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09-29-2014, 06:35 PM
2/9/2017 This build is now decomissioned due to Reaper Mode.

Self Healing, which is one of the main powers of a Paladin, has been reduced heavily. Additionally, close-ranged party healing has been eliminated due to the fact that Reapers can one-shot non-tanks. The build is showing it's age and is no longer capable of functioning in the hardest content, despite being designed for the hardest content at the time circa 2014.

If you are currently in Steel Shrine, you can play it out as a DPS with some points in Henshin Mystic for the Melee Power and reincarnate at the first available opportunity. If you are stuck in heroics 12 or below, aim for a 15 Paladin / 3 Monk / 2 Favored Soul split to maximize DPS.

Steel Shrine

Steel Shrine is the most survivable tank you will ever play. This living fortress is a walking fountain of area-of-effect healing. The saves are so high that you won't even realize when you are fighting against spell-casters. If you have ever wanted to know what it felt like to BE a raid boss swatting enemies left and right, look no further.

80+ Saves
2000+ DPS
1300 HP
Easy-Button Healing
Multiple Redundant Healing Abilities


Race: Human (PDK does not get the Sovereign Host +4 damage to long swords, if PDK, go Mortal Fear Khopesh instead)
Class: Paladin 14 / Favored Soul 4 / Monk 2 (Light Armor Evasion)

(Other) Epic Litany: Profane Stats +2, Profane Attack +4, Profane Damage +4, Light Guard 10d6, Green Augment, Blue Augment
(Back) Epic Quiver of Alacrity: Concentration -50, Ranged Speed XV, Stealth Strike, Insightful Sneak Attack Bonus +4, Doubleshot 8%
(Head) Sightless: True Seeing, Deathblock 7, Ranged Power 6, Melee Power 6, Sheltering 35, Constitution 12, Green, Blue
(Eyes) Green Steel Goggles: Hit Points +45
(Neck) Pendant of Quiet Movement: Seeker +12, Dodge +11, Insightful Will +2, Lesser Displacement, Yellow Augment
(Cloak) Mysterious Cloak: Healing Amp 45, Magical Resistance +25, Green Augment, Colorless Augment
(Body) ToEE Light Armor: Resistance +12, Acid Absorb 30%, Lesser Displacement, Fortification 150, Green Augment
(Arms) Epic Ethereal Bracers: Dexterity +11, Riposte IX, Ghostly, Deadly X, Speed XIV, Feather Falling, Blue Augment, Green Augment
(Hand) Iron Mitts: Strength +8, Healing Amplification +60, Vitality +40, Resistance +7, Colorless Augment
(Waist) Epic Chord of Reprisals: Charisma +11, Resonance +144, Perform +20, Soundproof, Roar, Sheltering +24, Green Augment, Blue Augment
(Foot) Many-Hooked Greaves: Strength +12, Vertigo 12, Combat Mastery 5, Quality Vertigo 2, Green Augment, Yellow Augment
(Ring) Encrusted Ring: Strength +6, Exceptional Strength +1, Healing Amp +40
(Ring) Strange Tidings: Dexterity +12, Deception VIII, Use Magical Device +7, Diversion 20%, Blue Augment Slot, Green Augment Slot
(Main) Fellblade: +13 Enhancement, Imp Banishing, Sov Vorpal, Axiomatic X, Armor-Piercing 20%, Doublestrike 15%, Red Augment, Orange Augment
(Off) Thunderforged Orb: Devotion 150, Dragon's Edge, Draconic Reinvigoration, Orange Augment, Colorless Augment

All Levelup bonuses go into Charisma.
Str: 16 + 6 Tome +12 Item +1 Exception +2 Artifact +2 Feat +2 Profane +23 Divine Might = 64
Dex: 13 + 5 Tome + 8 Item + 2 Insightful + 1 Exceptional + 2 Artifact + 2 feat +2 Profane= 34
Con: 14 + 6 Tome +12 Item +2 Insight +1 Exceptional +2 Artifact +2 feat +2 Profane = 40
Int: 13 + 4 Tome + 8 Item +2 Insight + 1 Exceptional + 2 Artifact + 2 feat +2 Profane = 34
Wis: 8 + 5 Tome + 8 Item + 1 Exceptional + 2 Artifact + 2 feat +2 Profane = 28
Cha: 16 + 6 Tome +7 Levelup +11 Item +2 Insightful +1 Exceptional +2 Artifact +2 feat +2 Profane +4 Enhancement +3 Destiny = 56

Level Progression

Feats: 7 Normal + 2 Monk + 3 Epic + 2 Destiny + Granted Class Feats
1 Paladin: Weapon Focus: Slashing, Force of Personality, Follower of the Sovereign Host
2 Paladin
3 Paladin: Completionist
4 Paladin
5 Monk: Deflect Arrows
6 Favored Soul: Single Weapon Fighting
7 Paladin
8 Paladin
9 Favored Soul: Improved Single Weapon Fighting
10 Monk: Precision
11 Paladin
12 Paladin: Improved Critical: Slashing
13 Favored Soul
14 Paladin
15 Paladin: Greater Single Weapon Fighting
16 Paladin
17 Paladin
18 Paladin: Quicken Spell
19 Favored Soul
20 Paladin
21 Epic: Overwhelming Critical
24 Epic: Beloved of Sovereign Host
26 Epic: Perfect Two Weapon Fighting
27 Epic: Epic Reflexes
28 Epic: Elusive Target

HP: 1316
140 Paladin
32 Favored Soul
16 Monk
80 Epic
40 False Life Augment
40 Vitality
10 Draconic Vitality
20 Heroic Durability
15 Improved Heroic Durability
150 Vigor of Battle
100 Unyielding Sentinel
10 Warpriest
15 Harper
9 Sacred Defender
420 Constitution
1097 HP
219 Unyielding Sentinel 20% bonus
1316 HP

PRR: 125
36 Divine Past Life
10 Wall of Steel
30 Sheltering
14 Light Armor
10 Heed No Pain
10 Sacred Defense
15 Durable Defense

Damage = 126.375*
25.875 Base Attack Damage 5.75[1d8]
1 Child of the SoveReign Host
1 Beloved of the SoveReign Host
4 Righteous Weapons
13 Weapon
3 Enchant Weapon Past Life
1 Holy Sword
27 Strength
13 Single Weapon Fighting Strength Bonus
10 Deadly
4.5 Intolerant Blows
4 Profane
3 Monk Past Life
3 Divine Favor
1 Harper Enchantment
3 Harper Enchantment of Righteousness
7 Harper vs Evil
2 Harper Favored Enemy: Evil Outsider
* Add 22 backstab damage in case you don't have aggro

Double Strike: 29%
5% Perfect Single Weapon Fighting
15% Fellblade
9% Martial Past Life

Melee Power: 77
24 Epic Levels
24 Unyielding Sentinel
6 Greater Single Weapon Fighting
6 Sightless
15 Harper
2 Weapon Focus

Crit Profile: ~90% bonus damage

Seeker: 23
12 Seeker
6 Tactical Training Room
18 * 26 crit multipler per 20 / 20 hits per 20 = 23

SWF Attack Speed: 2.34
80 hits per 40 seconds unhasted SWF = 2.0
100 hits per 42.6 seconds haste = 2.34
56 hits per 20 seconds hasted + Speed Boost = 2.8

Casual Damage per click = 613 Piercing per hit, 1401 DPS
[Damage * (1 + Crit Bonus) + (Seeker)] (1 + Doublestrike)(1 + Melee Power/100)
[(126 * 1.9) +23]* 1.29 * 1.77 = 599 Avg per hit @ 2.34 Attacks per second

Fully Boosted Damage = 2415 DPS
20% Smite Weakness Vulnerability
20% Human Damage Boost
30% Legendary Dreadnought Speed Boost
[Damage (1 + Crit Bonus) + (Seeker)] *(Damage Boost) (1 + Doublestrike) (1 + Melee Power/100) (1 + Stacks of Vulnerability)
[(126 * 1.9) +23] * 1.29 * 1.77 * 1.2 * 1.2 = 862 Avg per hit @ 2.8 Attacks per second

Ultra Squishy Legendary Dreadnought Mode = 3647 DPS*
-6 Unyielding Sentinel Melee Power
70 Blitz Melee Power
5 Advancing Blows Damage
6 Critical Damage Seeker
19-20/x1 Devastating Critical
20% Smite Weakness Vulnerability
20% Human Damage Boost
30% Legendary Dreadnought Speed Boost
[Damage (1 + Crit Bonus) + (Seeker)] *(Damage Boost) (1 + Doublestrike) (1 + Melee Power/100) (1 + Stacks of Vulnerability)
[(131 * 2.0) +29] * 1.29 * 2.41 * 1.2 * 1.2 = 1302 Avg per hit @ 2.8 Attacks per second

* This is slashing damage only.

09-29-2014, 06:50 PM
How to play the Steel Shrine

It's the Battle Cleric on steroids. Let's get to know your buffs.

Permanent Buffs: Sacred Defense, Vigor of Battle
Questing Buffs: Holy Sword
Casual Pre-Fight Buffs: Divine Favor, Divine Might, Intolerant Blows
Heavy Duty Melee: Human Damage Boost, Legendary Dreadnought Haste Boost

Cast your questing buffs at the start of every quest and after every shrine. Use your casual pre-fight buffs as soon as you see an enemy encounter. If it is a boss fight or looks tough, you hit your triple action boosts and clean house.

The healing arsenal is Smite Foe, Consecration, Renewal, Cure Moderate. Use Lay on Hands only as a last resort.

Smite Foe costs no spell points, has low cooldown, and heals everyone nearby for about 150 (up to 400 for healing Amp junkies) . Use it as often as possible.
Consecration (if twisted) is your AOE healing.
Renewal is a your primary heal. Top off party members.
Cure Moderate is your secondary heal.
Lay on Hands is your emergency heal. Use this on yourself if everything else is on cooldown.
Unyielding Sovereignty is your multipurpose heal.

Your attack chain is: Cleave, Consecration, Smite Foe, Auto-Attack.
Your heal ability priority is: Renewal, Cure Moderate, Lay on Hands, Unyielding Sovereignty

For extremely difficult fights, you will need to fight/jump along the outer ring of your consecration ability. Example: In EE Vol, one of the lever rooms leads into a stairway room with a chest room at the bottom. With proper timing, it is possible to aggro all the monsters in the lever room, the stairs, and the room on the bottom at the same time for a EE fight with some 30 monsters in red dungeon alert. For those fights, Consecration, Cleave, Autoattack, Jump, Spam heals, Cleave, Autoattack, Spam Heals, Jump, Repeat.

How does Steel Shrine work?
1) DPS from Enhancements, Defenses from Destiny.
2) Offhand Thunderforged Orb = Action boosts all day long

Why does the first post keep changing?
I make a lot of mistakes. Updates occur as people inform me of errors and the like.

09-29-2014, 10:05 PM
Nice Job, you need to change your signature though. You can be the weakest but I am the noobest player in Omnipresence ~Anoob-1 Bus :P

09-29-2014, 10:08 PM
How else can you heal when you can't cast spells, use divine abilities, and have all your SP drained from inferno?
Use Atonement. :D

09-29-2014, 10:34 PM
Nice Job, you need to change your signature though. You can be the weakest but I am the noobest player in Omnipresence ~Anoob-1 Bus :P

What's in a name? Being named Reignbeau doesn't make me the most colorful. Being named Anoob doesn't change the fact that you are at least twice as skilled as I am as a player.

Use Atonement. :D

But... it doesn't have mortal fear...

09-30-2014, 03:44 AM
Cool build,
+1 for the nice layout!

09-30-2014, 06:43 PM
[QUOTE=Infiltraitor;5440653]What's in a name? Being named Reignbeau doesn't make me the most colorful. Being named Anoob doesn't change the fact that you are at least twice as skilled as I am as a player.

Ty for the compliment but I disagree, and since there isn't a test to find out. We may never know. lol :P

09-30-2014, 08:37 PM
Any chance of a AP breakdown?

I can see some of the AP's derived by breakdowns (to the fore, harper), and some twists like Legendary Shield Mastery for a T2 slot. But a post would be lovely :-)

09-30-2014, 11:36 PM
Heroic leveling is a matter of grabbing your DPS essentials and fattening up along the way. You'll be playing as a slightly weaker DPS until about level 11 when you start to fatten up your defenses considerably. This will continue until level 14, where you will find yourself seriously lagging in DPS until level 20.

At 14, pure paladins will have access to Holy Sword and start doing about 30% more dps than you will. You'll stay about 30% behind full paladins until level 20, where you will have Holy Sword as well in addition to Ameliorating Strike at level 19. It is a small price to pay to be unstoppable later on.

When leveling in heroics, you will want to go Knight of the Chalice instead of sacred defender for DPS. You'll be much happier. Exalted Cleave on a Carnifex does 4d12+2 (28 avg)


Went full tard on the DPS to make up for the lack of holy sword. This is necessary to gimp our way to 20.

Once you hit level 12, max out the Holy Retribution skill. Your attack sequence will be: Avenging Cleave, Exalted Cleave, Holy Retribution, Exalted Smite, Divine Sacrifice. The two cleaves soften everything up, then holy retribution, Exalted Smite, and Divine Sacrifice everything that is left.

I did THIS while Elite Streaking through Trial by Fire. Killed everything in my way, didn't bother to shrine, and still had a boatload of exalted smites left over. That Deathnip heavy pick is doing 800 dmg crits with exalted smite.

Took my 4th favored soul level at 18 instead of 19. Respecced for Ameliorating Strike, more healing amp, two less ranks of divine sacrifice, and otherwise full Chalice DPS to solo Enter the Kobold as an Evasion DPS. Good times were had by all. The ability to respec between Evasion DPS, Armored Tank, and AOE Healing is not to be discounted.

Even when Streaking through Epics, Deathnip is still pretty awesome. 13-20/x5 is means that crits contribute 160% to your normal hitting damage. You can still steamroll stuff even in full tank spec thanks for Holy Sword. For XP zerging purposes, I'm starting to like the Paladin cleave more than a few measly points in Harper.

10-01-2014, 06:11 AM
I've posted the screenshots of the enhancements. I found a way to squeeze out about 10% more dps and 2 more hit points using this setup by dropping the harper.

Thank you. So torn between about five variations! :-)

10-01-2014, 09:16 AM
nice build, but if they didn't Change the Shield Mastery Feat in u23 i think the lvl Progression won't work ....

Level Progression

Feats: 7 Normal + 2 Monk + 3 Epic + 2 Destiny
1 Monk: Toughness, Shield Mastery, Force of Personality

since Shield Mastery reequires Shield prof. and Mnk doesn't get that .....

10-01-2014, 11:42 AM
nice build, but if they didn't Change the Shield Mastery Feat in u23 i think the lvl Progression won't work ....

Level Progression

Feats: 7 Normal + 2 Monk + 3 Epic + 2 Destiny
1 Monk: Toughness, Shield Mastery, Force of Personality

since Shield Mastery reequires Shield prof. and Mnk doesn't get that .....

Yes. I was... too busy trying to keep up pretty colors and format, which I totally didn't copy and paste from a different post I had. Thank you for catching that.

10-02-2014, 11:55 AM
How are you getting the charisma bonus to hit and damage?? I have this sinking feeling I've done my sorc EK massively wrong...

Edit: ah PDK enhancement, just looked it up, cheers nice build

10-02-2014, 09:24 PM
I'm curious about the 2 levels of monk. Is that just for the extra feats?

10-02-2014, 11:10 PM
I'm curious about the 2 levels of monk. Is that just for the extra feats?

2 Monk levels adds 2 feats, 3 to all saves, evasion, 5% healing amp from shintao. It is a strong class to dip into.

For all the talk of heavy armor, Evasion is just as strong as it used to be, but now you ALSO get MRR from light armor.

Edit: Took the build out to Epic Elite storm horns to test defenses. Evasion + MRR is pretty dang tough.



10-05-2014, 01:21 AM
Question ....

How are you able to pick the feat BASTARD SWORD with a strength of 10 ??? Isn't the minimum requirement to pick this one a strength of 13 ??? Please clarify, thanks.

10-05-2014, 01:27 AM
Question ....

How are you able to pick the feat BASTARD SWORD with a strength of 10 ??? Isn't the minimum requirement to pick this one a strength of 13 ??? Please clarify, thanks.

Yep. Thanks for catching that. It's been fixed and move to level 15, where the tomes will take effect. :)

Given the large amount of info posted, I fully expect there to be a few more mistakes I haven't caught yet.

10-05-2014, 01:44 AM
Yep. Thanks for catching that. It's been fixed and move to level 15, where the tomes will take effect. :)

Given the large amount of info posted, I fully expect there to be a few more mistakes I haven't caught yet.

Well, not sure if it is going to work ... I tried with a strength base of 10, but by level 15 (with tomes) I still wasn't able to pick the feat.

10-05-2014, 09:52 AM
Well, not sure if it is going to work ... I tried with a strength base of 10, but by level 15 (with tomes) I still wasn't able to pick the feat.

My tomes activate +1 at level 3, +2 at level 7, and +3 and level 11. But as I am seeing that this is going to be a problem, I will have to make adjustments to the base stats now.

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Shadow7375 again.

EDIT: If you are stuck, we can try to get you a +2 tome and you can spend level 16 levelup on strength.

10-05-2014, 10:42 PM
My tomes activate +1 at level 3, +2 at level 7, and +3 and level 11. But as I am seeing that this is going to be a problem, I will have to make adjustments to the base stats now.

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Shadow7375 again.

EDIT: If you are stuck, we can try to get you a +2 tome and you can spend level 16 levelup on strength.

UPDATE: Thought I let you know that I was able to take the feat BASTARD SWORDS at level 18.

10-06-2014, 04:46 AM


Died repeatedly falling through holes in the floor. Somehow, turbine expects people to navigate around holes in the ground when the shadow phase looks like this.


10-06-2014, 04:53 AM
Although it's annoying, I always adjust my graphic settings for WGU, wheloon and temple of deathwyrm.
Turning off post-processing effects is the most noticeble.
If you watch my video of WGU, you'll barely see a difference between purple fog and no fog (sure it is still purple, but everything is clear instead of blurry).

Grats on the solos reign.

10-06-2014, 04:16 PM
Although it's annoying, I always adjust my graphic settings for WGU, wheloon and temple of deathwyrm.
Turning off post-processing effects is the most noticeble.
If you watch my video of WGU, you'll barely see a difference between purple fog and no fog (sure it is still purple, but everything is clear instead of blurry).

Grats on the solos reign.

Thanks for the advice. I'm raging too hard to try again any time soon, but I'll let you know in about a month how much it helps.


It helped ALOT ALOT.


10-12-2014, 04:18 PM
Other than missing out on skill points would there be any other serious impact to TR'ing into this build at level 15 and starting first level paladin instead of monk?

10-12-2014, 09:04 PM
Other than missing out on skill points would there be any other serious impact to TR'ing into this build at level 15 and starting first level paladin instead of monk?

Nope. But you would need to TR into a 11 Paladin / 1 Fighter / 3 Favored Soul PDK and then LR away 1 fighter into Paladin. Indeed, the extra skill points are pretty garbage.

Edit: Enough people have mentioned it to me that I think it might actually be the stronger choice. LR 12 Paladin / 3 Fvs and then add on the monk levels afterwards.
Edit #2: Fixed it as per your suggestion.

10-12-2014, 11:48 PM
Wouldn't 12 pally miss out on holy sword?

Also, do you find ameliorating strike to be reliable? It always seemed to be a little on the weak side to me, especially with requiring a target, and thus not being on demand. I've only tried in a barb build, however, never with a pally and all that healing amp.

10-13-2014, 03:17 AM
Wouldn't 12 pally miss out on holy sword?

Also, do you find ameliorating strike to be reliable? It always seemed to be a little on the weak side to me, especially with requiring a target, and thus not being on demand. I've only tried in a barb build, however, never with a pally and all that healing amp.

The plan is to go 1 Fighter, 11 Paladin, 3 Favored Soul and LR into 12 Paladin, 3 Favored Soul.

Then level up the remaining 5 levels: 2 more paladin, 2 monk, and 1 favored soul.

14 gets Holy Sword.

As for Ameliorating Strike, it is decent. It doesn't cost spell points, isn't a spell, heals AOE, and I never have to stop hitting.

28d2 * 400% Positive Spellpower * 300% Healing Amp = 504 dmg healed per 15 seconds.

As part of the package, however, is exceptionally strong since it displaces Rejuvenating Cocoon as the primary healing mechanism. Between Ameliorating Strike (500), Sacred Ground (330 per tick), Rejuvenating Cocoon (200), Cure Moderate Wounds (200), and Lay on Hands (1500), I find the build able to survive just about anything that can possibly be survived.

10-16-2014, 06:15 AM
Great build. I had a lot of fun getting my 2nd life char (ex-cleric) from 15 to 20 even without lesser tr-ing into monk. Now that I got on epic it seems even better. What I liked most is that it adds a different flavor to the all-powered melee builds so heads up from me!!!

10-16-2014, 12:08 PM
Great build. I had a lot of fun getting my 2nd life char (ex-cleric) from 15 to 20 even without lesser tr-ing into monk. Now that I got on epic it seems even better. What I liked most is that it adds a different flavor to the all-powered melee builds so heads up from me!!!

Thanks for the feedback. I haven't actually tested with 28, and 30 pt builds so that perspective is highly novel to me.

10-20-2014, 07:09 AM
Thanks for the feedback. I haven't actually tested with 28, and 30 pt builds so that perspective is highly novel to me.

You are welcome. I tried some other feats since I don't have the +5 tomes but I think I would go for Dex 13 and Dodge instead of Completionist.
For the same reasons I went for Power Attack and not Precision.
I couldn't also hit 21 Con so I opted for normal toughness but maybe I will change that to +1 epic CHA depending on the final CHA number I get.

But still the build is really killer on 20 with maxed e.d and performed exceptionally well on EE on these levels.

10-31-2014, 05:34 AM
Single Weapon fighting + Strength looks to be stronger on multi-completionist toons.

