View Full Version : Need Drow rogue rebuild for 19th level just to finish up and tr
08-16-2014, 01:54 AM
Hi I just returned to the game after 3 years and have like 25 toons that need rebuilding this one has about 2 bubbles left to tr and finish up a greal steel item, I have lots a rapiers so I need a finess build. I have been working like a idiot on build and my head about to explode from all the time in the planner. I was wondering if someone would be so kind as to help out with a build for my drow rogue he has a couple +1 tomes on con and int and a +2 dex I was going to start him out like this. he did have a 16 chr and a 8 str before but I thought that 8 str was bit low to pull some levers he was a high umd build for heal scrolls raise dead able to use any weapon with umd so that kinda how I would like to to be again
will swaping out the 2 point for chr to str hurt in much in umd?
also his Wis was 8 as well I would say pretty much a min max build . I thought for endgame I might be better to level out his stats a touch. so much has changed in the game this whole account was given to me by a guild member when he went thru a near divorce thing so I really don't know what much about this ton to rebuild him as i did not even create the toon but i would really like to put humpty dumpty back together again. I was leveling him at the end and doing shrouds he has lots of great gear. he was fun to play, I would love to get him back in the game it just so hard with so many toons to rebuild.
Any help with this would be greatly appreciated
Character Plan by DDO Character Planner Version 04.20.02
DDO Character Planner Home Page (
Level 1 True Neutral Drow Male
(1 Rogue)
Hit Points: 32
Spell Points: 0
BAB: 0
Fortitude: 1
Reflex: 5
Will: 0
Starting Feat/Enhancement
Abilities Base Stats Modified Stats
(28 Point) (Level 1) (Level 1)
Strength 10 10
Dexterity 17 17
Constitution 12 12
Intelligence 16 16
Wisdom 10 10
Charisma 14 14
Starting Feat/Enhancement
Base Skills Modified Skills
Skills (Level 1) (Level 1)
Balance 3 3
Bluff 2 2
Concentration 1 1
Diplomacy 2 2
Disable Device n/a n/a
Haggle 2 2
Heal 0 0
Hide 3 3
Intimidate 2 2
Jump 0 0
Listen 0 2
Move Silently 3 3
Open Lock n/a n/a
Perform n/a n/a
Repair 3 3
Search 3 5
Spellcraft 3 3
Spot 0 2
Swim 0 0
Tumble n/a n/a
Use Magic Device n/a n/a
Level 1 (Rogue)
08-21-2014, 08:29 PM
really could use some good advice to get this guy going again I messed up my last splash build 18 fighter 2 rogue by taking the rogue level back to back and it going to cost me either a TR at 20 wood or another lesser so this time I really got wait to get help
08-21-2014, 08:40 PM
See my Mechassin thread and Hassan's Assassin (; you'd be better off with daggers + Knife Spec than rapiers, but if you're just trying to get to 20 to HTR, it's not such a big deal.
08-21-2014, 09:37 PM
My drow rogue
Starting stats were:
str 15, dex 17, con 12
int 10, wis 8, cha 16
I used a +4 dex tome
01 monk: Cleave, Power Attack (M)
02 monk: TWF (M)
03 fvs: Empower Heal
04 monk: Light Path, Str
05 rogue:
06 fvs: Adept of Forms
07 fvs:
08 fvs: Str
09 rogue: Great Cleave
10 rogue:
11 rogue:
12 rogue: ITWF, Str
13 rogue:
14 rogue:
15 rogue: Improved Crit Pierce
16 rogue: Str
17 rogue: Opportunist
18 rogue: GTWF
19 rogue:
20 rogue: Improved Evasion, Str
21 Epic: Overwhelming Crit
22 Epic:
23 Epic:
24 Epic: Improved Sneak Attack, Str
25 Epic:
26 Epic: Perfect TWF
27 Epic: Master of forms
28 Epic: Holy Strike, Str
I went 4 fvs because Drows favored weapons are shortswords, and warpriest will boost my shortswords enhancements by up to +4 and provide access Ameliorating strike enhancement.
3 monk is for the 2 bonus feats, +5% movement speed, ability to qualify for Master of forms (earth stance rocks), +4 passive dodge. Shintao and ninja spy also provided excellent enhancements +10% amp, +20pos spell power, +10% off hand strikes, +3 dodge +2d6 sneak attack.
