View Full Version : Overwhelming Critical vs. Precision

07-10-2014, 08:19 AM
Hi. I've been playing an undead thrower (12 wiz / 6 monk / 2 fighter) for quite a while now. It's such an easy-button build, but i enjoy it. Anyway, i am looking at ways to increase damage and am curious how effective/important Precision is. I'm looking to pick up Overwhelming Critical. It's pretty feat hungry, but I have a number of feats that are easy to give up... the only real question is precision. Would you say that, for a thrower, Overwhelming Critical > Precision? Please keep in mind that I generally only play EE content, and I solo quite a lot of the time.

My current feat setup:
Point Blank Shot
Quick Draw
Rapid Shot
Precise Shot
Improved Precise Shot
Improved Critical Thrown
Shuriken Expertise
Master of Forms
10k Stars
Extend Spell
Maximize Spell
Quicken Spell
Combat Archery
Deflect Arrows
Epic Reflexes
ED1: Epic Neg Spell Power
ED2: Elusive Target

Proposed changes:

Empower (only good for burst heal, not aura)
Combat Archery (not that useful for thrown)
Deflect Arrows (Already have 50% displace, 35% incorp, 31% dodge.. not a big concern)
4 points dex (4% less chance at throwing extra shuriken, but dex is already exceptionally high)

Overwhelming Critical
4 points str
A few useless feats (power attack, cleave, great cleave)

So... you numbers guys... am i helping or hurting myself here?


07-10-2014, 08:31 AM
IMO I would only take this if you are going to be questing in LD.

Iirc OC is a 5% dps increase for shuriken!

07-10-2014, 08:46 AM
Purkilus, thanks for the response!

IMO I would only take this if you are going to be questing in LD.

Iirc OC is a 5% dps increase for shuriken!

I play in Shiradi.... so between that and spelltouched, anything that isn't red named is in a perpetual state of helplessness. Wouldn't that bring that 5% number up a bit?

07-10-2014, 08:56 AM
IMO I would only take this if you are going to be questing in LD.

Iirc OC is a 5% dps increase for shuriken!

wouldn't it be 10%? crits on 19-20? (yeah he would probably have imp crit throwing feat)+enhancements

07-10-2014, 09:09 AM
Purkilus, thanks for the response!

I play in Shiradi.... so between that and spelltouched, anything that isn't red named is in a perpetual state of helplessness. Wouldn't that bring that 5% number up a bit?

Since it's a percentage, the damage increase is completely independant of something being helpless.

With overwhelming crit you increase your crit profile 10%.
If you had a crit profile of 40% without OC, you deal 150% instead of 140% with OC, or a base damage increase of 7%

Precision adds 25% fort bypass. If you had that crit profile of 40%, you deal 110% base damage instead of 100%, but only against fortified.
That's not a significant increase either. But some sneak damage easily pushes this.

I find either option pretty bad; I would keep precision and go for toughness and epic toughness over combat archery and deflect arrows.

07-10-2014, 09:15 AM
Precision wins easily if you are not getting a full non glancing hit on a 2. This holds true even when you factor in power attack which does not help this build so you can't use. This is not accounting the fort bypass but just the true 5% hit you get from this stance. Then you have the 3 throwaway feats to get OC vs feats that actually do something.

07-10-2014, 01:09 PM
Thanks for the input guys. It sounds like i should just stay where i am. It's plenty effective... i was just trying to optimize