View Full Version : Globe of Invulnerability PM Tactic?

11-12-2014, 04:37 PM
Was running last night through Stormhorns on EE with one of the better players on the server and a good group when I noticed something that made me scratch my head a bit. Our pale master (who I know is an excellent player and probably more skilled than I am) was periodically opening a gap between himself and the rest of the party and bringing up a globe of invulnerability. I only noticed it because I came over to peel some trash off him. Is he using this to block light spell attacks? The conventional wisdom on globe is don't use it except for in a very small list of cases, but as I said before, whatever he's doing it appears to be working. Any thoughts?

11-12-2014, 06:54 PM
Did you really step inside to check that it was Globe of Invulnerability, and not simply Arcane Barrier from the EK tree?

The graphic for Arcane Barrier is too big, so it can look a bit like a Globe.

11-12-2014, 06:55 PM
Globe of Invulnerability is one of those little used and highly miss understood spells

It blocks Level 4 and lower spells (Lesser blocks Level 3 and lower spells)

Now part of why it is not used much is because it does not always work well with play styles.

I've found this spell very useful in caster heavy encounters.

There is some buggy things with it as it does tend to block higher level spells that also have lower level versions - Such as Protection from Elements (because of the Protection from Energy level 2/3 spell) and Sunburst (because of the tagging of Blindness Level 2 spell)

Other things it is good for is removing buffs - Deathward is a level 4 spell and setting up one of these and getting a deathwarded mob inside allows for spells like FoD to effect them - Use this all the time in Running with the Devils on the named guarding the gate lever.

Also all but two light based damage spells are level 4 and lower, that one spell is Divine Punishment and Sunburst, other wise Searing light (level 3), Nimbus of Light (level 1)

The other aspect about it is that it lasts 30 seconds without Extend. So without extend the scrolled version is just as long as the casted version and there is no difference in how effective it is.

The drawback is it negates your buffs, but as you have seen it is effective at avoiding light based damage.

With ship buffs most of the drawbacks are negated.

11-12-2014, 07:02 PM
Did you really step inside to check that it was Globe of Invulnerability, and not simply Arcane Barrier from the EK tree?

The graphic for Arcane Barrier is too big, so it can look a bit like a Globe.

Yeah had the effect show up on my screen.