Calculations for Heavy Pick DPS build variant (Harper Tree)
* Gives up 300 HP and 10 saves for 1500 DPS.

STR = 16 +5 Tome +7 Level +11 Item +17 Divine Might +2 Ship +2 Litany +2 Completionist +1 Globe = 63
CHA = 14 +5 Tome +11 Item +3 Optics +2 Ship +2 Litany +2 Completionist +2 Harper +2 Crusader +1 Globe = 44

Damage = 104
19.25 Base 5.5[1d6] Heavy Pick
12 Weapon
3 Enchant Weapon Past Life
2 Holy Sword
26 Strength
13 Single Weapon Fighting
11 Deadly
4 Sword of Justice
4 Profane
3 Monk Past Life
3 Harper Righteousness
1 Harper Enchantment
3 Divine Favor

Avg Critical Damage Bonus = 130%

Dmg Calc: 477 dmg per hit, 1049 DPS unboosted
(104*1.24 Doublestrike)(1 + 1.3 Crits)(1 + 0.61 Melee Power) = 477 dmg per hit

Fully buffed DPS: 1144 dmg per hit, 2516 DPS dual boosted
(104*1.74 Doublestrike)(1 + 1.3 Crits)(1 + 0.91 Melee Power)(1.2 Human Damage Boost)(1 + 20% Smite Weakness Vulnerable) = 1144 dmg per hit.

11-02-2014, 02:27 PM
Single Weapon fighting + Strength looks to be stronger on multi-completionist toons.

Calculations for Heavy Pick DPS build variant (Harper Tree)
* Gives up 300 HP for 1500 DPS.

STR = 16 +5 Tome +7 Level +11 Item +17 Divine Might +2 Ship +2 Litany +2 Completionist +1 Globe = 63
CHA = 14 +5 Tome +11 Item +3 Optics +2 Ship +2 Litany +2 Completionist +2 Harper +2 Crusader +1 Globe = 44

Damage = 104
19.25 Base 5.5[1d6] Heavy Pick
12 Weapon
3 Enchant Weapon Past Life
2 Holy Sword
26 Strength
13 Single Weapon Fighting
11 Deadly
4 Sword of Justice
4 Profane
3 Monk Past Life
3 Harper Righteousness
1 Harper Enchantment
3 Divine Favor

Avg Critical Damage Bonus = 130%

Dmg Calc: 516 dmg per hit, 1135 DPS unboosted
(104*1.34 Doublestrike)(1 + 1.3 Crits)(1 + 0.61 Melee Power) = 516 dmg per hit

Fully buffed DPS: 1210 dmg per hit, 2662 DPS dual boosted
(104*1.84 Doublestrike)(1 + 1.3 Crits)(1 + 0.91 Melee Power)(1.2 Human Damage Boost)(1 + 20% Smite Weakness Vulnerable) = 1210 dmg per hit.

Except if you are SWF, you can't have a shield, and then your Doublestrike is lower by 15% ? And extra dmg from shield bashes are gone, but those were not calculated here... And of course the stance is gone for the HPs as noted, but you can now benefit from primal rage, etc. well if you really want to slot that..

Or did I miss something? *EDIT* Like the bug that used to be where you still gained the doublestrike or PRR which ever it was by once wearing the shield, I thought that was squashed, or is it still there?

11-02-2014, 05:45 PM
Except if you are SWF, you can't have a shield, and then your Doublestrike is lower by 15% ? And extra dmg from shield bashes are gone, but those were not calculated here... And of course the stance is gone for the HPs as noted, but you can now benefit from primal rage, etc. well if you really want to slot that..

Or did I miss something? *EDIT* Like the bug that used to be where you still gained the doublestrike or PRR which ever it was by once wearing the shield, I thought that was squashed, or is it still there?

Copy/paste fail on my part. +1 rep for catching that.

Double strike will be
10 Celestial Champion
9 Martial Past Life
5 Perfect Two Weapon
24% and not 34%.

EDIT: Fixed.

11-03-2014, 01:12 PM
Copy/paste fail on my part. +1 rep for catching that.

Double strike will be
10 Celestial Champion
9 Martial Past Life
5 Perfect Two Weapon
24% and not 34%.

EDIT: Fixed.

Also in the original it should be 39%, not 34%. You are not counting the Perfect Two Weapon in the original build. Also you are trading PRR for the shield away in the SWF build in addition to the HP.

11-03-2014, 01:26 PM
Also in the original it should be 39%, not 34%. You are not counting the Perfect Two Weapon in the original build. Also you are trading PRR for the shield away in the SWF build in addition to the HP.

Also you were not counting the Perfect Two Handed Weapon feat, which is 10% additional damage on glancing blows, bringing it to 28 (+2d6), instead of 18. And then there is the 10% on proc effects, but guess we don't need to count that. Also the Shield Bash dmg is a bit over-calculated as its not really for every hit, but at most once a second and there is the chance for each hit...

11-03-2014, 04:07 PM
Also you were not counting the Perfect Two Handed Weapon feat, which is 10% additional damage on glancing blows, bringing it to 28 (+2d6), instead of 18. And then there is the 10% on proc effects, but guess we don't need to count that. Also the Shield Bash dmg is a bit over-calculated as its not really for every hit, but at most once a second and there is the chance for each hit...

You are right, but considering the amount of mistakes I made even for simple damage calculations, could you imagine the number of errors I would make on a complicated mess like THAT?

11-04-2014, 06:25 PM
Except if you are SWF, you can't have a shield, and then your Doublestrike is lower by 15% ? And extra dmg from shield bashes are gone, but those were not calculated here... And of course the stance is gone for the HPs as noted, but you can now benefit from primal rage, etc. well if you really want to slot that..

Or did I miss something? *EDIT* Like the bug that used to be where you still gained the doublestrike or PRR which ever it was by once wearing the shield, I thought that was squashed, or is it still there?

actually this is a false statement if pali in SWF u can wield a thuunderfrorged orb with combustion on it and slot 138 dev augment and still get shield mastery lines double strike added belive me im a 16pali/2ftr/2wiz standing at 54% double strike and with zeal of righteousness im hitting 104%

my build is str/cha divine might hitting 80str near 70stun dc 75% atk speed and 230prr ofc O/P build is nice a SWF build can be done and be just as effective if not more so I repeat FALSE statement

11-04-2014, 06:43 PM
You are right, but considering the amount of mistakes I made even for simple damage calculations, could you imagine the number of errors I would make on a complicated mess like THAT?

with a SWF pali build like mine 16/2/2 pal/ftr/wiz u can hit double strike numbers of

my break down is
shield mastery = 3%
improved shield mastery = 8%
legendary shield mastery = 7%
perfect two weapon = 5%
zeal spell = 10%
3 x martial double strike = 9%
martial training from EK enhancement line = 2%
= 44 standing
then u can stack celestial champion up to 10% for 54%
zeal of righteousness is 50% ticking down
= 104 ticking down to 54%

now with O/P build he would loose 10% - 2% from wiz eldritch knight line so 32% standing

so with a shield or orb u can hit those numbers of double strike but only if pali a ftr can not get the orb bonus as a shield

11-04-2014, 10:08 PM
actually this is a false statement if pali in SWF u can wield a thuunderfrorged orb with combustion on it and slot 138 dev augment and still get shield mastery lines double strike added belive me im a 16pali/2ftr/2wiz standing at 54% double strike and with zeal of righteousness im hitting 104%

my build is str/cha divine might hitting 80str near 70stun dc 75% atk speed and 230prr ofc O/P build is nice a SWF build can be done and be just as effective if not more so I repeat FALSE statement

I think the best part was finding out Draconic Reinvigoration and Dragon's Edge on off hand orb is partially working. Like OMG, not going back to shields. However, the shield doublestrike in orb is a bug that will be fixed "soon". I wouldn't call it a FALSE STATEMENT, more like unaware of existing bugs.

11-05-2014, 02:11 AM
Is there a more beginner friendly version of this build? It looks very entertaining, but also very expensive.

11-05-2014, 03:23 AM
Is there a more beginner friendly version of this build? It looks very entertaining, but also very expensive.

I'm testing a build that doesn't require PDK. Starting stats are 16 Str /12 Dex /16 Con /10 Int /8 Wis /14 Cha. All levelups in Strength. I'm seeing crits in the 2500 range on my 15-20/x5 heavy pick.

Human will do just fine if you go Strength. PDK is only for divine grace junkies. I'm actually liking strength build more than charisma. The DPS is very nice.

11-05-2014, 03:45 AM
Would I be able to put something similar together with a 28pt build without monk/fvs? Obviously, I'm sure the survivability and DPS would take a hit, but ultimately I'm looking for a fun Pally build with ameliorating strike and other heals. I'm not really looking for something that can tank end game content. Just something I can solo with when I'm not playing with my 2 buddies, who will also benefit from the heals.

11-05-2014, 06:47 AM
I think the best part was finding out Draconic Reinvigoration and Dragon's Edge on off hand orb is partially working. Like OMG, not going back to shields. However, the shield doublestrike in orb is a bug that will be fixed "soon". I wouldn't call it a FALSE STATEMENT, more like unaware of existing bugs.

So there was a bug there, good to know. Now, that makes it an interesting option, so switching hmmh, Completionist (as not a completionist toon), Epic Fortitude(?) and Bastard Sword to SWF line.. Didn't check but was there nice synergy with the Perfect SWF 19-20 vorpal range somewhere in the build or use some other destiny feat for the Perfect THF slot.. Or what feats did you have in the STR variant, that seems the way to go anyway..

11-05-2014, 11:31 AM
I'm testing a build that doesn't require PDK. Starting stats are 16 Str /12 Dex /16 Con /10 Int /8 Wis /14 Cha. All levelups in Strength. I'm seeing crits in the 2500 range on my 15-20/x5 heavy pick.

Human will do just fine if you go Strength. PDK is only for divine grace junkies. I'm actually liking strength build more than charisma. The DPS is very nice.

Are you getting bonus to crit range from the Harper tree?
Are you using the same level split?

11-06-2014, 07:34 PM
Are you getting bonus to crit range from the Harper tree?
Are you using the same level split?

Crit bonuses are:

Holy Sword Spell from level 14 Paladin gives +1 crit range and +1 crit multiplier
Celestial Champion from Divine Crusader Epic Destiny gives +1 crit range.
Overwhelming Critical Feat gives +1 multiplier on 19-20.
Improved Critical: Piercing doubles the existing critical range.

These bonuses will turn a Heavy Pick 20/x4 into a 15-18/x5 and 19-20/x6.

The level split is the same. All I've done is epic reincarnate from S&B to SWF. The transition was painless.

11-07-2014, 03:12 PM
How would you compare the DPS of heavy pick vs bastard sword?
(overall, that is... i guess pick wins hands down vs single tgt but how does the BS fare if you take glances into account)

And also, you switched to heavy armor or stayed in light and changed enchantments (mainly T3 and T4 in Sacred defender... or do they work with orb? Cannot test w/o changing feats since i have a BF paladin myself :P)?

11-08-2014, 01:50 AM
How would you compare the DPS of heavy pick vs bastard sword?
(overall, that is... i guess pick wins hands down vs single tgt but how does the BS fare if you take glances into account)

And also, you switched to heavy armor or stayed in light and changed enchantments (mainly T3 and T4 in Sacred defender... or do they work with orb? Cannot test w/o changing feats since i have a BF paladin myself :P)?

The Heavy Pick with Strength can boost to about 3000 DPS. Tested 22 seconds vs EE Sobrien.
The Bastard Sword with Charisma can boost to about 1500 DPS.

Tested in EE Vol in the room with the 20+ mobs, Heavy Pick outperforms Bastard Sword in DPS under all conditions.

The advantage of Bastard sword is the Charisma synergies. I can get 100+ to all saves on that build, which I can only hit 70ish with Heavy Pick.

I haven't gotten around to testing with heavy armor yet, I'm still in evasion mode. My enhancements have changed considerably but I am still testing the variant builds and therefore haven't posted the final changes yet.

EDIT: Testing Heavy Armor. It is amazing. I think it might be time for our first major overhaul.

11-08-2014, 07:48 AM
EDIT: Testing Heavy Armor. It is amazing. I think it might be time for our first major overhaul.

I'm glad you think so. I've been seeing a lot of pallies sticking to light armor and evasion as though it was a religion, and I couldn't understand why. Made me think I was crazy for going all in on heavy armor.

11-08-2014, 10:23 AM
I'm glad you think so. I've been seeing a lot of pallies sticking to light armor and evasion as though it was a religion, and I couldn't understand why. Made me think I was crazy for going all in on heavy armor.

In my case, I've been evasion for about 40 lives. Changing that thinking is hard.

The Dps loss from the switch is minimal, about 20 damage per hit.

11-08-2014, 11:33 PM
I'm glad you think so. I've been seeing a lot of pallies sticking to light armor and evasion as though it was a religion, and I couldn't understand why. Made me think I was crazy for going all in on heavy armor.

Same here ;)
Im even playing a pure barb now with harmor .
Nice build opener, but try to make it now with harmor and no monk but maybe fighter.
Tho monk gives you heal amp from shintao core, but having 3 more dodge cap while in harmor seems also interesting.
Also option is wizz splash for orb and swf option.
Lotsa possibilities

11-09-2014, 09:01 AM
Archive of Original Build

Steel Shrine

Purple Dragon Knight - Divine Crusader
Paladin 14 / Monk 2 / Favored Soul 4

Steel Shrine is the most defensive build ever made. It performs with maximum survival under the most diverse of situations. Fort, Reflex, and Will saves can buff to over 100.
Combined with enough DPS to solo EE WGU in 45 minutes.

He does slightly under 400 dmg average per "hit" but can Zeal + Human Damage boost + Chalice Damage Boost to about 700.

Warning: This build requires prior use of a +2 Strength Tome, AND a +5 Constitution Tome, AND a +1 Lesser Heart of Wood.

Build Features:
1300 Hit Points
Self Healing: 400 HP Ameliorating Strike per 15 second cooldown
250% Healing Amp
Charisma for Attack
Charisma for Damage
Charisma for Stun DC
Charisma to All Saves
Charisma for Will Saves

Level Progression

Feats: 7 Normal + 2 Monk + 3 Epic + 2 Destiny + Granted Class Feats
1 (Formerly Fighter) Paladin: Toughness, Force of Personality
2 Paladin
3 Paladin: Completionist
4 Paladin
5 Paladin
6 Favored Soul: Follower of the Morning Lord, Improved Shield Bash
7 Paladin
8 Paladin
9 Favored Soul: Shield Mastery
10 Paladin
11 Paladin
12 Paladin: Improved Critical
13 Favored Soul
14 Paladin
15 Paladin: Bastard Sword
16 Monk: Toughness
17 Monk: Precision
18 Paladin: Improved Shield Mastery
19 Favored Soul
20 Paladin
21 Epic: Epic Toughness
24 Epic: Overwhelming Critical
26 Epic: Perfect Two Weapon Fighting
27 Epic: Epic Fortitude
28 Epic: Perfect Two Handed Fighting

Easy Twink Gear Setup:
Purple Dragon Gauntlet
Purple Dragon Helm
Bracer's of the Sun Soul
Signet of the Shining Sun
Leather's of the Woodsman
Boots of the Woodsman
Epic Normal Wall of Wood
Voice of the Master

Endgame Gear Setup:
Intricate Field Optics +3 Charisma
Epic Boots of the Innocent
Epic Belt of Thoughtful Remembrance (Don't Have Yet)
Epic Ethereal Bracers
Shroud of the Ardent
Greensteel 45 HP Concordant Op Cloak
Sanctified Gages
Consuming Darkness
Charisma 11 Ring of Accuracy (Don't Have Yet)
Epic Litany of the Dead
Mythic Minos Legens
Dragontouched Leather Armor of Healing Amp
Thunderforged Bastard Sword +12
Alchemical Small Shield of Fire Earth Water (Don't Have Yet)

Str: 11 + 5 Tome +8 Item +1 Exception +2 Artifact +2 Feat +2 Profane = 31
Dex: 13 + 5 Tome + 11 Item + 2 Insightful + 1 Exceptional + 2 Artifact + 2 feat +2 Profane= 39
Con: 16 + 5 Tome +11 Item +3 Insight +1 Exceptional +2 Artifact +2 feat +6 Stance +2 Profane +1 Enhancement +2 Alchemical= 51
Int: 12 + 5 Tome + 8 Item + 1 Exceptional + 2 Artifact + 2 feat +2 Profane= 33
Wis: 12 + 5 Tome + 8 Item + 1 Exceptional + 2 Artifact + 2 feat +2 Profane = 30
Cha: 16 +5 Tome +7 Levelup +11 Item +3 Insightful +1 Exceptional +2 Artifact +2 feat +2 Profane +2 Enhancement +3 Destiny= 54

Damage = 95
30.25 Base Attack Damage 5.5[1d10]
12 Weapon
3 Enchant Weapon Past Life
2 Holy Sword
3 Shield Specialization III
1 To the Fore
22 Charisma
11 Deadly
4 Sword of Justice
4 Profane
3 Monk Past Life

Glancing blows: 50% chance of 25 damage
18 Damage
7 Courage of Heaven 2d6

Double Strike: 34%
8% Improved Shield Mastery
7% Legendary Shield Mastery
10% Celestial Champion
9% Martial Past Life

Shield Bash: 40% chance of 52 damage
10 Base Attack Damage 2[2d4]
7 Enhancement
2 Holy Sword
3 Shield Specialization III
1 To the Fore
11 Deadly
4 Sword of Justice
4 Profane
3 Monk Past Life
7 Courage of Heaven 2d6

Melee Power: 46
24 Epic Levels
12 Divine Crusader
10 Improved Shield Mastery

Crit Profile: ~90% bonus damage

Damage per click = 396
[Damage * (1 + Doublestrike) (1 + Crit Bonus) +0.5 (Glancing Damage) + 0.4 (Shield Bash)] (1 + Melee Power/100)
(94 * 1.34 * 1.9 + 12 + 20) 1.46 = 396 Avg per hit

Fully Boosted Damage (On double completionist)(Attack bonus isn't 10. The last digit got chopped off.)

Healing: 299
138 Devotion Augment
25 Sacred Defender
10 Shintao
51 Implement
10 Extraordinary Virtue
65 Heal Skill

PRR: 153
27 Divine Past Life
10 Wall of Steel
30 Sheltering
31 Light Armor
15 Legendary Shield Mastery
5 Improved Shield Mastery
10 Heavenly Presence
10 Sacred Defense
15 Durable Defense


Twist: Purity of Essence, Legendary Shield Mastery, Dragonhide, and Rejuvenating Cacoon. Energy Burst is also an option.

Purple Dragon Knight
Damage Boost +
Improved Recovery ++
Cormyrean Knight Training +
5 Points Spent

Smite Foe +
Toughness +++
Sacred Touch ---
Awareness --
Smite Weakness ++
Wall of Steel +++
Resilience of Battle -
Burden of Sin ---
Charisma ++
Ameliorating Strike ++
22 Points Spent

Sacred Defender
Holy Bastion +
Durable Defense +++
Sacred Armor Mastery -
Sacred Defense +
Resilient Defense ---
Bulwark Aura --
Divine Righteousness +
Resistance Aura --
Tenacious Defense +++
Constitution ++
Inciting Defense -
Hardy Defense +++
Swift Defense +
Charisma ++
26 Points Spent

Bastion of Purity +
1 Point Spent


Knight of the Chalice
Slayer of Evil I +
Extra Smite -
Remove Disease ---
Courage of Heaven +
Damage Boost +++
Exalted Cleave +
Slayer of Evil II +
Vigor of Life ++
13 Points Spent

To the Fore +
Shield Specialization I ++
Armor Training --
Shield Combat I +
Shield Specialization II ++
Stunning Shield +
Missile Shield +
Vicious Shield +
Shield Specialization III ++
13 Points Spent

How to play the Steel Shrine
The Steel Shrine is a mix between a bulldozer and an ambulance. He plows into the enemy and establish a foothold in their space. Charge into the thick of battle and open with a Consecration. This will provide continuous healing for when the squishy team members arrive. In the meanwhile, it grants 10% bonus damage from it, heal for 300 hp and deal 400 good + fire damage every 3 seconds. This is important because Steel Shrine follows up by chaining AOE damage from Exalted Cleave and a Strike Down, ****ing off all nearby enemies. Next, Smite Foe on the nearest enemy. At this point, either follow through with some Autoattack or clean up with an Energy Burst.

The healing arsenal is Smite Foe, Consecration, Rejuvenating Cocoon, Cure Moderate. Use Lay on Hands only as a last resort.

Smite Foe costs no spell points, has low cooldown, and heals everyone nearby for about 150 (up to 400 for healing Amp junkies) . Use it as often as possible. This attack and Consecration makes Steel Shrine almost as good as a dedicated healer.

Consecration is for heavy fighting and/or starting a fight. It's a great tool for entrenching yourself someplace important and providing some AOE heals for allies where the fighting is.

Rejuvenating Cocoon is an emergency heal. Due to the fact that it wears off after receiving a hit or two, it often only lasts for 1 or 2 ticks.

Lay on Hands will heal for a rather large amount. However, due to its highly limited number of uses, it is best saved for a backup emergency heal.


11-09-2014, 10:11 AM
In my case, I've been evasion for about 40 lives. Changing that thinking is hard.

The Dps loss from the switch is minimal, about 20 damage per hit.

How about dropping 1 monk level (i.e. one feat) and grabbing Zeal from 15 Paladin for extra constant +10% doublestrike?

11-09-2014, 12:59 PM
How about dropping 1 monk level (i.e. one feat) and grabbing Zeal from 15 Paladin for extra constant +10% doublestrike?

That's a definite possibility, but it would change my level split and therefore would be a different build. Plus, I like the option of having evasion as a simple item swap.

11-10-2014, 01:03 AM
That's a definite possibility, but it would change my level split and therefore would be a different build. Plus, I like the option of having evasion as a simple item swap.

