View Full Version : A couple questions about Iconics and TRing

08-25-2014, 04:13 AM
I read the wiki, but for some reason I'm just not fully comprehending a couple things. I'm hoping you guys can clear this up for me.

If I start an Iconic character at level 15, what happens if I try to TR at level 20 with a heroic heart? Can I then start an iconic at level 1, or only a heroic? If I understand the wiki, I can only go into another Iconic life by reaching level 28 and using an iconic TR bought with Comms.

Also, if I'm on a heroic life, what do I need to do in order to go from that heroic life into an iconic life?

08-25-2014, 05:48 AM
I read the wiki, but for some reason I'm just not fully comprehending a couple things. I'm hoping you guys can clear this up for me.

If I start an Iconic character at level 15, what happens if I try to TR at level 20 with a heroic heart? Can I then start an iconic at level 1, or only a heroic? If I understand the wiki, I can only go into another Iconic life by reaching level 28 and using an iconic TR bought with Comms.

Also, if I'm on a heroic life, what do I need to do in order to go from that heroic life into an iconic life?

Iconics cannot do a Heroic TR.
They have to do an Iconic TR at 28, which gets them a Heroic past life and an Iconic past life. (or they could do an Epic TR as normal).


08-25-2014, 05:55 AM
GeoffWatson is correct.

The easy way to think about it is that the heart you use is based on the life you are currently living - except Epic TR, Iconics can do that also.

So Heroic heart of wood if you want to TR on a non-iconic life and Iconic HoW if you are an iconic character life. Epic heart if you want to start back at 20 with your same class splits and leveling order, whether you are currently iconic or not.

08-25-2014, 09:29 AM
Hi Tuffgar,

Heroic characters can Heroic Reincarnate at level 20. When you heroic reincarnate you can choose whether you would like to heroic reincarnate into another heroic character (and start at level 1) OR heroic reincarnate into an Iconic character (and start at level 15).

Iconic characters can only Iconic Reincarnate when then reach the level cap (currently 28). When you iconic reincarnate you have the same choices as in heroic reincarnation in either starting a heroic character at level 1 or another iconic at level 15.

So really the key thing to know is just that if you start an Iconic character you have to take them to cap in order to do any form of reincarnation, not just level 20.

Hopefully this clears up your questions. Epic reincarnation is completely separate from Iconic/Heroic TR'ing so I don't want to confuse you with that here.

08-25-2014, 02:38 PM
Excellent! I think I understand it now. Thanks!