View Full Version : Ranged Paladin Build Help

11-11-2014, 02:22 PM
I've got a lvl 15.99 drow ro/wi with a +20 heart that I'm rapidly replacing with a WF with the same build. The drow has a raider's box that I'd like to make use of for a Pinion. I've tried ranged builds before, but found them so slow and low on DPS due to having to stay to less-than optimal critical ranges (20, x3) and slow rate of fire. I played an elf ranger up to 20 for grace, but found it so enhancement intensive to get dex to damage that I wasn't thrilled with the build. With holy sword, bow strength, and the possible reliance on heavy armor for damage mitigation, I am considering rebuilding the drow (less than optimal race, but I want to test the build before I commit a tr to it.

So, 3 possible ideas, all centered around Pa 14 for access to holy sword and the 17-20x4 it makes the bow into, plus the gigantic defensive benefits.

Feats needed: pbs, rs, ps, ic:r, ms, ips, (za, if monk)
Enhancements: likely aa through paralyzing shot; slaying arrow is possible with the first build choice.

6 Ranger: picks up 3 required feats allowing some feats to be spent (retroactively) on a melee style; also picks up that really nice deepwood sniper crit shot

4 ranger/2monk: picks up 3 feats (with one to spare) and allows evasion and master of forms for ac boost and crit multiplier in earth stance. I woory that this will ditch almost all of the prr/mrr from the pali making it far less survivable in higher-level content when it IS going to be hit. However, it also opens up a GMF twist of the +1.5(W) damage skill that helps with the bow's dps.

4 ranger/2 rogue traps and . . . well, light armor and evasion or heavy armor and traps. 15/4/1 would work for this as well.

I love archery, understand how to kite enemies so as to keep melees involved, and would like to be a holy terror at range. Bows have felt underpowered, and i really dislike not having my usual "burst of heartseeking" weapons like i do for my shortswords and khos on other builds.


11-11-2014, 02:35 PM
14 pally 6 monk, elf for access to AA tree

feats you need

many shot
point blank shot
rapid shot
bow str
zen archery
weapon focus ranged
improved crit ranged

10k stars

which means its not going to be fun to level, but it will work great in epics.

11-11-2014, 03:04 PM
14 pally 6 monk, elf for access to AA tree
Note you're going to have to TR to do this build, since drow don't get AA racial PrE nor elven Grace (DEX to bow dmg).

You might want to look at my drow paladin thread, specifically the second build (pal 15 / rgr 5). I went melee-focused, but with some tweaking it's possible to go for AA instead. The downside, though, is without 10K Stars, your ranged DPS is at a disadvantage, just like every non-monkcher.

11-11-2014, 03:45 PM
Thank you both for your replies. Yes, getting AA through elf wouldn't work for this iteration, but I could think about it for the TR.

I'm not sure I understand the focus on 10K over manyshot. I see that the cooldown is shorter and the duration longer, but it seems like giving up 4 guaranteed shots for a chance at 2 and a lesser chance at 3.

Thinking about how much I'd need to put into wis and dex in order to make up for the lack of armor, I wonder if setting the dex to 16 (+ a +3 tome) and leaving the wis at 8 (+2 tome) would work better with the 14/6 ranger build.

I'll google the ms vs 10k idea.

11-11-2014, 03:58 PM
Thank you both for your replies. Yes, getting AA through elf wouldn't work for this iteration, but I could think about it for the TR.

I'm not sure I understand the focus on 10K over manyshot. I see that the cooldown is shorter and the duration longer, but it seems like giving up 4 guaranteed shots for a chance at 2 and a lesser chance at 3.

Thinking about how much I'd need to put into wis and dex in order to make up for the lack of armor, I wonder if setting the dex to 16 (+ a +3 tome) and leaving the wis at 8 (+2 tome) would work better with the 14/6 ranger build.

I'll google the ms vs 10k idea.

Its not many shot vs 10k stars. The idea is to have both. Use manyshot, and while its on cooldown you can use 10k stars twice, then repeat.

at 42 wisdom you have a chance of shooting 4 arrows at once with 10k stars, which means you will regularly shoot 2 or 3.

11-11-2014, 11:53 PM
Its not many shot vs 10k stars. The idea is to have both. Use manyshot, and while its on cooldown you can use 10k stars twice, then repeat.

at 42 wisdom you have a chance of shooting 4 arrows at once with 10k stars, which means you will regularly shoot 2 or 3.

Plus the big kick ibn the face toward anything not using MS was and is that when you use manyshot, you get a nice timer where you get neg 100% chance to doubleshot. (Honestly I never understood it. It was literally like shooting anything besides 6+ monk in the ass lol)