Actually I did a couple of variants on this build and my personal preferred was FTR1/FVS4/Pali15. That gave Zeal and Holy sword, tower shield prof, using BS and cha to hit/dmg. As I found heavy armor and a tower shield with PL feats gives a PRR just under 200 and MRR that made evasion not needed on EE. The DPS was more than enough to get through any quest or boss, although not as much as heavy picks STR build obviously. I did two STR versions and preferred CHA for the insane saves. EE is all about saves because your DPS does not matter if you are dead (which I famously do often;). I have yet to try SteelShrine latest variant, might do that here over the next weeks for comparison.

11-10-2014, 11:13 PM
Actually I did a couple of variants on this build and my personal preferred was FTR1/FVS4/Pali15. That gave Zeal and Holy sword, tower shield prof, using BS and cha to hit/dmg. As I found heavy armor and a tower shield with PL feats gives a PRR just under 200 and MRR that made evasion not needed on EE. The DPS was more than enough to get through any quest or boss, although not as much as heavy picks STR build obviously. I did two STR versions and preferred CHA for the insane saves. EE is all about saves because your DPS does not matter if you are dead (which I famously do often;). I have yet to try SteelShrine latest variant, might do that here over the next weeks for comparison.

Testing Charisma based Heavy Pick right now, I was surprised that the damage is almost the same, due to half my extra charisma being added to STR anyway.

11-10-2014, 11:43 PM
Testing Charisma based Heavy Pick right now, I was surprised that the damage is almost the same, due to half my extra charisma being added to STR anyway.

With Cha to hit/dmg is there anything special I need to make sure I still have?

11-11-2014, 01:36 AM
With Cha to hit/dmg is there anything special I need to make sure I still have?

It is a difficult question to answer due to me not knowing what you currently have.

Bastard Sword & Shield on evasion mode, you really only need to max out charisma and constitution, which makes it the easiest to gear and tome for.

Bastard Sword & Orb in Harper Tree is also looking very viable and not NEARLY as resource intensive as Heavy Pick. You only need Charisma and Constitution, and don't have to constantly refresh Divine Might. Very newbie friendly.

Damage = 103
30.25 Base Attack Damage 5.5[1d10]
12 Weapon
3 Enchant Weapon Past Life
2 Holy Sword
1 Harper Enchantment
22 Charisma
11 Charisma Single Weapon Fighting
11 Deadly
4 Sword of Justice
4 Profane
3 Monk Past Life

Damage per click = 402, or 885 DPS. 2198 while Damage + Speed + Zeal Boosted
[Damage * (1 + Doublestrike) (1 + Crit Bonus) +0.5 (Glancing Damage)] (1 + Melee Power/100)
(103 * 1.24 * 1.9 + 17) 1.55 = 402 Avg per hit

11-11-2014, 03:59 PM
It is a difficult question to answer due to me not knowing what you currently have.

Bastard Sword & Shield on evasion mode, you really only need to max out charisma and constitution, which makes it the easiest to gear and tome for.

Bastard Sword & Orb in Harper Tree is also looking very viable and not NEARLY as resource intensive as Heavy Pick. You only need Charisma and Constitution, and don't have to constantly refresh Divine Might. Very newbie friendly.

Damage = 103
30.25 Base Attack Damage 5.5[1d10]
12 Weapon
3 Enchant Weapon Past Life
2 Holy Sword
1 Harper Enchantment
22 Charisma
11 Charisma Single Weapon Fighting
11 Deadly
4 Sword of Justice
4 Profane
3 Monk Past Life

Damage per click = 402, or 885 DPS. 2198 while Damage + Speed + Zeal Boosted
[Damage * (1 + Doublestrike) (1 + Crit Bonus) +0.5 (Glancing Damage)] (1 + Melee Power/100)
(103 * 1.24 * 1.9 + 17) 1.55 = 402 Avg per hit

What I meant was, what enhancement line gives Cha to hit/dmg? (I have all +5 tomes) My old build is here (this build was redone instantly when I came back a week ago or so). (http://i.imgur.com/yfYox76.png)

11-11-2014, 04:36 PM
What I meant was, what enhancement line gives Cha to hit/dmg? (I have all +5 tomes) My old build is here (this build was redone instantly when I came back a week ago or so). (http://i.imgur.com/yfYox76.png)

The PDK Racial one,
T1: Cormyrean Knight Training: You now use Charisma or Strength, whichever is higher, for attack and damage with shortswords, longswords, bastard swords, and greatswords. In addition, as long as your Charisma remains higher than your Strength and you are wielding one of the above weapons, you receive a bonus to the DCs of your Tactical Feats equal to 1/3 your Charisma modifier.

11-12-2014, 01:36 AM
The PDK Racial one,
T1: Cormyrean Knight Training: You now use Charisma or Strength, whichever is higher, for attack and damage with shortswords, longswords, bastard swords, and greatswords. In addition, as long as your Charisma remains higher than your Strength and you are wielding one of the above weapons, you receive a bonus to the DCs of your Tactical Feats equal to 1/3 your Charisma modifier.

Thank you. ^_^

11-28-2014, 06:52 PM
I'm testing a build that doesn't require PDK. Starting stats are 16 Str /12 Dex /16 Con /10 Int /8 Wis /14 Cha. All levelups in Strength. I'm seeing crits in the 2500 range on my 15-20/x5 heavy pick.

Human will do just fine if you go Strength. PDK is only for divine grace junkies. I'm actually liking strength build more than charisma. The DPS is very nice.

Heavy pick is tasty, but basically outperformed by a khopesh.

Comparison (http://www.afterlifeguild.org/Thott/ddo/analyze.php?1label=1&1bab=0&1atktype=1h&1spm=90&1phd=6d8%2B10&1phed=0&1phth=0&1phthreat=15-20%2Fx5&1phxcrit=&1ohd=1d4&1ohed=0&1ohth=0&1ohthreat=18-20%2Fx2&1ohxcrit=&1str=60&1dex=10&1sneakpct=0&1sneakd=1d6&2label=2&2bab=&2atktype=1h&2spm=90&2phd=6d8%2B10&2phed=&2phth=&2phthreat=13-20%2Fx4&2phxcrit=&2ohd=&2ohed=&2ohth=&2ohthreat=&2ohxcrit=&2str=60&2dex=&2sneakpct=&2sneakd=&report=on&minac=10&maxac=50)

Without crit effects it is a wash. Now if you add on crit effects clearly khopesh wins.

11-29-2014, 08:38 PM
Heavy pick is tasty, but basically outperformed by a khopesh.

Comparison (http://www.afterlifeguild.org/Thott/ddo/analyze.php?1label=1&1bab=0&1atktype=1h&1spm=90&1phd=6d8%2B10&1phed=0&1phth=0&1phthreat=15-20%2Fx5&1phxcrit=&1ohd=1d4&1ohed=0&1ohth=0&1ohthreat=18-20%2Fx2&1ohxcrit=&1str=60&1dex=10&1sneakpct=0&1sneakd=1d6&2label=2&2bab=&2atktype=1h&2spm=90&2phd=6d8%2B10&2phed=&2phth=&2phthreat=13-20%2Fx4&2phxcrit=&2ohd=&2ohed=&2ohth=&2ohthreat=&2ohxcrit=&2str=60&2dex=&2sneakpct=&2sneakd=&report=on&minac=10&maxac=50)

Without crit effects it is a wash. Now if you add on crit effects clearly khopesh wins.

I could be wrong, but Khopesh only gains me about 5 slashing damage and 3 bleeding damage per hit.

Heavy Pick profile is:
2-14/x1 and 15-20/x5.
13 regular hits per 20
6 x5 hits per 20.
13 + 30 = 43

Khopesh profile is:
2-12/x1 and 13-20/x4
11 regular hits per 20
8 x4 hits per 20.
11 + 32 = 43

43 vs 43.

Khopesh has the 5.5[1d8] damage dice while Heavy Pick has 5.5[1d6] damage dice.
The 5 extra slashing damage and 2 extra procs of Dragon's Edge seems like a big deal, until you consider the extra feat cost for khopesh.

Not only do I have to spend an extra feat, but I have to use improved critical: slashing. It leaves me unable to instantly swap a Celestia shortsword for DR bypass. That's a deal breaker for EE Mark of Death or anything with undead in it. And there is a bunch of undead in current endgame.

Regardless, thank you for pointing that out. Khopesh does do about 5% more damage.

11-30-2014, 06:59 AM
I could be wrong, but Khopesh only gains me about 5 slashing damage and 3 bleeding damage per hit.

Heavy Pick profile is:
2-14/x1 and 15-20/x5.
13 regular hits per 20
6 x5 hits per 20.
13 + 30 = 43

Khopesh profile is:
2-12/x1 and 13-20/x4
11 regular hits per 20
8 x4 hits per 20.
11 + 32 = 43

43 vs 43.

Khopesh has the 5.5[1d8] damage dice while Heavy Pick has 5.5[1d6] damage dice.
The 5 extra slashing damage and 2 extra procs of Dragon's Edge seems like a big deal, until you consider the extra feat cost for khopesh.

Not only do I have to spend an extra feat, but I have to use improved critical: slashing. It leaves me unable to instantly swap a Celestia shortsword for DR bypass. That's a deal breaker for EE Mark of Death or anything with undead in it. And there is a bunch of undead in current endgame.

Regardless, thank you for pointing that out. Khopesh does do about 5% more damage.

I had both khopesh and IC:blunt in my vanguard for DR reasons.

Here I attach the comparison for both, including only dragon's edge (if you got crippling or what not it will also favor khopesh)

Take out the extra threat with DC and you end up with this comparison:

Comparison 2 (http://www.afterlifeguild.org/Thott/ddo/analyze.php?1label=1&1bab=0&1atktype=1h&1spm=90&1phd=6d6%2B10&1phed=0&1phth=0&1phthreat=19-20%2Fx5&1phxcrit=+8d10%2B25&1phcrit=on&1ohd=1d4&1ohed=0&1ohth=0&1ohthreat=18-20%2Fx2&1ohxcrit=&1str=60&1dex=10&1sneakpct=0&1sneakd=1d6&2label=2&2bab=&2atktype=1h&2spm=90&2phd=6d8%2B10&2phed=&2phth=&2phthreat=18-20%2Fx4&2phxcrit=+8d10%2B25&2phcrit=on&2ohd=&2ohed=&2ohth=&2ohthreat=&2ohxcrit=&2str=60&2dex=&2sneakpct=&2sneakd=&report=on&minac=10&maxac=50)

So the pick falls behind enormously.

Now if you go back to DC, this is the comparison:

New comparison (http://www.afterlifeguild.org/Thott/ddo/analyze.php?1label=1&1bab=0&1atktype=1h&1spm=90&1phd=6d6%2B10&1phed=0&1phth=0&1phthreat=18-20%2Fx5&1phxcrit=+8d10%2B25&1phcrit=on&1ohd=1d4&1ohed=0&1ohth=0&1ohthreat=18-20%2Fx2&1ohxcrit=&1str=60&1dex=10&1sneakpct=0&1sneakd=1d6&2label=2&2bab=&2atktype=1h&2spm=90&2phd=6d8%2B10&2phed=&2phth=&2phthreat=17-20%2Fx4&2phxcrit=+8d10%2B25&2phcrit=on&2ohd=&2ohed=&2ohth=&2ohthreat=&2ohxcrit=&2str=60&2dex=&2sneakpct=&2sneakd=&report=on&minac=10&maxac=50)

11-30-2014, 01:59 PM
I had both khopesh and IC:blunt in my vanguard for DR reasons.

Here I attach the comparison for both, including only dragon's edge (if you got crippling or what not it will also favor khopesh)

Take out the extra threat with DC and you end up with this comparison:

Comparison 2 (http://www.afterlifeguild.org/Thott/ddo/analyze.php?1label=1&1bab=0&1atktype=1h&1spm=90&1phd=6d6%2B10&1phed=0&1phth=0&1phthreat=19-20%2Fx5&1phxcrit=+8d10%2B25&1phcrit=on&1ohd=1d4&1ohed=0&1ohth=0&1ohthreat=18-20%2Fx2&1ohxcrit=&1str=60&1dex=10&1sneakpct=0&1sneakd=1d6&2label=2&2bab=&2atktype=1h&2spm=90&2phd=6d8%2B10&2phed=&2phth=&2phthreat=18-20%2Fx4&2phxcrit=+8d10%2B25&2phcrit=on&2ohd=&2ohed=&2ohth=&2ohthreat=&2ohxcrit=&2str=60&2dex=&2sneakpct=&2sneakd=&report=on&minac=10&maxac=50)

So the pick falls behind enormously.

Now if you go back to DC, this is the comparison:

New comparison (http://www.afterlifeguild.org/Thott/ddo/analyze.php?1label=1&1bab=0&1atktype=1h&1spm=90&1phd=6d6%2B10&1phed=0&1phth=0&1phthreat=18-20%2Fx5&1phxcrit=+8d10%2B25&1phcrit=on&1ohd=1d4&1ohed=0&1ohth=0&1ohthreat=18-20%2Fx2&1ohxcrit=&1str=60&1dex=10&1sneakpct=0&1sneakd=1d6&2label=2&2bab=&2atktype=1h&2spm=90&2phd=6d8%2B10&2phed=&2phth=&2phthreat=17-20%2Fx4&2phxcrit=+8d10%2B25&2phcrit=on&2ohd=&2ohed=&2ohth=&2ohthreat=&2ohxcrit=&2str=60&2dex=&2sneakpct=&2sneakd=&report=on&minac=10&maxac=50)

To start, that chart says I should be doing ~200 dmg per hit and ~350 damage per crit. To which I must protest, I have screenshots of 3000+ damage crits. I'm not nearly as gimped as that chart says that I am.

Secondly, I would never run outside of Divine Crusader except in heroic levels. So I would always be using that extra critical threat range because this is a crit-heavy build.

The crit profile is the same. 15-20/x5 does the same damage over 20 hits as 13-20/x4, which I proved in my previous post.

Here as a more accurate picture of my unboosted damage.

More Accurate Calculation (http://www.afterlifeguild.org/Thott/ddo/analyze.php?1label=1&1bab=28&1atktype=1h&1spm=138&1phd=6d6%2B42&1phed=53&1phth=30&1phthreat=18-20%2Fx5&1phxcrit=+8d10%2B25&1phcrit=on&1ohd=1d4&1ohed=0&1ohth=0&1ohthreat=18-20%2Fx2&1ohxcrit=&1str=80&1dex=10&1sneakpct=0&1sneakd=1d6&2label=2&2bab=28&2atktype=1h&2spm=138&2phd=6d8%2B42&2phed=53&2phth=30&2phthreat=17-20%2Fx4&2phxcrit=+8d10%2B25&2phcrit=on&2ohd=&2ohed=&2ohth=&2ohthreat=&2ohxcrit=&2str=80&2dex=&2sneakpct=&2sneakd=&report=on&minac=90&maxac=100)
*Not counting ~24% doublestrike and 61% melee power.

As you can see, it barely amounts to 7%. Far less when I factor in overwhelming critical. It really does come to about 5% extra dps, to which I must decline. Losing the option of using Celestia is a deal breaker.

11-30-2014, 04:45 PM
To start, that chart says I should be doing ~200 dmg per hit and ~350 damage per crit. To which I must protest, I have screenshots of 3000+ damage crits. I'm not nearly as gimped as that chart says that I am.

Secondly, I would never run outside of Divine Crusader except in heroic levels. So I would always be using that extra critical threat range because this is a crit-heavy build.

The crit profile is the same. 15-20/x5 does the same damage over 20 hits as 13-20/x4, which I proved in my previous post.

Here as a more accurate picture of my unboosted damage.

More Accurate Calculation (http://www.afterlifeguild.org/Thott/ddo/analyze.php?1label=1&1bab=28&1atktype=1h&1spm=138&1phd=6d6%2B42&1phed=53&1phth=30&1phthreat=18-20%2Fx5&1phxcrit=+8d10%2B25&1phcrit=on&1ohd=1d4&1ohed=0&1ohth=0&1ohthreat=18-20%2Fx2&1ohxcrit=&1str=80&1dex=10&1sneakpct=0&1sneakd=1d6&2label=2&2bab=28&2atktype=1h&2spm=138&2phd=6d8%2B42&2phed=53&2phth=30&2phthreat=17-20%2Fx4&2phxcrit=+8d10%2B25&2phcrit=on&2ohd=&2ohed=&2ohth=&2ohthreat=&2ohxcrit=&2str=80&2dex=&2sneakpct=&2sneakd=&report=on&minac=90&maxac=100)
*Not counting ~24% doublestrike and 61% melee power.

As you can see, it barely amounts to 7%. Far less when I factor in overwhelming critical. It really does come to about 5% extra dps, to which I must decline. Losing the option of using Celestia is a deal breaker.

Hi! Well first of all, we have already established that ceteris paribus the extra crit range of the khopesh is exactly compensated, in terms of raw damage, by the larger multiplier of the pick. Nothing to argue.

The issue is that, similarly to the comparisons falchion vs gaxe, TF have very rich on crit effects. From dragon;s edge to crippling flames, those on crit effects favor, duh, weapons with more crits. How much of a difference will depend on how many effects do you have. With dragon s edge, you say it is 5%. You could easily add crippling flames and check.

So if you ever use a non mortal fear tier 3 on your pick you are going to be doing far less DPS than on a khopesh. Those are the raw numbers, if you are completely tied to the pick for whatever other reason, that is obviously your call.

The build looks quite fun. I was wanted to comment on this detail.

11-30-2014, 06:00 PM
Hi! Well first of all, we have already established that ceteris paribus the extra crit range of the khopesh is exactly compensated, in terms of raw damage, by the larger multiplier of the pick. Nothing to argue.

The issue is that, similarly to the comparisons falchion vs gaxe, TF have very rich on crit effects. From dragon;s edge to crippling flames, those on crit effects favor, duh, weapons with more crits. How much of a difference will depend on how many effects do you have. With dragon s edge, you say it is 5%. You could easily add crippling flames and check.

So if you ever use a non mortal fear tier 3 on your pick you are going to be doing far less DPS than on a khopesh. Those are the raw numbers, if you are completely tied to the pick for whatever other reason, that is obviously your call.

The build looks quite fun. I was wanted to comment on this detail.

You are correct about the extra crit effects that do not scale with crit multiplier.
1) Dragon's Edge does about 3 more bleed damage on a khopesh, but I have it on my offhand and my mainhand 2nd tier has the option of being a purple augment.
2) Crippling Flames will deal 23 more fire damage per hit on a Khopesh than a Pick
3) Seeker will deal 1 more damage per hit on a Khopesh than a Pick

But it isn't about the 27 extra damage per hit. The deal breaker here is Celestia, Brightest Star of Day. She bypasses any DR and does twice as much DPS as any other weapon when running EE MoD. The heavy pick setup allows me to instantly swap to Celestia in any situation and bypass DR. You are going to have to trust me on this one.


11-30-2014, 08:02 PM
You are going to have to trust me on this one.

I trust you. You are basically saying that the on crit effects from TF are not really worth it :P

They are so not worth it that you prefer to stack 2 toughness instead of taking the feats for khopeshes.

Anyway, it looks like an interesting build. You are the same person from the uber healing wolf, aren't you? :D

12-02-2014, 02:37 AM
Second Overhaul complete

Changes: More enhancements in Sacred Defender, Less enhancements in Harper, Swapped Optics with Mentau Goggles for 12 Seeker.
Net Result: 20% More Dps, 30 More PRR and MRR, 19 more AC, 1 more Fort, Reflex, and Will.

Thanks to my guildies in Omnipresence being unknowing guinea pigs for my field tests.

You are the same person from the uber healing wolf, aren't you? :D

Yes. Weird builds is my thing.

They are so not worth it that you prefer to stack 2 toughness instead of taking the feats for khopeshes.

Actually, it is looking like I might drop 1 monk level and its corresponding feat for another paladin level so I can grab zeal for an extra 6% DPS. I'm getting dangerously close to 4000* DPS.

*Quad Boosted with full stacks of vulnerability

12-02-2014, 02:59 AM
Any reason why you took 2 toughness feats?

What about feats like Quicken, Empower Healing (free 75 spellpower for cocoon) or Power Attack (for quest where fort bypass is irrelevant)?

12-02-2014, 03:29 AM
Any reason why you took 2 toughness feats?

No reason, actually. It's leftover from a previous setup when I was using bastard swords. I'm considering grabbing an extra paladin level for zeal. I'm literally starting to foam at the mouth at the possibility of bursting to 4k dps for short durations.

Think I'll need to swap it out for Student of the Sword. The extra 1% dodge and AC and +2 intim. A little bit more DPS doesn't matter as much as being slightly more indestructible.

What about feats like Quicken, Empower Healing (free 75 spellpower for cocoon) or Power Attack (for quest where fort bypass is irrelevant)?

Most of my healing is from AOE abilities such as Consecration or Ameliorating Strike. As for Power Attack, I like Precision's 5% hit bonus far too much.

Edit: Also Thanks for BigErkyKid for pestering me about that toughness feat.

12-02-2014, 04:03 AM
No reason, actually. It's leftover from a previous setup when I was using bastard swords. I'm considering grabbing an extra paladin level for zeal. I'm literally starting to foam at the mouth at the possibility of bursting to 4k dps for short durations.

Think I'll need to swap it out for Student of the Sword. The extra 1% dodge and AC and +2 intim. A little bit more DPS doesn't matter as much as being slightly more indestructible.

Edit: Also Thanks for BigErkyKid for pestering me about that toughness feat.

Right, going 15 pally is probably the best choice then. 10% Doublestrike, hell yes. What exactly is the purpose of 2 monk? Just the 2 feats or do you swap to light armor for evasion when necessary?
If you change to 15/4/1 I'd really suggest swapping to 1 fighter lvl instead of 1 monk.
Free 4 AP somewhere, pick up fighter haste boost, drop the Haste Boost Twist and take Grim Precision or Sense Weakness.

12-02-2014, 04:26 AM
Right, going 15 pally is probably the best choice then. 10% Doublestrike, hell yes. What exactly is the purpose of 2 monk? Just the 2 feats or do you swap to light armor for evasion when necessary?
If you change to 15/4/1 I'd really suggest swapping to 1 fighter lvl instead of 1 monk.
Free 4 AP somewhere, pick up fighter haste boost, drop the Haste Boost Twist and take Grim Precision or Sense Weakness.

