View Full Version : Gear Critique for my SWF Dwarven Melee Arty.

07-07-2014, 12:27 PM
Please look over my gear and let me know if I can somehow make it better.

Head - Tereza's Perfect Sight -- [need Plundered Pirate Hat]
Goggles - Sage's Spectacles
Neck - EE Jorgundal's Collar
Wrist - Bracers of the Sun Soul -- [need Guardian's Bracers]
Feet - Epic Rock Boots (Tier 3)
Chest - Epic Frozen Tunic (Tier 3)
Belt - Fortified 115% Belt of Dodge 7% -- [need Battlerager's Harness, though would be a miracle]
Ring1 - Health +7 Ring of False Life +40 [need Skirmisher's Ring]
Ring2 - Epic Master Artificer's Ring (Tier 3)
Weapon - +4 Erosive Flametouched Iron Dwarven Waraxe of Humanoid Bane (Red Slot: Meteoric Star Ruby)
Runearm - EE Chill of Winter
Trinket - Upgraded Manual of Stealthy Pilfering
Cloak - Deadly X Cloak of Accuracy IX
Hands - Iron Mitts

Notable augments:

Draconic Soul Gem
Golem's Heart
Meteoric Star Ruby
Globe of True Imperial Blood

Notable Stats:

44 CON
36 INT

1009 HP in Divine Crusader

07-11-2014, 03:34 AM
Not something easy to acquire but I have to assume we're looking for the best possible item?

An easy start would be to use a clever +10 of whateveryouneedmost on a slot other than googles and equip there Tharne's googles from VOD. Possibly the best googles as it gives +5 sneak attack and true seeing (plus spot/search).
Helmet, since you are melee I would think it's automatic that you use the named deadly helmet from the dragon raid. Lastly I don't see anywhere a gs hp item. I would suggest a co-op hp item or a smoke2 hp item for the blur/displacement clickie.

07-11-2014, 11:24 AM
Not something easy to acquire but I have to assume we're looking for the best possible item?

An easy start would be to use a clever +10 of whateveryouneedmost on a slot other than googles and equip there Tharne's googles from VOD. Possibly the best googles as it gives +5 sneak attack and true seeing (plus spot/search).
Helmet, since you are melee I would think it's automatic that you use the named deadly helmet from the dragon raid. Lastly I don't see anywhere a gs hp item. I would suggest a co-op hp item or a smoke2 hp item for the blur/displacement clickie.

Hardest part is fitting the GS item in my equipment. I spend a lot of time in Divine Crusader, and the Sage's Spectacles boost Fire spell power considerably, amping up the Consecration ability to do about 350 a tick to everything around me. This leaves me trying to find another slot for true seeing, and there are very few slots available that have it---in the end I ended up finally pulling the Plundered Pirate Hat, so that now I have 100% Fortification, True Seeing, +11 CHA, and 2 Insightful CON in my head slot. That, combined with the Brace for Impact Twist of Fate, gives me 140% Fortification.

I did get a +10 CON belt of False Life +45 though. That will do for now, but I'd love to get that Battlerager's Harness...

I really appreciate your advice, kmoustakas. I can't wrap my brain around where I'm gonna put my greensteel, though talking to you just gave me an idea: greensteel bracers with smoke2... it just might work...

07-11-2014, 12:05 PM
Current gear layout:

[bracketed] stats indicate augments.

Head - Plundered Pirate Hat [Fort 100%; Insightful CON +2]
Goggles - Sage's Spectacles [Insightful INT +2]
Neck - EE Jorgundal's Collar [Draconic Soul Gem; Globe of True Imperial Blood]
Wrist - EH Bracers of Twisting Shade
Feet - Epic Rock Boots (Tier 3) [Death Ward; WIS +8]
Chest - Epic Frozen Tunic (Tier 3) [Golem's Heart; Jump +13]
Belt - Health +10 Belt of False Life +45 -- (need Battlerager's Harness)
Ring1 - Skirmisher's Ring [Featherfall]
Ring2 - Epic Master Artificer's Ring (Tier 3) [Fear Immunity; Insightful WIS +2]
Weapon - +4 Erosive Flametouched Iron Dwarven Waraxe of Humanoid Bane [Meteoric Star Ruby]
Runearm - EE Chill of Winter [Blindness Immunity; empty]
Trinket - Upgraded Manual of Stealthy Pilfering [PRR +16]
Cloak - Deadly X Cloak of Accuracy IX
Hands - Iron Mitts [DEX +8]

Got the Skirmisher's Ring right before bed last night. Still would love to find a ML28 Erosive Dwarven Axe with a red slot and a decent suffix, but I will make do with what I have for now.

