricey--usual 100 chocolates plus 20/20/10 of others. This is based on the 'preview' which may get modified.

For me, the BIG question is, "how fast does it cast the sphere?" Roderick's wand summons instantly. If the broom is slow like the scroll, it becomes a fun convenience item; if it is fast, then it becomes a must-have for stealthy players.

10-27-2015, 11:36 AM
Method: drop spheres as you race ahead of your pursuers. The key is the slow movement of the sphere. Since you can get a good distance on it, it will eventually distract new spawns.

As a result, it was tough to get a pic of it. This is from a subsequent NH run; my elite runs were too tricky. Would work well in a group:


10-28-2015, 02:44 PM
Traded for the Long Broom (http://ddowiki.com/page/Item:Long_Broom_of_Mystery) from the Night Revels (http://ddowiki.com/page/The_Night_Revels) event. It is cheap and easy to throw together.

The Bummer: It does not summon the sphere any faster than the scrolls.
The Good: No UMD, recharges uses, does not uncenter monks

You can throw out a lot of them switching back between the broom and the scrolls if you really feel the wonky need, like before entering a room full of beholders (the Sphere is superbly useful in Invaders!)
I think for ninja lovers, this is very handy since it is a PITA coming up with a decent UMD for heroic pure ninjas. Rogues have an easier time reaching a decent UMD.



12-04-2015, 03:07 PM
It cannot get blown away by wind elementals.

Whoever gets annoyed by hostile Flaming Spheres like in Necro I - they can become charmed. By arcane Lvl 2 spell Ooze Puppet, since the spheres are considered Ooze. Note that the usual purple pyramid over charmed mobs won't appear, so if OP was successfully landed or not only shows by what direction the sphere moves or it remaining stationary in case there is no enemy in range. Whether a charmed Sphere with Augment Summoning and enhancements that increase abilities of charmed/summoned mobs also does more damage or not, unfortunately I don't know =)

12-04-2015, 04:05 PM
Whoever gets annoyed by hostile Flaming Spheres like in Necro I - they can become charmed. By arcane Lvl 2 spell Ooze Puppet, since the spheres are considered Ooze. Note that the usual purple pyramid over charmed mobs won't appear, so if OP was successfully landed or not only shows by what direction the sphere moves or it remaining stationary in case there is no enemy in range. Whether a charmed Sphere with Augment Summoning and enhancements that increase abilities of charmed/summoned mobs also does more damage or not, unfortunately I don't know =)
That is a funny tip! So it is typed as Ooze. Very interesting and not surprising, given the movement speed. I will update the OP. Thx Lanhelin for the insight!

01-09-2016, 03:29 PM
I have been meaning to post this for a while. On elite, it drops their HP down to about 1/2 if they get hit by one of the charges. The flaming sphere lures them from far away on the other side of charges, plenty of time to blow them up.


01-18-2016, 02:13 PM
This is tricky to activate, but here is how I did it on EH anyway in Shadowdancer:

Activate the Guardians of the Spear (by attempting to remove the spear) and either DDoor out (and come back) or hide off to the side.
Use Improved Invisibility in an area where there are no Champs (due to true sight)
While under improved invisibility, drop a flaming sphere
Go into stealth to the opposite side of the room
Finally, go invisible (mass invisi lasts a long time), enter stealth and pull the spear. (see picture below--they are all grouped around the sphere)

Once the spear is pulled out, you can sit back in the corner and watch the guardians fight the Giant Skellie for you!


02-09-2016, 02:21 AM
This is a thread I'm always happy to come back to and check out. For a summon that may be seen as niche among so many other in game features that have become redundant or unpopular, this thread has shown the broad amount of uses for the Flaming Sphere. Not only that but it supports a slower form of the game that can be neglected in our zerg harder world. A well managed thread full of handy tips and humor as well, I nominate this thread for the Hall of Fame.

Any seconds out there?

02-09-2016, 06:34 AM
... I nominate this thread for the Hall of Fame.

Any seconds out there?

It's had some slow spots, or probably would have been tagged over already. Has had some good laughs along the way though. I'll /Second ya.

I know that when I see a FS scroll pop up in game, I'm reminded of this thread. That says something about it. :)

02-09-2016, 11:26 AM
This is a thread I'm always happy to come back to and check out. For a summon that may be seen as niche among so many other in game features that have become redundant or unpopular, this thread has shown the broad amount of uses for the Flaming Sphere. Not only that but it supports a slower form of the game that can be neglected in our zerg harder world. A well managed thread full of handy tips and humor as well, I nominate this thread for the Hall of Fame.

