View Full Version : Strange sounds

09-17-2014, 08:50 AM
So I've been gone for a month or two, so I'm not sure when these sounds started, or which update they're associated with.

Anyways, I play a Monk/Druid, and when I started playing again a couple days ago, I started hearing strange sounds while I was in a dungeon. At first I thought it was just part of the dungeon, and I was like "cool, they added some sound effects to this dungeon, sweet!" but then they kept repeating, in other dungeons, completely randomly.

The two sounds that sound out are a roar from some sort of animal, and the sound of a blizzard or other ice attack. At first I thought the blizzard one had to do with me being a Druid of Seasons, but the ice sound just randomly happens, not just when the timer runs out on summer and it switches to winter. The animal roar I thought was related to Vengeful Hunter or Fatal Harrier, but if that was the case, then the sound doesn't happen often enough, only once every several minutes.

Any ideas where these sounds might be coming from? If I could understand the source, I likely wouldn't be as annoyed by them.

09-17-2014, 08:54 AM
These would be your optionals kicking in, I would bet money on it. When you hit a trigger condition to get a breakable/kill/secret door type optional, there's a sound effect now.

09-17-2014, 09:45 AM
These would be your optionals kicking in, I would bet money on it. When you hit a trigger condition to get a breakable/kill/secret door type optional, there's a sound effect now.

This bird is the werd.

09-17-2014, 09:59 AM
This bird is the werd.

Who you calling a bird?!

*preens scales majestically*

09-18-2014, 07:30 AM
These would be your optionals kicking in, I would bet money on it. When you hit a trigger condition to get a breakable/kill/secret door type optional, there's a sound effect now.

So why isn't it the same sound everytime? Why do I sometimes hear a ice/frost sound, and other times I hear a roaring sound?

09-18-2014, 07:42 AM
So why isn't it the same sound everytime? Why do I sometimes hear a ice/frost sound, and other times I hear a roaring sound?

their are 3 sounds,
one for breakables tiers, sort of a smash sound (your ice?)
one for trap disable tiers, a gears/mechanical sound
one for kill tiers, ROAR!