I swap for evasion once in a while.

Mostly, 2 feats, 3 saves, 10 devotion, 5 healing amp. My reflex saves are just high enough now that I save on Lady Vol's 1600 dmg breath attacks and only take 800 whenever I tank her. :)
I would lose that if I went fighter.

12-02-2014, 09:44 AM

I'm playing a similar build from sometime now. Mine is dragon knight 15 pal/4 FvS/1 fighter.
Self healing is a bit worst cause the HA difference, but my PPT and MPT is higher.

My feats are something like

PA,Cleave,GC, Bastard, ISB, SM, ISM, IC:Slashing, Empo Heal, Completionist, OC and THF
(I don't dig deep into CK, only for the 2 first core for the extra light dmg).

Most points are spend into Vanguard for pew pew, enuff into warpriest for AS, some into SD for the 20% extra hp.

Also, im always with holy sword and zeal as lvl 4 pal spells (lvl 15 is 2 slots)

Im pretty happy with it tbh.

12-03-2014, 12:35 PM

I'm playing a similar build from sometime now. Mine is dragon knight 15 pal/4 FvS/1 fighter.
Self healing is a bit worst cause the HA difference, but my PPT and MPT is higher.

My feats are something like

PA,Cleave,GC, Bastard, ISB, SM, ISM, IC:Slashing, Empo Heal, Completionist, OC and THF
(I don't dig deep into CK, only for the 2 first core for the extra light dmg).

Most points are spend into Vanguard for pew pew, enuff into warpriest for AS, some into SD for the 20% extra hp.

Also, im always with holy sword and zeal as lvl 4 pal spells (lvl 15 is 2 slots)

Im pretty happy with it tbh.

Precision would be the other thing I could never give up. Fort bypass is too useful vs all the Undead. 56% of my dps comes from crits.

12-04-2014, 09:44 AM
Precision would be the other thing I could never give up. Fort bypass is too useful vs all the Undead. 56% of my dps comes from crits.

You have a point. I could give up THF for precision.

12-10-2014, 09:56 PM
Celebrating my completed Mortal Fear Heavy Pick with a EE Solo of WGU.


12-14-2014, 01:49 PM

What do you mean when you say :

(If PDK, Paladin level instead)

EDIT: Duh !!! Never mind, I figured it out.

12-15-2014, 07:45 PM
What do you mean when you say :

(If PDK, Paladin level instead)

EDIT: Duh !!! Never mind, I figured it out.

Lol. You should see the number of mistakes I made. The first 20 replies were people pointing out the errors in my math. My thanks to people like them, and you.

12-15-2014, 08:51 PM
Lol. You should see the number of mistakes I made. The first 20 replies were people pointing out the errors in my math. My thanks to people like them, and you.

NP.. I definitely will try this build. I have a Pally at lvl 28 and wanted something new to try, but still keep my pally gear.
I am not experienced in the TR process, so I had to ask my guild for help, but I want to turn my lvl 28 pure pally into this PDK version.

12-16-2014, 04:23 AM
NP.. I definitely will try this build. I have a Pally at lvl 28 and wanted something new to try, but still keep my pally gear.
I am not experienced in the TR process, so I had to ask my guild for help, but I want to turn my lvl 28 pure pally into this PDK version.

Your dps would be higher if you went 15/4/1 pal/fvs/ftr
I went 2 Monk to really go overkill on the defenses.

12-16-2014, 08:03 AM
Your dps would be higher if you went 15/4/1 pal/fvs/ftr
I went 2 Monk to really go overkill on the defenses.

I like doing a tank role, especially in Epics and Raids. I thought the monk would add evasion.

12-16-2014, 06:50 PM
I like doing a tank role, especially in Epics and Raids. I thought the monk would add evasion.

Evasion only works when you swap in light armor. There are rare instances when you would want to do that, but for the most part, you will be running in heavy armor for the paladin stance.

The monk adds a bit of survivability from deflect arrows, healing amp, and 2 saves, but at the cost of 10% doublestrike from zeal. Consensus seems to be that fighter and zeal are better in 90% of all situations. In my case, I kept monk due to being a dedicated EE raid tank.

12-16-2014, 08:32 PM
Evasion only works when you swap in light armor. There are rare instances when you would want to do that, but for the most part, you will be running in heavy armor for the paladin stance.

The monk adds a bit of survivability from deflect arrows, healing amp, and 2 saves, but at the cost of 10% doublestrike from zeal. Consensus seems to be that fighter and zeal are better in 90% of all situations. In my case, I kept monk due to being a dedicated EE raid tank.

Oh yes, that's right about monks and evasion.
Oh well, putting the 1 Ftr in there means I don't have to use anything like an LR +1 to remove a level of fighter, I can just got right into PDK as a 15Pally/4FvS/1Ftr.... right ?

I was doing pretty good "raid tanking" on my pure pally, and I don't think I will lose much with only 15 levels. Most of my tanking came from ED's and gear.

12-17-2014, 10:22 PM
Evasion only works when you swap in light armor. There are rare instances when you would want to do that, but for the most part, you will be running in heavy armor for the paladin stance.

The monk adds a bit of survivability from deflect arrows, healing amp, and 2 saves, but at the cost of 10% doublestrike from zeal. Consensus seems to be that fighter and zeal are better in 90% of all situations. In my case, I kept monk due to being a dedicated EE raid tank.

Did you infer that you were changing the build to a 15Pal/4FvS/1Ftr or staying with the original with 14Pal/4FvS/2Monk ?

12-17-2014, 10:48 PM
Did you infer that you were changing the build to a 15Pal/4FvS/1Ftr or staying with the original with 14Pal/4FvS/2Monk ?

I'm staying 14/4/2 on my main, simply because it scales best with completionist. All my screenshots are for that class split.

However, for anyone else, 15/4/1 has higher DPS with only minimal defensive loss.

It simply isn't worth wasting a +1 heart unless you plan to regularly tank 3 EE MoD death knights at the same time or need the 100+ save for EE Lady Vol's breath attack.

12-18-2014, 08:09 AM
I'm staying 14/4/2 on my main, simply because it scales best with completionist. All my screenshots are for that class split.

However, for anyone else, 15/4/1 has higher DPS with only minimal defensive loss.

It simply isn't worth wasting a +1 heart unless you plan to regularly tank 3 EE MoD death knights at the same time or need the 100+ save for EE Lady Vol's breath attack.

It sticks looks like a great build. I am not completionist, so what feat would be good to replace the completionist feat? Also, would any other feats be changed by taking PDK fighter at level 1.

12-18-2014, 08:57 AM
Hi i have a pure paladin and i'm interested in this build, my question is doesn't wearing heavy armor block any benefits you would normally gain from being a monk? enhancements, AC through Wis, healing amp, etc? ... or is that only with specific thinks like not being able to use stances and monk specific attacks. Please let me know as i would like to try this build. :)

12-18-2014, 09:25 AM
Hi i have a pure paladin and i'm interested in this build, my question is doesn't wearing heavy armor block any benefits you would normally gain from being a monk? enhancements, AC through Wis, healing amp, etc? ... or is that only with specific thinks like not being able to use stances and monk specific attacks. Please let me know as i would like to try this build. :)

yep hes uncentered. That blocks somethings, not all. He can still use lots of things from monk, like enhancements (heal amp) or extra feats, etc.

12-18-2014, 10:09 AM
yep hes uncentered. That blocks somethings, not all. He can still use lots of things from monk, like enhancements (heal amp) or extra feats, etc.

Thanks a ton, i understand :)

12-18-2014, 11:30 AM
Build has been updated for U24.

Changes to Healing Amp have increased Steel Shrine's defenses. Shifted resources into DPS to compensate.

Added Echoes of Ancestor: Exalted Angel.
Removed Purity of Essence.
Replaced Intricate Field Optics with Epic Mentau's Goggles.
Moved 2 points from Harper Tree into extra Charisma in Warpriest Tree.

Net Effect:
Base DPS increased by ~15.
Max theoretical DPS increased to 4000. !!!YAY!!!
+2 Fort, Will
+1 Reflex
Lost Truesight. Have to use Item Swap or UMD Scroll.

12-18-2014, 01:03 PM
very interesting build idea. I am looking to build up some Paladin PL and this looks like a fun way to do that. but wondering if it would be doable without some of the high level gear you listed. I don't have any TF items so armor and orb would have to use something else, like the commendation turn ins.

would this still work going with SWF but nothing in your off hand, or random gen loot (if orbs can even be random gen). I think I may have a madstone skull laying around, at least it would have a couple of slots for augments

12-18-2014, 02:35 PM
very interesting build idea. I am looking to build up some Paladin PL and this looks like a fun way to do that. but wondering if it would be doable without some of the high level gear you listed. I don't have any TF items so armor and orb would have to use something else, like the commendation turn ins.

would this still work going with SWF but nothing in your off hand, or random gen loot (if orbs can even be random gen). I think I may have a madstone skull laying around, at least it would have a couple of slots for augments

Dragontouched Plate and Deathnip (both level 14) works fine too. SWF works fine without an orb.

12-18-2014, 04:53 PM
Dragontouched Plate and Deathnip (both level 14) works fine too. SWF works fine without an orb.

thank you for the quick reply. may have to give it a go. and going with a PDK means I will have to spend some time in the 20's and may get some of the better items for the next life.

though wanted to check - dragon touched or dragon scale armor for the lower levels? I think I have some old scales banked for dragon scale armor, which wiki shows is lvl 14. wiki says dragon touched is min level 16 and I know I haven't collected runes out in the refuge

12-18-2014, 05:12 PM
thank you for the quick reply. may have to give it a go. and going with a PDK means I will have to spend some time in the 20's and may get some of the better items for the next life.

though wanted to check - dragon touched or dragon scale armor for the lower levels? I think I have some old scales banked for dragon scale armor, which wiki shows is lvl 14. wiki says dragon touched is min level 16 and I know I haven't collected runes out in the refuge

I like the Dragontouched Healing Amp +20, +40, +Destruction. I made a mistake on the level. You are correct.

You can't go wrong with healing amp. With the U24 changes, I've got Ameliorating Strike healing me for 600 HP on 15 second cooldown, with chance for doublestrike. And I've got 3 other spells on rotation. Dying is so 2013.

12-19-2014, 03:57 PM
Wich of the steel shrine builds is best? the human or the PDK build?

12-19-2014, 06:26 PM
Wich of the steel shrine builds is best? the human or the PDK build?

PDK looks better in custom armor, but Amaunator's Brilliance is more or less useless.

Human is better. Unyielding Sovereignty makes it impossible to die.

12-20-2014, 02:20 AM
PDK looks better in custom armor, but Amaunator's Brilliance is more or less useless.

Human is better. Unyielding Sovereignty makes it impossible to die.

okay, thanks for the fast response ;)

12-20-2014, 03:20 AM
I would pick the 4 fvs levels fast, for more self-healing, maybe level 1-4 pala, 5-6 monk, 7-10 fvs.

Why not go with longsword, so you can be centeret? ultimate stances is really powerfull if you ask me.

12-20-2014, 08:22 AM
I would pick the 4 fvs levels fast, for more self-healing, maybe level 1-4 pala, 5-6 monk, 7-10 fvs.

Why not go with longsword, so you can be centeret? ultimate stances is really powerfull if you ask me.

Long sword has advantages for being a caster too, but heavy pick does more crit damage. Longsword gains 40% bonus damage from crits, whereas heavy pick gains 120% bonus damage from crits. No amount of centered bonus is worth losing 1000 damage per second.

Taking fvs early means slightly more expensive spell craft ranks but no difference in the end. If it makes heroic levels easier, then by all means go ahead.

12-20-2014, 08:51 AM
Long sword has advantages for being a caster too, but heavy pick does more crit damage. Longsword gains 40% bonus damage from crits, whereas heavy pick gains 120% bonus damage from crits. No amount of centered bonus is worth losing 1000 damage per second.

Taking fvs early means slightly more expensive spell craft ranks but no difference in the end. If it makes heroic levels easier, then by all means go ahead.

I really like this build, and i really like that you response so fast :D, i would take khopesh instead of heavy pick.

Is orb a shield? because you need heavy armor or a shield for getting the extra +6 to str/con and extra hp, and heay armor destroys evasion, but a orb is not a shield, so how do you get evasion?

12-20-2014, 09:11 AM
It sticks looks like a great build. I am not completionist, so what feat would be good to replace the completionist feat? Also, would any other feats be changed by taking PDK fighter at level 1.

had the same questions. I am considering trying this as a PDK, to more quickly jump back into the 20+ range to try to get higher level equipment, and some of the free level 15 gear would be usable for a while as well on this life. would be going the 15/4/1 route before deciding what direction to go for 3rd or higher life.

fighter gets 1 bonus feat, so could use that on precision as you did for one of the monk bonus feats. won't be able to get deflect arrows and don't have a fighter past life yet, so no student of the sword. if I am looking at it correctly, would need to find replacement feats for the completionist and student feats.

was thinking maybe cleave and great cleave. while you don't get the glancing blows, they would still help clear out groups of trash quicker with a little AoE ability.

or maybe dodge + something else. 3% avoidance isn't much but it still adds up a little. possibly stunning blow? should have a decent DC to help take some of the crowns out of the fight. or power attack and toggle between PA and precision depending on team composition and content?

12-20-2014, 09:38 AM
had the same questions. I am considering trying this as a PDK, to more quickly jump back into the 20+ range to try to get higher level equipment, and some of the free level 15 gear would be usable for a while as well on this life. would be going the 15/4/1 route before deciding what direction to go for 3rd or higher life.

fighter gets 1 bonus feat, so could use that on precision as you did for one of the monk bonus feats. won't be able to get deflect arrows and don't have a fighter past life yet, so no student of the sword. if I am looking at it correctly, would need to find replacement feats for the completionist and student feats.

was thinking maybe cleave and great cleave. while you don't get the glancing blows, they would still help clear out groups of trash quicker with a little AoE ability.

or maybe dodge + something else. 3% avoidance isn't much but it still adds up a little. possibly stunning blow? should have a decent DC to help take some of the crowns out of the fight. or power attack and toggle between PA and precision depending on team composition and content?

Completionist isn't needed for any prerequisites so I would take some spell casting metamagic feats like quicken or empowered healing. Strike Down, Consecration, and Castigation have my AOE pretty well covered. Like seriously, Castigation is OP.

Dodge is not needed since I'm dodge capped in heavy armor.

I really like this build, and i really like that you response so fast :D, i would take khopesh instead of heavy pick.

Is orb a shield? because you need heavy armor or a shield for getting the extra +6 to str/con and extra hp, and heay armor destroys evasion, but a orb is not a shield, so how do you get evasion?

Heavy Armor for the stance. Evasion from swapping or naked in the rare instances that I need it. Mostly, running with crazy saves and 135 mrr eliminates the need for evasion.

Khopesh is nice. But Celestia.

12-20-2014, 10:15 AM
Completionist isn't needed for any prerequisites so I would take some spell casting metamagic feats like quicken or empowered healing. Strike Down, Consecration, and Castigation have my AOE pretty well covered. Like seriously, Castigation is OP.

Dodge is not needed since I'm dodge capped in heavy armor.

Heavy Armor for the stance. Evasion from swapping or naked in the rare instances that I need it. Mostly, running with crazy saves and 135 mrr eliminates the need for evasion.

Khopesh is nice. But Celestia.

thank you for the quick reply, really appreciate your taking the time to answer what probably seem like silly questions to a lot of people. hadn't thought about the spell casting feats but quicken would be a great option as you aren't putting any points into concentration. no interrupt, along with the faster cast time, could be very useful for the times you do need to get off a spell in combat.

and Celestia could be very nice in this build, have a CitW box in the bank, so that may be an option for upper level weapon until I can get into TF and the really good stuff :)

12-20-2014, 10:48 AM
thank you for the quick reply, really appreciate your taking the time to answer what probably seem like silly questions to a lot of people. hadn't thought about the spell casting feats but quicken would be a great option as you aren't putting any points into concentration. no interrupt, along with the faster cast time, could be very useful for the times you do need to get off a spell in combat.

and Celestia could be very nice in this build, have a CitW box in the bank, so that may be an option for upper level weapon until I can get into TF and the really good stuff :)

You are welcome. However, Celestia is the really good stuff. It bypasses all defenses, which makes it the highest dps weapon for the MoD raid.

12-20-2014, 10:58 AM
You are welcome. However, Celestia is the really good stuff. It bypasses all defenses, which makes it the highest dps weapon for the MoD raid.

does it still lose that DR breaking if someone casts a weapon enhancement spell on you? I have not yet had the chance to use one but had read / heard that certain epic destinies or spells like enchant weapon, that added a damage type other than light to the weapon, caused it to lose the DR breaker.

hopefully, people would listen if you ask them to not cast spells like that on you but have seen that's not always the case in some groups I have been in. they are sure that everyone wants their buffs :)

12-20-2014, 11:15 AM
does it still lose that DR breaking if someone casts a weapon enhancement spell on you? I have not yet had the chance to use one but had read / heard that certain epic destinies or spells like enchant weapon, that added a damage type other than light to the weapon, caused it to lose the DR breaker.

hopefully, people would listen if you ask them to not cast spells like that on you but have seen that's not always the case in some groups I have been in. they are sure that everyone wants their buffs :)

Enchant Weapon from Arcane Past Life and many other things do indeed add magic damage type to Celestia, so I always start the raid with my Thunderforged and only swap the Celestia during the Death Knight phase.

12-22-2014, 10:10 AM
PDK looks better in custom armor, but Amaunator's Brilliance is more or less useless.

Human is better. Unyielding Sovereignty makes it impossible to die.

HUMAN ?? I am confused. I thought the DPS from the build was based on CHA/STR to damage by being a PDK and taking the Cormyrean Knight Training at Tier 1 ?

12-22-2014, 11:49 AM
HUMAN ?? I am confused. I thought the DPS from the build was based on CHA/STR to damage by being a PDK and taking the Cormyrean Knight Training at Tier 1 ?

The Dps from Charisma required short sword, longsword, or Bastard Sword. It was an early build that got replaced with heavy picks for strength + Divine Might.

12-22-2014, 12:05 PM
The Dps from Charisma required short sword, longsword, or Bastard Sword. It was an early build that got replaced with heavy picks for strength + Divine Might.

Ok, I understand now. So now, you use heavy picks as you level?

12-22-2014, 02:32 PM
Ok, I understand now. So now, you use heavy picks as you level?

Yes. It should be pretty solid all the way through. I usually swap to light armor evasion for streaking Enter the Kobold but the MRR should be enough to just heal through it without evasion. As for epics, I did an EE streak through a few quests with 5 volunteer pikers, it turned out fairly well. Any decent Piercing weapon will do.

12-22-2014, 06:17 PM
Yes. It should be pretty solid all the way through. I usually swap to light armor evasion for streaking Enter the Kobold but the MRR should be enough to just heal through it without evasion. As for epics, I did an EE streak through a few quests with 5 volunteer pikers, it turned out fairly well. Any decent Piercing weapon will do.

I have a Rocksplitter ( http://ddowiki.com/page/Rocksplitter ) in my bank for level 10 and on. Any other "named" Heavy Picks you know that are easy to farm ?

12-22-2014, 06:28 PM
I have a Rocksplitter ( http://ddowiki.com/page/Rocksplitter ) in my bank for level 10 and on. Any other "named" Heavy Picks you know that are easy to farm ?

I'd imagine even that is overkill, considering that Greensteel was once Endgame.

12-23-2014, 02:01 PM
Could this build work with bladeforged?

12-23-2014, 02:42 PM
Could this build work with bladeforged?

Unlikely, for the following reasons.

Resulting losses:

This build is extremely healing focused and the loss of half of your healing amp is significant.
Likewise, heavy armor is free for Paladins, but cost 1 feat for Bladeforged.
The loss of the bonus feat for humans is also important.
The loss of 4 max dex bonus is minor.
The loss of evasion as an armor swap is negligible.
The loss of 2 dex is negligible.
The loss of 2 wisdom is negligible.

Resulting gains:
The gain of 10% slashing resistance is good.
The gain of 25% fortification is good.
The gain of 2 constitution (33 hp) is minor.
The gain from power of the forge is minor.
The gain from weapon attachment is minor.
Reconstruct SLA is minor.

The net result is that the DPS would be unchanged, but your survivability would drop. A Human Steel Shrine would be able to tank twice as many monsters as a Bladeforged Steel Shrine.

12-23-2014, 06:12 PM
I'd imagine even that is overkill, considering that Greensteel was once Endgame.

especially if you have a couple in the bank. use the base one at lvl 10 and upgrade to maiming at lvl 12 :)

12-23-2014, 08:39 PM
You say you take precision for fort bypass but yet I don't see if on the feat list, am I wrong about this?

12-23-2014, 09:16 PM
You say you take precision for fort bypass but yet I don't see if on the feat list, am I wrong about this?

It is listed for level 8, as a monk bonus feat. I colored it light pink so it will be hard to see.

12-27-2014, 10:35 AM
Unlikely, for the following reasons.

Resulting losses:

This build is extremely healing focused and the loss of half of your healing amp is significant.
Likewise, heavy armor is free for Paladins, but cost 1 feat for Bladeforged.
The loss of the bonus feat for humans is also important.
The loss of 4 max dex bonus is minor.
The loss of evasion as an armor swap is negligible.
The loss of 2 dex is negligible.
The loss of 2 wisdom is negligible.

Resulting gains:
The gain of 10% slashing resistance is good.
The gain of 25% fortification is good.
The gain of 2 constitution (33 hp) is minor.
The gain from power of the forge is minor.
The gain from weapon attachment is minor.
Reconstruct SLA is minor.

The net result is that the DPS would be unchanged, but your survivability would drop. A Human Steel Shrine would be able to tank twice as many monsters as a Bladeforged Steel Shrine.

Would you mind breaking down your Healing Amp. so I can get clarification on Human -vs- Bladeforged.