Assasin (26)
1 core 1
3 Shiv
2 Sneak attack dice
2 Venomed Blades
2 Sneak attack dice
6 Damage boost
2 crit accuracy
2 Sneak attack dice
2 crit damage
2 Killer
2 Sneak attack dice
Warpriest (25)
1 core 1
3 toughness
2 righteous weapons
3 divine might
1 core 2
3 wall of steel
2 righteous weapons
2 smite weakness
2 righteous weapons
2 strength
2 Ameliorating strike
2 righteous weapons
Shintao (16)
1 core 1
6 deft strikes
1 core 2
2 fists of iron
6 iron skin
Ninja (13)
1 core 1
2 sneak attack dice
3 acrobatic
2 sneak attack dice
3 agility
2 sneak attack dice
08-22-2014, 12:59 AM
See my Mechassin thread and Hassan's Assassin (; you'd be better off with daggers + Knife Spec than rapiers, but if you're just trying to get to 20 to HTR, it's not such a big deal.
Well I have a super collection of DR breakers and all kinds of great stuff that I collected so I have no intention of swapping weapon types I just want to get this guy running again doing endgame content. I have lots of toons to fix since i just got back after a long break, Next like I make changes like that.
08-22-2014, 01:30 AM
My drow rogue
Starting stats were:
str 15, dex 17, con 12
int 10, wis 8, cha 16
I used a +4 dex tome
01 monk: Cleave, Power Attack (M)
02 monk: TWF (M)
03 fvs: Empower Heal
04 monk: Light Path, Str
05 rogue:
06 fvs: Adept of Forms
07 fvs:
08 fvs: Str
09 rogue: Great Cleave
10 rogue:
11 rogue:
12 rogue: ITWF, Str
13 rogue:
14 rogue:
15 rogue: Improved Crit Pierce
16 rogue: Str
17 rogue: Opportunist
18 rogue: GTWF
19 rogue:
20 rogue: Improved Evasion, Str
21 Epic: Overwhelming Crit
22 Epic:
23 Epic:
24 Epic: Improved Sneak Attack, Str
25 Epic:
26 Epic: Perfect TWF
27 Epic: Master of forms
28 Epic: Holy Strike, Str
I went 4 fvs because Drows favored weapons are shortswords, and warpriest will boost my shortswords enhancements by up to +4 and provide access Ameliorating strike enhancement.
3 monk is for the 2 bonus feats, +5% movement speed, ability to qualify for Master of forms (earth stance rocks), +4 passive dodge. Shintao and ninja spy also provided excellent enhancements +10% amp, +20pos spell power, +10% off hand strikes, +3 dodge +2d6 sneak attack.
Assasin (26)
1 core 1
3 Shiv
2 Sneak attack dice
2 Venomed Blades
2 Sneak attack dice
6 Damage boost
2 crit accuracy
2 Sneak attack dice
2 crit damage
2 Killer
2 Sneak attack dice
Warpriest (25)
1 core 1
3 toughness
2 righteous weapons
3 divine might
1 core 2
3 wall of steel
2 righteous weapons
2 smite weakness
2 righteous weapons
2 strength
2 Ameliorating strike
2 righteous weapons
Shintao (16)
1 core 1
6 deft strikes
1 core 2
2 fists of iron
6 iron skin
Ninja (13)
1 core 1
2 sneak attack dice
3 acrobatic
2 sneak attack dice
3 agility
2 sneak attack dice
this is a pure DPS build right U not doing traps and stuff in epics with a 10 int are u.
I am using Polycursed daggers off hand and turbulent epi and the parasitic breast plate for armor. He has a nice collection of off hand weapon that are short swords and dagger and main hand Rapiers and he was a fineness user too,
I guess I could go cloth but this is no trap right? I have to solo a lot right yet and my guild died while I was gone. I would kinda like to keep trappen. I have a 10 level DPS rogue HOK that uses Khopeshes that my sneak attack assassin this guy was trapping. at least I thought he was. This whole account was given to me by a guild mate when his marriage was on the rocks and his wife blamed his gaming so he left me the account.
Looks like a nice build but I would have to give up my trappin I have a free lesser wood I wanted to use that only good for respec. I was going to save the +20 wood for the future.
this guy has +1 int +1 con and +2 dex tomes on him now and don't want to add much more to him but a +2 or so no 21 plus epics TR at 20 after earning my 20 tokens so nothing fancy elcheapo build I just checked i have a +2 con tome to add
SO I need a pure simple trappin rogue using short swords off hand and rapiers main hand, just for shrouds and gear farming epic scroll farming and stuff like that I was wrong he has a half level to go to 20th. solo ability at least for the extra XP and trap parts.
