View Full Version : Looking for TWF Bard/Ftr/Rog build .. Post U19
06-18-2014, 07:49 PM
I have an old axesinger build, that I got off the forums. Its enhancements are all from 2012, so I would like to find a build that show the U19 + enhancemtns.
I would appreciate a link to any forum build like that.
I searched the Bard forum and could not find one.
06-18-2014, 09:07 PM
I have an old axesinger build, that I got off the forums. Its enhancements are all from 2012, so I would like to find a build that show the U19 + enhancemtns.
I would appreciate a link to any forum build like that.
I searched the Bard forum and could not find one.
That's pretty specific U_U.
Anyway, if you're going to play a bard you have to make it SWF, no other fighting style will get anywhere close past Harbor content.
06-19-2014, 01:01 AM
That's pretty specific U_U.
Anyway, if you're going to play a bard you have to make it SWF, no other fighting style will get anywhere close past Harbor content.
Thanks for replying but you did not include any links to build ideas, and I have no idea what " U_U " means.
06-19-2014, 03:10 AM
Thanks for replying but you did not include any links to build ideas, and I have no idea what " U_U " means.
What lvl split do u have him at?
Is he Cha based or Str based?
Personally, i like the tier 5 Spellsinger Spellsong vigor for more haste/displacements, heals.. But that's me.
I didn't get much from Warchanter except the Skaldic Rage and the Ironskin for heroics.
If you are Cha based, make sure to get the Frozen FUry.. But the other DPS enhancements in Warchanter suck. (Northwind and Iced Edges). Boast kinda sucks too.
With Fighter, all i find useful are the Haste Boost and of course +3 more action boosts.
Damage Boost of course if you're human.
TWF still very viable. Feel sorry for guy on top of me who hasn't been able to make it past harbor.
06-19-2014, 06:36 AM
I have an old axesinger build, that I got off the forums. Its enhancements are all from 2012, so I would like to find a build that show the U19 + enhancemtns.
I would appreciate a link to any forum build like that.
I searched the Bard forum and could not find one.
- A lot has changed for bards with the introduction of the Swashbuckler Pre. At the moment SWF is far superior to TWF or THF. The reason for this is that you get a Crit profile of 18-20 x3 for all finesse weapons, which is further improved by the Swashbuckler T5 ability "Exploit Weaknesses" and by an improved Weapon profile.
You can still go TWF and it will work to some extend, just be aware that right now it is not the optimal DPS choice.
- Since the enhancement pass the Warchanter tree is not worth it. There are some nice abilities on the lower Tiers but thats it. However the SS and WC trees are currently beeing worked on by the devs. They did not give us any specifics other that they want to give offensive casting/SLAs to SS and Healing to WC.
That's the reason why you only see Swashbuckler builds posted after U22. Everyone is still waiting for the Update to WC and SS.
If I were to make an Axesinger right now it would be a Swashbuckling one with handaxe and buckler. Split: 12 Bard, 6 fighter, 2 rogue
If you want a specific build it would be great to know which split and level your current build has, if it is 28/32/34/36 points and if you have any tomes. Without this information it is hard to think of something specific.
06-19-2014, 09:26 AM
- A lot has changed for bards with the introduction of the Swashbuckler Pre. At the moment SWF is far superior to TWF or THF. The reason for this is that you get a Crit profile of 18-20 x3 for all finesse weapons, which is further improved by the Swashbuckler T5 ability "Exploit Weaknesses" and by an improved Weapon profile.
You can still go TWF and it will work to some extend, just be aware that right now it is not the optimal DPS choice.
- Since the enhancement pass the Warchanter tree is not worth it. There are some nice abilities on the lower Tiers but thats it. However the SS and WC trees are currently beeing worked on by the devs. They did not give us any specifics other that they want to give offensive casting/SLAs to SS and Healing to WC.
That's the reason why you only see Swashbuckler builds posted after U22. Everyone is still waiting for the Update to WC and SS.
If I were to make an Axesinger right now it would be a Swashbuckling one with handaxe and buckler. Split: 12 Bard, 6 fighter, 2 rogue
If you want a specific build it would be great to know which split and level your current build has, if it is 28/32/34/36 points and if you have any tomes. Without this information it is hard to think of something specific.
Does the SWF apply to Dwarven Axes? My toon is a PL Dwarf Fighter and has a ton of Dwarven axes that I would hate to lose.
