09-25-2014, 09:32 AM
Since the other thread is entitled for the missing third artie enhancement tree, I thought it best to start a new thread for the ED. Here is the updated version of what was being discussed in the other thread. Please feel free to add idea-rich criticism. If something is too weak or too strong, please say so. If something should be in another tier, or you want to see something not on this list, post your ideas. Also, I'm terrible with naming things - so all of the names I've used are generic and lack description. Feel free to leave better names :)
Ok, let's build an artie ED.
Innate abilities. Rune Arm Feat granted at level 0.
Granted automatically as you level up in the destiny.
Passive Portion: You gain all of the following:
+1 enchantment bonus per level of Artificer ED including this one (up to +6 total at level 5).
+1 Artificer, Sorcerer, Wizard or Bard caster level per level of Artificer ED not including this one (up to +5 total at level 5).
Active Portion: (Cooldown 5 second): You now have 2 Analytical Strikes: +100 weapon power.
EDP Cost: 0
Ranks: Automatic Progression: 0
No requirements
Bodily Focus I : (Passive) Bonus: gain +25 maximum HP and 25 maximum SP.
EDP Cost: 0
Ranks: Automatic Progression: 4
Active Portion: (Cooldown: 5 seconds) You gain one more Analytical Strike and it increases to +200 weapon power.
EDP Cost: 0
Ranks: Automatic Progression: 8
Bodily Focus II: (Passive) Gain an additional 25 maximum HP and 25 maximum SP.
EDP Cost: 0
Ranks: Automatic Progression: 12
Active Portion: (Cooldown: 5 seconds) You gain one more Analytical strike and it increases to +300 weapon power.
EDP Cost: 0
Ranks: Automatic Progression: 16
Active Portion: (Cooldown: 5 seconds) You gain one more Analytical strike and it increases to +400 weapon power.
Additionally, you gain: (Cooldown: 120 seconds) Radiant Forcefield of 35% damage absorption for 20 seconds. [Edit: or decrease it back to 25 and make the duration twice as long as the spell or something, or put something else here – I’m having issues coming up with novel artificer actives]
EDP Cost: 0
Ranks: Automatic Progression: 20
No requirements
Tier One
Abilities in this tier can be purchased after taking the Artificer Destiny. All abilities below have 1 rank unless otherwise listed.
Rune Arm Focus I: Passive Bonus: Rune arms gains +1/2/3 DCs. [edit: tempted to write +1/3/6 here b/c, let’s be honest, rune arm DC’s are among the lowest dcs in the game]
EDP Cost: 1
Ranks: 3 Progression: 0
No requirements
Unstoppable Mechanics : You tinker a bit with your pets and hirelings, adding bits and pieces to them. Passive Bonus to pets and hirelings: +1/2/4 to all stats, saves, to hit, damage and levels.
EDP Cost: 1
Ranks: 3 Progression: 4
No requirements
Weapon Boost : Active Ability: (Cooldown 60 seconds) For the next 9/12/15 seconds attacks that you make are at [+1/2/3] and have a chance to knock targets prone against a a DC 15+Character Level+Str/Int (whichever is higher) Mod reflex check.
EDP Cost: 1
Ranks: 3 Progression: 0
No requirements
Action Boost Focus: Passive Bonus: Your action boosts gain 3/6/10% greater effectiveness. [edit: this might be too powerful. I am trying to think of some kind of bonus to action boosts that does not exist in other EDs]
EDP Cost: 1
Ranks: 3 Progression: 0
No requirements
Strength/Intelligence/Dexterity: Passive Bonus: +1 Strength/Intelligence/Dexterity.
EDP Cost: 2
Ranks: 1 Progression: 0
No requirements
Tier Two
After 4 points are spent, abilities in this tier can be purchased.
Rune Arm Focus II : Passive Bonus: Rune arms gain an increase of 10/20/30% to their spell power.
EDP Cost: 2
Ranks: 1 Progression: 4
No requirements
Unstoppable Mechanics II: You work diligently on your pet, adding bits and pieces to the big puppy. Passive Bonus to homunculus 3/6/10% dodge and 30/60/100 AC and Rank 3: 25% incorporeal.
EDP Cost: 1
Ranks: 3 Progression: 4
No requirements
Unstable Workings: Passive Bonus: Your electric, fire and force spells gain a 1/2/3% chance to critical [edit: too weak? Too powerful?]
EDP Cost: 1
Ranks: 3 Progression: 4
No requirements
Action Boost Focus II: Passive Bonus: Action boost durations are extended by 10/20/30%. [edit: trying to extend endless fusillade by a bit – max here is 2 seconds, which seems fair]
EDP Cost: 1
Ranks: 3 Progression: 4
No requirements
Strength/Intelligence/Dexterity : Passive Bonus: +1 Strength/Intelligence/Dexterity.