08-22-2014, 01:54 AM
this is a pure DPS build right U not doing traps and stuff in epics with a 10 int are u.
10 int was all i needed to maintain full trap skills. I had no problems at all in EE's, just had decent gear and buffs. Wore cloth and had shortswords in both hands in order to stay centred though.
08-22-2014, 09:46 AM
Well I have a super collection of DR breakers and all kinds of great stuff that I collected so I have no intention of swapping weapon types I just want to get this guy running again doing endgame content.
Daggers have two big advantages for TWF rogues:
Knife Specialization provides +1 crit multiplier & range, turning the average dagger (or kukri) from 19-20 x2 into 18-20 x3 (15-20 x3 w/Imp Crit), which is better than regular rapiers (18-20 x2). It's more of a wash if you've got a pair of Balizardes, which are already 15-20 x3.
If you're going the DEX or DEX+INT route, Knife in the Dark + Dagger in the Back subs DEX for STR for to-hit & dmg w/daggers & kukris w/out needing Finesse, saving you a feat.
If you're going the pure rogue Assassin route, then you also need to decide if you're investing in INT for Assassinate DCs (and possibly some ranged DPS via Mechanic like my Mechassin); STR for higher "raw" DPS (and possibly Overwhelming Crit if you can squeeze in the feats); or DEX just because you like the extra gimp challenge. :p You also need to decide if you're aiming for DEX 17 for GTWF or DEX 21 for Imp Sneak Atk (+3D6 SA). These affect your base stats and lvl-ups.
I prefer INT Assassins because exploiting Assassinate feels more, well, rogue-y; but it takes some effort to get your DCs high enough for epics. [There really ought to be a way of subbing INT for dmg in Assassin, but Turbine neglected to consult me when they were overhauling the PrEs. :cool:]
08-22-2014, 09:02 PM
Daggers have two big advantages for TWF rogues:
Knife Specialization provides +1 crit multiplier & range, turning the average dagger (or kukri) from 19-20 x2 into 18-20 x3 (15-20 x3 w/Imp Crit), which is better than regular rapiers (18-20 x2). It's more of a wash if you've got a pair of Balizardes, which are already 15-20 x3.
If you're going the DEX or DEX+INT route, Knife in the Dark + Dagger in the Back subs DEX for STR for to-hit & dmg w/daggers & kukris w/out needing Finesse, saving you a feat.
If you're going the pure rogue Assassin route, then you also need to decide if you're investing in INT for Assassinate DCs (and possibly some ranged DPS via Mechanic like my Mechassin); STR for higher "raw" DPS (and possibly Overwhelming Crit if you can squeeze in the feats); or DEX just because you like the extra gimp challenge. :p You also need to decide if you're aiming for DEX 17 for GTWF or DEX 21 for Imp Sneak Atk (+3D6 SA). These affect your base stats and lvl-ups.
I prefer INT Assassins because exploiting Assassinate feels more, well, rogue-y; but it takes some effort to get your DCs high enough for epics. [There really ought to be a way of subbing INT for dmg in Assassin, but Turbine neglected to consult me when they were overhauling the PrEs. :cool:]
well to tell the truth having to repair 25 or so toons has me spun out I have no great interest in this toons current life to me it pointless I don't like the build or anything about it but it has one thing going for it is its next life needing a half level and doing some shrouds and what ever to get his green steel and 20 tokens this was giuven to me as I explained.
I just want to get him running with the least amount of effort it don't take the world greatest toon to do shrouds. I am not about to even take the time to hunt thru all my toons to find stuff for him. I want to run him just about like he was.
Thanks for the help but I will just toss this guy together as close as I can to what he was run him and TR him this is not worth anyones time and effort, I have way too many toons to fix and this one has one thing I want his past life thats it! I dont want to take up any more of anyone time on such a build. I think I can slap this puppy together well enough to by for a 1/2 level without bothering anyone for help.
Thanks for trying this one just not worth the effort I dont even have a plan for next life for him I just need to get him farming green steel matts
I really dont want to take any more of anyone time up on this one I got bigger and better fish to fry
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