View Full Version : Comprehensive List of Self Healing Sources While Raged

12-01-2014, 05:16 PM
Barbarian self healing seems like it may still be lacking after their update so I compiled this list to find possible ways to improve it. Please note, I am not suggesting that all of these options are good or optimal (some of them I consider a very bad idea, in fact). This is merely a comprehensive list to see what is available. Because some of these sources of self healing require spell points, and barbarian is a class with no inherent spell points, I have included lists of spell point sources as well. Please point out any errors you see or anything I missed and I will add it to the list. I have listed several questions about these abilities at the bottom of this post.

Item Sources of Healing:
~Silver flame healing potion (http://ddowiki.com/page/Silver_Flame_Healing_Potions#Silver_Flame_Healing_ Potion) (available from the silver flame vendor after reaching 400 silver flame favor): recover 250 hp but suffer 50% slow, -10 ability scores (except con), -4 to all saves for 30 seconds
~Silver flame lesser healing potions (http://ddowiki.com/page/Silver_Flame_Healing_Potions#Silver_Flame_Lesser_H ealing_Potion) (available from the silver flame vendor after reaching 400 silver flame favor): recover 100 hp but suffer -10 ability scores (except con), -4 to all saves for 30 seconds
~Cure serious wounds potion (available from Feather Fall's Apothecary (http://ddowiki.com/page/DDO_Store#Healing_.26_Magic) in House J and Liquid Charm (http://ddowiki.com/page/Liquid_Charm) in House K): heal 16-31 hp
~Draught of Hearty Apple Cider (http://ddowiki.com/page/Draught_of_Hearty_Apple_Cider) (Villagers of Eveningstar commendation turn in, costs 1 com each): restores approximately 250 hp over 20 seconds
~Bottled Healing (http://ddowiki.com/page/Item:Bottled_Healing) (anniversary card turn in (http://ddowiki.com/page/Anniversary_Card_Collection)): Heals nearby players and hirelings at the point of impact, scales with character level.
~Store pots (http://ddowiki.com/page/DDO_Store#Healing_.26_Magic) (some of these can also be obtained from daily dice rolls, collectible turn in rewards, and anniversary card turn ins): I won't bother listing all of these. For varying prices, you can purchase a variety of potions which heal for varying amounts, some with a heal over time effect as well.
~Tasty Ham (http://ddowiki.com/page/Item:Tasty_Ham) (usually obtained from pork barrels; also sold in DDO store; chaos orbs will rarely create one in your inventory): heal 50 hp over 1 minute
~Kargon's Tasty Ham (http://ddowiki.com/page/Item:Kargon%27s_Tasty_Ham) (found as random loot): heals 100 hp, but unable to act for 12 seconds after eating because it's the bestamest ham... EVER!
~Bottomless Flask of Rum (http://ddowiki.com/page/Item:Bottomless_Flask_of_Rum) (Crystal Cove (http://ddowiki.com/page/Treasure_of_Crystal_Cove) turn in): multiple tiers with varying cooldowns that provide a range of healing effects from cure light wounds at tier 1 to heal at tier 11, all flasks share a cooldown
~Regeneration items (http://ddowiki.com/page/Regeneration): a few items offer regeneration (1 hp every minute), improved regeneration (1 hp every 30 seconds), or greater regeneration (2 hp every 30 seconds)
~Gauntlets of Immortality (http://ddowiki.com/page/Item:Gauntlets_of_Immortality) (Fall of Truth raid chest): grants Touch of Immortality (http://ddowiki.com/page/Touch_of_Immortality) which heals 2d2 hp every 15 seconds, does not stack with greater regeneration and the last of these two items equipped will suppress the other (greater regeneration is only 2 hp every 30 seconds), unsure if this stacks with regular and improved regeneration or how it interacts with them
~Pouch of Jerky (http://ddowiki.com/page/Pouch_of_jerky) (Zawabi's Revenge raid chest): heal 2 hp every 6 seconds for 5 minutes, does not stack with regeneration but is affected by wand and scroll mastery, cannot be dispelled, 3 charges per day
~Epic Pouch of Jerky (http://ddowiki.com/page/Epic_Pouch_of_Jerky) (epic version of Pouch of Jerky): heal 2 hp every 6 seconds for 5 minutes, does not stack with regeneration but is affected by wand and scroll mastery, cannot be dispelled, 5 charges per day
~Healer's bounty (http://ddowiki.com/page/Healer%27s_Bounty) (found on Epic Mournlode Fullplate (http://ddowiki.com/page/Item:Epic_Mournlode_Fullplate) and Levik's Defender (http://ddowiki.com/page/Item:Levik%27s_Defender)): grants a 2% chance on being hit to cast a heal spell on you at caster level 9 (90 hp)
~Golem's Heart (http://ddowiki.com/page/Item:Golem%27s_Heart) (A Study in Sable (http://ddowiki.com/page/A_Study_in_Sable) epic elite end chest): blue augment that grants a 2% chance on being hit to gain 20d6 hp
~Lesser vampirism (http://ddowiki.com/page/Vampirism) (weapon property, can be Cannith crafted): heal 1 hp every time you hit an enemy, this effect does not work on ranged weapons
~Vampirism (http://ddowiki.com/page/Vampirism) (weapon property, can be Cannith crafted): heal 1d3 hp every time you hit an enemy, this effect does not work on ranged weapons
~Bodyfeeder (http://ddowiki.com/page/Bodyfeeder) (weapon property, can be Cannith crafted): grants 15 temporary hp on a critical hit, this effect does not work on ranged weapons (note: this effect is not exactly healing, but it can be used to fuel frenzy/death frenzy so it acts as a kind of healing for barbarians)
~Level 20 tier 3 calomel weapons (http://ddowiki.com/page/Vaults_of_the_Artificers_loot#Calomel_Weapons) (Cannith challenges loot): has lifedrinker (http://ddowiki.com/page/Lifedrinker) property which grants 25 temporary hp on a vorpal (note: this effect is not exactly healing, but it can be used to fuel frenzy/death frenzy so it acts as a kind of healing for barbarians)
~Feeding (lootgen weapon suffix): property with multiple tiers which grant 5-35 temporary hp on a vorpal (note: this effect is not exactly healing, but it can be used to fuel frenzy/death frenzy so it acts as a kind of healing for barbarians)

