View Full Version : Halfling dark monki stunning blow?

12-08-2014, 12:05 PM
I have a halfling dark monk wielding dual kamas, and I'm not hitting my stunning blows. I'm thinking my str is too low... base 12. Would a tome help?

12-08-2014, 12:21 PM
Stunning Blow takes a serious investment in DCs to land successfully; not just high STR, but a Stunning item, Combat Mastery item, and any other DC bonuses you can acquire.

In your case, I'm inferring you went DEX- or maybe WIS-based, in which case I would just drop S.Blow; I doubt you'll ever hit viable DCs, unfortunately.

12-08-2014, 12:25 PM
Stunning Blow takes a serious investment in DCs to land successfully; not just high STR, but a Stunning item, Combat Mastery item, and any other DC bonuses you can acquire.

In your case, I'm inferring you went DEX- or maybe WIS-based, in which case I would just drop S.Blow; I doubt you'll ever hit viable DCs, unfortunately.
Correct, high dex/high wis
Thanks, I'll switch it out for another feat.
My light monk was hitting stunning fist like nobody's business, but this is a totally different build.

12-08-2014, 12:33 PM
Correct, high dex/high wis
Thanks, I'll switch it out for another feat.
My light monk was hitting stunning fist like nobody's business, but this is a totally different build.

Well in the OP you said Stunning Blow which is totally different than Stunning Fists. Just FYI.

12-08-2014, 12:41 PM
Well in the OP you said Stunning Blow which is totally different than Stunning Fists. Just FYI.
Stunning fist for my unarmed light monk, stunning blow for my kama-wielding dark monk since you cant hit stunning fist while holding weapons. that's my understanding anyway.

12-08-2014, 01:05 PM
Stunning fist for my unarmed light monk, stunning blow for my kama-wielding dark monk since you cant hit stunning fist while holding weapons. that's my understanding anyway.

Would you like to post your build? Feats, starting stats, where you are now, etc?
Yes, Stunning blow would work with Kamas but as said above, requires a ton of gear etc. It is also STR based, so your high DEX and WIS will not help it.

12-08-2014, 01:37 PM
Would you like to post your build? Feats, starting stats, where you are now, etc?
Yes, Stunning blow would work with Kamas but as said above, requires a ton of gear etc. It is also STR based, so your high DEX and WIS will not help it.

Sure, I'll post when I get home. Thanks.

12-08-2014, 01:43 PM
Stunning Fist beats Stunning Blow because it's got a shorter CD and it's easier to hit higher DCs, since S.Fist gets a bonus based on your char lvl but S.Blow doesn't. The only downside is it's handwraps-only.

I would also recommend using short swords instead of kamas, unless you've got Brush Hooks (http://ddowiki.com/page/Item:Forester%27s_Brush_Hook)or Dream Edge (http://ddowiki.com/page/Item:Dream_Edge).

12-08-2014, 02:00 PM
Stunning Fist beats Stunning Blow because it's got a shorter CD and it's easier to hit higher DCs, since S.Fist gets a bonus based on your char lvl but S.Blow doesn't. The only downside is it's handwraps-only.

I would also recommend using short swords instead of kamas, unless you've got Brush Hooks (http://ddowiki.com/page/Item:Forester%27s_Brush_Hook)or Dream Edge (http://ddowiki.com/page/Item:Dream_Edge).
Kamas give slashing damage, shortswords give piercing damage, both have the same base damage. Why the shortswords?

12-08-2014, 02:12 PM
Kamas give slashing damage, shortswords give piercing damage, both have the same base damage. Why the shortswords?

Critical range: SS are base 19-20, Kamas are base 20

And named versions - lots of named SS through the whole character level range, but very few kamas. And the best one (Forester's Brush Hook) is unusually difficult to get.

12-08-2014, 02:32 PM
Critical range: SS are base 19-20, Kamas are base 20

And named versions - lots of named SS through the whole character level range, but very few kamas. And the best one (Forester's Brush Hook) is unusually difficult to get.

Which feat is needed to use SS?

12-08-2014, 02:44 PM
Critical range: SS are base 19-20, Kamas are base 20
I should note that if you have the Ninja capstone, this difference goes away due to the crit range bonus; both weapons become 18-20 base crit range. So if we're just discussing Thunderforged weapons, use whichever you like.

But the point about named options still applies. Brush Hook is the only worthwhile epic kama and it's a PITA to farm, since you need to kill all three Wood Woads in Overgrowth; the incentive for doing so is the sweet crit dmg, which goes to 13-20 x3 w/IC:Slash + Ninja capstone. Short sword users have several epic options: Star of Day, Cutthroat Smallblade (better crit range too), Envenomed Blade (combines well with Ninja Poison), Celestia (not sure if Ninja breaks light dmg, tho).

12-08-2014, 05:49 PM
didnt read all the lol...but;if you are mostly pure monk, stun fist , times your lvl ,will work pretty good until epic;you'll need a stun item for elite,and some enhancement for tactical dcs.The 12 str is the killer,need to do dex build i guess and take dex for damage feat too,but it wont help the stun there.Alot of stun wraps l8ly droppin ....maybee stun w fist and switch to kama for dps?

12-09-2014, 01:15 PM
Which feat is needed to use SS?
The first AP you spend in Ninja Spy for the initial core enhancement grants shortsword proficiency:

Basic Ninja Training: You are proficient with short swords and treat them as Ki weapons. While you are centered, you can use your Dexterity modifier to hit with piercing and slashing weapons.
Unfortunately you need different Improved Critical feats for shortswords and kamas so they aren't quite interchangeable.