About the only thing left to get is the Battlerager's Harness, and I don't see that happening anytime soon--

07-11-2014, 12:49 PM
This is my gear layout for level 16 though. It might give you more ideas but bear in mind I'm mostly ranged/caster, not melee

Googles: Tharnes googles with eldritch resistance ritual (I use them all the way to cap)
Helmet: Cove hat with superior false life and balance +10 (minimum level 9, balance will change into spellcraft when/if they update them)
Necklace: Deadly +6 /Emerald claw/Silver flame amulet/Noxious embers
Trinket: Pale green ioun stone / Switch to litany of the dead at cap
Cloak: Cloak of invisibility/Cloak of night at level 16/GS co-op hp cloak at 20
Belt: Constitution +6
Gloves: Vile blasphemy (but this really should be my gs item!)
Ring: Master artificer
Ring: Ring of the stalker
Boots: Crafted mobility boots of good luck +2 (another candidate for gs)
Bracers: Bracers of wind/switch to windhowler bracers for bosses/fussilable
Armor: Aim is for Dragontouched docent +6 int skills, +6 int, Ooze guard. Right now +6 Int cannith crafted of greater stability
Weapon: whatever is appropriate, for epic elite epic doublecross crossbow with endless night slotted. Right now earth1 alchemical.
Runearm: tira's splendor/corruption of nature/hand of tombs but I'm farming for any of the heroic tor ones until 17>tovens ftw

My biggest problem is striding until level 20. Abbot is hiding his quiver. Fortification via warforged enhancements.

07-11-2014, 01:21 PM
Sidenote: since you are melee and using dwarven axe. If you use cleave you should consider the cove runearm because the weapon imbues it has always happen on glancing blows. You will have to raise your fortification somehow though

07-11-2014, 03:54 PM
This is my gear layout for level 16 though. It might give you more ideas but bear in mind I'm mostly ranged/caster, not melee

Googles: Tharnes googles with eldritch resistance ritual (I use them all the way to cap)
Helmet: Cove hat with superior false life and balance +10 (minimum level 9, balance will change into spellcraft when/if they update them)
Necklace: Deadly +6 /Emerald claw/Silver flame amulet/Noxious embers
Trinket: Pale green ioun stone / Switch to litany of the dead at cap
Cloak: Cloak of invisibility/Cloak of night at level 16/GS co-op hp cloak at 20
Belt: Constitution +6
Gloves: Vile blasphemy (but this really should be my gs item!)
Ring: Master artificer
Ring: Ring of the stalker
Boots: Crafted mobility boots of good luck +2 (another candidate for gs)
Bracers: Bracers of wind/switch to windhowler bracers for bosses/fussilable
Armor: Aim is for Dragontouched docent +6 int skills, +6 int, Ooze guard. Right now +6 Int cannith crafted of greater stability
Weapon: whatever is appropriate, for epic elite epic doublecross crossbow with endless night slotted. Right now earth1 alchemical.
Runearm: tira's splendor/corruption of nature/hand of tombs but I'm farming for any of the heroic tor ones until 17>tovens ftw

My biggest problem is striding until level 20. Abbot is hiding his quiver. Fortification via warforged enhancements.

I have the Epic Doublecross Bow. Love ths INT to hit. I pull it out whenever I can't melee for some reason or another. No Endless Night Ruby though.

I don't cleave or great cleave. heck, I don't even have power attack. I have: Single Weapon Fighting, Improved Single Weapon Fighting, Greater Single Weapon Fighting, and Perfect Single Weapon Fighting. That's a stackable 30% attack speed boost, with vorpals one 19-20 instead of just 20.

You have GREAT equipment layout at your level. I bet you're kicking butt!