View Full Version : Tr Bank Cache :((((

06-23-2014, 01:15 PM
Hi everyone
Sinds I play this game, I tr'ed a lot.
you guys know it's good to tr.
But like everyone , EVERYONE hates clearing the bank stuff.
and I think it's really useless to do that, cause everything you put on bank or in your inventory will be automatically putted in the tr cache
So, what about if they release a patch , that you DONT have to clear the cache before you tr, that would be AMAZING.
Thanks, let me know what you guys think

06-23-2014, 01:59 PM
First off it would mean lots more bank space for players. For example, when you play a druid, you can leave your bard gear in the TR bank, then when you play your bard life, you can leave your monk and druid gear in the bank. Right now, you have to buy extra bank and backpack slots to hold all that BTC gear and character slots (mule) for the BTA gear. with your suggestion all this gear would just end up in the TR bank and never come out until the specific life comes round again.

What would be nice is a empty the shared/TR bank account button.

06-23-2014, 02:11 PM
First off it would mean lots more bank space for players. For example, when you play a druid, you can leave your bard gear in the TR bank, then when you play your bard life, you can leave your monk and druid gear in the bank. Right now, you have to buy extra bank and backpack slots to hold all that BTC gear and character slots (mule) for the BTA gear. with your suggestion all this gear would just end up in the TR bank and never come out until the specific life comes round again.

What would be nice is a empty the shared/TR bank account button.

I agree money most likely is an important issue here. Of course, Turbine COULD, you know, SELL us the keep-your-TR-cache option....

Red Orm

06-23-2014, 02:17 PM
So you'd have essentially infinite bank space? I think its kinda obvious how that might end up becoming a problem...

Running out of room? Have two tabs full of BtC items that you will never, ever actually use but still want to hang onto because you're some kind of hoarder? Just TR again, and get a full fresh set of bank tabs to stuff full of junk!

I could very easily see a scenario where a really compulsive TRer ends up crashing the system because their TR cache exceeds the server's technical limit for how many items or characters or data it can store in one database entry. Or worse, people's TR caches start getting truncated because they put too much stuff in it for the system to handle, and then they start raising hell with Turbine about their poofed items and the devs have to spend a bunch of time putting out that fire...

06-23-2014, 02:21 PM
I agree money most likely is an important issue here. Of course, Turbine COULD, you know, SELL us the keep-your-TR-cache option....

Red Orm

I would buy that option I play to have fun and emptying the bank is not fun...

06-23-2014, 02:22 PM
This is why I was hoping for housing. The entertainment value of seeing screenshots of hundreds of items piled up in a living room, like an MMO version of hoarders, would be hilarious.

06-23-2014, 02:52 PM
First off it would mean lots more bank space for players. For example, when you play a druid, you can leave your bard gear in the TR bank, then when you play your bard life, you can leave your monk and druid gear in the bank.

Sounds like a defense of the idea to me. The game is built around people TRing like crazy now. Whereas when the TR cache was initially developed the idea of someone TRing a few times was considered "hard core" and not something that would happen nearly as often. Having to empty the cache as much as people do now and dealing with so many variants wasn't really on the radar in the past.

Times have changed and the game needs to change to accommodate those changes.

That said, I can understand that DDO is at the point where everything has to be monetized at this point to keep the lights on. And a massive growing cache on multiple lives would be a problem, too. So here is the solution:


Flavor: You've lived a life as a particular class and have the relics of your past securely archived and accessible.

595 TP for Each Extra TR Class Cache.

+TR Caches don't fully open when opening your bank. A window with available cache tabs opens.
+TR Caches are named for specific Classes (i.e. If you are on a 12 RNG/8 MNK life you can purchase a TR Cache for either RNG or MNK).
+Allow Players to DEPOSIT and WITHDRAW items from caches that their current life shares (up to the Maximum number of slots a character's inventory and bank can have.) Otherwise it's just Withdraw.

In Game Incentive:
+Give Anyone with 3 Lives in a Class the associated Class TR Cache for Free.