12-27-2014, 11:46 AM
Would you mind breaking down your Healing Amp. so I can get clarification on Human -vs- Bladeforged.

Bonuses are additive, penalties are multiplicative.

Source: https://www.ddo.com/forums/showthread.php/453728-Healing-amp-healer-s-friend-funkiness

60+40+20+30 past life +20 crusader +10 Shintao = 180
180 * 0.5 * 0.9 = 81 heal amp
180 * 0.8 * 0.9 = 130 heal amp with maxed healer friend

If you wanted to spend 16 AP to get power of the forge to balance out the human damage boost, that would translate to losing almost half of your sacred defender tree just to keep the dps the same. It is an iffy prospect.

12-28-2014, 01:42 PM
Is there any chance for you will record some gameplay, on the steel shrine build?

12-30-2014, 05:13 AM
Is there any chance for you will record some gameplay, on the steel shrine build?

Here's the first few minutes of EE Breaking the Ranks. Free version of Bandicam has a maximum recording time, so I teleported out before then.


First wave is mostly me just clearing monsters and jumping around to avoid being surrounded. I open the XP report after a little under a minute of fighting, so its 1 kill per 3 seconds in EE. Fully boosted 7 kills in the first 14 seconds of fighting (0:38-0:52).

Second wave is mostly me standing there and passively killing monsters with AOE dot. It takes about 30 seconds for those 5000 hp monsters to melt away while I stand there taking every hit and not fight back. I let myself get surrounded a few times just to show off my healing.

The percentage hp component of my AOE damage means that my actual dps goes up against more monsters and against stronger monsters, like the champion in the first pack of 7.

12-30-2014, 12:34 PM
Here's the first few minutes of EE Breaking the Ranks. Free version of Bandicam has a maximum recording time, so I teleported out before then.


First wave is mostly me just clearing monsters and jumping around to avoid being surrounded. I open the XP report after a little under a minute of fighting, so its 1 kill per 3 seconds in EE. Fully boosted 7 kills in the first 14 seconds of fighting (0:38-0:52).

Second wave is mostly me standing there and passively killing monsters with AOE dot. It takes about 30 seconds for those 5000 hp monsters to melt away while I stand there taking every hit and not fight back. I let myself get surrounded a few times just to show off my healing.

The percentage hp component of my AOE damage means that my actual dps goes up against more monsters and against stronger monsters, like the champion in the first pack of 7.

Very nice!
It's a bit fun because, first when my friend showed me your build, i was like ''THAT IS GONNA BE MY NEXT LIFE'', but then i saw a swashbuckler in the game, and i wanted to be swahsbuckler because i saw him, but NOW! FINALLY (because i saw the video) i will be reborn as the Steel Shrine!

12-30-2014, 02:01 PM
Very nice!
It's a bit fun because, first when my friend showed me your build, i was like ''THAT IS GONNA BE MY NEXT LIFE'', but then i saw a swashbuckler in the game, and i wanted to be swahsbuckler because i saw him, but NOW! FINALLY (because i saw the video) i will be reborn as the Steel Shrine!

To get to the level of invulnerability shown in that EE demonstration took about 3 months of gear farming, over 100 MoD runs, 40 Deathwyrm, 40 fire peaks, and approximately 1350 astral shards rerolling flesh makers. Regardless, I wish you much better RNG drops than me, or at least the patience not to re roll a chest 90+ times for one belt.

12-30-2014, 02:18 PM
To get to the level of invulnerability shown in that EE demonstration took about 3 months of gear farming, over 100 MoD runs, 40 Deathwyrm, 40 fire peaks, and approximately 1350 astral shards rerolling flesh makers. Regardless, I wish you much better RNG drops than me, or at least the patience not to re roll a chest 90+ times for one belt.

Ugh... well, then i have something to go for ^^
And i think the build will do okay with other gear ;)

12-30-2014, 03:41 PM
Free version of Bandicam has a maximum recording time, so I teleported out before then.

I've had good luck witih OBS, it is also free and has no time limits.


12-30-2014, 04:58 PM
I've had good luck witih OBS, it is also free and has no time limits.


Thank you for the advice, I'll look into it.

Edit: Updated 2nd post with enhancement split for heroic leveling.

01-05-2015, 01:20 PM
Heroic leveling is a matter of grabbing your DPS essentials and fattening up along the way. You'll be playing as a slightly weaker DPS until about level 11 when you start to fatten up your defenses considerably. This will continue until level 14, where you will find yourself seriously lagging in DPS until level 20.

At 14, pure paladins will have access to Holy Sword and start doing about 30% more dps than you will. You'll stay about 30% behind full paladins until level 20, where you will have Holy Sword as well in addition to Ameliorating Strike at level 19. It is a small price to pay to be unstoppable later on.

When leveling in heroics, you will want to go Knight of the Chalice instead of sacred defender for DPS. You'll be much happier. Exalted Cleave on a Carnifex does 4d12+2 (28 avg)


500 HP at level 11, murdering everything in sight with a Sword of Shadows. Exalted Cleave on Sword of Shadows does 8d6+39 (67 avg)

How can you have 44/36/41 saves + 595 hp at level 11? (you should call the build ''Adamantine Shrine'' :P)

01-05-2015, 06:40 PM
How can you have 44/36/41 saves + 595 hp at level 11? (you should call the build ''Adamantine Shrine'' :P)

Replaced a new screenshot fully geared. I'll admit it certainly looks impressive, and taken with that desired effect. Most of it is gear (30 Greater False Life, 45 Greensteel, 20 Minos Legens, 10 Pirate Vitality, 62 Past Life, 20 Guild Bonus). Also, I'm only doing 46 dmg per hit even with a Sword of Shadows. It will only get tougher until I reach 20.

I just ran an Elite Reclamation and fought through packs of 2000 hp duergars. My current DPS is not acceptable. Making changes now.

EDIT #2: Swapped the +6 Con for +6 Strength, also dropped some hit points in favor of more damage.

Edit #3: I soloed Elite Ghola Fan, and it was the most painful thing ever. 60 damage hits against packs of 1000 hit point non-champion monsters. *shiver*. Swapped to Full Knight of the Chalice.

01-07-2015, 03:43 PM
I'm really liking this build. Is your initial post updated for all the most recent changes? Your details of how you use Consecration or Ameliorating Strike along with the breakdowns is really helpful, especially to a somewhat new player. I definately will be using this build for my paladin. It also has me thinking of twisting the build for my ranger (12 rng/4 pal/4 fs) and using ameliorating strikes in a TWF format.

01-07-2015, 05:03 PM
I'm really liking this build. Is your initial post updated for all the most recent changes? Your details of how you use Consecration or Ameliorating Strike along with the breakdowns is really helpful, especially to a somewhat new player. I definately will be using this build for my paladin. It also has me thinking of twisting the build for my ranger (12 rng/4 pal/4 fs) and using ameliorating strikes in a TWF format.

Yes, it should be fairly updated. Especially thanks to all the posters who help proofread my stuff. The stat breakdowns are purposely detailed to serve as a reference for new players who are learning to build. It takes more time and isn't as pretty as the DDO character builder that people paste, but it provides a much more detailed look into the building. As for the ranger, you may want to wait until the next round of balance changes, they are well behind bards, barbarians, and paladins at the moment.

01-09-2015, 06:05 AM
What's your cosmetic armor?

01-09-2015, 04:58 PM
What's your cosmetic armor?
I am rather attached to this current look and would like to remain the only one with this appearance. Nevertheless...

My cosmetic setup is Dark Beast Outfit with Talisman Guard.
Other items are: Top Hat, Glamoured Bouquet of Flowers, and Glamoured Libram of Silver Magic.

01-09-2015, 05:28 PM
Would this OP build work with dwarf race?

01-09-2015, 05:51 PM
Would this OP build work with dwarf race?

You could play it as a dwarf but
You would gain: 46 hit points.
You would lose: 1 damage, 1 to all saves, 20% damage boost, 1 feat, and 10% healing amp.

It would be good enough to Solo EE, but it would be 20% weaker than what it could be.

01-10-2015, 02:50 AM
6 Favored Soul: Follower of the Morning Lord*

Hmm... I'm unable to locate Follower of the Morning Lord feat :)

01-10-2015, 03:02 AM
Hmm... I'm unable to locate Follower of the Morning Lord feat :)

PDK follows Morning Lord. Humans follow Sovereign Host. As it is a granted class feat, it is more or less automatic. Don't worry about finding it. It will be yellow and exclude all other choices when it happens.

01-18-2015, 09:34 PM
I said earlier that I had a Pally at lvl 28 who would be doing an Epic TR and I wanted to then Heroic TR and try this build.
I wanted to make sure I know how you finally ended because you were PDK with bastard swords using CHA, and then you were a STR build with picks, and then Human.
What has all your testing made your final build?

01-18-2015, 10:28 PM
I said earlier that I had a Pally at lvl 28 who would be doing an Epic TR and I wanted to then Heroic TR and try this build.
I wanted to make sure I know how you finally ended because you were PDK with bastard swords using CHA, and then you were a STR build with picks, and then Human.
What has all your testing made your final build?

Human is strongest. PDK comes close. Final Race is human.
Bastard Sword hits 5% harder. Heavy Pick crits 50% harder. Final weapon is Heavy Pick.

Much testing was done and many revisions made. Like a boatload of EE soloing and stress testing. Human with Heavy Pick is where we are at now. I am fairly confident that this is the final build.

01-19-2015, 03:17 AM
Human is strongest. PDK comes close. Final Race is human.
Bastard Sword hits 5% harder. Heavy Pick crits 50% harder. Final weapon is Heavy Pick.

Much testing was done and many revisions made. Like a boatload of EE soloing and stress testing. Human with Heavy Pick is where we are at now. I am fairly confident that this is the final build.

Final = human, heavy pick, str, SWF?

01-19-2015, 07:26 AM
Human is strongest. PDK comes close. Final Race is human.
Bastard Sword hits 5% harder. Heavy Pick crits 50% harder. Final weapon is Heavy Pick.

Much testing was done and many revisions made. Like a boatload of EE soloing and stress testing. Human with Heavy Pick is where we are at now. I am fairly confident that this is the final build.

Ok, thanks for the quick response. Did you end up with a STR or CHA build?

01-19-2015, 07:43 AM
Ok, thanks for the quick response. Did you end up with a STR or CHA build?

Just a few more questions:

Is Post #1 updated for all the changes you discussed in the thread ?

Your enhancements image still shows PDK. I assume it was meant to be Human, with Damage boost and an Improved Recovery selected ?

Does Holy Sword apply to Picks also ?

Thanks again for taking the time to post and update this build. +1 to you.
I am really looking forward to trying it.

01-19-2015, 11:03 AM
Final = human, heavy pick, str, SWF?

Ok, thanks for the quick response. Did you end up with a STR or CHA build?

Just a few more questions:

Is Post #1 updated for all the changes you discussed in the thread ?

Your enhancements image still shows PDK. I assume it was meant to be Human, with Damage boost and an Improved Recovery selected ?

Does Holy Sword apply to Picks also ?

Thanks again for taking the time to post and update this build. +1 to you.
I am really looking forward to trying it.

First 3 posts are mostly updated. Human. Holy Sword totally works with Picks, Throwing Weapons.

01-19-2015, 12:40 PM
Does Holy Sword apply to Picks also ?
I can't answer the questions about the OP but Holy Sword does apply to Picks. It works with all weapons, including less obvious ones like repeaters.

However note that because Holy Sword gives a Competence bonus to critical threat and multiplier those do not stack with most of the enhancements that improve critical profile (i.e. Knife Specialization, Staff Specialization, Halfling Master Thrower). The Holy bonus to the enhancement bonus of your weapon still applies, but you only get +1 to critical threat and multiplier. It's not relevant to this build but keep it in mind if you ever play around with other builds.

Edit: Infiltraitor, I am not sure why your answer didn't show up for me until after I posted. Oh well, no harm done.

01-19-2015, 02:47 PM
Quick Un-Announcement

Tree Shrine is a failure. Holy Sword does not work in Tree Form after all.

01-19-2015, 02:58 PM
I can't answer the questions about the OP but Holy Sword does apply to Picks. It works with all weapons, including less obvious ones like repeaters.

However note that because Holy Sword gives a Competence bonus to critical threat and multiplier those do not stack with most of the enhancements that improve critical profile (i.e. Knife Specialization, Staff Specialization, Halfling Master Thrower). The Holy bonus to the enhancement bonus of your weapon still applies, but you only get +1 to critical threat and multiplier. It's not relevant to this build but keep it in mind if you ever play around with other builds.

Edit: Infiltraitor, I am not sure why your answer didn't show up for me until after I posted. Oh well, no harm done.

That's good to know. On my first life Human Pally, I really liked the Zeal/Holy Sword combo. I didn't get anywhere near the DPS you have on the Shrine, but it did help.

01-22-2015, 09:02 PM
Respec'd enhancements for Harper Agent and put them into Knight of Chalice. Original Post has been updated.

DPS is about 30% higher while using Exalted Smite.

DPS Test against EE Sobrien is 15 Seconds, much faster than 22 Seconds with Harper.
69,000/15 = 4600 DPS

Previous time with Harper was 69,000/22 = 3136 DPS

This setup is much better for competitive play. The burst DPS is more useful in keeping aggro and also for raids that have high down times, conversations, or just running from place to place. Normal questing dps should be about the same. I only had to sacrifice 20% healing amp. *cry*

Edit: Exalted Smites will regenerate one every 81 seconds naturally, and another every 143 seconds from the Thunderforged Orb. This averages to once every 50 seconds.

Edit Again. Dropping 2 Charisma from enhancements for 40 healing amp. I'm not skimping on my survivability just for a few more points of damage.

01-24-2015, 11:21 PM
I leveled to 6 today, and took my first FvS level and SWF. I was not offered a second feat, like the Follower of Morning Lord as shown in the build feat list.

Also, is this the level where you would switch from Carnifex to a heavy pick?

I am not taking hardly any damage. With pots, my AC is 45, PRR is 58,and Fort is 80% with my Moderate Fort item on.
Having a good time so far.

01-25-2015, 03:54 AM
Originally Posted by SealedInSong View Post
Final = human, heavy pick, str, SWF?

Infiltraitor: Yes

Originally Posted by pappo View Post
Ok, thanks for the quick response. Did you end up with a STR or CHA build?
Infiltraitor: Charisma

You ended up with a str build, not a charisma build, right? I may be missing something but it looks like you first answered, "yes I'm a str build" and then right below that said, "yes, I ended up a cha build."

Thanks for sharing/clarifying!

01-25-2015, 05:06 AM
You ended up with a str build, not a charisma build, right? I may be missing something but it looks like you first answered, "yes I'm a str build" and then right below that said, "yes, I ended up a cha build."

Thanks for sharing/clarifying!

I get my damage from strength. But all level ups are in Charisma. My apologies for the mistake.

I have +11 Charisma item and a +8 strength augment. I place my enhancement points into Charisma, epic destiny into Charisma, and level ups into Charisma. Yet if you look at my screen shots, my strength (64) is the higher stat. You can see how I got confused as well. I put all my resources into Charisma and ended up with high strength.

Does that make it a charisma build since all resources go into Charisma (58)? Yes.
Does that make it a strength build since strength (64) is the highest stat? Yes.

I leveled to 6 today, and took my first FvS level and SWF. I was not offered a second feat, like the Follower of Morning Lord as shown in the build feat list.

Also, is this the level where you would switch from Carnifex to a heavy pick?

I am not taking hardly any damage. With pots, my AC is 45, PRR is 58,and Fort is 80% with my Moderate Fort item on.
Having a good time so far.

Thank you for that feedback. Also, I made the mistake of listing the feat at the first fvs level rather than the first Paladin level. The feat was taken at level 1.

I stayed with Carnifex until it was Greensteel time. By then holy retribution from chalice did so much damage that I could have been wielding anything.

01-25-2015, 12:51 PM

I am trying the fighter variation of this build at the moment and I really like it, thank you for the great build.
I have a few question for equip while leveling through epics:

1. I got a Deathnip, a Mutineers Blade and could craft a TF Heavy Pick. How would you rate Deathnip versus Mutineers Blade versus Tier 1/2/3 thunderforged pick? I am unsure if I should switch from Deathnip to one of those (and in case of thunderforged, at what tier/level).

2. Do you have some suggestions for good named items I could use until the level 27/28 orchard stuff? I got the Orcish Privateer Boots that I really like and a Flawless Black Armor but not sure what else to wear.

01-25-2015, 02:39 PM

I am trying the fighter variation of this build at the moment and I really like it, thank you for the great build.
I have a few question for equip while leveling through epics:

1. I got a Deathnip, a Mutineers Blade and could craft a TF Heavy Pick. How would you rate Deathnip versus Mutineers Blade versus Tier 1/2/3 thunderforged pick? I am unsure if I should switch from Deathnip to one of those (and in case of thunderforged, at what tier/level).

2. Do you have some suggestions for good named items I could use until the level 27/28 orchard stuff? I got the Orcish Privateer Boots that I really like and a Flawless Black Armor but not sure what else to wear.

You are welcome. Thank you for the feedback.

1. In terms of pure critting,

the deathnip becomes 13-20/x5, which is 160% bonus.
the mutineer blade becomes 9-20/x3, which is 120% bonus.

Deathnip beats Mutineer.

The L24 Thunderforged pick becomes 15-20/x5, which is 120% bonus, but it has +10 enhancement and 4.0[W] damage.

Deathnip is tied with L24 Thunderforged.

2. I usually have to fish these out of the bank during ETR.
Iron Mitts (24)
Knost's Belt (18)
Planar Focus of Prowess (22)
Thunderforged Orb of +150 Devotion (24)
EE Ring of Shadows (25)
GS +45 HP Concordant Op Cloak. I haven't taken this item off since L11.
Drow Smoke Goggles (20)

01-25-2015, 02:46 PM
Thanks for the fast answer.

I got 2 new questions ;D

1. Why are you using the Drow Smoke Goggles? Blindness Immunity seems alright, but the seeker bonus shouldnt stack with Deathnip, or did I miss something?

2. Are you using Dragon's Edge or the socket on your orb? Does Dragon's Edge on an orb stack with Dragon's Edge on a weapon? if not, what augment would you use in the orb?

Edit: Does Knost's Belt give you +2 damage per hit if you wear it in combination with the ring, even as a non-barbarian?

01-25-2015, 04:38 PM
Thanks for the fast answer.

I got 2 new questions ;D

1. Why are you using the Drow Smoke Goggles? Blindness Immunity seems alright, but the seeker bonus shouldnt stack with Deathnip, or did I miss something?

2. Are you using Dragon's Edge or the socket on your orb? Does Dragon's Edge on an orb stack with Dragon's Edge on a weapon? if not, what augment would you use in the orb?

Edit: Does Knost's Belt give you +2 damage per hit if you wear it in combination with the ring, even as a non-barbarian?

Man slayer on the drop smoke goggles.

Dragon's Edge does not stack. I have it on both for when I swap in a Celestia, I still have at least 1 copy of Dragon's Edge.

Yes. It is awesome like that.

01-25-2015, 05:15 PM
Do you swap out the orb sometimes? If not, you could put Dragon's Edge on the orb and use another enchantement on the pick, like Wrath of Flames or Dragon's Blessing.

01-25-2015, 05:53 PM
Do you swap out the orb sometimes? If not, you could put Dragpn's Edge on the orb and use another enchantement on the pick, like Wrath of Flames or Dragon's Blessing.

I'm not running another 40 Temple of the Lag-wyrms

01-25-2015, 06:22 PM
I can absolutly understand that.

But for someone who hasn't crafted these items yet, what would your recommendation for 2nd pick enchantment?

01-25-2015, 06:38 PM
I can absolutly understand that.

But for someone who hasn't crafted these items yet, what would your recommendation for 2nd pick enchantment?

Dragon's Edge gives bonus crit damage only on the weapon. So it isn't too bad a choice if only for the 68 bleed damage. Otherwise, purple augment gives a lot of versatility since the other options kinda suck.

01-26-2015, 09:06 AM
Thank you for that feedback. Also, I made the mistake of listing the feat at the first fvs level rather than the first Paladin level. The feat was taken at level 1.

I stayed with Carnifex until it was Greensteel time. By then holy retribution from chalice did so much damage that I could have been wielding anything.

My bad. Sorry, I need to check myself before posting. Yes, it was in your feat list, but I had taken Sovereign Host at level 1 and forgot it...
I have never made a Greensteel item. I guess it's time I started. I have been collecting mats from all toons and putting them in my shared bank, so I probably have what I need. A guildie has offered to take me through the GS process.

I want to make one of those GS Concordant Opp cloaks also.


01-26-2015, 03:20 PM
My bad. Sorry, I need to check myself before posting. Yes, it was in your feat list, but I had taken Sovereign Host at level 1 and forgot it...
I have never made a Greensteel item. I guess it's time I started. I have been collecting mats from all toons and putting them in my shared bank, so I probably have what I need. A guildie has offered to take me through the GS process.

I want to make one of those GS Concordant Opp cloaks also.


Forget the GS weapon, find a nice Vorpal item on the auction house for the 2 levels until DEATHNIP.

01-26-2015, 05:04 PM
Forget the GS weapon, find a nice Vorpal item on the auction house for the 2 levels until DEATHNIP.

Thank you. I have a rocksplitter for lvl 10 and then I will have to "hit up" my guildies for tome pages, if they are not bound.

01-26-2015, 05:18 PM
Thank you. I have a rocksplitter for lvl 10 and then I will have to "hit up" my guildies for tome pages, if they are not bound.

Tome and shield pages are not bound.

That is how I got my Skiver, from guildies.

01-27-2015, 09:01 PM
Tome and shield pages are not bound.

That is how I got my Skiver, from guildies.

Thanks Panzer.. I found a nice guildie who is going to hook me up.

01-27-2015, 09:07 PM
Edit: Exalted Smites will regenerate one every 81 seconds naturally, and another every 143 seconds from the Thunderforged Orb. This averages to once every 50 seconds.

Edit Again. Dropping 2 Charisma from enhancements for 40 healing amp. I'm not skimping on my survivability just for a few more points of damage.

