View Full Version : The Storms Horns quests are long, difficult, and quite frankly kind of boring

12-05-2014, 02:38 PM
But seeing that frozen glacier crash down into that mountain in What Goes Up makes all of that worth it.

That was quite fun. :D

Just KER-SMASH into tiny pieces. I laugh at puny orc and gnoll forces in the netherese armies.

12-05-2014, 02:40 PM
They are long and difficult. But that's good, especially since the XP is amazing and worth it. I don't find them boring at all though. Maybe if you've run them dozens of times. Also best graphics in the game IMO in this area.

12-05-2014, 02:55 PM
I like the storm horns generally. The difficulty is about right for their level.

However, the netherese camp one is boring. You sit in a tiny circular enclosure and kill waves of knolls, orcs, giants, and assasins......yuck. At least there isn't a squishy NPC to protect. :)

At least break in the ice and what goes up are really fun.

12-05-2014, 03:01 PM
I disagree there for this chain.

Adding the Netherese to the game was a genius stroke. They don't play fair at all and open the entire can of whoop@$$ on us. Insane magic. Legions of enemies. In "What Goes Up," that's exactly what they do to you at the end-fight--and show no signs of stopping until you complete your objectives.

And "What Goes Up" is my favorite quest in terms of the story integration and especially the music and graphics. I played the original Neverwinter Nights expansion, "Shadows of Undrentide," which first introduced me to the ancient Netherese and mythallar. So when I saw that stuff appear in DDO, I cursed at loud in fear and appreciation. I wasn't disappointed.

For those that care, I posted a detailed review of that chain on my blog (http://orderofsyncletica.wordpress.com/2014/06/11/the-wrath-of-the-netherese/). I took my best girl in there, a character that later soloed the Shroud. I got my butt handed to me the first time and I had one of the best times of my life in there.

12-05-2014, 03:40 PM
I love Stormhorns.

12-05-2014, 03:59 PM
Yes Stormhorns are some of my favorite quests. Only thing that's unnerving is the purple haze on the Shadovars.

WGU has a fun kind of difficulty, unlike say...Storm the beaches which just feels cheap, not epic.

12-05-2014, 06:51 PM
While I'm not a fan of Forgotten Realms, and for all I care, "Netheril" is just an adjacent kingdom to Cormyr trying to invade it, I think Stormhorns is the only FR content I actually like in this game.

It is not a content I love, like I do with Lordsmarch quests, or Tempest Spine. But it is the only chain in FR that at the end the game shows you that you DID win, and bad stuff would happens if you had failed. I mean, let's compare with the rest of FR chains:

MotU: C1 ends with a defense-type quest, that, while you win, the fact that your actions did not prevent the army to invade in the first place by BULLRUSHING THE FRONT GATE, makes the fact that you defeated the army a bitter ending. Just to compare, in Eyes of Stone the Droaam army invades the plaza, but they dig a underground passage to do that. The next chain starts with the city being attacked, but the story clearly "starts" there, so technically, you wasn't directly involved before, and you are fixing a mess.

MotU: C2 ends with the drow high priestess kidnapping Ana. Bravo, mighty heroes.

MotU: C3 ends with Ana defeating Lolth, not you.

Druid's Curse ends with the Harper destroying the evil staff, and saying "there, I fixed it. Thanks for your, uh, help". No, YOU WAS A STATUE A FEW SECONDS BEFORE, YOU DID NOTHING!

High Road last quests starts with you losing all the scroll pieces you had so much trouble to gather because reasons, and right after completion, Elminster and the Harper agent teleport in just to get the scroll and teleport off. It leaves the impressions that if you failed, they would zing in and finish the quest for you anyway.

Shadowfell pre-expansion ends with your prisoner escaping. Bravo.

Wheelon ends with the Harper guy thanking you for beating the boss that caught him, but to me, it had a sarcastic tone, as if trying too hard to make me impressed with my own actions.

