View Full Version : U22 Mob Behavior Change when attacking single in a large group from a distance.
06-12-2014, 11:49 AM
I saw somewhere in the notes (cant find it now) that when attacking a single mob from a great distance it will aggro his "friends" as well. This affects my solo EE sneaker ranger tactics quite a bit. In the past I have been able to break up large groups of mobs using the sneaky range strategy. Is this a thing of the past now? I havent had time to play since the release to see how this is going to play out.
Anyone else have thoughts on this?
06-12-2014, 11:58 AM
I saw somewhere in the notes (cant find it now) that when attacking a single mob from a great distance it will aggro his "friends" as well. This affects my solo EE sneaker ranger tactics quite a bit. In the past I have been able to break up large groups of mobs using the sneaky range strategy. Is this a thing of the past now? I havent had time to play since the release to see how this is going to play out.
Anyone else have thoughts on this?
My experience in e3BC is that it depends on the range. If you are far enough away, then no (then again, if you are far enough away, you don't even agro the mob you are shooting :p). If you are not far enough away, then the mob will bring friends, and this distance seems to be farther than before the update. Also, while I was shooting at Cursed Pirates, Cursed Kobolds from 50° to my left got agro'd. :)
06-12-2014, 12:24 PM
I saw somewhere in the notes (cant find it now) that when attacking a single mob from a great distance it will aggro his "friends" as well. This affects my solo EE sneaker ranger tactics quite a bit. In the past I have been able to break up large groups of mobs using the sneaky range strategy. Is this a thing of the past now? I havent had time to play since the release to see how this is going to play out.
Anyone else have thoughts on this?
Duoed Rusted Blades last night with another experienced Guildy. When I ranged the boss at the end with my crossbow (1 shot), him and all the guards, archers, etc on the bottom floor came over.
It made the quest a little more interesting, as you had to survive a group instead of just the boss.
Haven't tried pulling them using intimidate yet as mine isn't high enough, so I am not sure if that only pulls the one or not.
06-12-2014, 12:44 PM
So they broke Sniping even worse than before? super. May as well just erase the DwS tree.
And what, we simply can't "Pull" mobs at all anymore? Why?
06-12-2014, 01:03 PM
So they broke Sniping even worse than before? super. May as well just erase the DwS tree.
And what, we simply can't "Pull" mobs at all anymore? Why?
This seems to be working at is should now. It was nice when I could get just in range with my PM and FOD enemies one by one, now its a bit more realistic. I mean can you imagine the camp fire chatter:
Hobgob1: Hey look Bob just died, odd. Fire is warm tonight huh?
Hobgob2: Whoa, how is Jim growing arrows out of his body like that? Good weather were having lately.
06-12-2014, 01:05 PM
This seems to be working at is should now. It was nice when I could get just in range with my PM and FOD enemies one by one, now its a bit more realistic. I mean can you imagine the camp fire chatter:
Hobgob1: Hey look Bob just died, odd. Fire is warm tonight huh?
Hobgob2: Whoa, how is Jim growing arrows out of his body like that? Good weather were having lately.
I just figure that if the distance is great enough, they cannot tell where the attack is coming from. :)
06-12-2014, 01:09 PM
well, it makes sense. . .You are having a smoke with some buddies and suddenly one reels from a bolt in his or her side. It is not like you will take another draw and act like nothing was happening. . .
There are lots of tactics in pulling groups apart:
Try invisibility stealth, unstealth and walk one step at a point in which only one hears you, then restealth. It will draw that chump out, then kill it.
BE visible, but only so that one of them that is facing you comes running. Often they are all facing different directions.
Throwing weapons can be targeted near mobs, drawing some away to the sound. Shut off autotargeting before trying this.
There are also some non-damaging spells that can be used/scrolled to hit a mob and draw it. Not sure which though, since I have not tried this tactic.
stay in stealth but temporarily unequip your stealth stat item as you walk, then requip it quickly. That is a good sub if you do not have invisibility.
06-12-2014, 01:44 PM
This seems to be working at is should now. It was nice when I could get just in range with my PM and FOD enemies one by one, now its a bit more realistic. I mean can you imagine the camp fire chatter:
Hobgob1: Hey look Bob just died, odd. Fire is warm tonight huh?