Will single weapon fighting work with bastard swords, or is it just for "finesse" weapons ?
The reason I ask is that my first life was a pure bastard sword/board pally and I have a bunch of really good named bastard swords for epics, and a thuder-forged one as well.
How much would the Steel Shrine be messed up not using picks ?.. I know I would have to change the IC Piercing to slashing.

I plan to follow this build completely on this life, but just wondered if next life the Shrine could use bastard swords in SWF mode.

01-27-2015, 09:22 PM
Will single weapon fighting work with bastard swords, or is it just for "finesse" weapons ?
The reason I ask is that my first life was a pure bastard sword/board pally and I have a bunch of really good named bastard swords for epics, and a thuder-forged one as well.
How much would the Steel Shrine be messed up not using picks ?.. I know I would have to change the IC Piercing to slashing.

I plan to follow this build completely on this life, but just wondered if next life the Shrine could use bastard swords in SWF mode.

SWF will work with bastard swords and orbs. But you will be giving up 10-16% of your dps. It will have to be your own decision on whether or not that loss is acceptable. I've seen pug groups complete EE Stormhorns with less combined DPS than that.

01-27-2015, 09:41 PM
SWF will work with bastard swords and orbs. But you will be giving up 10-16% of your dps. It will have to be your own decision on whether or not that loss is acceptable. I've seen pug groups complete EE Stormhorns with less combined DPS than that.

What causes the 10-16% DPS loss ?

01-27-2015, 11:31 PM
What causes the 10-16% DPS loss ?

13-20/x3 Bastard Sword with Holy Sword and Celestial Champion, 80% bonus damage from critical hits
15-20/x5 Heavy Pick with Holy Sword and Celestial Champion, 120% bonus damage from critical hits

2.2 / 1.8 = 1.22. 22% DPS loss from weaker critical profile not counting damage dice bonuses

5d10 Bastard Sword (27.5 avg)
5d6 Heavy Pick (17.5 avg)

1.22/1.1 = 1.11. 11% DPS loss after accounting for damage dice bonuses

This number will vary depending on tomes and past life feats, but more or less is accurate.

01-28-2015, 09:31 AM
13-20/x3 Bastard Sword with Holy Sword and Celestial Champion, 80% bonus damage from critical hits
15-20/x5 Heavy Pick with Holy Sword and Celestial Champion, 120% bonus damage from critical hits

2.2 / 1.8 = 1.22. 22% DPS loss from weaker critical profile not counting damage dice bonuses

5d10 Bastard Sword (27.5 avg)
5d6 Heavy Pick (17.5 avg)

1.22/1.1 = 1.11. 11% DPS loss after accounting for damage dice bonuses

This number will vary depending on tomes and past life feats, but more or less is accurate.

WOW !! I am always amazed at how you guys can come up with these calculations ...lol
I am glad you can, or else it would not be known.
Thanks for explaining it.
As I said, I am having a great time with the build so far in heroics. I am level 7 with a 50 AC, 68PRR, 50..something MRR. I don't take much damage at all. I just wade into the middle and use the cleave from KotC enhancements. A lot of fun.

01-28-2015, 10:02 AM
Heroic Leveling moved to post #9 https://www.ddo.com/forums/showthread.php/449262-Steel-Shrine?p=5441596&viewfull=1#post5441596
1.26.2015 Currently testing 15/4/1 Monk for competitive raiding

Steel Shrine

Human - Divine Crusader
Paladin 14 / Monk 2 / Favored Soul 4

Warning: This build requires prior use of a +1 Dexterity Tome, AND a +5 Constitution Tome, AND a +1 Lesser Heart of Wood if PDK.

The Steel Shrine is an experiment in tanking gone horribly wrong. If you've ever wanted to tank a Deathwyrm without a healer, or the Stormreaver without lightning absorb, or go smooching Lady Vol until she's out of breath, this is the build for you. The defenses on this build are nothing short of astounding. Steel Shrine brings an excess of Physical damage mitigation, Magical damage mitigation, Saves vs everything, Hit Points, Healing Ability, and DPS.

Steel Shrine is also the original Paladin + Favored Soul build, having been painstakingly gimped to XP cap well before the Heavy Armor and Holy Sword changes for the sole purpose of acquiring the EE Mark of Death world first completion. We got it within an hour of U23's release on 9/29/2014. It has been tested and refined over the course of the 3 months since into the indestructible killing machine we have today. If there exists a more survivable tank, I haven't seen it.

Build Features:
1300* Hit Points
400 HP Ameliorating Strike per 15 second cooldown
200+ HP per Tick Rejuvenating Cocoon
80-90* in all saves.
189* PRR
1000* DPS Unboosted
3000* DPS while Triple-Boosted with Human Damage Boost, Legendary Dreadnought Haste Boost, and Divine Crusader Zeal
Offhand Thunderforged Orb regenerates Action Boosts

* My screenshot numbers will be higher due to reincarnation. For example, 189 + 27 Divine Past Life + 9 PDK = 225.

22 Seconds to beat down EE Sobrien (69,000 HP)

Level Progression

Feats: 7 Normal + 2 Monk + 3 Epic + 2 Destiny + Granted Class Feats
1 (Formerly Fighter) Paladin: Toughness, Force of Personality, Follower of the Morning Lord*
2 Paladin
3 Paladin: Completionist
4 Paladin
5 Monk: Deflect Arrows (If PDK, Paladin level instead)
6 Favored Soul: Single Weapon Fighting
7 Paladin
8 Monk: Precision (If PDK, Paladin level instead)
9 Favored Soul: Improved Single Weapon Fighting
10 Paladin
11 Paladin
12 Paladin: Improved Critical: Piercing
13 Favored Soul
14 Paladin
15 Paladin: Greater Single Weapon Fighting
16 Paladin (If PDK, Monk level instead)
17 Paladin (If PDK, Monk level instead)
18 Paladin: Fighter Past Life: Student of the Sword
19 Favored Soul
20 Paladin
21 Epic: Epic Toughness
24 Epic: Overwhelming Critical
26 Epic: Perfect Two Weapon Fighting
27 Epic: Epic Fortitude
28 Epic: Elusive Target

*If human, follow the Sovereign Host. You can't go wrong with more healing.

Build Variation: 15 Paladin / 4 Favored Soul / 1 Fighter
If you decide to keep the fighter level from PDK, this variation allows you to grab Kensei Haste Boost at tier 1, in addition to grabbing Zeal spell at level 15. Since that doesn't stack with Legendary Dreadnought Haste Boost, you swap it for Critical Damage twist instead for the extra 6 seeker. The net effect is approximately 10% more DPS at the cost of giving up 10% healing amp from monk, and the 2 intimidate from Fighter Past Life Feat.

Build Variation: 15 Paladin / 4 Favored Soul / 1 Monk
Testing this variant for competitive raiding, which favors glass cannons. Giving up a little defense for much more DPS.

Use Magic Device

Easy Twink Gear Setup:
Cutthroat Smallblade / Deathnip
Purple Dragon Gauntlet
Purple Dragon Helm
Purple Dragon Armor
Bracer's of the Sun Soul
Signet of the Shining Sun
Leather's of the Woodsman
Boots of the Woodsman
Voice of the Master

Endgame Gear Setup:
Epic Mentau's Goggles
Epic Boots of the Innocent
Epic Belt of Thoughtful Remembrance
Epic Ethereal Bracers
Shroud of the Ardent
Greensteel 45 HP Concordant Op Cloak
Sanctified Gages
Circle of Malevolence
TOD Ring (Healing Amp)
Epic Litany of the Dead
Epic Deific Diadem
Shadow Dragon Plate
Thunderforged Heavy Pick +12 (First Degree Burns, Dragon's Edge, Mortal Fear)
Thunderforged Orb (Devotion, Dragon's Edge or Purple Augment, Draconic Reinvigoration)

All Levelup bonuses go into Charisma.
Str: 13 + 5 Tome +8 Item Augment +1 Exception +2 Artifact +2 Feat +2 Profane +6 Stance +23 Divine Might = 62
Dex: 13 + 5 Tome + 11 Item + 2 Insightful + 1 Exceptional + 2 Artifact + 2 feat +2 Profane= 38
Con: 16 + 5 Tome +11 Item +3 Insight +1 Exceptional +2 Artifact +2 feat +6 Stance +2 Profane = 48
Int: 14 + 4 Tome + 11 Item +2 Insight + 1 Exceptional + 2 Artifact + 2 feat +2 Profane = 38
Wis: 8 + 5 Tome + 11 Item + 1 Exceptional + 2 Artifact + 2 feat +2 Profane = 31
Cha: 16 +6 Tome +7 Levelup +11 Item +2 Insightful +1 Exceptional +2 Artifact +2 feat +2 Profane +3 Enhancement +3 Destiny +1 Twist= 56


Damage = 96.63
16.63 Base Attack Damage 4.75[1d6]
12 Weapon
3 Enchant Weapon Past Life
1 Holy Sword
26 Strength
13 Single Weapon Fighting Strength Bonus
11 Deadly
4 Sword of Justice
4 Profane
3 Monk Past Life
3 Divine Favor

Double Strike: 24%
5% Perfect Single Weapon Fighting
10% Celestial Champion
9% Martial Past Life

Melee Power: 50
24 Epic Levels
16 Divine Crusader
10 Greater Single Weapon Fighting

Crit Profile: ~130% bonus damage

Seeker: 30
10 Seeker
2 Exceptional Seeker
6 Tactical Training Room
2 Purge the Wicked
20 * 30 crit multipler per 20 / 20 hits per 20 = 30

Damage per click = 466 Piercing per hit, 1072 DPS
[Damage * (1 + Crit Bonus) + (Seeker)] (1 + Doublestrike)(1 + Melee Power/100)
[(96 * 2.3) +30]* 1.24 * 1.50 = 466 Avg per hit @ 2.3 Attacks per second

Fully Boosted Damage = 3669 DPS
+4 Inflame
20% Smite Weakness Vulnerability
20% Human Damage Boost
10% Consecrated Ground Crusade
30% Legendary Dreadnought Speed Boost
50% Doublestrike Zeal
50% Melee Power Zeal
[Damage (1 + Crit Bonus) + (Seeker)] *(Damage Boost) (1 + Doublestrike) (1 + Melee Power/100) (1 + Stacks of Vulnerability)
[(100 * 2.3) +30]2.00 *1.3 * 1.74 * 1.2 = 1411 Avg per hit @ 2.6 Attacks per second

Healing: 338
138 Devotion Augment
39 Sacred Defender
10 Shintao
51 Implement
10 Extraordinary Virtue
65 Heal Skill
25 Echoes of the Ancestor: Exalted Angel

PRR: 225
36 Divine Past Life
10 Wall of Steel
5 Circle of Malevolence
30 Sheltering
79 Heavy Armor
5 Redemption
10 Heavenly Presence
10 Sacred Defense
15 Durable Defense
25 Harbored in Light

Fort Save: 101
9 Paladin
4 Favored Soul
3 Monk
4 Epic Levels
24 Charisma
19 Constitution
4 Riposte IX
1 Stone of Change
2 Brace for Impact
1 Aura of Good
3 Resilient Defense
3 Resistance Aura
4 Greater Heroism
2 Epic Fortitude
12 Resistance Item
3 Brace
3 Game Hunter Ship Buff


How hard was it to get the armor? gear ?

01-28-2015, 12:58 PM
How hard was it to get the armor? gear ?

That belt took over 100 flesh makers, with over 900 shards spent rerolling.
The Litany, sanctified gages, ring of Malevolence, Shroud of Ardent, die fix Diadem ,took a combined 100 Mark of Deaths.
40 Deathwyrm for the heavy pick.
40 Fire peaks for the orb.
20 Tower of Despair for the ring.
60 Ghost of perdition for the Bracers. .
Everything else was gotten within 10 runs of their quests.

The armor took 1 run to the astral shards exchange. :)

01-28-2015, 07:31 PM
A guildie hooked me up with my missing Tome of Legends, so I have a complete set. I though "GREAT" now on to get a Deathnip.

I went to Upper Necropolis and tried to talk to Bilk Howland. He has a greyed out symbol over his head and would not give me a Tome Binding.
Since I am only lvl 8 and have not run any Necro quests yet, is that why it is not available ?

01-28-2015, 07:44 PM
Heroic leveling is a matter of grabbing your DPS essentials and fattening up along the way. You'll be playing as a slightly weaker DPS until about level 11 when you start to fatten up your defenses considerably. This will continue until level 14, where you will find yourself seriously lagging in DPS until level 20.

Took my 4th favored soul level at 18 instead of 19. Respecced for Ameliorating Strike, more healing amp, two less ranks of divine sacrifice, and otherwise full Chalice DPS to solo Enter the Kobold as an Evasion DPS. Good times were had by all. The ability to respec between Evasion DPS, Armored Tank, and AOE Healing is not to be discounted..

What do you mean when you say you "Respecced " ?

01-28-2015, 08:17 PM
What do you mean when you say you "Respecced " ?

That means I reset my enhancement points and put them into whatever role was needed at the moment.

Since I am only lvl 8 and have not run any Necro quests yet, is that why it is not available ?

It may be a level issue, there is no flagging for that quest.

01-28-2015, 09:52 PM
That means I reset my enhancement points and put them into whatever role was needed at the moment.

It may be a level issue, there is no flagging for that quest.

I think it is a level issue also. I will just wait until I hit lvl 14. I wouldn't be able to use the Deathnip until then anyway.

Can describe the differences when you say:

"The ability to respec between Evasion DPS, Armored Tank, and AOE Healing is not to be discounted".
I am escpecially interested in the Evasion DPS. I just got my second monk level and have evasion now.

01-29-2015, 01:33 AM
I think it is a level issue also. I will just wait until I hit lvl 14. I wouldn't be able to use the Deathnip until then anyway.

Can describe the differences when you say:

"The ability to respec between Evasion DPS, Armored Tank, and AOE Healing is not to be discounted".
I am escpecially interested in the Evasion DPS. I just got my second monk level and have evasion now.

With a twist in Tier 3 Renewal from Sentinel Destiny, I've got a fairly large (1500 sp) pool to rotate Renewal, Rejuvenating Cocoon, Cure Moderate, Lay on Hands, Sacred Ground, and Unyielding Sovereignty.

Armored tanking is my standard epic setup described on my main post. Sometimes I get tired and swap to a different role when pugging.

Evasion DPS is just an enhancement reset. Put my points into Knight of the Chalice for an insane 30+ Holy Retributions. Which means an extra 30+ Exalted Smites that recharges to full at every shrine.

Depending on who I've been running with, I've had to swap between those 3 roles. I usually suffer diminishing returns from trying to reach the level of actual DPS or actual healers, but for the most part, the approximate effectiveness is achievable with moderate resource expenditure. Lowest apples and all that. My current Armored Tanking setup stands at the midpoint of healer and dps.

01-29-2015, 03:22 AM
With a twist in Tier 3 Renewal from Sentinel Destiny, I've got a fairly large (1500 sp) pool to rotate Renewal, Rejuvenating Cocoon, Cure Moderate, Lay on Hands, Sacred Ground, and Unyielding Sovereignty.

Armored tanking is my standard epic setup described on my main post. Sometimes I get tired and swap to a different role when pugging.

Evasion DPS is just an enhancement reset. Put my points into Knight of the Chalice for an insane 30+ Holy Retributions. Which means an extra 30+ Exalted Smites that recharges to full at every shrine.

Depending on who I've been running with, I've had to swap between those 3 roles. I usually suffer diminishing returns from trying to reach the level of actual DPS or actual healers, but for the most part, the approximate effectiveness is achievable with moderate resource expenditure. Lowest apples and all that. My current Armored Tanking setup stands at the midpoint of healer and dps.

Ok, I see now. You modify your destinies for the appropriate role you wish to be.

Is it true that I have to be in light armor to get the benefit of evasion from being a monk ?

01-29-2015, 04:19 AM
Ok, I see now. You modify your destinies for the appropriate role you wish to be.

Is it true that I have to be in light armor to get the benefit of evasion from being a monk ?

Light Armor for evasion, although I've been experiencing some bugged out evasion even while wearing heavy armor. (Lightning traps in Cannith Research Facility seems to allow evasion even in heavy armor)

02-04-2015, 09:22 AM
Would it work with cleric?

02-04-2015, 10:39 AM
With a twist in Tier 3 Renewal from Sentinel Destiny, I've got a fairly large (1500 sp) pool to rotate Renewal, Rejuvenating Cocoon, Cure Moderate, Lay on Hands, Sacred Ground, and Unyielding Sovereignty.

If you went exalted angel and twisted renewal, cocoon... you could serve as a capable raid healer. Two AE heals and plenty of single target heals, and you haven't even listed heal scrolls in your list.

Maybe not optimal, but you could get the job done just fine.

02-04-2015, 08:43 PM
Would it work with cleric?

Yes. Also, 14/5/1 with cleric would allow for some funny interactions with Primal Avatar.

You would only be giving up some fort/will/reflex saves and the extra spellpoints from charisma. Not too bad.

02-05-2015, 02:38 PM
I just did a 4 man von 5-6 on heroic, with BB!! This build is awesome.
(i took some screenshots, but i don't know hot to post them)

02-06-2015, 04:12 PM
Could you explain what you are doing with the Monk 1 variant?

I am having a hard time figuring out what in Monk 1 gets you "much more DPS", compared to say Fighter 1. Riddle of Fire would give you a tiny bit more damage from Consecration, but I can't imagine that makes all that much of a difference. You could drop Heavy Armor and Defensive Stance in favor of being Centered and investing feats into Master of Rocks or something like that, but then you can't use a Heavy Pick, and the default centered weapons aren't as good. It's also a lot less PRR/MRR. It won't matter as much for you with all those PLs though. So I'm just confused and curious.

02-07-2015, 01:39 AM
About weapons, did you use Deathnip in epics too? TF weapons of course, but those comes at level 24 earliest. Fighter variant is going to be my next life and while i'm going through my present life i'll collect some good loozor for late heroics and mid-epics. Thanks for sharing your build for us.

02-07-2015, 08:21 AM
Light Armor for evasion, although I've been experiencing some bugged out evasion even while wearing heavy armor. (Lightning traps in Cannith Research Facility seems to allow evasion even in heavy armor)


02-07-2015, 11:43 AM
About weapons, did you use Deathnip in epics too? TF weapons of course, but those comes at level 24 earliest. Fighter variant is going to be my next life and while i'm going through my present life i'll collect some good loozor for late heroics and mid-epics. Thanks for sharing your build for us.
Earlier in the thread Infiltraitor estimated that Deathnip is still as good as a ML:24 TF (see post #151 (https://www.ddo.com/forums/showthread.php/449262-Steel-Shrine?p=5523440&viewfull=1#post5523440)). Presumably the ML:26 TF would come out ahead then. YMMV.

02-07-2015, 05:16 PM
With the "fix" to SWF do you still find weapon and orb a higher DPS version then a 2hf? Other then your action boost recharge from the 3rd tier orb what else do you get from it that's significant? I am deciding whether a 2h version might be better for my style. Can you do the pro's and con's of each? I plan on doing an iconic TR into a PDK for this to try it out in a day or so.

02-07-2015, 09:15 PM
Could you explain what you are doing with the Monk 1 variant?

I am having a hard time figuring out what in Monk 1 gets you "much more DPS", compared to say Fighter 1. Riddle of Fire would give you a tiny bit more damage from Consecration, but I can't imagine that makes all that much of a difference. You could drop Heavy Armor and Defensive Stance in favor of being Centered and investing feats into Master of Rocks or something like that, but then you can't use a Heavy Pick, and the default centered weapons aren't as good. It's also a lot less PRR/MRR. It won't matter as much for you with all those PLs though. So I'm just confused and curious.

Nope. You are correct and I am mistaken. There is no DPS difference between Monk 1 and Fighter 1. I was thinking of Kensei for the Tier 1 Attack Speed Boost but those 4 action points will stop me from utilizing Exalted Smite. Instead, it is just better to twist in Dreadnought Speed Boost in both cases.

With the "fix" to SWF do you still find weapon and orb a higher DPS version then a 2hf? Other then your action boost recharge from the 3rd tier orb what else do you get from it that's significant? I am deciding whether a 2h version might be better for my style. Can you do the pro's and con's of each? I plan on doing an iconic TR into a PDK for this to try it out in a day or so.

THF gives 50% Strength bonus, 10 Melee Power, and 50% base damage from glancing blows.

SWF gives 50% Strength bonus, 10 Melee Power, and 30% attack speed.

Because glancing blows dont crit, which is an essential part for Holy Sword, SWF ends up doing about 12% more damage. Then you consider the extra mortal fear procs and it isn't even close. SWF wins by a landslide.

EDIT: Also, regenerating Action Boosts and Smite Evil is a pretty important bonus. 2 Extra slots doesn't hurt either. Nor the +150 Positive Spellpower. Did I mention it regenerates SMITES? It has so much synergy with my current Smite-friendly setup.

I just did a 4 man von 5-6 on heroic, with BB!! This build is awesome.
(i took some screenshots, but i don't know hot to post them)

Thank you for the feedback. Credit goes to all the people who helped me refine the build and point out my mistakes.

02-17-2015, 10:37 AM
Hello guys,

Thanks for sharing this build !!

Do you think it would be possible to make a Pal 15 / FvS 5 version thus giving up some defense from tier 5 SaD and gaining some offense with Warpriest tier 5 ?

Maybe the use of the religious weapon would break all the synergy around piercing etc...

What do you think ?

02-17-2015, 01:14 PM
Hello guys,

Thanks for sharing this build !!

Do you think it would be possible to make a Pal 15 / FvS 5 version thus giving up some defense from tier 5 SaD and gaining some offense with Warpriest tier 5 ?

Maybe the use of the religious weapon would break all the synergy around piercing etc...

