View Full Version : Tactical Genius and Warchanter freezes

10-07-2014, 11:02 PM
Does anyone know if using Tactical Genius from Legendary Dreadnought will reset the cooldown of Frozen Fury and Spinning Ice?

10-08-2014, 06:14 PM
I'll borrow from the wiki:

Tactical Genius : Active Ability: (Cooldown 5 mins) Activate to clear the cooldowns of all Tactical feats.
Bug: This ability isn't working at all. Cooldowns do not clear.

Spinning Ice: Attack all enemies around you for +(2/3/4)[W] damage. Each affected enemy is frozen solid if they fail a Fortitude save (14 + Charisma modifier + 1/2 Bard Level + Stunning modifiers) for a number of seconds equal to your half your Bard level. Bosses cannot be frozen. Increased ranks increases how much Bard levels contribute. Activation cost: 6/4/2 SP. Cooldown 45/35/25 seconds.
The Frozen Fury: Make a melee attack with +(1/2/3)[W] damage. Affected enemies must make a Fortitude save (14 + Charisma modifier + 1/2 Bard Level + Stunning modifiers) or become frozen solid for number of seconds equal to half of your Bard levels. Cooldown: (12/9/6) seconds. Bosses cannot be frozen.

Why would you want it to? The cooldowns for Spinning and Frozen are short enough to not have to worry about.