Yes, we get a lot of additional storage space to support TRing. We need it. And we will be paying for it (either up front or through the TR process). Plus, the size of the additional space would be affected by how much additional Inventory and Bank space we've already bought or, even better, inspire people to buy additional Inventory and Bank space so that their TR Caches would be better.

Being able to pull items from multiple complimentary TR caches based on the lives we're currently running makes sense and will help up organize where certain items end up being stored. We desperately need better organizational options in this game and this would go a long way.

I don't begrudge the need for DDO to make some money. But they need to give us something to buy that seriously increases the quality of life if they wish to pry the cash out of people's wallets.

06-23-2014, 02:53 PM
This is why I was hoping for housing. The entertainment value of seeing screenshots of hundreds of items piled up in a living room, like an MMO version of hoarders, would be hilarious.

Turbine can introduce those features with the new player race:


06-23-2014, 03:04 PM
I could very easily see a scenario where a really compulsive TRer ends up crashing the system because their TR cache exceeds the server's technical limit for how many items or characters or data it can store in one database entry.

lol. If that were even remotely possible, this game's in far worse shape than we thought.

06-23-2014, 03:11 PM
This idea is simply not possible. Bankspace is limited because the server has limits. Honestly, I don't understand people that have huge storage issues. First of all, everything not BTC can go to a mule toon. And if you do manage to fill up every single slot with BTC items there is no way you need them all. Sell them. The vast majority of BTC loot is outdated anyway.

06-23-2014, 03:32 PM
This is why I was hoping for housing. The entertainment value of seeing screenshots of hundreds of items piled up in a living room, like an MMO version of hoarders, would be hilarious.

Except for the lag it'd cause everyone else whenever they log in and out of their housing :) Just think how bad the Dojo is on Lammania sometimes, times 100...there's a reason they had to implement the "switch mechanic" in the loot room there.

This idea is simply not possible. Bankspace is limited because the server has limits. Honestly, I don't understand people that have huge storage issues. First of all, everything not BTC can go to a mule toon. And if you do manage to fill up every single slot with BTC items there is no way you need them all. Sell them. The vast majority of BTC loot is outdated anyway.

Seriously! How many items do people actually use, especially just in Heroic since we're talking about TR? Most TRs will still just use Greensteel from 12-20, and up to 12 you can basically use whatever you want...toss in a few Cannith Challenge pieces, maybe a GH armor, and some Cannith Crafted gear. There is almost no diversity in gear people actually use, everyone's going after the same half-dozen items for all their characters.

The problem as I see it is mostly that people A) want to "collect them all" and then demand that Turbine support that rather arbitrary playstyle, and B) cant bear to delete anything that's BtC, "just in case they might need it later", even though they could just go reacquire it if they had to.

06-23-2014, 03:48 PM
Bankspace is limited because the server has limits.

Huh? Inventory is limited because the server has limits? Are you serious?

Bank space is limited because Turbine limits the space so they can sell extra inventory slots, shared bank, shared bag bank slots etc.

06-23-2014, 03:56 PM
The problem as I see it is mostly that people A) want to "collect them all" and then demand that Turbine support that rather arbitrary playstyle, and B) cant bear to delete anything that's BtC, "just in case they might need it later", even though they could just go reacquire it if they had to.

Wanting to keep the things that you have earned - Why is that a problem?

Asking that Turbine increase the TR Cache or even alter its mechanic - maybe add extra slot, maybe add a sorting mechanic, etc is not "asking for turbine to support an arbitrarily play style" - Its asking for a Quality of Life Change to the game. Why on earth would you come down on something like that? What's wrong with wanting more storage?

Good Grief I will never understand how some peoples brains (or lack there of) work.

06-23-2014, 04:00 PM
Huh? Inventory is limited because the server has limits? Are you serious?

Bank space is limited because Turbine limits the space so they can sell extra inventory slots, shared bank, shared bag bank slots etc.

Since there is no way to search Dev posts only, I cant find it, so you'll have to take my word....

There was a dev post somewhat recently (when they added more Inventory slots) to the effect of they are not going to add any more purchaseable bank slots because its reaching the technical limits of the game. They'd have every incentive to monetize more bank space if it was possible...but limits do exist

06-23-2014, 04:01 PM
Huh? Inventory is limited because the server has limits? Are you serious?