What do you think ?
You lose a lot of damage from the reduced critical profile because of the way the numbers stack. OP's Heavy Pick with all the bonuses is 15-18 x5 and 19-20 x6, for +130% extra damage added to the base due to crits. If I am calculating correctly then using a Longsword (any race) or Shortsword (Drow only, lost a feat) would be 13-18 x3 and 19-20 x4, which is only +90% damage added from crits. Scimitars (Elf, HElf only) would be 11-18 x3 and 19-20 x4, for a slightly better +110% contribution from criticals (but you lose a feat and possibly Human Damage Boost). Heavy Mace (PDK only) would be 15-18 x3 and 19-20 x4; that's an abysmal +70% extra damage from criticals, Using the OP's numbers (e.g. 466 damage per hit w/crits factored in) dropping from 230% to 190% base damage is a loss of about 81 damage per hit, or 186 DPS (unboosted).

The extra enhancement bonus from using a faith weapon is another +5 base damage (over the 96.63 in the OP) and +15 spellpower, and you will get a bit more damage from the better base damage die on a Longsword versus Heavy Pick. Trying to mimic the OP's math I see that translating into something like +38 damage per hit once the criticals, doublestrike, MP, etc. factors in. So that's still about 43 damage per hit lower. You also get a little extra flat damage from the T5 WP effects that do not scale with criticals. You should be able to keep the Wrathful Weapons buff up almost all the time because of the high attack speed, but it only adds a flat average 7 points per hit. Divine Vessel is probably going to hit for 500ish AoE damage every 25 seconds.

So it looks to me like a net DPS loss compared to the OP, alongside the survivability loss, but maybe someone else can check to verify?

02-17-2015, 01:27 PM
Nope. You are correct and I am mistaken. There is no DPS difference between Monk 1 and Fighter 1. I was thinking of Kensei for the Tier 1 Attack Speed Boost but those 4 action points will stop me from utilizing Exalted Smite. Instead, it is just better to twist in Dreadnought Speed Boost in both cases.

THF gives 50% Strength bonus, 10 Melee Power, and 50% base damage from glancing blows.

SWF gives 50% Strength bonus, 10 Melee Power, and 30% attack speed.

Because glancing blows dont crit, which is an essential part for Holy Sword, SWF ends up doing about 12% more damage. Then you consider the extra mortal fear procs and it isn't even close. SWF wins by a landslide.

EDIT: Also, regenerating Action Boosts and Smite Evil is a pretty important bonus. 2 Extra slots doesn't hurt either. Nor the +150 Positive Spellpower. Did I mention it regenerates SMITES? It has so much synergy with my current Smite-friendly setup.

Have you considered going up to 18 pally for the 500 Light damage on a vorpal? With PSWFing that's 10% of the time.

02-17-2015, 05:09 PM
Hello guys,

Thanks for sharing this build !!

Do you think it would be possible to make a Pal 15 / FvS 5 version thus giving up some defense from tier 5 SaD and gaining some offense with Warpriest tier 5 ?

Maybe the use of the religious weapon would break all the synergy around piercing etc...

What do you think ?

Thank you for your feedback. Your question was answered perfectly by Caprice. The celestial champion + heavy pick synergy is probably one of the strongest in the game and giving that up will cause a loss of DPS and a loss of defense.

You lose a lot of damage from the reduced critical profile because of the way the numbers stack. OP's Heavy Pick with all the bonuses is 15-18 x5 and 19-20 x6, for +130% extra damage added to the base due to crits. If I am calculating correctly then using a Longsword (any race) or Shortsword (Drow only, lost a feat) would be 13-18 x3 and 19-20 x4, which is only +90% damage added from crits. Scimitars (Elf, HElf only) would be 11-18 x3 and 19-20 x4, for a slightly better +110% contribution from criticals (but you lose a feat and possibly Human Damage Boost). Heavy Mace (PDK only) would be 15-18 x3 and 19-20 x4; that's an abysmal +70% extra damage from criticals, Using the OP's numbers (e.g. 466 damage per hit w/crits factored in) dropping from 230% to 190% base damage is a loss of about 81 damage per hit, or 186 DPS (unboosted).

The extra enhancement bonus from using a faith weapon is another +5 base damage (over the 96.63 in the OP) and +15 spellpower, and you will get a bit more damage from the better base damage die on a Longsword versus Heavy Pick. Trying to mimic the OP's math I see that translating into something like +38 damage per hit once the criticals, doublestrike, MP, etc. factors in. So that's still about 43 damage per hit lower. You also get a little extra flat damage from the T5 WP effects that do not scale with criticals. You should be able to keep the Wrathful Weapons buff up almost all the time because of the high attack speed, but it only adds a flat average 7 points per hit. Divine Vessel is probably going to hit for 500ish AoE damage every 25 seconds.

So it looks to me like a net DPS loss compared to the OP, alongside the survivability loss, but maybe someone else can check to verify?

The easy way to calculate it is by percentages. Since the major categories multiply each other, you can count it that way.

You gain 5 damage from going from 1d6 to 1d8. You gain 6 more damage from 5 tiers of favored weapon and 1 innate feat. (96+11)/96 = 11% more dps
You lose damage from criticals, going from 230% to 190%. 190/230 = 17% less dps.

0.826 * 1.114 = 0.92.
You end up losing 8% of your dps, 25 PRR, 25 MRR, 3 Lay on Hands, 6 Constitution from Sacred Defender Stance, ect.

Have you considered going up to 18 pally for the 500 Light damage on a vorpal? With PSWFing that's 10% of the time.

Slayer of Evil III: You now gain +3 to hit evil and undead creatures. Your attacks now deal 5d6 additional Light damage. You resist evil influences particularly well, gaining a +4 bonus to saves against spells and effects produced by evil creatures. Your vorpal hits against undead do an additional 500 damage.

10% chance of doing an extra 500 damage only against undead only comes to 50 damage per hit and doesn't scale with damage boost.

Smite Weakness adds up to 20% vulnerability. Which amounts to over +90 damage per hit, and it totally scales with damage boost.

Thank you for your suggestion nevertheless. I reserve the right to steal your ideas posted here and pass them off as my own.

02-17-2015, 07:34 PM
Well you did mention wanting competitive raid performance, and almost all the mobs in the raids that are worth tweaking a build over are undead.... ;-) That's not a suggestion, but "just sayin'", as they... uhh... say.

02-17-2015, 08:31 PM
Have you considered going up to 18 pally for the 500 Light damage on a vorpal? With PSWFing that's 10% of the time.

I thought a "vorpal" was always a roll of 20 and confirmed crit. That would be 5% wouldn't it? Or am I way off base lol

02-17-2015, 09:21 PM
Well you did mention wanting competitive raid performance, and almost all the mobs in the raids that are worth tweaking a build over are undead.... ;-) That's not a suggestion, but "just sayin'", as they... uhh... say.

That's not considering the fact that going 18 Paladin would be a completely different build. Giant bursts of AOE healing from Ameliorating Strike is the central component of the build. We've all tried to order hamburger at Chinese restaurants at one time or another. Let's leave it at that.

I thought a "vorpal" was always a roll of 20 and confirmed crit. That would be 5% wouldn't it? Or am I way off base lol

Perfect Single Weapon Fighting Feat will give you vorpal hits on 19 as well.

02-17-2015, 11:34 PM
Well you did mention wanting competitive raid performance, and almost all the mobs in the raids that are worth tweaking a build over are undead.... ;-) That's not a suggestion, but "just sayin'", as they... uhh... say.

The same raid target has me wondering if taking AoV core 2 would be worth it. I know AP are very tight, but 50% vulnerability to light damage does scale with boosts and melee power and it also reduces fortification.

02-18-2015, 06:24 AM
Just a few questions.

When leveling do you go full DPS and use a two hander?

After 20 is that when you go into the more tank spec and use Deathnip until you can get Thunder Forged?

Can you do this build as a bladeforged?

I just happen to like big clunky robots but if they don't work they don't work. :)

02-18-2015, 09:38 AM
That's not considering the fact that going 18 Paladin would be a completely different build. Giant bursts of AOE healing from Ameliorating Strike is the central component of the build.
I agree. My comment was entirely tongue in cheek.

02-20-2015, 12:32 AM
Just a few questions.

When leveling do you go full DPS and use a two hander?

After 20 is that when you go into the more tank spec and use Deathnip until you can get Thunder Forged?

Can you do this build as a bladeforged?

I just happen to like big clunky robots but if they don't work they don't work. :)

Bladeforged are better off as pure 20 Paladins. You don't need ameliorating strike when you have communion of scribing.

I ran my most recent playtest as human, I used Carnifex until I had my sword of shadows at 10, then switched to heavy picks at level 12, and got my Deathnip at level 14.

02-20-2015, 01:55 AM
My next life is going to be a fighter variant. What feat do you recommend at first level, since I'll be pdk I have a three feat at lvl1. Shield Mastery doesn't work with orbs, doesn't it?

02-20-2015, 02:33 AM
My next life is going to be a fighter variant. What feat do you recommend at first level, since I'll be pdk I have a three feat at lvl1. Shield Mastery doesn't work with orbs, doesn't it?

Toughness, Force of Personality, and Precision.

Shield mastery would be overkill and it doesn't work with orbs. You also won't want to give up 30% attack speed and draconic reinvigoration.

02-20-2015, 07:51 AM
Bladeforged are better off as pure 20 Paladins. You don't need ameliorating strike when you have communion of scribing.

I ran my most recent playtest as human, I used Carnifex until I had my sword of shadows at 10, then switched to heavy picks at level 12, and got my Deathnip at level 14.

I am still pretty new and started a PDK followed your leveling 1 - 15 then used a lesser heart and she is almost 20. The build has been able to handle all content solo from 15 to 20, I am currently in Eveningstar farming tokens, but I am missing some stuff like a 36 point build and completionist etc. Will that gimp out the build in the end?

02-20-2015, 07:57 AM
Toughness, Force of Personality, and Precision.

Shield mastery would be overkill and it doesn't work with orbs. You also won't want to give up 30% attack speed and draconic reinvigoration.

Thanks for the answer. I'm not a completionist, so I think that I'm going to take quicken instead of completionist feat. Maybe it is unnecessary, but it'll help with CMW at least :)

02-20-2015, 09:56 AM

You said, in an earlier post, that you liked the ability to "respecc" for evasion, tank, etc...
Can you describe what you do to "respecc" for them ?

Thanks again for the build. My clone of your build is currently level 12 and just starting with heavy picks. My rocksplitter is hitting for crits in the 100 - 150 range. Very much fun to play this build.

02-20-2015, 10:27 AM
You said, in an earlier post, that you liked the ability to "respecc" for evasion, tank, etc...
Can you describe what you do to "respecc" for them ?

Thanks again for the build. My clone of your build is currently level 12 and just starting with heavy picks. My rocksplitter is hitting for crits in the 100 - 150 range. Very much fun to play this build.

Sorry about this, but for some reason the system would not let me edit my earlier post... so I created another.
I know that I asked you previously about respeccing, but what I wanted to ask was - besides switching to light armor, are there other things you would change in the enhancements to aid in evasion.

02-20-2015, 06:51 PM
I am still pretty new and started a PDK followed your leveling 1 - 15 then used a lesser heart and she is almost 20. The build has been able to handle all content solo from 15 to 20, I am currently in Eveningstar farming tokens, but I am missing some stuff like a 36 point build and completionist etc. Will that gimp out the build in the end?

Losing completionist will cost you almost 2% of your dps and 34 hit points. Not having 36 point build will cost you a few points of INT and CHA. That's another 1% of your dps right there.

Sorry about this, but for some reason the system would not let me edit my earlier post... so I created another.
I know that I asked you previously about respeccing, but what I wanted to ask was - besides switching to light armor, are there other things you would change in the enhancements to aid in evasion.

At level 12, you will want to reset your enhancements and grab Holy Retribution in the Knight of the Chalice Tree. DC 31 should one-shot everything if you've been pumping that charisma.

02-21-2015, 09:14 PM
Losing completionist will cost you almost 2% of your dps and 34 hit points. Not having 36 point build will cost you a few points of INT and CHA. That's another 1% of your dps right there.

At level 12, you will want to reset your enhancements and grab Holy Retribution in the Knight of the Chalice Tree. DC 31 should one-shot everything if you've been pumping that charisma.

Ok thanks.
I didn't need to reset enhancements. I was already following your heroic leveling suggestions and was using KoC. So, I picked up Holy Retribution, Exalted Cleave and Avenging Cleave and put the 1,2,,3 on my hotbar.
How is your hotbar setup for melee ?
I have Exalted Cleave, Avenging CLearve, Holy Retribution, Divine Sacrifice, Smite Foe, Exalted Smite for my #1 Hotbar in positions 1-6.

02-21-2015, 09:58 PM
Ok thanks.
I didn't need to reset enhancements. I was already following your heroic leveling suggestions and was using KoC. So, I picked up Holy Retribution, Exalted Cleave and Avenging Cleave and put the 1,2,,3 on my hotbar.
How is your hotbar setup for melee ?
I have Exalted Cleave, Avenging CLearve, Holy Retribution, Divine Sacrifice, Smite Foe, Exalted Smite for my #1 Hotbar in positions 1-6.

11 hotbars. 9 on bottom, 2 on top.

ATM, I'm using a G700s Logitech 12 button mouse and a Mad Catz 11 button joystick, so my exact setup is a little difficult to explain.
Healing and my primary double-cleave is on my right hand mouse. Buffs and activated attacks and movement on left hand joystick, all keyed to my first 3 hotbars.
The other hotbars simply store clickies, weapon swaps, scrolls, ect.

02-21-2015, 10:52 PM
11 hotbars. 9 on bottom, 2 on top.

ATM, I'm using a G700s Logitech 12 button mouse and a Mad Catz 11 button joystick, so my exact setup is a little difficult to explain.
Healing and my primary double-cleave is on my right hand mouse. Buffs and activated attacks and movement on left hand joystick, all keyed to my first 3 hotbars.
The other hotbars simply store clickies, weapon swaps, scrolls, ect.

I just wondered if there was a sequence you used, as far as which attacks you did in a particular order.
I used the button 1 thru 6, as I indicated in the previous post, in some Desert quests I just ran. Those cleaves before Holy Retribution worked great.

02-21-2015, 11:14 PM
I just wondered if there was a sequence you used, as far as which attacks you did in a particular order.
I used the button 1 thru 6, as I indicated in the previous post, in some Desert quests I just ran. Those cleaves before Holy Retribution worked great.

Little Cleave + Big Cleave + Holy Retribution. Divine Sacrifice, Exalted Smite.

In Heroic levels, I always go little cleave first to give other mobs more time to surround me before the big cleave hits, that softens them up for the Holy Retribution. Most things are usually dead before I need to use divine sacrifice.

02-22-2015, 07:14 AM
Little Cleave + Big Cleave + Holy Retribution. Divine Sacrifice, Exalted Smite.

In Heroic levels, I always go little cleave first to give other mobs more time to surround me before the big cleave hits, that softens them up for the Holy Retribution. Most things are usually dead before I need to use divine sacrifice.

Do you switch to the Tank Spec at 20 or do you stay full DPS now?

02-22-2015, 11:25 AM
Do you switch to the Tank Spec at 20 or do you stay full DPS now?

I swapped to "tank" spec at 20. I say "tank" because the Holy Sword + Celestial Champion + Heavy Pick combo is one of the most broken things in DDO right now. When I have 15-20/x5 (+120% from crits), I can spec whatever I want and still have DPS.

Side Rant:

Tanks should not be allowed to do 4k dps. If Turbine were smart, they would nerf holy sword to being +1 multiplier, +5 enhancement bonus. So that it would not scale so well at endgame and the flat bonus would be of some use to weaker players.

02-22-2015, 01:23 PM

Would you mind posting your Spell List at lvl 20, an image or just text would be greatly appreciated.

02-22-2015, 02:03 PM
Would you mind posting your Spell List at lvl 20, an image or just text would be greatly appreciated.

Level 4: Holy Sword, (Zeal if 15/4/1 Variant)
Level 3: Remove Curse, Remove Blindness
Level 2: Remove Paralysis
Level 1: Divine Favor, Lesser Restoration

Favored Soul
Level 2: Cure Moderate Wounds
Level 1: Night Shield, Remove Fear, Nimbus of Light, Obscuring Mist

Cure Moderate caps at level 10, so it will heal the same regardless of level 14 Paladin (20 with Divine Crusader) or level 4 Favored Soul (10 with Divine Crusader).

02-22-2015, 03:55 PM
Level 4: Holy Sword, (Zeal if 15/4/1 Variant)
Level 3: Remove Curse, Remove Blindness
Level 2: Remove Paralysis
Level 1: Divine Favor, Lesser Restoration

Favored Soul
Level 2: Cure Moderate Wounds
Level 1: Night Shield, Remove Fear, Nimbus of Light, Obscuring Mist

Cure Moderate caps at level 10, so it will heal the same regardless of level 14 Paladin (20 with Divine Crusader) or level 4 Favored Soul (10 with Divine Crusader).

Thanks for, as always, the quick response to questions. I made level 13 last night and was awesome in Sands quests. DPS was huge and I even had a few turns land.

02-23-2015, 10:44 AM
Well I made lvl 14 and got my Deathnip. WOW what a difference in DPS. I also picked up my Maiming Rocksplitter (http://ddowiki.com/page/Maiming_Rocksplitter) and a Madstone Skull Orb (lvl 14)
I have a couple of questions.

1. I put a Meteroic Star Ruby in the Deathnip. Is that a good idea, or are there better red augments for Deathnip ?
1. The orb has a purple and yellow slot. I am looking for recommendations. I

02-23-2015, 12:41 PM
Well I made lvl 14 and got my Deathnip. WOW what a difference in DPS. I also picked up my Maiming Rocksplitter (http://ddowiki.com/page/Maiming_Rocksplitter) and a Madstone Skull Orb (lvl 14)
I have a couple of questions.

1. I put a Meteroic Star Ruby in the Deathnip. Is that a good idea, or are there better red augments for Deathnip ?
1. The orb has a purple and yellow slot. I am looking for recommendations. I

If you feel that you don't have enough dps, then further itemization is fine. Rather, I would advise you focus on getting all your favor, doing a variety of quests, and having fun. Rushing your way to 28 and realizing there's no endgame at the moment isn't the best way to go.

02-23-2015, 02:00 PM
If you feel that you don't have enough dps, then further itemization is fine. Rather, I would advise you focus on getting all your favor, doing a variety of quests, and having fun. Rushing your way to 28 and realizing there's no endgame at the moment isn't the best way to go.

I am not rushing to 28. I have a Tome of Greater Learning and Voice of the Master, so I get xp bonuses. I normally do all quests 2 levels below my level, on Elite. I had a great group on Sunday and we did all the 11's on elite and I could take lvl 14 so I did. I completely agree with you about doing all quests for the favor. With all the xp you can earn, from quests, plus the wilderness areas, you can level so quickly so I am usually holding 1to 2 levels.
But like I said, the Deathnip and Madstone Skull Orb were a dramatic jump in DPS.
I would like to hear from you on augment recommendations for the Deathnip and Orb slots.

02-23-2015, 03:24 PM
I am not rushing to 28. I have a Tome of Greater Learning and Voice of the Master, so I get xp bonuses. I normally do all quests 2 levels below my level, on Elite. I had a great group on Sunday and we did all the 11's on elite and I could take lvl 14 so I did. I completely agree with you about doing all quests for the favor. With all the xp you can earn, from quests, plus the wilderness areas, you can level so quickly so I am usually holding 1to 2 levels.
But like I said, the Deathnip and Madstone Skull Orb were a dramatic jump in DPS.
I would like to hear from you on augment recommendations for the Deathnip and Orb slots.

For me, it was Devotion on deathnip for the implement bonus. (Helps only slightly with keeping my 10% flawless victory when pugging.)
Orb, I'd go Striding or Deathblock. Save my boot slot for House K Freedom of Movement. I left my orb unslotted due to Quiver of Alacrity.

02-25-2015, 11:50 AM
For me, it was Devotion on deathnip for the implement bonus. (Helps only slightly with keeping my 10% flawless victory when pugging.)
Orb, I'd go Striding or Deathblock. Save my boot slot for House K Freedom of Movement. I left my orb unslotted due to Quiver of Alacrity.

So, I am on my 3rd life playing a variation of this build. So far I have tried the 2-monk and 1-fighter BS Charisma (PDK); this life I am working towards the 1-Fighter STR version (Sill PDK) and I am still warming up to it. (Having to rebuff Divine Might is tedious).

I have been alternating Iconic/Epic reincarnations and while the Iconic lives are easy, the epic are tedious as heck - how do you deal with BEHOLDERS @#$#@%$

For an Iconic life, I swap to whichever epic destiny makes me beholder proof. For Epic lives, I am pretty much stuck in whichever sphere I sacrificed to the reincarnation. While training 3/3 "Improved Restoration" under KotC helps with the removal of negative levels, it does so at the cost of exalted smite or divine sacrifice.

I hate beholders so much that I am seriously contemplating bladeforged, even if it is less efficient.

02-25-2015, 01:01 PM
So, I am on my 3rd life playing a variation of this build. So far I have tried the 2-monk and 1-fighter BS Charisma (PDK); this life I am working towards the 1-Fighter STR version (Sill PDK) and I am still warming up to it. (Having to rebuff Divine Might is tedious).

I have been alternating Iconic/Epic reincarnations and while the Iconic lives are easy, the epic are tedious as heck - how do you deal with BEHOLDERS @#$#@%$

For an Iconic life, I swap to whichever epic destiny makes me beholder proof. For Epic lives, I am pretty much stuck in whichever sphere I sacrificed to the reincarnation. While training 3/3 "Improved Restoration" under KotC helps with the removal of negative levels, it does so at the cost of exalted smite or divine sacrifice.

I hate beholders so much that I am seriously contemplating bladeforged, even if it is less efficient.

I buy Beholder crystals from the DDO store. You get 25 charges of protection. They are a trinket, and can be swapped quickly just before a Beholder fight and then swap out to your regular trinket after.

02-25-2015, 01:41 PM
I swapped to "tank" spec at 20. I say "tank" because the Holy Sword + Celestial Champion + Heavy Pick combo is one of the most broken things in DDO right now. When I have 15-20/x5 (+120% from crits), I can spec whatever I want and still have DPS.