Hobgob2: Whoa, how is Jim growing arrows out of his body like that? Good weather were having lately.
I can see that there are situations where this change seems to make sense. However, we just had a slew of changes to stealth and sneaking and this new change effectively undoes that. Moreover, a ranger or rogue or any class with Sneak Attack, particularly ranged sneak, should have the opportunity to Snipe, without drawing the aggro of nearby enemies. It's not like they magically just know where you are just because their buddy suddenly keels over.
No, this is yet another example of change by nuke rather than change by scalpel.
06-12-2014, 01:46 PM
I just figure that if the distance is great enough, they cannot tell where the attack is coming from. :)
This. They still don't know what I am doing in U22, so I must be at the new sniping range. :)
06-12-2014, 03:01 PM
So if its just a matter of a change in distance, then that can be dealt with. Guess I have to wait till tonight and test for myself.
06-12-2014, 03:05 PM
Hobgob1: Hey look Bob just died, odd. Fire is warm tonight huh?
Oh, that Bob - Such a card!
06-12-2014, 03:10 PM
May I just remind you all that this is a fix, and that there was for a time a bug that allowed you to damage a mob without alerting his friends?
Edit: There are tricks to allow you to pull a single mob away from his group. Go, explore, discover!
06-12-2014, 03:48 PM
I still havent went home and played yet, but Ive been thinking, If it make things more "realistic in a fantasy D&D setting" then im all for it. The challenge is more difficult fine, but as long as its possible to use strategy to enable a small force to overcome a large force, im all for it.
The absolute most fun I have in DDO is soloing things that are wicked hard and require a carefuly thought out dungeon crawl experience. Where each encounter will be your last without stopping to think about how to play it. Even better If you can find a pugger or two that like the slow crawl pace.
06-12-2014, 06:03 PM
Anyone tested a raid zone like Subteranne yet? I will be able to check in a few hours if no one else does, but I am guessing that an at level character is going to be murdered in devil heavy areas.
06-12-2014, 07:13 PM
Anyone tested a raid zone like Subteranne yet? I will be able to check in a few hours if no one else does, but I am guessing that an at level character is going to be murdered in devil heavy areas.
Unless the devil pleads self-defense. :cool:
06-12-2014, 09:06 PM
well, it makes sense. . .You are having a smoke with some buddies and suddenly one reels from a bolt in his or her side. It is not like you will take another draw and act like nothing was happening. . .
There are lots of tactics in pulling groups apart:
Try invisibility stealth, unstealth and walk one step at a point in which only one hears you, then restealth. It will draw that chump out, then kill it.
BE visible, but only so that one of them that is facing you comes running. Often they are all facing different directions.
Throwing weapons can be targeted near mobs, drawing some away to the sound. Shut off autotargeting before trying this.
There are also some non-damaging spells that can be used/scrolled to hit a mob and draw it. Not sure which though, since I have not tried this tactic.
stay in stealth but temporarily unequip your stealth stat item as you walk, then requip it quickly. That is a good sub if you do not have invisibility.
You forgot "sneak up, target chosen enemy, hit Bluff".
06-17-2014, 07:56 AM
They took it too extreme, shoot one arrow and every mob for miles around comes running. This effectively makes charging the mob head on no different than ranging them. I can see if you lob an arrow into a guy and the fella next to him gets a bit of an attitude...... but every creature in the quest and half the ones from a quest your not even running come tearing after you.
IMHO this is yet another case of the Dev's giving a whole 5 minutes thought to something before acting. Even if your hiding they know exactly where to find you and go straight to your new meaning to the word sniper.
There is not a lot of fun in every fight being a mob beat down..... Now instead of having an archer who wont sit still while the rest of the party is running around trying to get the monster he ranged off his back, yelling sit still a minute!! Were gonna have a mob of creatures aggro'd on him, giving him even less incentive to stop running around.
Dev's, next time your gonna make lame changes to the game, ask yourself this one important question.......What would Teh Troll say
06-17-2014, 08:52 AM
I did EE WGU a few days ago, it was a bit rough, but I said "Don't worry guys, I'll range the pillars from down here to give you melee and casters a bit of a breather".
Oh how we laughed when EVERYTHING from the the top tier comes charging down to start stomping on us. Wasn't even in their line of sight!
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