Bank space is limited because Turbine limits the space so they can sell extra inventory slots, shared bank, shared bag bank slots etc.

Yes. As someone who has to work with a touchy database, they do in fact have limits on how much data they can manipulate and store. I really would kill if my job would buy a new one with bigger limits though, this thing is ancient and weeping in the dark corners of our server.

06-23-2014, 04:07 PM
Wanting to keep the things that you have earned - Why is that a problem?

Asking that Turbine increase the TR Cache or even alter its mechanic - maybe add extra slot, maybe add a sorting mechanic, etc is not "asking for turbine to support an arbitrarily play style" - Its asking for a Quality of Life Change to the game. Why on earth would you come down on something like that? What's wrong with wanting more storage?

Good Grief I will never understand how some peoples brains (or lack there of) work.

Counterpoint...why would you want to keep an item you'll never actually use? Why not just "catch and release"? You'll always have the satisfaction of having acquired it.

Asking for unlimited storage "is a problem" because it would require changes that would come at the detriment of other aspects of the game, because they'd have to buy more physical server storage space, or upgrade the physical server processors, or spend time rebuilding the database code to allow it, and all that means less resources available to improve the actual game.

And then people complain that their cache takes 5 mins to load, and demand they fix that with further upgrades. And then they complain that they cant find the item they want among the 50 pages of items in their cache, and demand they add some search mechanic. Give a mouse a cookie. I'd rather they just fix AC and Paladins.

06-23-2014, 04:12 PM
Yes. As someone who has to work with a touchy database, they do in fact have limits on how much data they can manipulate and store. I really would kill if my job would buy a new one with bigger limits though, this thing is ancient and weeping in the dark corners of our server.

The servers are not the issue. Saving an extra 80 items per toon on an quarter full (or less) server isn't a make or break issue.

So the devs can create a whole new storage system for bag items with multiple upgrades available in the store but yet cant seem to increase the TR Cache size because of "server Issues"? rofl

come on... try harder

06-23-2014, 04:12 PM
As someone who has to work with a touchy database, they do in fact have limits on how much data they can manipulate and store.

Any decent database hasn't been limited by anything but disk space for years. If you have a problem other than that, you're Doing It Wrong™. Maybe they should upgrade from Access 97.

06-23-2014, 04:14 PM
Counterpoint...why would you want to keep an item you'll never actually use? Why not just "catch and release"? You'll always have the satisfaction of having acquired it.

All I can think of is: they're angling for a new show to be created called digital hoarders. The next step in hoarding behavior, when people can't let go if imaginary items. I really think emotional attachment is a factor here, and it certainly is on some of the things I keep in my inventory, there are a few things I'll never get rid of for various sentimental reasons. And that isn't something you can just logic away.

It's a reflex in the lizard part of the brain that is designed to believe we will never have enough, and to not let go of anything. In some people that reflex gets out of control and goes from being a healthy motivator to keep us doing things like obtaining food, shelter, and clothing to extreme ends like that poor woman who died when her floor collapsed under the weight of it. And now we have digital 'things' that that reflex doesn't know what to do with.

06-23-2014, 04:22 PM
Counterpoint...why would you want to keep an item you'll never actually use? Why not just "catch and release"? You'll always have the satisfaction of having acquired it.

Oh maybe because I might use it eventually when I tr into a new class/race etc? Case in point - I have no current use for the SoS I have in the clerics TR Cache. Should I destroy/sell it because its not useful at present?

Asking for unlimited storage "is a problem" because it would require changes that would come at the detriment of other aspects of the game, because they'd have to buy more physical server storage space, or upgrade the physical server processors, or spend time rebuilding the database code to allow it, and all that means less resources available to improve the actual game.

Who is asking for unlimited storage? Let me Increase the size of my TR Cache. I will pay for it. I get more room - Turbine sells more things in the store, win for all around. They just implemented a brand new storage bank - That alone nullifies any argument you might make regarding server issues. Its a specious argument you are making which has been proven false by U22. As for improving the game - why shouldn't adding more storage - a quality of life improvement - be considered an improvement to the game? It benefits everyone.