I have +2 tome on all stats now.
He is a second life, so 34 pt.
Here are his stats from a screen capture. (
06-19-2014, 10:07 AM
Anyway, if you're going to play a bard you have to make it SWF, no other fighting style will get anywhere close past Harbor content.
At the moment SWF is far superior to TWF or THF. The reason for this is that you get a Crit profile of 18-20 x3 for all finesse weapons, which is further improved by the Swashbuckler T5 ability "Exploit Weaknesses" and by an improved Weapon profile.
AFAIK, in the long run TWF will still beat SWF for single-target DPS; the extra atk speed & dmg-per-hit/crit of SWF doesn't compensate for the sheer number of hits which TWF gets. But that's an apples-to-oranges comparison I don't want to get too bogged down in, since it's not relevant to OP's request / situation. To whit:
Does the SWF apply to Dwarven Axes? My toon is a PL Dwarf Fighter and has a ton of Dwarven axes that I would hate to lose.
SWF works with all 1H melee weapons; however Swashbuckling only works with Finesseable weapons, so you couldn't use d.axes with it. So if you want to stick with your stockpile of axes, you might as well stick with TWF.
TWF bards haven't changed much since U19. You still want the TWF feats, Improved Crit for your chosen weapon, and Power Atk. If going for Overwhelming Crit, you also need Cleave & Great Cleave; if bard 15+, I always go for Inspire Excellence. Any remaining feats can go towards metamagics (Extend, Quicken, Emp Heal, etc.) or maybe even throwing DPS combined with Swashbuckler. Weapon Focus is no longer a pre-req for WC so it can be dropped or swapped out if you already have it.
06-19-2014, 07:33 PM
EDIT: Bah, of course I only saw that the devs created the threads about WC and SS after I put this together. But oh well. At this point I see no reason to go pure on a WC, so the below split would still be viable. However if you still have the +20 heart I would wait until the final rework of the trees has been completed. Then we will be able to give some advice if the split is still good.
Does the SWF apply to Dwarven Axes? My toon is a PL Dwarf Fighter and has a ton of Dwarven axes that I would hate to lose.
I have +2 tome on all stats now.
He is a second life, so 34 pt.
Here are his stats from a screen capture.
Ok if you want to use dwarven axes then you won't be able to use swashbuckler. As unbongwah said there have not been any changes regarding the Feat selection. I would probably go:
In a nutshell:
Str:16, Dex:15, Con:16, Int:14, Wis:8, Cha:10, with all level ups in Str
1R: Power Attack
2-5B: Cleave (3)
6F: gCleave, Extend (Use free feats swap to swap this to Quicken on high level Heroics/Epics - when the damage gets to much to handle with concentration it's time to swap)
7-9B: TWF (9)
11F: improved Critical
12+ B: iTWF(12), gTWF(15), empower Healing (18)
Epic: OC (21), Inspire Excellence (24), ??? (27) There are several good level 27 epic Feats. For Destiny Feats PTWF and Lasting Inspiration would be my choices.
Distributed Skill Points on level 20:
Balance: 4
Concentration: 23
Tumble: 1
Disable Device:23
Heal: 7
Open Lock: 7
Search: 23
I know the level order looks a bit chaotic but there is sense in it. I like to have Cleave + Great Cleave as soon as possible because it makes low and mid level Content much easier. I also try to embed the Fighter levels to help with the skill distribution, while always having a short time goal. There should be no point where I feel like it will take too long until the next milestone.
I would use THF until level 12 and then swap to TWF. You could also use S&B until lvl 12 (Proficient with DA from lvl 6+), the enemies don't have that much HP and AC works just fine in the lower levels from what I have seen.
The area where this build lacks most is the saves. I like the split 16 bard 2 rogue 2 FvS, because it has better saves and also offers access to Divine might. However this only works well on a Human, because you need the extra Feat and more Cha to get a decent benefit from Divine Might. And Fighter is not a bad split, besides the much needed Feats you also get cheap access to Haste Boost.
Detailed version below.