Any seconds out there?

It's had some slow spots, or probably would have been tagged over already. Has had some good laughs along the way though. I'll /Second ya.

I know that when I see a FS scroll pop up in game, I'm reminded of this thread. That says something about it. :)

That is very kind of you, both to suggest and to support (I also appreciate the FS scroll pop up reference cdbd3rd!)

I am not sure how it might make the HoF but I suspect that an issue against it is that it is really run by me updating the OP with new insights (some offered by other players).

In its favor, it encourages exploration of game mechanics instead of zerg dps.

02-09-2016, 06:13 PM
Master of stealth Quezuzu (https://www.ddo.com/forums/member.php/391037-Qezuzu) demonstrates how one can use the flaming sphere to move mobs blocking the many corridors in To Curse the Sky (http://ddowiki.com/page/To_Curse_the_Sky).
His video is here (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KUZf94FQ4Ok); the forum thread is here (https://www.ddo.com/forums/showthread.php/469658-To-Curse-the-Sky-one-kill-A-Video-Guide). Below is a screenshot; thanks Quezuzu for your thread and contributions!


02-27-2016, 03:36 PM
Those irritating respawning invisible Hobs in Irestone are attracted to shiny balls of flame. :)

(And the FS behaves better than most hirelings. :rolleyes: )

02-27-2016, 05:00 PM
Those irritating respawning invisible Hobs in Irestone are attracted to shiny balls of flame. :)

(And the FS behaves better than most hirelings. :rolleyes: )


We used one in EE Prison of the Planes to draw out some mephits that were aggroed onto the cell user outside the electric wall. No one understood why the section hadn't auto-completed, assuming all the mobs were dead. Not even the summon was pursuing them. The Sphere pulled it, though! So loyal...

03-02-2016, 02:32 PM


Hmm. Didn't think to.

As my dedicated level-5 Irestone zerger is a Warlock, once I noticed them behind me I turned to look at them and they just melted. Wasn't much left to catch in a screenie. :o

03-03-2016, 08:45 AM
anyone else think it would be fun to have a cosmetic pet of the flaming sphere? obviously in a different color, maybe a little smaller . . . I would not buy it since I am broke IRL but I think it would be a fun addition if somehow you could earn it in-game.

03-03-2016, 08:45 AM
Hmm. Didn't think to.

As my dedicated level-5 Irestone zerger is a Warlock, once I noticed them behind me I turned to look at them and they just melted. Wasn't much left to catch in a screenie. :o
I added it as a note in the OP! thx again.

04-23-2016, 01:40 AM
Nice post I will show to a friend that I think will find it useful hehe

04-23-2016, 07:47 AM
Nice post I will show to a friend that I think will find it useful hehe

Hi, glad you like it! When new quests are released, I keep an eye on the mechanics in them to see if there is any particularly unique application

01-22-2017, 10:00 AM
I tried dropping a flaming sphere to distract the ambush in Litany of the Dead. It didn't work by itself. So I found that summoning a Barbed Devil (since it teleports away from you) along with the flaming sphere helps distract them.

I then hid in the corner as you can see from the photo.


05-17-2017, 04:14 PM
I have not forgotten this thread! I still use the sphere all the time. Here, it is pulling the fire giant away from his fire traps in the first tunnel of Claw of Vulkoor, heroic elite. Some builds have a tough time getting past him.

I hope to test the sphere in the new quests when I get back to stealth building.


06-20-2017, 06:56 PM

While Saekee has been sharing all the awesome ways to use Flaming Sphere, the enemy has been listening and has advanced the technology!

I present the Champion Flaming Sphere.

It took me and my hire out in the lvl 5 tombs. It poison dotted me from a very far distance. I really had no idea what was hitting me until it was too late

06-20-2017, 08:04 PM

While Saekee has been sharing all the awesome ways to use Flaming Sphere, the enemy has been listening and has advanced the technology!

I present the Champion Flaming Sphere.

It took me and my hire out in the lvl 5 tombs. It poison dotted me from a very far distance. I really had no idea what was hitting me until it was too late
thx for sharing! bet you wish you had that Ooze Puppet spell!!!

06-20-2017, 10:17 PM
thx for sharing! bet you wish you had that Ooze Puppet spell!!!