Side Rant:

Tanks should not be allowed to do 4k dps. If Turbine were smart, they would nerf holy sword to being +1 multiplier, +5 enhancement bonus. So that it would not scale so well at endgame and the flat bonus would be of some use to weaker players.

This. Holy sword is basically allows you to do whatever the hell you want and still have very good DPS. It does not even consume enhancement points. Your build does not invest almost anything in DPS, yet it will have good DPS.

That cannot be right.

02-25-2015, 01:53 PM
So, I am on my 3rd life playing a variation of this build. So far I have tried the 2-monk and 1-fighter BS Charisma (PDK); this life I am working towards the 1-Fighter STR version (Sill PDK) and I am still warming up to it. (Having to rebuff Divine Might is tedious).

I have been alternating Iconic/Epic reincarnations and while the Iconic lives are easy, the epic are tedious as heck - how do you deal with BEHOLDERS @#$#@%$

For an Iconic life, I swap to whichever epic destiny makes me beholder proof. For Epic lives, I am pretty much stuck in whichever sphere I sacrificed to the reincarnation. While training 3/3 "Improved Restoration" under KotC helps with the removal of negative levels, it does so at the cost of exalted smite or divine sacrifice.

I hate beholders so much that I am seriously contemplating bladeforged, even if it is less efficient.

See Below

I buy Beholder crystals from the DDO store. You get 25 charges of protection. They are a trinket, and can be swapped quickly just before a Beholder fight and then swap out to your regular trinket after.

OK. I'm going to tell you a secret from a hero and ddo mentor of mine, MrCow. He was the guy behind the DDO series, Diary of a true reincarnated X, where he would go solo and set the speed records for every quest in the game, for every class in the game. He discovered a beholder secret only known to the highest echelons of DDO. Few people outside of Omnipresence even remember this discovery.

Beholders can only shoot certain attacks in certain directions

The below is his discovery, in its entirety.

Ok, I think I've had my fill of "How do you handle these darned beholders?" threads over the past couple of weeks so I decided to take a moment and explain the magical properties of a beholder.

This is a picture of a creature that strikes fear into the hearts of many adventures, fleshy and warforged alike (although mostly fleshies).


A scary sight indeed, especially when they are assaulted by a rainbow of colors. Many say "DOOM! Melee them and you will likely die!". Depending on how you approach a beholder, that just may be true. A beholder, as deadly as it is, suffers from the fact that eyestalks are only so tall so they can only fire in certain directions. A beholder can eyebeam 1 of 10 effects (and this is specifically for living beholders, not those crazy ghostly doomspheres).

Fired from the front of a beholder:
Beholder Antimagic Effect (from the main eye)

Fired from the right of a beholder:
Hold Monster
Inflict Moderate Wounds

Fired from the back of a beholder:
Finger of Death
Scorching Ray
Bestow Curse

Fired from the left of a beholder:
Flesh to Stone

And as they say, a picture is worth... well... a picture is pretty so here you go :D


Now, most people who attack a beholder gripe about 3 main things:

"I have 9 negative levels"
*Poof* "You have been hit with Finger of Death"
"You have been hit by Disintegration for 161 points of damage"

Take a look at what a beholder fires and where it fires from. With that knowledge in mind it becomes much easier to go into close quarters with one of these eye tyrants. Regardless of who you are a beholder is most deadly if you attack it head on (enervation, disintegration). People with high will saves will do very well to attack a beholder on its right side (hold monster, Inflict Moderate Wounds). Warforged will find that attacking a beholder from its left side is 100% safe (Flesh to Stone, Slow). If you have the right equipment, anyone can attack a beholder from behind with minor or no repercussions (deathblock and fire resistance item negates the two damaging rays, Bestow Curse is never fatal).

Also, each eyebeam (well, almost each eyebeam) has a unique color. For each color, a specific eye-spell is cast. If you are fleshy, in front of the beholder, and see a deep indigo color... MOVE! Thats enervation! If you are a Warforged on the right side of the beholder and see a blue beam... LAUGH! Its only Hold Monster. ;)

Enervation/Bestow Curse
Hold Monster/Flesh to Stone/Telekinesis/Slow
Scorching Ray
Finger of Death/Inflict Moderate Wounds (black)

Keep this information in mind next time you assault a beholder and you might find your survival rate higher than the last time.

Good luck. :)

Then there are pale lavender ioun stones, when upgraded, are level 5 and absorb 50 attacks. They usually sell on the auction house for millions of plat.

This. Holy sword is basically allows you to do whatever the hell you want and still have very good DPS. It does not even consume enhancement points. Your build does not invest almost anything in DPS, yet it will have good DPS.

That cannot be right.

Fortunately, the market corrects itself. If they don't fix this problem soon, there will be a flood of mass produced cheese-builds and turbine will see the sale of cakes, potions, and the like plummet.

02-25-2015, 04:14 PM
MrCow is legendary. The main problem with his advice is that it seems to me that many people who are having problems with beholders are playing solo, and some of us are not able to outmaneuver beholders well enough to stay out of the frontal arc to avoid the most troublesome effects. Props to those who can, but I find that I need to rely on the crutches of spell absorption or other players to take advantage of that knowledge.

As far as I know the upgraded Pale Lavender Ioun Stone (http://ddowiki.com/page/Item:Pale_Lavender_Ioun_Stone_(unsuppressed)) absorbs 50 spell levels, not spells. It's confusing since only it and the Scarab of Spell Absorption (http://ddowiki.com/page/Scarab_of_Spell_Absorption) have that mechanic; all the other spell absorption items absorb a smaller number of spells but will absorb a spell of any level as a single charge. I haven't ever micromanaged the charges to verify the rate they are used but when I pop mine on it always seems to be drained by the time I look at it again, but maybe beholder attacks count as level 1 spells and I just haven't noticed. It also only recharges 15 charges (levels) per shrine use, so once it is drained once it loses a lot of its effectiveness for later fights in the same quest. It's still extremely useful. Note that you also have to be in the upper teen levels (or have a long term nanny to run you through multiple quest completions) to upgrade one so it won't burn out permanently when it runs out of charges, but being ML:5 even after the upgrade makes it great for TRing.

Some other options to consider are the Beholder Optic Nerves (http://ddowiki.com/page/Beholder_Optic_Nerves) (8 absorbs of any level), Mantle of the Worldshaper (http://ddowiki.com/page/Mantle_of_the_Worldshaper) (5 absorbs of any level), Jeweled Cloak (http://ddowiki.com/page/Jeweled_Cloak) (different ML versions; 5-10 absorbs of any level), or upgraded Silver Flame Trinkets from the Necropolis chains (5 or 10 absorbs of just the level drain). There's a longer discussion in this thread (https://www.ddo.com/forums/showthread.php/455795-Negative-Levels). See this wiki page (http://ddowiki.com/page/Spell_Absorption) too.

02-25-2015, 04:48 PM
MrCow is legendary. The main problem with his advice is that most people who are having problems with beholders are playing solo, and thus the beholder will always turn to face them and hit them with the most troublesome effects. It's nice that you don't have to worry about FoDded or being Held or whatever, but getting hit exclusively with level drains and Disintegrates (with lowered saves) is not that strongly positive a point.

I just tested now, in sub soloing a beholder. Not so much soloing as standing behind him for 2 full minutes. In front of him, I'm dead from no-save level drains, but my move speed is high enough that I can be constantly behind him. I don't need anyone else to grab aggro, simply outrunning him is enough. He turns, I run behind him. He turns again, I run behind him again.

Grab deathblock for his finger of death and his entire 90 back arc becomes a blind-spot.

02-25-2015, 05:15 PM
Is that with Speed X alone or are you using some other form of speed improvement? Also what is your ping time to the servers?

I've tried circling tactics on beholders several times before and I've never been able to avoid the frontal cone like that. People keep telling me its possible and I keep trying and failing to do it (and getting messed up by the aforementioned frontal abilities). I have relatively modern hardware so I can only assume it is some combination of lack of player skill and/or a connection limitation. So I am impressed, but I believe I have adequately proved to myself that it something I will never be able to do so I am dependent on spell absorption items, other players grabbing aggro, or blind luck.

In any case I stand corrected and will edit my commentary to reflect that it is only terrible players like myself that have this issue. ;-)

02-25-2015, 06:56 PM
Is that with Speed X alone or are you using some other form of speed improvement? Also what is your ping time to the servers?

I've tried circling tactics on beholders several times before and I've never been able to avoid the frontal cone like that. People keep telling me its possible and I keep trying and failing to do it (and getting messed up by the aforementioned frontal abilities). I have relatively modern hardware so I can only assume it is some combination of lack of player skill and/or a connection limitation. So I am impressed, but I believe I have adequately proved to myself that it something I will never be able to do so I am dependent on spell absorption items, other players grabbing aggro, or blind luck.

Uploading a video of me playing tag with a beholder, staying in his blind spot behind him. I've got striding 30 from Heroic Quiver of Alacrity and +10% from stance.


I got the -4 when he backed into the first ledge, -2 was back to the second ledge, the -3 was my own slow reaction time. There's a lot of randomness to it, but you will probably be hitting him with a weapon stronger than a greater restoration scroll and this fight won't last a full minute.

But yeah, at 9 levels a minute, it isn't such a big deal even if the beholder is smart and uses terrain to his advantage.

You could totally head down to marketplace sub and go play tag with that beholder when there isn't a 10% penalty or a party of 5 other people to impress. DDO's active combat system provides very rich rewards for those who actually utilize it.

02-26-2015, 11:53 AM
Uploading a video of me playing tag with a beholder, staying in his blind spot behind him. I've got striding 30 from Heroic Quiver of Alacrity and +10% from stance.


I got the -4 when he backed into the first ledge, -2 was back to the second ledge, the -3 was my own slow reaction time. There's a lot of randomness to it, but you will probably be hitting him with a weapon stronger than a greater restoration scroll and this fight won't last a full minute.

But yeah, at 9 levels a minute, it isn't such a big deal even if the beholder is smart and uses terrain to his advantage.

You could totally head down to marketplace sub and go play tag with that beholder when there isn't a 10% penalty or a party of 5 other people to impress. DDO's active combat system provides very rich rewards for those who actually utilize it.

Thanks to everyone who responded.

I purchased a couple of the anti-beholder crystals; but I am going to track down the in-game items, and definitely give the "non-frontal-attack" option some practice.

Edit: Oh, and I have my deathnip with a ruby eye of force - yeah, never going back to bastard swords

03-03-2015, 08:38 PM
Well I hit level 16 tonight. Deathnip is hitting for 450 a lot. Normally my first hit is in the 200's.
I have used all the KotC enhancements you suggested in your heroic leveling suggestions and picked up a few Sacred Defender ones as well. As a result my PRR is 93 now, AC is 58. I have White Dragonplate armor on now.
I have 5 lay-on hands for emergency heals, but I haven't had a quest where I used them all yet. Still very survivable. Can't wait to get to 20 and pick up all my PDK gear from my paladin Past life TR cache, switch to the Sacred Defender tree and become a real "Steel Shrine". Thanks for this build.

03-04-2015, 01:56 AM
Well I hit level 16 tonight. Deathnip is hitting for 450 a lot. Normally my first hit is in the 200's.
I have used all the KotC enhancements you suggested in your heroic leveling suggestions and picked up a few Sacred Defender ones as well. As a result my PRR is 93 now, AC is 58. I have White Dragonplate armor on now.
I have 5 lay-on hands for emergency heals, but I haven't had a quest where I used them all yet. Still very survivable. Can't wait to get to 20 and pick up all my PDK gear from my paladin Past life TR cache, switch to the Sacred Defender tree and become a real "Steel Shrine". Thanks for this build.

Thank you for your feedback. I hope your stay as a tank is an enjoyable one.

03-04-2015, 03:02 AM

I laughed more than I should, seeing you roll a 1 three times against the hold beam :D. Where are your triple digit saves now?

03-04-2015, 11:45 AM
I laughed more than I should, seeing you roll a 1 three times against the hold beam :D. Where are your triple digit saves now?

I... uh... left my fom boots on my mule.... :)

03-05-2015, 10:02 AM
What armor you used before getting Shadowscale armor? I've got black dragonscale for heroics, but those lvls from 20 to 26 is questionable to me.

03-05-2015, 11:54 AM
What armor you used before getting Shadowscale armor? I've got black dragonscale for heroics, but those lvls from 20 to 26 is questionable to me.

At 20, I like to use the purple dragon knight set. It hits all the major stat bonuses and also gives damage bonus as well.

03-05-2015, 12:40 PM
At 20, I like to use the purple dragon knight set. It hits all the major stat bonuses and also gives damage bonus as well.

Thanks for the answer. It was in a first post listed, but I thought that there was some other armor in use.

03-13-2015, 04:36 PM
Did a recent change with orbs invalidate the SWF/Orb combo?

03-13-2015, 06:42 PM
Did a recent change with orbs invalidate the SWF/Orb combo?
U24 nerfed / bugfixed (http://ddowiki.com/page/Update_24_Release_Notes#Feats) Shield Mastery applying to orbs. I can't tell if Steel Shrine originally took advantage of this; but the current build doesn't take SM feats.

03-13-2015, 11:30 PM
Did a recent change with orbs invalidate the SWF/Orb combo?

Nope. Still works fine.

SWF and Orbs isn't a combo. It is actually supposed to work with orbs.

Single Weapon Fighting: Requires fighting with a single one-handed weapon, and wielding only an orb, runearm, or nothing in your off hand.

Unless you are talking about the recent loss of 50% ability score bonus. Yeah, it does suck. I used to get double my strength to damage, and now losing 14 damage per hit hurts. All my EE solo runs were done before the nerf and I never actually got around to rerunning them for updated screenshots.

U24 nerfed / bugfixed (http://ddowiki.com/page/Update_24_Release_Notes#Feats) Shield Mastery applying to orbs. I can't tell if Steel Shrine originally took advantage of this; but the current build doesn't take SM feats.

Never had the extra feats to spare. But considering that I get 15-20/x5 (120% damage bonus from crits) without spending a single enhancement point or feat by abusing the Holy Sword + Celestial Champion + Heavy Pick combo, I'm not sure why any Steel Shrine variant would care about spending 2 feats for 8% double strike.

The archived original build was bastard sword and shield, so technically, I did use shield mastery feats. It didn't have anywhere near the dps it has today and the fellow forum posters were kind enough to show me to stupidity of my ways. We gradually evolved into the current hideous thing we have now.

03-23-2015, 09:05 AM
Does Dragon's Edge stack? You seem to have it crafted on Orb and Main.

03-26-2015, 10:20 PM
Just wanted to say thanks for sharing this build. I went PDK 14pally/4Fvs/2Mnk using Deathnip and orb and am currently level 22. I have never played a "tanky" build because I always felt I couldn't be a killer and survive simultaneously. I whipped thru 15-20 and have been doing great in 20-22 epic elites It's been really awesome. Thanks!

Note: I specifically tested your comment about Elite Kobold end-fight and I wasn't even touched :)

03-26-2015, 11:11 PM
Just wanted to say thanks for sharing this build. I went PDK 14pally/4Fvs/2Mnk using Deathnip and orb and am currently level 22. I have never played a "tanky" build because I always felt I couldn't be a killer and survive simultaneously. I whipped thru 15-20 and have been doing great in 20-22 epic elites It's been really awesome. Thanks!

Note: I specifically tested your comment about Elite Kobold end-fight and I wasn't even touched :)

I am glad you posted this because my Human Steel Shrine just got to level 16 and it is fun. I will have to try a PDK version next life.
I am also using Deathnip and wondered how far up it would still be useful. Deathnip is not upgradeable so I wondered how far into Epics it would be good.
I also have a Maiming Rocksplitter that does great DPS also.

Many thanks to you Infiltraitor, for the build.

03-28-2015, 04:23 AM
Does Dragon's Edge stack? You seem to have it crafted on Orb and Main.

It does not stack. I got it on orb so I could use other weapons besides Thunderforged.

Just wanted to say thanks for sharing this build. I went PDK 14pally/4Fvs/2Mnk using Deathnip and orb and am currently level 22. I have never played a "tanky" build because I always felt I couldn't be a killer and survive simultaneously. I whipped thru 15-20 and have been doing great in 20-22 epic elites It's been really awesome. Thanks!

Note: I specifically tested your comment about Elite Kobold end-fight and I wasn't even touched :)

I'm glad it worked out for you. Thank you for your feedback.

I am glad you posted this because my Human Steel Shrine just got to level 16 and it is fun. I will have to try a PDK version next life.
I am also using Deathnip and wondered how far up it would still be useful. Deathnip is not upgradeable so I wondered how far into Epics it would be good.
I also have a Maiming Rocksplitter that does great DPS also.

Many thanks to you Infiltraitor, for the build.

You are welcome. As for Deathnip, it should last until either Balizarde, Celestia, or Mortal Fear. When to swap is really your pick. So to speak.

04-09-2015, 04:33 AM
This looks awesome and I think I am going to try it for my paladin who used to do the monk splash with shield thing which no longer works. What's the main reason to go (and not go) PDK over human?

04-09-2015, 05:29 AM
This looks awesome and I think I am going to try it for my paladin who used to do the monk splash with shield thing which no longer works. What's the main reason to go (and not go) PDK over human?

Thanks. Testing has demonstrated almost zero difference between PDK fighter and human monk, except in extreme cases which favor monk saves.

04-10-2015, 07:37 PM
Well, I made level 19. Now I am 13Paly-4FvS-2Monk and should have read your post closer.
I will only be able to get either Holy Sword or Zeal, but not both, with 14 levels of Pally.
Which one would choose?

Next TR I will try 15 levels of Paladin.

04-10-2015, 08:29 PM
Well, I made level 19. Now I am 13Paly-4FvS-2Monk and should have read your post closer.
I will only be able to get either Holy Sword or Zeal, but not both, with 14 levels of Pally.
Which one would choose?

Next TR I will try 15 levels of Paladin.

Holy Sword increases your DPS by 37.5%
Zeal increases your DPS by 8%

It should be a fairly easy choice.

As for the 14 Paladin vs 15 Paladin, It is a choice between zeal vs +1 to all saves, extra feat, and 2 extra skill points.

04-11-2015, 07:50 PM
Holy Sword increases your DPS by 37.5%
Zeal increases your DPS by 8%

It should be a fairly easy choice.

As for the 14 Paladin vs 15 Paladin, It is a choice between zeal vs +1 to all saves, extra feat, and 2 extra skill points.

Yes, it will be an easy choice.
Another question. How do you gear yourself when you want to take advantage of the Evasion that the two monk levels gave you ?
Or, do you just get your PRR/MRR and Reflex so high that you don't need to worry about evasion?

04-11-2015, 09:17 PM
Yes, it will be an easy choice.
Another question. How do you gear yourself when you want to take advantage of the Evasion that the two monk levels gave you ?
Or, do you just get your PRR/MRR and Reflex so high that you don't need to worry about evasion?

135 MRR + 88 Reflex goes a long way.

When I need evasion, it's buckler + light armor, but it costs me 35% of my dps.

So healing through most things while in heavy armor is the way to go, though I have noticed this:

Light Armor for evasion, although I've been experiencing some bugged out evasion even while wearing heavy armor. (Lightning traps in Cannith Research Facility seems to allow evasion even in heavy armor)

04-14-2015, 12:30 AM
135 MRR + 88 Reflex goes a long way.

When I need evasion, it's buckler + light armor, but it costs me 35% of my dps.

So healing through most things while in heavy armor is the way to go, though I have noticed this:

Well I made it to 20 tonight by running Outbreak chain EE. My first Epic run, at lvl 20, was a ToEE on Epic Hard and the Steel Shrine held up extremely well. It also gave me level 21 so I could take Epic Toughness which put my HP at 963
I ran in Divine with Consecrate and Ameliorating. I don't know what "Strike Down" is, from your first post, but I only died once in part 2 of ToEH when the end Boss threw here wave of yellow that hits for 1000hp, so I lost.....:)

I put on the "Easy Twink Gear". I had most of it from my previous life.

I don't have the Leather's or Boots of the Woodsman yet. Are those for when you want to have evasion ?

All in all, this toon has been a lot of fun to level, and I am looking forward to Epics. I need to get that Orchard Epic gear for endgame.

Thanks for this build. +1 to you.

04-14-2015, 01:28 AM
Well I made it to 20 tonight by running Outbreak chain EE. My first Epic run, at lvl 20, was a ToEE on Epic Hard and the Steel Shrine held up extremely well. It also gave me level 21 so I could take Epic Toughness which put my HP at 963
I ran in Divine with Consecrate and Ameliorating. I don't know what "Strike Down" is, from your first post, but I only died once in part 2 of ToEH when the end Boss threw here wave of yellow that hits for 1000hp, so I lost.....:)

I put on the "Easy Twink Gear". I had most of it from my previous life.

I don't have the Leather's or Boots of the Woodsman yet. Are those for when you want to have evasion ?

All in all, this toon has been a lot of fun to level, and I am looking forward to Epics. I need to get that Orchard Epic gear for endgame.

Thanks for this build. +1 to you.

You are welcome.

Yeah... I totally meant Lenses of the Woodsman. This was a serious error on my part. The equivalent of walking around with an undone zipper for 7 months. Thanks for catching that. :)

Strike Down is a Divine Crusader Tier 6 attack that does AOE with 500 bonus light damage and kills undead and outsiders with less than 1000 hp.

Also, You are supposed to die in ToEE. It's level 30 endgame quest and you are level 20. Congrats regardless.

04-14-2015, 06:17 PM
Can you give us list of class selection at what levels for the human paladin/FVS/fighter version of this build?

and also, what feat selection would you take if you dont have complitionest?

04-14-2015, 07:42 PM
Can you give us list of class selection at what levels for the human paladin/FVS/fighter version of this build?

and also, what feat selection would you take if you dont have complitionest?

As a 15/4/1 fighter, you lose 1 feat, which will be deflect arrows (monk only).
Not being a completionist will free up another feat, from which the best choices are: Empowered Healing, Quicken Spell, Toughness. I also hear good things about khopesh in Legendary Dreadnought.