Character Plan by DDO Character Planner Version 04.20.02
DDO Character Planner Home Page (
Level 20 Chaotic Neutral Dwarf Male
(2 Fighter \ 2 Rogue \ 16 Bard)
Hit Points: 248
Spell Points: 450
BAB: 15\15\20\25\25
Fortitude: 12
Reflex: 16
Will: 10
Starting Ending
Abilities Base Stats Base Stats
(34 Point) (Level 1) (Level 20)
Strength 16 23
Dexterity 15 17
Constitution 16 18
Intelligence 14 16
Wisdom 8 10
Charisma 10 12
Tomes Used
+2 Tome of Strength used at level 7
+2 Tome of Dexterity used at level 7
+2 Tome of Constitution used at level 7
+2 Tome of Intelligence used at level 7
+2 Tome of Wisdom used at level 7
+2 Tome of Charisma used at level 7
Level 1 (Rogue)
Skill: Balance (+4)
Skill: Concentration (+2)
Skill: Diplomacy (+4)
Skill: Disable Device (+4)
Skill: Haggle (+4)
Skill: Heal (+1.5)
Skill: Open Lock (+4)
Skill: Perform (+2)
Skill: Search (+4)
Skill: Tumble (+1)
Skill: Use Magic Device (+4)
Feat: (Past Life) Past Life: Fighter
Feat: (Selected) Power Attack
Level 2 (Bard)
Skill: Concentration (+3)
Skill: Diplomacy (+1)
Skill: Perform (+3)
Skill: Use Magic Device (+1)
Spell (1): Master's Touch
Level 3 (Bard)
Skill: Concentration (+1)
Skill: Diplomacy (+1)
Skill: Disable Device (+2)
Skill: Perform (+1)
Skill: Use Magic Device (+1)
Feat: (Selected) Cleave
Spell (1): Expeditious Retreat
Level 4 (Bard)
Skill: Concentration (+1)
Skill: Diplomacy (+1)
Skill: Perform (+1)
Skill: Search (+2)
Skill: Use Magic Device (+1)
Spell (1): Sonic Blast
Level 5 (Bard)
Skill: Concentration (+1)
Skill: Diplomacy (+1)
Skill: Disable Device (+1)
Skill: Perform (+1)
Skill: Search (+1)
Skill: Use Magic Device (+1)
Spell (2): Invisibility
Spell (2): Blur
Level 6 (Fighter)
Skill: Heal (+2)
Feat: (Selected) Extend Spell
Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Great Cleave
Level 7 (Bard)
Skill: Concentration (+2)
Skill: Diplomacy (+2)
Skill: Perform (+2)
Skill: Use Magic Device (+2)
Spell (2): Rage
Spell (1): Feather Fall
Level 8 (Bard)
Skill: Concentration (+1)
Skill: Diplomacy (+1)
Skill: Disable Device (+1)
Skill: Heal (+0.5)
Skill: Perform (+1)
Skill: Search (+1)
Skill: Use Magic Device (+1)
Level 9 (Bard)
Skill: Concentration (+1)
Skill: Diplomacy (+1)
Skill: Disable Device (+1)
Skill: Heal (+0.5)
Skill: Perform (+1)
Skill: Search (+1)
Skill: Use Magic Device (+1)
Feat: (Selected) Two Weapon Fighting
Spell (2): Soundburst
Spell (3): Haste
Spell (3): Cure Serious Wounds
Level 10 (Rogue)
Skill: Disable Device (+4)
Skill: Open Lock (+3)
Skill: Search (+4)
Level 11 (Fighter)
Skill: Heal (+2.5)
Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Improved Critical: Slashing Weapons
Level 12 (Bard)
Skill: Concentration (+3)
Skill: Perform (+3)
Skill: Use Magic Device (+3)
Feat: (Selected) Improved Two Weapon Fighting
Spell (3): Displacement
Level 13 (Bard)
Skill: Concentration (+1)
Skill: Diplomacy (+4)
Skill: Disable Device (+1)
Skill: Perform (+1)
Skill: Use Magic Device (+1)
Level 14 (Bard)
Skill: Concentration (+1)
Skill: Diplomacy (+1)
Skill: Disable Device (+1)
Skill: Perform (+1)
Skill: Search (+1.5)
Skill: Use Magic Device (+1)
Spell (4): Cure Critical Wounds
Spell (4): Dimension Door
Spell (3): Good Hope
Level 15 (Bard)
Skill: Concentration (+1)
Skill: Diplomacy (+1)
Skill: Disable Device (+1)
Skill: Perform (+1)
Skill: Search (+1.5)
Skill: Use Magic Device (+1)
Feat: (Selected) Greater Two Weapon Fighting
Spell (4): Freedom of Movement
Level 16 (Bard)
