View Full Version : regarding character slots, information required.

06-19-2014, 04:22 AM
hello all,
ok heres my problem.

started as free to play and had 2 character slots,
went premium and was given another 2 slots making 4 total,
bought another character slot from store so now total 5 slots.
went vip lots of slots(cant remember total).
lost vip(bloody bank muckup) and now have 9 slots.

so being back to premium with 4 extra slots im a bit worried that
if i use these they might get locked out in future as i believe i shoud
only have 5 slots.

is this wai and the slots will stay with me or are these slots temporary
or a bug.

any help appreciated.
your friend sil :)

06-19-2014, 04:24 AM
If you are not VIP then the slots you currently are showing are permanently there.

06-19-2014, 04:25 AM
hello all,
ok heres my problem.

started as free to play and had 2 character slots,
went premium and was given another 2 slots making 4 total,
bought another character slot from store so now total 5 slots.
went vip lots of slots(cant remember total).
lost vip(bloody bank muckup) and now have 9 slots.

so being back to premium with 4 extra slots im a bit worried that
if i use these they might get locked out in future as i believe i shoud
only have 5 slots.

is this wai and the slots will stay with me or are these slots temporary
or a bug.

any help appreciated.
your friend sil :)

Did you buy the shadowfell expansion? I believe that included one character slot for each of the iconics. :)

06-19-2014, 04:34 AM
Did you buy the shadowfell expansion? I believe that included one character slot for each of the iconics. :)

yes i did buy the shadowfell expansion, i own all packs.

so that could be it, ill look it up thankyou.

your friend sil :)

06-19-2014, 04:37 AM
If you are not VIP then the slots you currently are showing are permanently there.

hope so, not that it really matters as ill be going back
vip and soon as bank gets there rear in gear.

its just that when youve got something xtra than what you
think you should have i feel its better to check and be sure.

your friend sil :)

06-19-2014, 04:40 AM
yes i did buy the shadowfell expansion, i own all packs.

so that could be it, ill look it up thankyou.

your friend sil :)

Nice. Four iconics = four slots, and 5 + 4 = 9. That is why you have 9. :)