Enhancement Sources of Healing:
~Rejuvenation of dawn (morninglord (http://ddowiki.com/page/Morninglord_enhancements) tier 1): heal 10000 hp and status effects, 2 uses per rest, cooldown 3 minutes
~Divine healing (radiant servant (http://ddowiki.com/page/Radiant_Servant_enhancements) tier 2): heal 1d4/2d4/4d4 hp every 2 seconds for 2 seconds per point of heal skill you possess, cooldown 2 seconds
~Ameliorating strike (warpriest (http://ddowiki.com/page/Warpriest_enhancements) tier 4): melee attack for +2[W] that heals you and allies for 1d2 per character level (affected by positive spell power) and applies lesser restoration, cooldown 15 seconds
~Sustaining song (spellsinger (http://ddowiki.com/page/Spellsinger_enhancements) tier 4): song that grants fast healing (1d6 + 2 + bard level on first tick, then 2d3 every 2 seconds, affected by spell power) for 24 + 6 seconds per bard level
~Accelerated metabolism (frenzied berserker (https://www.ddo.com/forums/showthread.php/438926-Lamannia-Release-Notes-(Last-Updated-11-21-14)) tier 5): regenerate 2d6 hp every 4 seconds, scales with melee power
~One spirit (occult slayer (https://www.ddo.com/forums/showthread.php/438926-Lamannia-Release-Notes-(Last-Updated-11-21-14)) tier 5): expend all weapon bond, heal 2 hp per bond, scales with melee power
~Blood strength (ravager (https://www.ddo.com/forums/showthread.php/438926-Lamannia-Release-Notes-(Last-Updated-11-21-14)) tier 5): when you hit an opponent 10% chance to recover hp equal to half your barb level, heal the same amount when you kill an opponent, scales with melee power