EDP Cost: 2
Ranks: 1 Progression: 4
No requirements
Tier Three
After 8 points are spent, abilities in this tier can be purchased.
Force Infusion : (Active) You hurtle a potion of bottled force at a single target. Tier 1: 3/6/10d100 force/untyped damage. Costs 20 sp, affected by force spellpower. Cooldown 15 Seconds.
EDP Cost: 2
Ranks: 1 Progression: 8
Finely Honed Weapons : Passive Bonus: +[1/2/3]d6 bleeding damage is added to your weapons. [Edit: this might be stupid. feel free to change it to something else]
EDP Cost: 1
Ranks: 3 Progression: 8
No requirements
Automated Reflexes: Passive Bonus: +1/2/3 bonus to Reflex saves and +2/4/6 bonus to trap saves.
EDP Cost: 1
Ranks: 3 Progression: 8
No requirements
Infused Casting : Passive Bonus: 10/20/30 spell power to force, fire or electric. [Edit: just going off the class – I feel that we, and it, should pay homage to the arties who prefer acid lines, too]
EDP Cost: 1
Ranks: 3 Progression: 8
No requirements
Strength/Intelligence/Dexterity : +1 Strength/Intelligence/Dexterity.
EDP Cost: 2
Ranks: 1 Progression: 8
No requirements
Tier Four
After 12 points are spent, abilities in this tier can be purchased.
Detonation: (Active) Please choose electric, fire or force. You cause an explosion dealing 1d10+10 of the chosen damage per character level in a burst centered around you. All enemies affected must make a DC 15+Character Level+Int Mod reflex check to avoid being electric: stunned, fire: slowed or force: knocked prone. Successful saves negate the knockdown effect and take half damage. Cooldown 20 seconds. [Edit: I changed this one to be determined by which specialty the artificer has chosen]
EDP Cost: 2
Ranks: 2 Progression: 12
No requirements
Considered Attacks: Bastard Sword or Dwarven Axe: Passive Bonus: +[3/6/9]% glancing blow damage. Crossbows: Passive +[3/6/9]% double shot. [Edit: no idea for swf]
EDP Cost: 1
Ranks: 3 Progression: 12
Construct Mastery: Passive Bonus: Increases your susceptibility with repair spells by 10/20/30% and healing magic by 5/10/15%.
EDP Cost: 1
Ranks: 3 Progression: 12
Electrifying Blow: Active: Your next attack is filled with shocking electricity, is at +[3] weapon dice and has a chance to paralyze the target.
EDP Cost: 2
Ranks: 1 Progression: 12
No requirements
Strength/Intelligence/Dexterity: Passive Bonus: +1 Strength/Intelligence/Dexterity.
EDP Cost: 2
Ranks: 1 Progression: 12
No requirements
Tier Five
After 16 points are spent, abilities in this tier can be purchased.
Ultimate Infusion: Passive Bonus of +3 to evocation DCs. [edit – this looks powerful, but arties struggle greatly to have high DCs. Since it’s tier 5, it cannot be twisted.]
EDP Cost: 2
Ranks: 1 Progression: 16
No requirements
Improved Mechanics: Passive Bonus adding 1 extra bolt to non-repeating crossbows.
EDP Cost: 2
Ranks: 1 Progression: 16
No requirements
Energized Rune Arm: Passive Bonus to rune arms: Attacks have a 1/3/7% chance to overwhelm the target’s nervous system and cause temporary paralysis.
EDP Cost: 1
Ranks: 3 Progression: 16
No requirements
Endless Thought: Your Analytical Strike now regenerate on vorpal strikes.
EDP Cost: 2
Ranks: 1 Progression: 16
No requirements
Endless Calm: Your Analytical Strikes cannot be used for weapons, but instead add 30 spell power for 20 seconds.
EDP Cost: 2
Ranks: 1 Progression: 16
No requirements
Strength/Intelligence : Passive Bonus: +1 Strength/Intelligence.
EDP Cost: 2
Ranks: 1 Progression: 16
Tier Six
After 20 points are spent, abilities in this tier can be purchased.
Unbridled Artificer ED Epic Moment : Active Ability: (Cooldown 5mins). After 20 vorpal hits, this ability can be activated. If crossbow, then a 10 second endless fulisade with +[2] weapon die and +4 to critical hit. If melee, then a 20 second +40% haste boost with +[2] weapon die and +4 to critical hit. If this ability is taken, Overpowered cannot be taken.
EDP Cost: 2
Ranks: 1 Progression: 20
Overpowered: Active Ability: (Cooldown 5mins). After 20 spell crits, this ability can be activated. You release massive stored energy into your spells for a brief time. For 20 seconds, your spell power is increased by 200. If this ability is taken, Unbridled Artificer cannot be taken.