Would that work? Can enemie flaming sphere even be targeting or has something changed I missed? I thought they couldn't even be attacked.
sorry if this is off topic for your thread

06-21-2017, 06:40 AM
Would that work? Can enemie flaming sphere even be targeting or has something changed I missed? I thought they couldn't even be attacked.
sorry if this is off topic for your thread
yes! See post 64: https://www.ddo.com/forums/showthread.php/453250-Flaming-sphere-scroll-Fan-Club-thread?p=5734493&viewfull=1#post5734493

12-11-2017, 04:12 PM
Never occurred to me to do this before...When you finish, you still have a mess of mobs there...


I am experimenting with the new quests and hope to update some unusual uses of the Sphere!

04-07-2018, 01:14 PM
I found this really helpful--that ambush can really go south so this is an easy way to skip it. The sphere draws them pretty far away and a couple that might remain on this side of the bridge are facing away from the door.


05-10-2018, 01:06 PM
Place a sphere before pulling the first lever to create a great gargoyle distraction. Then, place on around the corner (at the grating) before you pull the second lever to distract the rats. If you do NOT do this, you may get spotted going around the mobs as you make your way to the ladder.

The following pics were from an R1 or 2 epic run:


05-25-2018, 04:52 PM
Just thought I would share this--was using flaming spheres a lot in lower quests since I did not get noisemaker use until level 10. So here is Fane of the Six: Fall of the Prelate (http://ddowiki.com/page/The_Fane_of_the_Six:_Fall_of_the_Prelate), nasty intersection with the mephits that seem to wipe unsuspecting parties:


06-01-2018, 02:11 PM
Death House:

I use this to loot the collectable more easily in the room there and get the free chest behind the secret door while I am at it...You can skip these two very easily on a fast sneak run:


10-11-2018, 08:46 PM
2018 Long Broom of mystery is now quite cheap! Clicky with 5 flaming spheres. Not really needed, but hey, fun.

10-12-2018, 05:54 AM
Saekee - you have opened up a whole new level of awesomeness for what everyone thought was the 2nd most useless spell in the game!

Also, a new reason to get that Long Broom, apart from adding to my overall witchy aesthetic.

10-12-2018, 07:34 AM
Saekee - you have opened up a whole new level of awesomeness for what everyone thought was the 2nd most useless spell in the game!

Also, a new reason to get that Long Broom, apart from adding to my overall witchy aesthetic.
thanks! The scrolls are easy enough to UMD but with the broom so cheap...

11-22-2018, 08:50 AM
Instead of accidentally killing them, or kiting about while trying to find that hidden slavemaster, why not pull them with a flaming sphere. They will be burned a little, but hey--they will still thank you when that collar comes off.


11-27-2018, 08:59 AM
I am about to embark on a new project to create 'emergent gameplay' man and wondered if you or someone on the thread could answer some questions about stealth.

I was kind of assuming that the best route to a high stealth build was through rogue or Monk but Druid seems like a seriously viable option through Pass with Trace, Spiderskin and Primal Avatar's Walk with Spirits. Is a druid build an option for very high stealth? Obviously that means some compromises around stats etc but might work?

Also, how does the spot mechanic work for monsters spotting a stealthed player. Is there a minimum distance within which, if the mob is facing you you will be seen no matter what your score or is it dependent on a DC such that if you had an insane hide/ms you could literally stand in front of a mobile looking directly at you. My experience so far is the former but wanted to see if some had a definitive answer.

Finally, its there a definitive list of what brings you out of stealth/invis somewhere? I found a thread or two that covered some things but they were quite out of date.



11-27-2018, 04:11 PM
I am about to embark on a new project to create 'emergent gameplay' man and wondered if you or someone on the thread could answer some questions about stealth.

I was kind of assuming that the best route to a high stealth build was through rogue or Monk but Druid seems like a seriously viable option through Pass with Trace, Spiderskin and Primal Avatar's Walk with Spirits. Is a druid build an option for very high stealth? Obviously that means some compromises around stats etc but might work?

Also, how does the spot mechanic work for monsters spotting a stealthed player. Is there a minimum distance within which, if the mob is facing you you will be seen no matter what your score or is it dependent on a DC such that if you had an insane hide/ms you could literally stand in front of a mobile looking directly at you. My experience so far is the former but wanted to see if some had a definitive answer.