And then people complain that their cache takes 5 mins to load, and demand they fix that with further upgrades. And then they complain that they cant find the item they want among the 50 pages of items in their cache, and demand they add some search mechanic. Give a mouse a cookie. I'd rather they just fix AC and Paladins.

The TR Cache should have a search mechanic. It should have been implemented when the cache was first introduced. It was a mistake when it wasn't. The rest of your statement here is just hyperbole and has no bearing as to whether or not improvements to the TR Cache should move forward (or not).

06-23-2014, 04:22 PM
I'd rather see better sorting/organization features for TR. I find myself often out leveling gear that I had in my TR stash because I simply can't find it (or remember that I stashed it). What I would like is three things:

1. Sort by item type - Would look like all robes listed, then light armor, medium, etc... rapiers, short swords, etc... belts, rings, etc... all grouped and listed together.
2. Sort by minimum level - For while leveling, instead of looking through EVERYTHING to see if you have any upgrades you could scroll to the proper level range and see what you have available.
3. A search function when looking for something very specific akin to how bags work.

These three things I think would solve the qualms of TR storage that 90% of the population faces and would be a huge quality of life upgrade. The only other thing complained about has been the load timers, which I like whoever suggested turning it into a tab similar to the new shared bank/ingredients tab.

But I have no problem with the need to withdraw everything prior to TR'ing, I think the system makes sense how it now and I understand why they do it.

06-23-2014, 04:56 PM
I'd rather see better sorting/organization features for TR. I find myself often out leveling gear that I had in my TR stash because I simply can't find it (or remember that I stashed it). What I would like is three things:

1. Sort by item type - Would look like all robes listed, then light armor, medium, etc... rapiers, short swords, etc... belts, rings, etc... all grouped and listed together.
2. Sort by minimum level - For while leveling, instead of looking through EVERYTHING to see if you have any upgrades you could scroll to the proper level range and see what you have available.
3. A search function when looking for something very specific akin to how bags work.

These three things I think would solve the qualms of TR storage that 90% of the population faces and would be a huge quality of life upgrade. The only other thing complained about has been the load timers, which I like whoever suggested turning it into a tab similar to the new shared bank/ingredients tab.

But I have no problem with the need to withdraw everything prior to TR'ing, I think the system makes sense how it now and I understand why they do it.

I would <3 to see this sort option in the TR cache. :)

I agree that being required to clean out the TR cache is a good thing. We can all use a little motivation to do some 'Spring cleaning'.

06-23-2014, 05:00 PM
Wanting to keep the things that you have earned - Why is that a problem?

Asking that Turbine increase the TR Cache or even alter its mechanic - maybe add extra slot, maybe add a sorting mechanic, etc is not "asking for turbine to support an arbitrarily play style" - Its asking for a Quality of Life Change to the game. Why on earth would you come down on something like that? What's wrong with wanting more storage?

Good Grief I will never understand how some peoples brains (or lack there of) work.

Log in a new character.

Log in a mid- or high-level first-life character with near full inventory.

Log in a TR with full TR cache, bank, and pack.

Notice the difference in load times, and you will have one piece of the puzzle. :)

06-23-2014, 08:19 PM
Log in a new character.

Log in a mid- or high-level first-life character with near full inventory.

Log in a TR with full TR cache, bank, and pack.

Notice the difference in load times, and you will have one piece of the puzzle. :)

I have, all three.

There is no noticeable difference in load times. The only noticeable difference is when the TR opens the bank.

What ever point you were trying to make - well it didn't work. try again.

06-23-2014, 09:37 PM
Oh maybe because I might use it eventually when I tr into a new class/race etc? Case in point - I have no current use for the SoS I have in the clerics TR Cache. Should I destroy/sell it because its not useful at present?

The SoS you can keep. The Hooked Blade from Lordsmarch, all the various Dragontouched runes you have accrued, the Timeblade from Chronoscope, and the three different levels of Heroic Mountain's Fist, though, you can probably safely chuck.

The amount of actually plausibly useful items - not just "oh I might, maybe, might use this for one specific unlikely situation I can think of right now" - would not fill a current TR cache. If you're that pressed for space, the "workaround" is probably to do a little spring cleaning, because youre holding on to stuff that probably isn't worth it, when you can just get another one later if need be.