Feat Sources of Healing:
~Unyielding Sovereignty (http://ddowiki.com/page/Unyielding_Sovereignty) (granted to level 6 cleric/favored soul/paladin follower of the Sovereign Host): fully heal hp, cooldown 10 minutes
~Fast healing (http://ddowiki.com/page/Epic_Past_Life_Feats) (primal sphere epic past life stance): heal 5 hp + 5 hp per 5 character levels every minute, this effect is doubled and tripled with 2 and 3 stacks of this past life

Epic Destiny Sources of Healing:
~Healing spring (shiradi champion (http://ddowiki.com/page/Shiradi_Champion) tier 1): heals 1d100 hp every 60/40/20 seconds for 5 minutes, cooldown 30 seconds, 1 use per rest, 1 additional use granted with each of illusion of well being (shiradi champion tier 1) and fey spring (shiradi champion tier 2)
~Fast healing (fury of the wild (http://ddowiki.com/page/Fury_of_the_Wild) tier 1): heal 2/4/6d20 hp every minute
~Consecration with sacred ground (divine crusader (http://ddowiki.com/page/Divine_Crusader) tiers 2 and 3): while standing on consecrated ground you and your allies are healed by 1 point of positive energy per character level (affected by positive spell power) every 3 seconds for 15 seconds, cost 50/40/30 sp, cooldown 30/25/20 seconds
~Healing hands (unyielding sentinel (http://ddowiki.com/page/Unyielding_Sentinel) tier 3): grants lay on hands which heals for a pitiful amount of hp if you don't have any paladin levels, but healing hands unlocks light the dark
~Light the dark (unyielding sentinel (http://ddowiki.com/page/Unyielding_Sentinel) tier 4): expend 1 lay on hands to heal 150 hp (affected by positive spell power) to you and allies around you, cooldown 12 seconds
~Summon Dryad Elder (http://ddowiki.com/page/Summon_Dryad_Elder) (primal avatar (http://ddowiki.com/page/Primal_Avatar) tier 4): summon which casts mass cure crit wounds (bugged - heals enemies as well), costs 50 sp to summon, cooldown 30 seconds
~No remorse (divine crusader (http://ddowiki.com/page/Divine_Crusader) core 4): when an enemy affected by your aura of purification is slain, all nearby allies are healed by an amount equal to the CR of the enemy
~Audience with the queen (http://ddowiki.com/page/Audience_with_the_Queen) (shiradi champion (http://ddowiki.com/page/Shiradi_Champion) tier 5): receive an immediate unyielding sovereignty (http://ddowiki.com/page/Unyielding_Sovereignty) effect and possibly a fast healing effect depending on your diplomacy check

Item Sources of Spell Points:
~Topaz of power (http://ddowiki.com/page/Augment_Slot) (yellow augment slot): 10-250 sp
~Essence of Cunning (http://ddowiki.com/page/Essence_of_Cunning) (available from the Yugoloth vendor after reaching 75 Yugoloth favor): regenerate 1 sp every 6 seconds for 15 minutes
~Mysterious Bauble (http://ddowiki.com/page/Mysterious_Bauble) (The Weapons Shipment end chests): restore 105-600 sp, 1 charge per rest, exclusive
~Archivist's Necklace (http://ddowiki.com/page/Archivist's_Necklace) (The Salvation of Korthos chain reward): restore 10-35 sp, 2 charges per rest, exclusive
~Twisted Talisman (http://ddowiki.com/page/Twisted_Talisman) (The Last Stand end chest): exchange 25 hp (affected by dungeon scaling) for 50 sp, 3 charges per rest, exclusive
~Ring of Spell Storing (http://ddowiki.com/page/Ring_of_Spell_Storing) (Sands of Menechtarun General Tanankh rare): restore 25 sp, 3 charges per rest, exclusive
~Epic Ring of Spell Storing (http://ddowiki.com/page/Epic_Ring_of_Spell_Storing) (epic version of Ring of Spell Storing): restore 105-600 sp, 3 charge per rest, exclusive
~Shard Trinket of Mnemonic Enhancement (http://ddowiki.com/page/Shard_Trinket_of_Mnemonic_Enhancement) (turn in 3 medium Eberron dragonshards to Davyd Turner in the Marketplace): restore 105-600 sp, 20 charges - non-rechargeable, exclusive
~Mnemonic Elixirs (http://ddowiki.com/page/Mnemonic_Elixirs) (found in game as random loot, concentrated versions are available from the DDO store (http://ddowiki.com/page/DDO_Store#Spell_Points) and birthday rewards): potions of varying strength which recover anywhere from 10-800 sp per use
~Draught of Sparkling Apple Cider (http://ddowiki.com/page/Draught_of_Sparkling_Apple_Cider) (Villagers of Eveningstar commendation turn in, costs 1 com each): restores approximately 120 sp over 20 seconds