Stormhorns end in a high note, with amazing in-quest dialogue, and the flying glacier crashing was great. This gave the congratulations the harper agent delivers to you feel more realistic.

12-05-2014, 07:49 PM
They are long and difficult. But that's good, especially since the XP is amazing and worth it. I don't find them boring at all though. Maybe if you've run them dozens of times. Also best graphics in the game IMO in this area.


12-05-2014, 08:14 PM
I came here to argue, as I find the quest chain pretty quick and fun... But realized what you did... and...

In all honesty, I find What goes up to be the most "Epic" ending to a story arc... it feels like a Saga is being closed, and you finally find out what all the little pieces from so many chains were leading up to it were all about.

I remember finishing the Demonweb arc thinking "Really, that was underwhelming" after finishing "Reclaiming the Rift", and even CiTW isn't all that special after the buildup....

But What goes Up feels like how I used to feel about raids...

12-05-2014, 09:30 PM
They are long and difficult. But that's good, especially since the XP is amazing and worth it. I don't find them boring at all though. Maybe if you've run them dozens of times. Also best graphics in the game IMO in this area.

This, I love the storm horns area and wish they would have stuck other quests out there. Hopefully some of the dragon war stuff is out there.

12-06-2014, 10:20 AM
I disagree there for this chain.

Adding the Netherese to the game was a genius stroke. They don't play fair at all and open the entire can of whoop@$$ on us. Insane magic. Legions of enemies. In "What Goes Up," that's exactly what they do to you at the end-fight--and show no signs of stopping until you complete your objectives.

And "What Goes Up" is my favorite quest in terms of the story integration and especially the music and graphics. I played the original Neverwinter Nights expansion, "Shadows of Undrentide," which first introduced me to the ancient Netherese and mythallar. So when I saw that stuff appear in DDO, I cursed at loud in fear and appreciation. I wasn't disappointed.

For those that care, I posted a detailed review of that chain on my blog (http://orderofsyncletica.wordpress.com/2014/06/11/the-wrath-of-the-netherese/). I took my best girl in there, a character that later soloed the Shroud. I got my butt handed to me the first time and I had one of the best times of my life in there.

I read your posting about that! It made me happy because it, too, reminded me of SoU (which I'd played through the first time with a pally, and had been so stoked to get a Holy Sword in that one quest in the Anauroch).

Don't get me wrong, Turbine, I like most of the quests you create. But "What Goes Up" was a great, epic end to the chain and made me super happy because of that SoU nod. I just wish you'd dial down the glaring pinkness when the Shadovar attack.

12-06-2014, 10:37 AM
The storm horns is my favorite place in the game. Both the wilderness and dungeons are excellent imo.

12-06-2014, 10:39 AM
I like the chain overall alot...some quests are boring/how many human and gnoll allready in the game?+ more lame elementals? at least the fire ones have decent anime. Alot mention the waves of enemies one ...silly to not be able to see our characters.Overall a great win, though for ddo.Huge slayer with free waypoints not to far from dungeons;awesome scenery -harpy and gryphons too! dissapointed no boss that type(prob a red i havent seen) /or Gryphon quest in the chain.

12-06-2014, 10:42 AM
I've only done the entire StormHorns quest chain once, but I have to say that on the whole I really enjoyed the area. The slayer area is gorgeous and fun, and most of the quests are really well-done. My only gripes were the tediousness of the arena-battle quest, and the fact that I kept on dying by falling through the cracks in the final fight on the glacier in the end quest. And the teleports to the different areas helped a lot!

12-06-2014, 10:43 AM
yarrr best chain

12-06-2014, 10:45 AM
I like the chain overall alot...some quests are boring/how many human and gnoll allready in the game?+ more lame elementals? at least the fire ones have decent anime. Alot mention the waves of enemies one ...silly to not be able to see our characters.Overall a great win, though for ddo.Huge slayer with free waypoints not to far from dungeons;awesome scenery -harpy and gryphons too! dissapointed no boss that type(prob a red i havent seen) /or Gryphon quest in the chain.