06-23-2014, 11:40 PM
I have, all three.

There is no noticeable difference in load times. The only noticeable difference is when the TR opens the bank.

What ever point you were trying to make - well it didn't work. try again.

There is a noticeable difference when the TR opens the bank? Really? Hmm. I wonder what could possibly cause such a thing. Oh, and I will try to find another way to make my point. :)

06-23-2014, 11:42 PM
I have, all three.

There is no noticeable difference in load times. The only noticeable difference is when the TR opens the bank.

What ever point you were trying to make - well it didn't work. try again.

Right over your head.

The more stuff in your TR cache, the longer the bank takes to load. Adding more slots means the load time increases.

06-23-2014, 11:43 PM
Right over your head.

The more stuff in your TR cache, the longer the bank takes to load. Adding more slots means the load time increases.

Spoilsport. :p

06-24-2014, 01:21 AM
The more stuff in your TR cache, the longer the bank takes to load. Adding more slots means the load time increases.

Which is why they should put the TR cache(s) in a tab like the new bag bank slots. No reason to wait for it to open when we are not even looking to take anything out of it.

06-24-2014, 01:28 AM
The more stuff in your TR cache, the longer the bank takes to load.

And if you know why that is, that's an argument *for* the ability to add more slots, not against it. :)

06-24-2014, 05:24 AM
There is a noticeable difference when the TR opens the bank? Really? Hmm. I wonder what could possibly cause such a thing. Oh, and I will try to find another way to make my point. :)

The way to make your point is to actully say it explicitly.

not hinting about it like you do which is a pretty stupid way to try make you point.

06-24-2014, 08:00 AM
Which is why they should put the TR cache(s) in a tab like the new bag bank slots. No reason to wait for it to open when we are not even looking to take anything out of it.

It would certainly make the UI a lot less crowded. But there could be an issue with putting it on the bank tab with it being a temprorary only thing.

06-24-2014, 08:10 AM
Sounds like a defense of the idea to me. The game is built around people TRing like crazy now. Whereas when the TR cache was initially developed the idea of someone TRing a few times was considered "hard core" and not something that would happen nearly as often. Having to empty the cache as much as people do now and dealing with so many variants wasn't really on the radar in the past.

Times have changed and the game needs to change to accommodate those changes.

That said, I can understand that DDO is at the point where everything has to be monetized at this point to keep the lights on. And a massive growing cache on multiple lives would be a problem, too. So here is the solution:


Flavor: You've lived a life as a particular class and have the relics of your past securely archived and accessible.

595 TP for Each Extra TR Class Cache.

+TR Caches don't fully open when opening your bank. A window with available cache tabs opens.
+TR Caches are named for specific Classes (i.e. If you are on a 12 RNG/8 MNK life you can purchase a TR Cache for either RNG or MNK).
+Allow Players to DEPOSIT and WITHDRAW items from caches that their current life shares (up to the Maximum number of slots a character's inventory and bank can have.) Otherwise it's just Withdraw.

In Game Incentive:
+Give Anyone with 3 Lives in a Class the associated Class TR Cache for Free.

Yes, we get a lot of additional storage space to support TRing. We need it. And we will be paying for it (either up front or through the TR process). Plus, the size of the additional space would be affected by how much additional Inventory and Bank space we've already bought or, even better, inspire people to buy additional Inventory and Bank space so that their TR Caches would be better.

Being able to pull items from multiple complimentary TR caches based on the lives we're currently running makes sense and will help up organize where certain items end up being stored. We desperately need better organizational options in this game and this would go a long way.

I don't begrudge the need for DDO to make some money. But they need to give us something to buy that seriously increases the quality of life if they wish to pry the cash out of people's wallets.

+1 on a great idea!

06-24-2014, 09:31 AM
... Of course, Turbine COULD, you know, SELL us the keep-your-TR-cache option....


As long as it was a "reasonable" price (< 1500TP, preferably <1000TP - yes, I know I'm dreaming here :p ) I'd buy it in a heartbeat.

06-24-2014, 10:20 AM
Right over your head.