Skill: Concentration (+1)
Skill: Diplomacy (+1)
Skill: Disable Device (+1)
Skill: Perform (+1)
Skill: Search (+1.5)
Skill: Use Magic Device (+1)
Level 17 (Bard)
Skill: Concentration (+1)
Skill: Diplomacy (+1)
Skill: Disable Device (+1)
Skill: Perform (+1)
Skill: Search (+1.5)
Skill: Use Magic Device (+1)
Spell (5): Cure Light Wounds, Mass
Spell (5): Greater Heroism
Spell (4): Neutralize Poison
Level 18 (Bard)
Skill: Concentration (+1)
Skill: Disable Device (+2)
Skill: Perform (+1)
Skill: Search (+1)
Skill: Use Magic Device (+1)
Feat: (Selected) Empower Healing Spell
Spell (5): Shadow Walk
Level 19 (Bard)
Skill: Concentration (+1)
Skill: Disable Device (+1)
Skill: Perform (+1)
Skill: Search (+2)
Skill: Use Magic Device (+1)
Level 20 (Bard)
Skill: Concentration (+1)
Skill: Disable Device (+2)
Skill: Perform (+1)
Skill: Search (+1)
Skill: Use Magic Device (+1)
Spell (6): Otto's Irresistible Dance
Spell (6): Cure Moderate Wounds, Mass
Spell (5): Greater Dispel Magic
Spell (1): Grease
06-19-2014, 08:22 PM
And here are the enhancements:
Dwarf (18 AP):
Core 1-5 (+30 HP, +2 Con - 7 AP)
Dwarven Weapon Training 1-4 (+4 Att/Dam - 8 AP)
Dwarven Runes (+ saves vs spells - 3 AP)
Spellsinger (37 AP):
Core 1-4 (improved Fascinate, Spellcrits - 4 AP)
Magical Studies (+100 SP and "Echoes of Power" - 3 AP)
Lingering Songs (+60% song duration - 3 AP)
Sharp Note (+3 damage for 30 seconds after Fascinate - 3AP (almost a filler))
Wand and Scroll Mastery (75% Scrollheals, Requires useless Wand Heightening - 6 AP)
Spell Song Trance (10% spell discount, +1 DC - 2 AP)
Enthrallment (Currently almost useless - 2AP)
Sustaining Song (minor HP regen - 2AP)
Song of Arcane Might (+1 Caster level - 2AP)
Spell Penetration (+3 Spellpen - 3 AP)
Song of Capering (ottos with range and no spellpen - 2AP)
Advanced Magical Studies (+200 SP - 3 AP)
Spell Song Vigor (SP Regen - 2AP)
Warchanter(8 AP):
Core 1-2 (Skaldic Rage (+4 Str song), +10 HP, +1 IC damage - 2 AP)
Rough and Ready (+6 PRR & AC - 3 AP)
Enchant Weapon (Enchant Weapon Spell - 2 AP)
Action Boost: Sprint (+35% run speed - 1 AP)
Swashbuckler (11 AP):
Core 1-3 (+3 reflex, max dex, dodge + Uncanny Dodge - 3AP)
On Your Toes (+3 Dodge - 3 AP)
Tavern Shanties (+1 Bard Song - 1 AP)
Fast Movement (+5% running speed (stacking) per 3 bard levels - 2 AP)
Deflect Arrows (same as Feat - 2AP)
Kensai (6 AP):
Core 1 (+1 att with axes - 1 AP)
Weapon Group Specialization (+1 att/dam with axes - 2 AP)
Haste Boost (3 AP)
This is for level 20+, During lower levels it can be useful to pick up Ironskin chant or Song of Heroism from WC. However in the end the tree is just not worth it. Spellsinger has the better songs and gives +1 Spellpower per point in the tree.
06-30-2014, 09:07 PM
Thanks for replying but you did not include any links to build ideas, and I have no idea what " U_U " means.I apologize, I didn't notice you just wanted a cooked pre-made build to copy.
About "U_U", it's still too early for you.
07-01-2014, 07:48 AM
N-octurn, unbongwa and others - thanks for the suggestions for the build. I will stay TWF and use my cache of D-axes.
I appreciate your feedback.
07-01-2014, 07:55 AM
I apologize, I didn't notice you just wanted a cooked pre-made build to copy.
About "U_U", it's still too early for you.
If you read that I said "build ideas", you would see I was looking for inputs. I can go to many threads to copy one.
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