Enhancement Sources of Spell Points:
~Arcanum (elf (http://ddowiki.com/page/Elf_enhancements)/half-elf (http://ddowiki.com/page/Half-Elf_enhancements)/morninglord (http://ddowiki.com/page/Morninglord_enhancements) tier 2): 25/50/100 sp
~Feywild tap (elf (http://ddowiki.com/page/Elf_enhancements)/morninglord (http://ddowiki.com/page/Morninglord_enhancements) tier 3): ??? sp/10% incorp/-2 will saves, cost 1 hp per use, 1/3/5 uses per rest, cooldown 2 minutes
~Energy if the wild (arcane archer (http://ddowiki.com/page/Elven_Arcane_Archer_enhancements) tier 1): 30/60/100 sp, magical training feat at tier 3 (note: only echoes of power and the 5% spell crit chance from magical training is gained, the 80 sp is not)
~Magical studies (spellsinger (http://ddowiki.com/page/Spellsinger_enhancements) tier 1): 30/60/100 sp, magical training feat at tier 3 (note: only echoes of power and the 5% spell crit chance from magical training is gained, the 80 sp is not)
~Advanced magical studies (spellsinger (http://ddowiki.com/page/Spellsinger_enhancements) tier 5): 65/130/200 sp
~Spell song trance (spellsinger (http://ddowiki.com/page/Spellsinger_enhancements) tier 3): song grants -10% sp cost of spells
~Spell song vigor (spellsinger (http://ddowiki.com/page/Spellsinger_enhancements) tier 5): song grants sp regeneration of 2 sp every 2 seconds
~Energy of the scholar (archmage (http://ddowiki.com/page/Archmage_enhancements) tier 1): 30/60/90 sp
~Energy of creation (arcanotechnician (http://ddowiki.com/page/Arcanotechnician_enhancements) tier 1): 30/60/90 sp
~Spell points (divine disciple (http://ddowiki.com/page/Divine_Disciple_enhancements) tier 1): 30/60/90 sp
~Magical endurance (harper (http://ddowiki.com/page/Harper_Agent_enhancements) tier 2): 30/60/100 sp
~Harper enchantment (harper (http://ddowiki.com/page/Harper_Agent_enhancements) tier 1): 20 sp
~Angel of vengeance (http://ddowiki.com/page/Angel_of_Vengeance_enhancements) tree: 2 sp per point spent

Feat Sources of Spell Points:
~Magical training (http://ddowiki.com/page/Magical_Training): grants 80 sp, 5% spell crit chance, and echoes of power (when below 12 sp, restore 4 sp every 6 seconds up to a max of 12 sp), automatically granted at level 1 wiz/sorc/cleric/FvS/druid/artificer, selectable feat for all other classes (note: this feat will lock out the third tier of energy of the wild and magical studies)
~Mental toughness (http://ddowiki.com/page/Mental_Toughness): grants 10 sp at level 1 and 5 for each level after up to level 20 (105 sp at level 20), requires 1 level of wiz/sorc/cleric/FvS/druid/artificer/bard or 4 levels of ranger/paladin
~Improved mental toughness (http://ddowiki.com/page/Improved_Mental_Toughness): grants 10 sp at level 1 and 5 for each level after up to level 20 (105 sp at level 20), same class restrictions as mental toughness and requires the ability to cast 3rd level spells
~Epic mental toughness (http://ddowiki.com/page/Epic_Mental_Toughness): grants 200 sp, requires improved mental toughness
~Past life: sorcerer (http://ddowiki.com/page/Past_Life:_Sorcerer) (heroic past life sorcerer passive bonus): grants 20 sp, stacks up to 3 times
~Past life: sorcerer (http://ddowiki.com/page/Past_Life:_Favored_Soul) (heroic past life favored soul passive bonus): grants 20 sp, stacks up to 3 times