Well, there is a mini-boss harpy optional in Line of Supplies... you don't kill her but you do have to fight her.

I do hope they add a few more quests to the Stormhorns... maybe it is just because the setting reminds me of the mountains in my area (minus the monsters) that I like the setting as much as I do. We just had a major Snow storm here a week ago, and as I looked out over the swap/lake/mountain, "when did I get teleported to the Stormhorns?" I would have taken pictures, but power was out, and the batteries were dead...

12-06-2014, 12:18 PM
Another fan of The Storm Horns here - My only complaint would be the wilderness map... it costs me 6 shards every time I run this chain...

12-06-2014, 01:12 PM
Another fan of The Storm Horns here - My only complaint would be the wilderness map... it costs me 6 shards every time I run this chain...

Why? once you get to the teleport points, click on them, (it's a big monolith in the harper camp, with a harper logo...) and you can teleport back to them for free... I run to the points in heroic, and spend 0 shard ever in Stormhorns...

Yes the first run takes about an hr or 2, but I do it when I have nothing better going on...

12-06-2014, 01:23 PM
Why? once you get to the teleport points, click on them, (it's a big monolith in the harper camp, with a harper logo...) and you can teleport back to them for free... I run to the points in heroic, and spend 0 shard ever in Stormhorns...

Yes the first run takes about an hr or 2, but I do it when I have nothing better going on...

yeah I haven't found the points yet... so far when I run the stormhorns its been at the end of doing a daily FR saga run... so I have already ran Wheelon, Druids Deep, High Road and by the time I get to SH I'm kind of burnt on running around and just want to get to completion... I run to the first 2 quests... recall and repair and empty my bags - shard it to the 3rd quest - recall again - and shard it to the forth quest and run up to what goes up from there... I guess one of these days Ill have to find the teleport points. But honestly Satyrs **** me off.

12-06-2014, 02:46 PM
yeah I haven't found the points yet... so far when I run the stormhorns its been at the end of doing a daily FR saga run... so I have already ran Wheelon, Druids Deep, High Road and by the time I get to SH I'm kind of burnt on running around and just want to get to completion... I run to the first 2 quests... recall and repair and empty my bags - shard it to the 3rd quest - recall again - and shard it to the forth quest and run up to what goes up from there... I guess one of these days Ill have to find the teleport points. But honestly Satyrs **** me off.

If you don't want to exactly explore the whole zone, you can do the following:

-Shard yourself to the entrance of Breaking the Ranks.
-Walk northwest until you find the walled camp. (clearing camp is optional, but fun)
-Directly north from camp you will find the big rock with the harper symbol between journal 32 and 31.
-Click the rock camp, and you can teleport there anytime for free selecting to guide you to "north camp".

From North camp you can reach any of the peak quests in 3 minutes or less of walk. (Breaking the Ranks, Break in the Ice, WGU)
From zone entrance, if you go straight east you find Tracker's Trap
From zone entrance, if you go west, cross the step-stone bridge, and then follow the road, you will reach Lines of Supply.

12-06-2014, 03:16 PM
If you don't want to exactly explore the whole zone, you can do the following:

-Shard yourself to the entrance of Breaking the Ranks.
-Walk northwest until you find the walled camp. (clearing camp is optional, but fun)
-Directly north from camp you will find the big rock with the harper symbol between journal 32 and 31.
-Click the rock camp, and you can teleport there anytime for free selecting to guide you to "north camp".

From North camp you can reach any of the peak quests in 3 minutes or less of walk. (Breaking the Ranks, Break in the Ice, WGU)
From zone entrance, if you go straight east you find Tracker's Trap
From zone entrance, if you go west, cross the step-stone bridge, and then follow the road, you will reach Lines of Supply.

Thanks for the guide mate - Ill give it a go on my next run!