EDP Cost: 2
Ranks: 1 Progression: 20
Strength/Intelligence/Dexterity: Passive Bonus: +1 Strength/Intelligence/Dexterity.
EDP Cost: 2s
Ranks: 1 Progression: 20
Ok, let's build an artie ED.
Innate abilities. Rune Arm Feat granted at level 0.
Granted automatically as you level up in the destiny.
Passive Portion: You gain all of the following:
+1 enchantment bonus per level of Artificer ED including this one (up to +6 total at level 5).
+1 Artificer, Sorcerer, Wizard or Bard caster level per level of Artificer ED not including this one (up to +5 total at level 5).
Active Portion: (Cooldown 5 second): You now have 2 Analytical Strikes: +100 weapon power.
EDP Cost: 0
Ranks: Automatic Progression: 0
No requirements
Bodily Focus I : (Passive) Bonus: gain +25 maximum HP and 25 maximum SP.
EDP Cost: 0
Ranks: Automatic Progression: 4
Active Portion: (Cooldown: 5 seconds) You gain one more Analytical Strike and it increases to +200 weapon power.
EDP Cost: 0
Ranks: Automatic Progression: 8
Bodily Focus II: (Passive) Gain an additional 25 maximum HP and 25 maximum SP.
EDP Cost: 0
Ranks: Automatic Progression: 12
Active Portion: (Cooldown: 5 seconds) You gain one more Analytical strike and it increases to +300 weapon power.
EDP Cost: 0
Ranks: Automatic Progression: 16
Active Portion: (Cooldown: 5 seconds) You gain one more Analytical strike and it increases to +400 weapon power.
Additionally, you gain: (Cooldown: 120 seconds) Radiant Forcefield of 35% damage absorption for 20 seconds. [Edit: or decrease it back to 25 and make the duration twice as long as the spell or something, or put something else here – I’m having issues coming up with novel artificer actives]
EDP Cost: 0
Ranks: Automatic Progression: 20
No requirements
Tier One
Abilities in this tier can be purchased after taking the Artificer Destiny. All abilities below have 1 rank unless otherwise listed.
Rune Arm Focus I: Passive Bonus: Rune arms gains +1/2/3 DCs. [edit: tempted to write +1/3/6 here b/c, let’s be honest, rune arm DC’s are among the lowest dcs in the game]
EDP Cost: 1
Ranks: 3 Progression: 0
No requirements
Unstoppable Mechanics : You tinker a bit with your pets and hirelings, adding bits and pieces to them. Passive Bonus to pets and hirelings: +1/2/4 to all stats, saves, to hit, damage and levels.
EDP Cost: 1
Ranks: 3 Progression: 4
No requirements
Weapon Boost : Active Ability: (Cooldown 60 seconds) For the next 9/12/15 seconds attacks that you make are at [+1/2/3] and have a chance to knock targets prone against a a DC 15+Character Level+Str/Int (whichever is higher) Mod reflex check.
EDP Cost: 1
Ranks: 3 Progression: 0
No requirements
Action Boost Focus: Passive Bonus: Your action boosts gain 3/6/10% greater effectiveness. [edit: this might be too powerful. I am trying to think of some kind of bonus to action boosts that does not exist in other EDs]
EDP Cost: 1
Ranks: 3 Progression: 0
No requirements
Strength/Intelligence/Dexterity: Passive Bonus: +1 Strength/Intelligence/Dexterity.
EDP Cost: 2
Ranks: 1 Progression: 0
No requirements
Tier Two
After 4 points are spent, abilities in this tier can be purchased.
Rune Arm Focus II : Passive Bonus: Rune arms gain an increase of 10/20/30% to their spell power.
EDP Cost: 2
Ranks: 1 Progression: 4
No requirements
Unstoppable Mechanics II: You work diligently on your pet, adding bits and pieces to the big puppy. Passive Bonus to homunculus 3/6/10% dodge and 30/60/100 AC and Rank 3: 25% incorporeal.
EDP Cost: 1
Ranks: 3 Progression: 4
No requirements
Unstable Workings: Passive Bonus: Your electric, fire and force spells gain a 1/2/3% chance to critical [edit: too weak? Too powerful?]
EDP Cost: 1
Ranks: 3 Progression: 4
No requirements
Action Boost Focus II: Passive Bonus: Action boost durations are extended by 10/20/30%. [edit: trying to extend endless fusillade by a bit – max here is 2 seconds, which seems fair]
EDP Cost: 1
Ranks: 3 Progression: 4
No requirements
Strength/Intelligence/Dexterity : Passive Bonus: +1 Strength/Intelligence/Dexterity.
EDP Cost: 2
Ranks: 1 Progression: 4
No requirements
Tier Three
After 8 points are spent, abilities in this tier can be purchased.