Finally, its there a definitive list of what brings you out of stealth/invis somewhere? I found a thread or two that covered some things but they were quite out of date.


hi Haphazarduk, this is a big topic. Druid could indeed work well although does not get faster sneaking in any of its enhancement trees (those are in Assassin, ninja and tier 2 of DWS). Splashing rogue and wolf are natural harmonies though and I believe Primal Avatar continues to advance spell levels for druids; hence, the sneak spells get better and better. 8 Druid is really all you need and you can take tier 5 assassin for knife spec and also benefit from Tier4 killer doublestrike; I would splash maybe one level of barb on top for a fast runner. But there are lots of options there. Druid brings free combat feats and self healing as well as run speed and has a natural sleet storm AoE that is not bad with FoM for sneak damage.

Spot: that is complicated but you want to be invisible if you are in front of a mob for too long...Even insanely high sneak stats will get you seen right in front of a mob, but not always. Anyway the key in stealthing about is to avoid the front of mobs; they have a 180 degree arc for their sight and stuff from the sides is essentially invisible. You can even jump over a mob if they are facing sideways of the jump arc.

Usually being attacked makes you lose sneak status, even if the attack misses (arrows really are awful in this regard; they miss but BAM you are out of sneak). Invisi is lost on opening doors and levels but there are ways around it with improved invisi etc.

Check out my links here on this wiki page for more info: https://ddowiki.com/page/User:Saekee

02-13-2019, 10:17 AM
Distract the cavalry of ogres and rust monsters! Drop the sphere at their entrance point while Sora Katra is wasting her time during her final monologue! They will hang around there with their backs turned while you calmly finish the puzzle and loot the chest! Why fight them when their is no need!


01-13-2020, 12:42 PM
Avoid instant aggro and an enormous mess of kiting and lag with this simple trick. Create a flaming sphere, then enter the brawling pit down below. The sphere activates the audience members (I believe I had to sneak close to the announcer too). They wander over to it without trigging DA. In the corner, I pulled the announcer to me while using Improved Invisi and the dodge clicky. I dispatched him and the other fighter with ease, then progressed the quest. SO MUCH EASIER than slaughtering a bunch of sicko arena attendees!


You can also move the mobs away from the letter above the ramp before the final fight:


03-14-2020, 01:48 AM
I did not get a screenie, but yesterday it was scribed upon the lands of the HCL, Death by Flaming Sphere.

:( for the poor soul that died.

:) for an amusing forum note.

03-14-2020, 07:30 AM
Flaming sphere against Ooze/slime. Flaming sphere against Will O wisps and Evil eyes. Flaming sphere against Glass and Phase spiders and Incorporeal npcs.

Glitterdust/Sleetstorm + Flaming sphere is even more troll for sure.

03-14-2020, 08:03 AM
I did not get a screenie, but yesterday it was scribed upon the lands of the HCL, Death by Flaming Sphere.

:( for the poor soul that died.

:) for an amusing forum note.
This should be in some special Chronicle announcement! I approve!

Flaming sphere against Ooze/slime. Flaming sphere against Will O wisps and Evil eyes. Flaming sphere against Glass and Phase spiders and Incorporeal npcs.

Glitterdust/Sleetstorm + Flaming sphere is even more troll for sure.
Yes! Post here a screenie!

06-23-2020, 04:31 PM
This knowledge helped me get through the Inferno of the Damned. One of the Acolytes refused to acknowledge me no matter how many times I destroyed that dumb portal, but you know what the enemy loves more than anything? Flaming spheres.

06-23-2020, 06:51 PM
This knowledge helped me get through the Inferno of the Damned. One of the Acolytes refused to acknowledge me no matter how many times I destroyed that dumb portal, but you know what the enemy loves more than anything? Flaming spheres.

This is very cool! (erm, hot?)

06-23-2020, 07:07 PM
This knowledge helped me get through the Inferno of the Damned. One of the Acolytes refused to acknowledge me no matter how many times I destroyed that dumb portal, but you know what the enemy loves more than anything? Flaming spheres.
Whoot! Thanks for sharing!

06-24-2020, 04:33 AM
One day I noticed that a Flaming Sphere was kind of actine like a Hireling to one of my characters after dispatching enemies ... It acted like a loyal dog, coming back to me. And then following me. I wish I could buff it.

Besides, why not put this thread into the Hall Of Fame ? It's so full of brilliant ideas ...

06-24-2020, 08:28 AM
...Besides, why not put this thread into the Hall Of Fame ? It's so full of brilliant ideas ...

Oh, wow. It's had to just be an oversight that is hasn't been inducted yet.
Let's get that fixed asap.

**Casts 'Summon Jerry' spell**

/Then sits back waiting patiently, knowing it's also HCL opening day.

