View Full Version : Bladeforged DR

11-14-2014, 12:21 PM
So, I have yet to get a pally to the level required to find out, and I want to know if the religious DR 10/Adamantine will be available as a pure pally. Will I simply have to take it as a lv21 feat? It's hard to find a solid answer.

11-14-2014, 12:26 PM
I'm not sure what you mean by religious DR.

If you're talking about this list (http://ddowiki.com/page/Deity-based_feats) then the level 20 feats only apply to pure favored souls.

11-14-2014, 12:46 PM
bladeforge dont get innate DR. nor do paladins. The list that krelar posted is accurate, and they do get diety slots at 1 and 6, but the DR isnt an option for either of those.

they can get DR/adamantine by taking a body feat, which yes does cost a feat. but it doesnt go to 10 (adamantine body starts at 2, and can be incraesed up to 5 with enhancements), and increassing it past its normal allotment is rather pointless since DR from different sources doesnt stack. There is also a feat (regular feat) that can be taken to increase it further, but its a 1:1 so not that useful either (even with full allotment of ALL your feat slots it'd barely hit near 20DR @lvl 20, so its pointless)

they do however, recieve -10% Slashing damage, and get up to 20prr from getting hit by slashing weapons. so that could count as a form of DR.

11-24-2014, 10:53 AM
So, I have yet to get a pally to the level required to find out, and I want to know if the religious DR 10/Adamantine will be available as a pure pally. Will I simply have to take it as a lv21 feat? It's hard to find a solid answer.

Not 100% on this, but pretty sure that any divine class can take the feats required to get the religious DR 10/whatever (depends on the deity), it's just that only FvS gets them granted. Cleric and Pally only get the L1 and 6 feats granted so you'd need to spend a few feats in order to get them, which probably isn't worth it.

11-26-2014, 08:40 AM
The Bladeforged DR/10 Adamantine, is ONLY available as the Level 20 FvS feat. You need to have 20 levels of FvS to get the deity based DR.

11-28-2014, 10:58 AM
The previous several posters are correct, with exception to one, that the "religious" DR 10/Adamantine is only attainable through FvS 20. Paladins may use feats to hit/dmg of their deity's chosen weapon line for feats, which aren't good to take for your feats, as there are better.