Epic Destiny Sources of Spell Points:
Endless faith (exalted angel (http://ddowiki.com/page/Exalted_Angel) tier 1): increases max sp by 4/7/10%, echoes of power restores up to 18/24/30 sp
Exalted angel (http://ddowiki.com/page/Exalted_Angel) cores: 50 sp per core
Divine crusader (http://ddowiki.com/page/Divine_Crusader) cores: 25 sp at cores 1-5
Fatesinger (http://ddowiki.com/page/Fatesinger) cores: 25 sp per core
Magister (http://ddowiki.com/page/Magister) cores: 50 sp at cores 1-5
Draconic incarnation (http://ddowiki.com/page/Draconic_Incarnation) cores: 50 sp at cores 1-5
Primal avatar (http://ddowiki.com/page/Primal_Avatar) cores: 50 sp at cores 2-6
Shiradi champion (http://ddowiki.com/page/Shiradi_Champion) core: 100 sp at core 1

Some questions:
1) Does touch of immortality stack with regular and improved regeneration, and if not, do they overwrite each other the same way as greater regeneration and touch of immortality?
2) How much sp does feywild tap grant at each rank?
3) Is there anything that should be added to, or removed from, this list?

12-01-2014, 05:36 PM
2. CoS cant be used while raged

3. Cocoon cant be used while raged

4. Renew cant be used while raged

7. thread title is misleading.

12-01-2014, 05:45 PM
2. CoS cant be used while raged

3. Cocoon cant be used while raged

4. Renew cant be used while raged

Thanks for the answers.

7. thread title is misleading.

How so?

12-01-2014, 06:16 PM
A few more items:

Ham - 50 hp over one minute

Kargon's Ham - 100 hp, 12 seconds of unable to act (unsure if helpless)

Pouch of Jerky - 5 minutes, 2 hp per tick every 6 seconds.

Weapon properties:

Vampirism - On-hit gain 1d3 hp

Lesser Vampirism - On-hit gain 1 hp

Bodyfeeder - On-crit gain 15 temp hp (not healing, but the temp hp is used first by frenzy/death-frenzy)

12-01-2014, 07:09 PM
Some questions:
1) How much does sustaining song heal for and at what rate?
3) How much sp does spell song vigor regenerate and at what rate?
4) Did I miss anything?
Anniversary card bottles of heal
Collectible turn-in elixirs of healing
Store elixirs of healing (shorter cooldown, hit for more) (can also be obtained from daily dice or anniversary cards)
Evening star turn-in draught of ____ cider (one regens sp, the other hp)
Eternal flask of heal from crystal cove
Radiant servant divine healing enhancement

Sustaining song hits for 1d6 + 2 + bard level when sung (hits twice on self or the hard target of the song), then 2d3 every 2 seconds. The initial burst and the dot are modified by the singer's current spellpower.

Spellsong vigor hits for 2 sp every 2 seconds

12-02-2014, 10:29 AM
A few more items:

Ham - 50 hp over one minute

Kargon's Ham - 100 hp, 12 seconds of unable to act (unsure if helpless)

Pouch of Jerky - 5 minutes, 2 hp per tick every 6 seconds.

How could I forget the ham!? It is the bestamest, after all.

Weapon properties:

Vampirism - On-hit gain 1d3 hp

Lesser Vampirism - On-hit gain 1 hp

Bodyfeeder - On-crit gain 15 temp hp (not healing, but the temp hp is used first by frenzy/death-frenzy)

I thought about bodyfeeder, but didn't include it because I would generally consider it more in the category of DR. But you're right that it can be used to fuel frenzy, so for a barb it does act as a kind of healing as well.

Thanks for the additions Tobril. I'll add these today.

Anniversary card bottles of heal
Collectible turn-in elixirs of healing
Evening star turn-in draught of ____ cider (one regens sp, the other hp)
Eternal flask of heal from crystal cove
Radiant servant divine healing enhancement

Thank you peng. I'll add these today.