06-24-2020, 01:47 PM
I agree, clear Hall of Fame candidate.

06-24-2020, 04:51 PM
Woot, congratulations!


06-24-2020, 04:58 PM
I agreehttps://i.imgur.com/fQfoYCG.gif

06-27-2020, 01:48 PM
New suggestion!

If you're playing a low-health class, Trolls can be really irritating opponents, especially required kills. They're tough, high damage, and regenerate unless they take fire / acid damage. Of course, taking fire or acid damage from a target causes them to lock onto it, because it's dealing them the most damage.

So, what if you want to cause trolls fire or acid damage without making your squishy character troll enemy number one?

Stealth-cast Flaming Sphere. They'll run to it, take fire damage and then you can safely wipe them out at a distance.

Excellent list of other uses, by the way.

07-01-2020, 08:34 AM
New suggestion!

If you're playing a low-health class, Trolls can be really irritating opponents, especially required kills. They're tough, high damage, and regenerate unless they take fire / acid damage. Of course, taking fire or acid damage from a target causes them to lock onto it, because it's dealing them the most damage.

So, what if you want to cause trolls fire or acid damage without making your squishy character troll enemy number one?

Stealth-cast Flaming Sphere. They'll run to it, take fire damage and then you can safely wipe them out at a distance.

Excellent list of other uses, by the way.
Nice suggestion! Very clever

07-08-2020, 02:54 AM
This is a thread I'm always happy to come back to and check out.
I nominate this thread for the Hall of Fame.

Any seconds out there?


I'll /Second ya.


Yay! My application for this thread in the Hall of Fame from 4 years ago finally made it through the lengthy and extremely procedure heavy process. Bureaucratic red tape or perhaps HoF lag? :D

Congratulations to your dedication to the sneak Saekee!
A much maligned core element in D&D which is finally getting some recognition in DDO. Hopefully we can get more mechanics which can further support in game sneakiness.

07-08-2020, 08:40 AM
Yay! My application for this thread in the Hall of Fame from 4 years ago finally made it through the lengthy and extremely procedure heavy process. Bureaucratic red tape or perhaps HoF lag? :D

Congratulations to your dedication to the sneak Saekee!
A much maligned core element in D&D which is finally getting some recognition in DDO. Hopefully we can get more mechanics which can further support in game sneakiness.
your initial nomination and comments are much appreciated! Thank you

08-28-2020, 09:22 AM
Was testing on Lamannia and found that sleet storm and ice storm will snuff out Flaming Sphere. They could make decent alternatives to the Ooze Puppet spell.

08-28-2020, 04:16 PM
Was testing on Lamannia and found that sleet storm and ice storm will snuff out Flaming Sphere. They could make decent alternatives to the Ooze Puppet spell.
hah! Fun fact

05-15-2021, 12:21 PM
I just thought it would be not uninteresting to have another tale about The Flaming Spehere : https://www.ddo.com/forums/showthread.php/524273-Who’s-afraid-of-a-flame-sphere-No-one…-until-now

05-15-2021, 02:24 PM
I just thought it would be not uninteresting to have another tale about The Flaming Spehere : https://www.ddo.com/forums/showthread.php/524273-Who’s-afraid-of-a-flame-sphere-No-one…-until-now

05-27-2021, 05:36 AM
Browsed thru the thread, and skimmed some, so might have missed if this was covered already:

So, since Spheres are summons, does Augment Summon work on Spheres?

05-27-2021, 10:11 AM
I had no idea this thread existed until I saw it mentioned on my story about my encounter with the HC4 Silent One Flaming Sphere

this thread is amazing. thank you to all who contributed I'm honored my story got linked here.

I have to admit I always thought the spell worthless. my eyes are opened!

05-27-2021, 12:24 PM
since Spheres are summons

I never thought about Spheres being summons before. I wondered why Spheres get the purple "I know you're there" eyes while playing my current stealth character. Now it makes sense.

05-27-2021, 04:40 PM
Browsed thru the thread, and skimmed some, so might have missed if this was covered already:

So, since Spheres are summons, does Augment Summon work on Spheres?
Good question as it is typed as an ooze—but it does so little damage, even Tilomere could not make it kill stuff

05-02-2023, 01:15 PM
This old thread will now be closed due to forum changes! Thank you again to all that aided me on the journey of exploration and those that supported the effort!

A last post before tomorrow. Lure shackled slaves safely away from slavers in House of Broken Chains!

