View Full Version : Ideas for a self-healing Occult Slayer

07-20-2014, 12:28 AM
I need one. It must be able to self-heal without having to switch out to a scroll or having to use pots (scrolls break Weapon Bond and healing pots are not very effective).

I do not have access to Druid, H-Orc, H-Elf, or Bladeforged (I do have the other races/classes), and as a Barb I can't have Monk or Pally to help.
I'm also wondering if 2-handed, 2-weapon, or single weapon fighting would be better for something like this.

07-20-2014, 12:47 AM
It must be able to self-heal without having to switch out to a scroll or having to use pots

Then you don't have very many options- Rage prevents all kind of spellcasting, and that's what you're down to.
Some ideas:
-Sustaining Song in Spellsinger now scales on positive spell power- you can leave that on while you hack things down.
-Ameliorating Strike in Warpriest provides a solid type of self healing.
-Fast healing combined with Healing Spring can keep you alive pretty well.

Combining 2/3 of those options will give you some solid self healing options. I'd recommend a 12 Barb/6 Favored Soul/2 Rogue combination for ameliorating strike and evasion.

07-20-2014, 06:40 PM
Thanks for the quick reply. I've tested a bit more using the iconics (to see how well they can hold up in some higher level quests). Radiant Servant's Divine Healing works while raged and heals more than Positive Energy Burst (which doesn't work while raged). Endgame-wise I'm thinking of having GSWF with Nightmare and Haste Boosts (which swings really fast for a lot of healing if you're attacking crowds with cleaves).