View Full Version : u23 Axe of Unseen Blow = Swashbuckler

10-02-2014, 05:00 PM
New to update23, and not mentioned in Release Notes (https://www.ddo.com/en/update-23-release-notes), the Axe of the Unseen Blow (http://ddowiki.com/page/Item:Axe_of_the_Unseen_Blow) is now a Swashbuckling weapon. And it's a pretty good one! 1.5[2d4] 15-20x4 red slot at ML 14, assuming you have the slash crit feat.

10-02-2014, 06:31 PM
Good to know this has been fixed! :) Although depending on enemy, HE Skullsmasher (http://ddowiki.com/page/Item:Skullsmasher_%28Level_14%29) probably still pulls ahead: same crit specs w/SB & IC bonuses, but Skullsmasher does an avg of +40.5 dmg per crit (or w/30% crit chance, roughly +12 dmg per atk ignoring stacking crit range bonus from Exploit Weakness); whereas AotUS is +3.5 dmg per hit to non-chaotic targets. Plus Skullsmasher has +Intim on it, possibly freeing a gear slot if you're making a SB tank.

Still, it's good to have more working options, especially for any dwarven SBs (https://www.ddo.com/forums/showthread.php/444545-The-dwarven-defender-parody) out there. :cool:

10-02-2014, 07:59 PM
Four benefits for the Unseen Blow Axe: Many players strongly dislike Crucible Elite, and it tends to take a long time.
Dwarf enhancements.
For Legendary Dreadnaught ED, Headmans Chop will stack with Swashbuckler but Pulverizer will not.
The axe is one of several fine weapons with Slash crit, including some nice Sickles and a super Kama. But there is one and only one Bludgeon weapon a Swashbuckler will want to use (albeit with 6 difficulty versions).

10-02-2014, 09:56 PM
When it comes to gear farming, I'm pretty lazy / impatient, so I'm certainly not gonna fault anyone who doesn't want to farm HE/EE Crucible. :)

What would you say was the best epic named Swash-y slashing weapon: EE Brush Hook? Devourer's Reaping?