06-06-2014, 02:26 PM
So, I've been wondering about new builds to make, and I saw a lot of chubby little dwarves happily running around with their axes, and figured I'd finally make one. So, I got my first life rogue ready to TR, and I just need a build.
- Must be a dwarf with TWF dwarven axes. This was the entire point of this character.
- I would much rather rely on strength for damage, but going constitution as a dwarf is not totally out of the picture.
- Monk is optional, and while I'm usually heavily against this monk multiclass craze, kensei has good synergy with it, and light monk can give good survivability without taking divine levels.
- Must be self sufficient. I can't stand not being able to self heal in some way.
- Does not necessarily have to be EE capable, as I don't find myself running EE much and I use a couple other characters for such runs.
- This will be a second life (34 point build) character.
- Tomes currently available: +3 strength, +4 dexterity, +2 constitution (could probably dredge up a +3 somewhere), +3 intelligence, and +3 charisma (no wisdom tome, yet)
Build ideas I thought of:
20 fighter
- kensei capstone is nice, but no self-healing until level 20+
- no evasion, fairly low reflex and will saves, but has the ability to gain a lot of prr via full plate
- highly customizable, with plenty of feats and options
12 fighter / 8 fvs or cleric
- high self-healing and utility via warpriest tree
- no evasion, mediocre saves
- can't decide on fvs or cleric levels would be better, and adding wisdom or charisma detracts from other stats
12 fighter / 6 cleric or fvs / 2 monk
- high self healing and utility via warpriest tree
- has evasion, but not super high reflexes
- can't decide on fvs or cleric levels would be better, and adding wisdom or charisma detracts from other stats
12 fighter / 6 fvs / 2 paladin
- good self healing and utility via warpriest tree
- no evasion, but relatively high saves
- good synergy between fvs and paladin's charisma, but adding charisma detracts from other stats
14 fighter / 6 monk
- decent self-healing via monk's light fists
- has evasion and good reflexes
- good synergy between kensei and monk
12 fighter / 6 monk / 2 paladin
- decent self healing via light monk along with a weak lay on hands
- has evasion and good all-round saves
- charisma is needed for saves, taking points away from strength, dexterity, and constitution
I really have trouble in this area. Is it common to take 13 dexterity at level 1, then gradually (and late in heroics) max out your twf feats (allowing for GTWF at level 15 with a +4 dex tome)?
What seems to work with the majority of the above builds would be:
16 strength (19 with tome, and all level ups going into strength)
15 dexterity (19 with tome, allowing for faster access to TWF feats)
16 constitution (18 with tome, but dwarf gets a ton of HP options, anyway)
8 intelligence (11 with tome)
8 wisdom
14 charisma (17 with tome)
Comments? Ideas?
- Must be a dwarf with TWF dwarven axes. This was the entire point of this character.
- I would much rather rely on strength for damage, but going constitution as a dwarf is not totally out of the picture.
- Monk is optional, and while I'm usually heavily against this monk multiclass craze, kensei has good synergy with it, and light monk can give good survivability without taking divine levels.
- Must be self sufficient. I can't stand not being able to self heal in some way.
- Does not necessarily have to be EE capable, as I don't find myself running EE much and I use a couple other characters for such runs.
- This will be a second life (34 point build) character.
- Tomes currently available: +3 strength, +4 dexterity, +2 constitution (could probably dredge up a +3 somewhere), +3 intelligence, and +3 charisma (no wisdom tome, yet)
Build ideas I thought of:
20 fighter
- kensei capstone is nice, but no self-healing until level 20+
- no evasion, fairly low reflex and will saves, but has the ability to gain a lot of prr via full plate
- highly customizable, with plenty of feats and options
12 fighter / 8 fvs or cleric
- high self-healing and utility via warpriest tree
- no evasion, mediocre saves
- can't decide on fvs or cleric levels would be better, and adding wisdom or charisma detracts from other stats
12 fighter / 6 cleric or fvs / 2 monk
- high self healing and utility via warpriest tree
- has evasion, but not super high reflexes
- can't decide on fvs or cleric levels would be better, and adding wisdom or charisma detracts from other stats
12 fighter / 6 fvs / 2 paladin
- good self healing and utility via warpriest tree
- no evasion, but relatively high saves
- good synergy between fvs and paladin's charisma, but adding charisma detracts from other stats
14 fighter / 6 monk
- decent self-healing via monk's light fists
- has evasion and good reflexes
- good synergy between kensei and monk
12 fighter / 6 monk / 2 paladin
- decent self healing via light monk along with a weak lay on hands
- has evasion and good all-round saves
- charisma is needed for saves, taking points away from strength, dexterity, and constitution
I really have trouble in this area. Is it common to take 13 dexterity at level 1, then gradually (and late in heroics) max out your twf feats (allowing for GTWF at level 15 with a +4 dex tome)?
What seems to work with the majority of the above builds would be:
16 strength (19 with tome, and all level ups going into strength)
15 dexterity (19 with tome, allowing for faster access to TWF feats)
16 constitution (18 with tome, but dwarf gets a ton of HP options, anyway)
8 intelligence (11 with tome)
8 wisdom
14 charisma (17 with tome)
Comments? Ideas?