Store elixirs of healing (shorter cooldown, hit for more) (can also be obtained from daily dice or anniversary cards)

These are covered under the store pots. There is a wide variety of them and I figure anyone interested in spending real money on self healing can just follow the link to see all the options. I did forget to mention that they're also available from dice and cards though. I'll add that in as well.

Sustaining song hits for 1d6 + 2 + bard level when sung (hits twice on self or the hard target of the song), then 2d3 every 2 seconds. The initial burst and the dot are modified by the singer's current spellpower.

Spellsong vigor hits for 2 sp every 2 seconds

Great. Thanks for the info.

12-02-2014, 11:01 AM
Thanks for the answers.

How so?

he's implying that some of the ways you list can't be uged while raging and your title is "Comprehensive List of Self Healing Sources while Raged"

12-02-2014, 11:03 AM
I thought about bodyfeeder, but didn't include it because I would generally consider it more in the category of DR. But you're right that it can be used to fuel frenzy, so for a barb it does act as a kind of healing as well.

Vampiric + Bodyfeeder is an amazing source of self healing. Even more so on a character with lots of cleave style AE attacks. It would be nice if DDO had a special rare weapon attribute that would provide both on random loot gen weapons. Having that would help a lot of melee's become more self sufficient.

12-02-2014, 11:08 AM
While these cannot be used while raged they are sources of healing between rages - Keep in mind they are exclusive so you cannot carry more then one of each

10 Planar Shards:
Alabaster of the Twelve - Trinket: Cure Serious Wounds, Mass (3 charges)
Emerald of the Twelve - Trinket: Panacea (1 charge)
Onyx of the Twelve - Trinket: Raise Dead (1 charge)

25 Planar Shards:
Jade of the Twelve - Trinket: Panacea (2 charges)
Obsidian of the Twelve - Trinket: Raise Dead (2 charges)
Diamond of the Twelve - Trinket: Cure Serious Wounds, Mass (5 charges)

50 Planar Shards:
Sapphire of the Twelve - Trinket: Cure Critical Wounds, Mass (5 charges)
Topaz of the Twelve - Trinket: Heal (1 charge)

12-02-2014, 11:24 AM
he's implying that some of the ways you list can't be uged while raging and your title is "Comprehensive List of Self Healing Sources while Raged"

I know what he was implying. I was hoping he'd offer a little more useful feedback than simply saying the title is misleading. :)

My intention is to create a comprehensive list of self healing sources that can be used while raged. So if there's something on there that shouldn't be, I would appreciate anyone pointing it out so it can be removed.

12-02-2014, 11:31 AM
While these cannot be used while raged they are sources of healing between rages - Keep in mind they are exclusive so you cannot carry more then one of each

10 Planar Shards:
Alabaster of the Twelve - Trinket: Cure Serious Wounds, Mass (3 charges)
Emerald of the Twelve - Trinket: Panacea (1 charge)
Onyx of the Twelve - Trinket: Raise Dead (1 charge)

25 Planar Shards:
Jade of the Twelve - Trinket: Panacea (2 charges)
Obsidian of the Twelve - Trinket: Raise Dead (2 charges)
Diamond of the Twelve - Trinket: Cure Serious Wounds, Mass (5 charges)

50 Planar Shards:
Sapphire of the Twelve - Trinket: Cure Critical Wounds, Mass (5 charges)
Topaz of the Twelve - Trinket: Heal (1 charge)

Thanks for pointing out that these cannot be used while raged. I did not know that and had intended to add them. I don't want to include self healing that can be used between rages because those would be the same options that are available to everyone. I'm specifically looking for ways to stay healed without having to dismiss rage.

12-02-2014, 11:51 AM
You can add Epic Past Life Stances (Primal) fast healing- 5HP +5HP per every 5 character levels once a minute, becomes 10 +10 and 15+15 with more Primal Epic Past Lives.

12-02-2014, 12:05 PM
I just saw your section on Spell Points, you could add Heroic Past Lives Sorcerer +20sp and Favored Soul +20sp per life.

12-02-2014, 04:08 PM
You can add Epic Past Life Stances (Primal) fast healing- 5HP +5HP per every 5 character levels once a minute, becomes 10 +10 and 15+15 with more Primal Epic Past Lives.

