View Full Version : Paladin for a beginner

11-30-2014, 10:56 AM

I've played Lord of the Rings Online from 2007 to 2012. Due to changes in life I quit playing the game but I still have my account.
I tried DDO for the first time around 2012 and I enjoy DDO alot. But I never came further than lvl 8 or 9.
I don't play alot but when I have time I enjoy going around doing quests and explore. I'm no minmaxing fastlevling player.

What I'm looking for is a nice Paladin that I can solo my way around the game with, no problem with multiclassing and the new paladin changes might be good. The limit is free content and 28-pt build. Preferrably THF over S&B for fun.

Thanks in advance!

11-30-2014, 11:14 AM
Check out the Sacred Vanguard just a few posts below this by Unbongwah. Should be very new player friendly and will be an easy solo to 20 with decent gear if you take it easy on your first life.

Also if you make a Paladin on Sarlona send a tell to any of the names in my sig and I would be happy to help you get going with some gear as well as answer questions in game and I also have a couple lowbies I just TR'ed so they will be doing all the low lvl content and I would love some company if you get bored soloing. LOL I soloed a LOT over the last few years so while I still don't dislike soloing...I just prefer grouping.

I have some lower lvl paladin gear in the bank and would be happy to help you out

11-30-2014, 11:22 AM
Thanks for the quick answer! I've been on Ghallanda but can't hurt to try another server.

11-30-2014, 04:48 PM
Well I will be on around 7pm PST which is about 4 hours. Send a tell to anyone in my sig but I will most likely be playing Duskh. I would be happy to help you with some gear and money to get you going and I have an Arty lvl 5 and a Wiz lvl 6 I can use to get you going. Hit me up and we'll get you hooked on the game!!!