Force Infusion : (Active) You hurtle a potion of bottled force at a single target. Tier 1: 3/6/10d100 force/untyped damage. Costs 20 sp, affected by force spellpower. Cooldown 15 Seconds.
EDP Cost: 2
Ranks: 1 Progression: 8
Finely Honed Weapons : Passive Bonus: +[1/2/3]d6 bleeding damage is added to your weapons. [Edit: this might be stupid. feel free to change it to something else]
EDP Cost: 1
Ranks: 3 Progression: 8
No requirements
Automated Reflexes: Passive Bonus: +1/2/3 bonus to Reflex saves and +2/4/6 bonus to trap saves.
EDP Cost: 1
Ranks: 3 Progression: 8
No requirements
Infused Casting : Passive Bonus: 10/20/30 spell power to force, fire or electric. [Edit: just going off the class – I feel that we, and it, should pay homage to the arties who prefer acid lines, too]
EDP Cost: 1
Ranks: 3 Progression: 8
No requirements
Strength/Intelligence/Dexterity : +1 Strength/Intelligence/Dexterity.
EDP Cost: 2
Ranks: 1 Progression: 8
No requirements
Tier Four
After 12 points are spent, abilities in this tier can be purchased.
Detonation: (Active) Please choose electric, fire or force. You cause an explosion dealing 1d10+10 of the chosen damage per character level in a burst centered around you. All enemies affected must make a DC 15+Character Level+Int Mod reflex check to avoid being electric: stunned, fire: slowed or force: knocked prone. Successful saves negate the knockdown effect and take half damage. Cooldown 20 seconds. [Edit: I changed this one to be determined by which specialty the artificer has chosen]
EDP Cost: 2
Ranks: 2 Progression: 12
No requirements
Considered Attacks: Bastard Sword or Dwarven Axe: Passive Bonus: +[3/6/9]% glancing blow damage. Crossbows: Passive +[3/6/9]% double shot. [Edit: no idea for swf]
EDP Cost: 1
Ranks: 3 Progression: 12
Construct Mastery: Passive Bonus: Increases your susceptibility with repair spells by 10/20/30% and healing magic by 5/10/15%.
EDP Cost: 1
Ranks: 3 Progression: 12
Electrifying Blow: Active: Your next attack is filled with shocking electricity, is at +[3] weapon dice and has a chance to paralyze the target.
EDP Cost: 2
Ranks: 1 Progression: 12
No requirements
Strength/Intelligence/Dexterity: Passive Bonus: +1 Strength/Intelligence/Dexterity.
EDP Cost: 2
Ranks: 1 Progression: 12
No requirements
Tier Five
After 16 points are spent, abilities in this tier can be purchased.
Ultimate Infusion: Passive Bonus of +3 to evocation DCs. [edit – this looks powerful, but arties struggle greatly to have high DCs. Since it’s tier 5, it cannot be twisted.]
EDP Cost: 2
Ranks: 1 Progression: 16
No requirements
Improved Mechanics: Passive Bonus adding 1 extra bolt to non-repeating crossbows.
EDP Cost: 2
Ranks: 1 Progression: 16
No requirements
Energized Rune Arm: Passive Bonus to rune arms: Attacks have a 1/3/7% chance to overwhelm the target’s nervous system and cause temporary paralysis.
EDP Cost: 1
Ranks: 3 Progression: 16
No requirements
Endless Thought: Your Analytical Strike now regenerate on vorpal strikes.
EDP Cost: 2
Ranks: 1 Progression: 16
No requirements
Endless Calm: Your Analytical Strikes cannot be used for weapons, but instead add 30 spell power for 20 seconds.
EDP Cost: 2
Ranks: 1 Progression: 16
No requirements
Strength/Intelligence : Passive Bonus: +1 Strength/Intelligence.
EDP Cost: 2
Ranks: 1 Progression: 16
Tier Six
After 20 points are spent, abilities in this tier can be purchased.
Unbridled Artificer ED Epic Moment : Active Ability: (Cooldown 5mins). After 20 vorpal hits, this ability can be activated. If crossbow, then a 10 second endless fulisade with +[2] weapon die and +4 to critical hit. If melee, then a 20 second +40% haste boost with +[2] weapon die and +4 to critical hit. If this ability is taken, Overpowered cannot be taken.
EDP Cost: 2
Ranks: 1 Progression: 20
Overpowered: Active Ability: (Cooldown 5mins). After 20 spell crits, this ability can be activated. You release massive stored energy into your spells for a brief time. For 20 seconds, your spell power is increased by 200. If this ability is taken, Unbridled Artificer cannot be taken.
EDP Cost: 2
Ranks: 1 Progression: 20
Strength/Intelligence/Dexterity: Passive Bonus: +1 Strength/Intelligence/Dexterity.
EDP Cost: 2s
Ranks: 1 Progression: 20