The more stuff in your TR cache, the longer the bank takes to load. Adding more slots means the load time increases.

Not right over my head. The initial post said log them in - and I did - there was no discernible difference. I added the fact that the bank takes longer - and it does, there is not point in denying it. I cant help it if Tscheuss cannot construct a proper sentence. That's his problem. However changing the mechanic of the bank or increasing its size will not destabilize the game, or whatever the argument du jour is against changing how the TR cache works. It can be improved and it should be improved.

I don't care that my tr bank takes 15 seconds to load. I wouldn't care of it took 30 seconds to load. It does not impact the performance of the game.

Get it Fancypants?

06-24-2014, 10:45 AM
I have to admit, I hate dealing with the TR cache when I'm going through my TR train but I understand why it is there. However, I can't justify getting rid of all of my gear from my first life when I plan on using that same gear in my final life. But that really isn't my problem to be honest. My problem is that I have a hard time keeping track of the gear that I have across my various characters. I'm currently trying to work on a system that will help me track this better, but there are plenty of places where I had multiples of the same item across a number of characters. I think the issues with the TR cache will become much less once I figure this out because I can then purge appropriately. I do admit that I tend to hold onto things longer than I should as well, but I usually do go through a massive purge before I hit my next TR.

Another thing that would help me would be the ability to break named items down in the crafting altars into essences. This would be nice for me at least.

06-24-2014, 12:36 PM
Hi everyone
Sinds I play this game, I tr'ed a lot.
you guys know it's good to tr.
But like everyone , EVERYONE hates clearing the bank stuff.
and I think it's really useless to do that, cause everything you put on bank or in your inventory will be automatically putted in the tr cache
So, what about if they release a patch , that you DONT have to clear the cache before you tr, that would be AMAZING.
Thanks, let me know what you guys think

A great idea. Instead of clearing the TR bank, your items stay in there. They are still withdraw only. When you TR again, there would be a maximum TR bank size equal to your inv space plus your bank space.

This would have no effect on buying storage and save lots of player time & frustration.

I shutter at the thought of what this would break....

06-24-2014, 12:56 PM
how about Shroud Shards go in a bag??? they kill bank space/inventory to save,every one takes a spot!..and selll,selll,selllll if it hasn't been used in a year,lol it aint gettin used.

06-24-2014, 02:08 PM
how about Shroud Shards go in a bag??? they kill bank space/inventory to save,every one takes a spot!..and selll,selll,selllll if it hasn't been used in a year,lol it aint gettin used.

I really don't like this idea. Right now there is encouragement that if one isn't actually crafting, giving it to someone who is because strorage space is so valuable. I think if they made the shards go into the bags it would be harder for people to get shards because people would hoard them more often.

06-24-2014, 02:45 PM
I really don't like this idea. Right now there is encouragement that if one isn't actually crafting, giving it to someone who is because strorage space is so valuable. I think if they made the shards go into the bags it would be harder for people to get shards because people would hoard them more often.

Imagine that... someone might have to run a few more shrouds... more lfm's, more activity. win win

Shard Bags for all.

06-24-2014, 02:58 PM
The way to make your point is to actully say it explicitly.

not hinting about it like you do which is a pretty stupid way to try make you point.

If you say so, but in my experience, different obstacles require different tactics. :)

06-24-2014, 03:54 PM
If you say so, but in my experience, different obstacles require different tactics. :)

Yes because being unclear, obtuse and just wanting to say "See! My poorly worded question ... yada yada yada...." is so much better.

You are to logic what Shade was to math.

06-24-2014, 04:01 PM
Yes because being unclear, obtuse and just wanting to say "See! My poorly worded question ... yada yada yada...." is so much better.

You are to logic what Shade was to math.

And yet you ran the experiment, extended it, and discovered the problem. You're right, I suck at this. :rolleyes:

06-26-2014, 05:38 PM
Not right over my head. The initial post said log them in - and I did - there was no discernible difference. I added the fact that the bank takes longer - and it does, there is not point in denying it. I cant help it if Tscheuss cannot construct a proper sentence. That's his problem. However changing the mechanic of the bank or increasing its size will not destabilize the game, or whatever the argument du jour is against changing how the TR cache works. It can be improved and it should be improved.