I just saw your section on Spell Points, you could add Heroic Past Lives Sorcerer +20sp and Favored Soul +20sp per life.

I completely forgot about past lives. I'll add these today. Thanks Gljosh.

Too much rep given out. I'll have to get you tomorrow.

12-02-2014, 06:03 PM
The Gauntlets of Immortality from the Fall of Truth raid have the regenerative ability Touch of Immortality on them which regenerates 1d3+1 hp every 15 seconds.

I think you also did not list Unyielding Sovereignity.

12-02-2014, 06:14 PM
Divine Healing should work. And Audience and dryad.

12-03-2014, 08:46 AM
Slotting Golem's Heart adds 2% chance of heal for 20-120 HP on being hit

12-03-2014, 10:24 AM
Slotting Golem's Heart adds 2% chance of heal for 20-120 HP on being hit

Also there are two items that have "Healer's Bounty"

Epic Mournlodes Fullplate ML20
Levik's Defender (Tower Shield) ML14

The proficiency with Tower Shield and Heavy Armor are not innate to a pure barbarian but a single level of Fighter would fix this.

12-10-2014, 10:00 AM
Real life and annoying edit mechanics on a tablet have prevented me from updating the OP before today.

I have updated the OP with all of the sources and information provided. Thanks to all who contributed.

I still have a few questions and would greatly appreciate any answers:
1) Sorc and Favored soul past life entries on the wiki state that the sp is only granted if you can cast spells. Are they still granted if you simply have a blue bar but cannot cast spells?
2) Does touch of immortality stack with regular and improved regeneration, and if not, do they overwrite each other the same way as greater regeneration and touch of immortality?
3) How much sp does feywild tap grant at each rank?
4) Is there anything that should be added to, or removed from, this list?

12-10-2014, 11:17 AM
Hi Cthru, if you are adding bodyfeeder, then lootgen Feeding weapons give temp hit points as well as tier 3 epic Calomel weapons (Lifedrinker). All three stack although you would need to do some weapon swapping to achieve this.

12-10-2014, 12:35 PM
Real life and annoying edit mechanics on a tablet have prevented me from updating the OP before today.

I have updated the OP with all of the sources and information provided. Thanks to all who contributed.

I still have a few questions and would greatly appreciate any answers:
1) Sorc and Favored soul past life entries on the wiki state that the sp is only granted if you can cast spells. Are they still granted if you simply have a blue bar but cannot cast spells?

Yes I have had non casters with 40sp (Sorc and FvS past lives).

12-10-2014, 12:42 PM
nvm answered by others

12-10-2014, 02:49 PM
Hi Cthru, if you are adding bodyfeeder, then lootgen Feeding weapons give temp hit points as well as tier 3 epic Calomel weapons (Lifedrinker). All three stack although you would need to do some weapon swapping to achieve this.

Thanks Saekee. Added.

Yes I have had non casters with 40sp (Sorc and FvS past lives).

Thanks for the confirmation Gljosh. This is what I thought but wanted to confirm after reading the wiki.

12-12-2014, 11:55 AM
Divine Crusader "No Remorse" core ability heals you and party when you kill an enemy affected by Purification. I am not sure if this works while raged, but seems like it would.

12-14-2014, 04:06 PM
The solution to Barbarian healing while raged that some of my guildies came up with is running undead form with Death Aura. It worked great. For a full explanation see: https://www.ddo.com/forums/showthread.php/453189-The-Vampbarian

12-16-2014, 11:16 AM
Is the list complete now? Anything else need to be added or removed?

Divine Crusader "No Remorse" core ability heals you and party when you kill an enemy affected by Purification. I am not sure if this works while raged, but seems like it would.

Added. Thanks barecm.

The solution to Barbarian healing while raged that some of my guildies came up with is running undead form with Death Aura. It worked great. For a full explanation see: https://www.ddo.com/forums/showthread.php/453189-The-Vampbarian

Thanks for the suggestion but I'm specifically looking for healing abilities that can be used while raged. Although you can activate the death auras before rage and they will heal you for their duration, you cannot activate them while raged, so you have to dismiss rage to reactive them or to use negative energy burst. So this doesn't quite fit what I'm looking for.