I don't care that my tr bank takes 15 seconds to load. I wouldn't care of it took 30 seconds to load. It does not impact the performance of the game.

Get it Fancypants?

I get that you apparently aren't bothered by bank loading times; everyone will not agree with you.

Claiming that it won't "destabilize" the game is just ignorant. Things would certainly be affected, instance lag and server load being the most obvious.

Look at the bag tab, ffs: disappearing items and exploitable usage on launch. And that's NEW code. The TR cache is old. If turbine were to recode it entirely and actually bother to test it, sure. But simply altering what we have now to add slots? Not even worth the risk.

06-26-2014, 06:08 PM
+1 to OP.
BtC space problem is so loooong overdue (it was way too late even in U14, lol, now I've lost the hope).

Whatever the technical problem, devs could create a new storage system (in addition to the current system).
There were so many good ideas, I don't think the increase of BtC space is planned for the next 2 years if ever.

We are getting more and more new packs without increasing BtC space.

Enjoy destroying your items or never loot new shines.
Also every single update read release notes and see the fact that yet again no BtC space for you and enjoy the list of new items that you'll never be able to try/test (only sell if unbound/BtCoE).

06-27-2014, 07:36 AM
Except for the lag it'd cause everyone else whenever they log in and out of their housing :) Just think how bad the Dojo is on Lammania sometimes, times 100...there's a reason they had to implement the "switch mechanic" in the loot room there.

Seriously! How many items do people actually use, especially just in Heroic since we're talking about TR? Most TRs will still just use Greensteel from 12-20, and up to 12 you can basically use whatever you want...toss in a few Cannith Challenge pieces, maybe a GH armor, and some Cannith Crafted gear. There is almost no diversity in gear people actually use, everyone's going after the same half-dozen items for all their characters.

The problem as I see it is mostly that people A) want to "collect them all" and then demand that Turbine support that rather arbitrary playstyle, and B) cant bear to delete anything that's BtC, "just in case they might need it later", even though they could just go reacquire it if they had to.

At least one problem with older BTC gear is that it's often a couple minimum levels lower than the level of the quest that gives it, and then "of course" everyone wants to do the quest on elite which pushes the level up even higher. So the divide between the difficulty of the quest (to efficiently level) and the ml of the gear is "off". If I could put my ml red fens gear on the same level I step into the fens, it would be fine. But, I get my fens gear 3-4 levels before I do the quests. Why would I throw it out and wait to replace it? Not every TR sucks down +50% xp pots and burns past the content so fast that the levels pass in minutes. Some (many) of us are a bit slow and linger even at lower levels.

And really, if you don't have acquisitive tendencies, why are you playing this game? D&D and DDO are both strongly oriented around accumulating "stuff" (said in George's Carlin's voice). Collecting stuff is certainly not the only reason to play the game, but it's not a "rather arbitrary play style" that should be dismissed as unimportant. Just because _you_ use the same half-dozen items on your characters doesn't meant the majority play that way. If people didn't have an interest in accumulating stuff, Turbine wouldn't sell extra bag/bank slots, the House K packs (for tasty K bank slot favor) or the aforementioned challenge pack.

06-27-2014, 07:42 AM
Give a mouse a cookie. I'd rather they just fix AC and Paladins.

Turbine doesn't "give" us anything. WE PAY FOR IT.

Nothing, not a single thing in this game is "free". The code behind all the daily dice rolls, and bonus events, and anniversary gifts is paid for by player money.

You're making it very clear that your play style is the only one that matters to you. Which means we can all ignore the rest of your opinions as the bull-dung they are.

06-27-2014, 08:07 AM
My problem is that I have a hard time keeping track of the gear that I have across my various characters. I'm currently trying to work on a system that will help me track this better, but there are plenty of places where I had multiples of the same item across a number of characters. I think the issues with the TR cache will become much less once I figure this out because I can then purge appropriately. I do admit that I tend to hold onto things longer than I should as well, but I usually do go through a massive purge before I hit my next TR.

Spreadsheets are your friend, google's version of excel is free and works well.