View Full Version : Problems with individual toons keymapping

05-27-2014, 03:35 AM
When I run one toon, everything's fine. Jump to another, and the 'e' doesn't function (eg: to pickup items/interact/etc).

SO, I can go in and clear the binds, rebind, then it works for a moment.
Hop to another toon and it may or may not work as was previously set.
Then hop to another toon and that one doesn't work. Hop to another and it works fine.

Even after I've gone through and cleared, then reassigned each toon (that didn't work as expected) to using 'e' for interact, once I log, the next time I come back, it's hosed again.
Out of 15+ toons, I've got at least 4 that consistently have this issue. And several that consistently function properly.

Any clues or suggestions? Not really sure if it's due to the soft-targetting issue as of late, or if it's something else. But I'm about fed up with it.

----------------------------- THE FIX!! ---------------------------------

Finally after going through all manner of insanity...logging in/out of 13 toons to verify settings/etc...

Even though all 13 toons had the "Toggle Auto-Targeting" cleared (no key bound), and were not in use, resetting the "Toggle Auto-Targeting" and then cycling through enabled/disabled a few times, and then clearing the "Toggle Auto-Targeting" (while enabled of course) again seems to have fixed it.

Not sure if it was a crash while on these toons at some point that jacked things up, or what... but re-assigning a hot key to the toggle, and cycling through it a few times, cleared it up! *whew*

Hope this helps prevent someone else's frustrations.

05-27-2014, 03:38 AM
Lovely. Evidently my post count's been reset as well. >.<

Not that I ever posted much to the forums to start with.. but sheesh.

/kobold really? REALLY???

05-29-2014, 02:58 PM
When I run one toon, everything's fine. Jump to another, and the 'e' doesn't function (eg: to pickup items/interact/etc).

SO, I can go in and clear the binds, rebind, then it works for a moment.
Hop to another toon and it may or may not work as was previously set.
Then hop to another toon and that one doesn't work. Hop to another and it works fine.

Even after I've gone through and cleared, then reassigned each toon (that didn't work as expected) to using 'e' for interact, once I log, the next time I come back, it's hosed again.
Out of 15+ toons, I've got at least 4 that consistently have this issue. And several that consistently function properly.

Any clues or suggestions? Not really sure if it's due to the soft-targetting issue as of late, or if it's something else. But I'm about fed up with it.

Do you have auto-targeting enabled or disabled for these toons?

05-29-2014, 03:32 PM
Lovely. Evidently my post count's been reset as well. >.<

Not that I ever posted much to the forums to start with.. but sheesh.

/kobold really? REALLY???

PM Cordovan about that. The forum change unhooked a number of accounts last year.

05-29-2014, 04:15 PM
Any clues or suggestions? Not really sure if it's due to the soft-targetting issue as of late, or if it's something else. But I'm about fed up with it.

My wife had a similar issue. It was caused, in this case at least, by the Modifier Key assignment. Any time the modifier key was set, she might get half a dozen or so customised key assignments before it would stop accepting any more. With the modifier key unassigned she could complete them all, exit the game, reload, assign the modifier key and finish any which included the modifier key. She has her modifier key set to "Home" which is also mapped to one of her side mouse buttons. I use an identical assignment and have never had this problem. So, maybe it's something like that?

05-30-2014, 08:09 PM
Do you have auto-targeting enabled or disabled for these toons?

That's a good question...will have to check.

(Drives me nuts even to this day, that some settings in those panels are account-wide, and some are per-character) >.<

05-30-2014, 08:17 PM
My wife had a similar issue. It was caused, in this case at least, by the Modifier Key assignment. Any time the modifier key was set, she might get half a dozen or so customised key assignments before it would stop accepting any more. With the modifier key unassigned she could complete them all, exit the game, reload, assign the modifier key and finish any which included the modifier key. She has her modifier key set to "Home" which is also mapped to one of her side mouse buttons. I use an identical assignment and have never had this problem. So, maybe it's something like that?

Interesting....I've never 'actively' (intentionally) used a modifier key. But good to check all the same!

Typically the first thing I do when I roll a new toon, is go through and make sure that all the pre-binds are undone, as it ticks me off no end that if I hit a pre-defined hot-key and end up in typing mode in the middle of battle.

05-30-2014, 08:52 PM

What you mention about your wife's issue makes sense now (at least somewhat) judging from the following:

# ......................... Controls can be modidied by an optional MetaKey
# value, this value is an integer which combines any number of the
# bits defined in the MetaKeys table. The same button can be defined
# with different meta-key values but not with exactly the same
# meta-key modifiers. When selecting an action in response to user
# input the action that matches the largest number of modifiers is
# the action that gets selected. For example, if I define an action
# for X, Shift+X, and Control+X and then I enter Alt+Shift+X this
# will match the Shift+X action. If two or more actions match the
# same number of bits then the action with the lowest index wins.

*chuckles at "modidied"* At least that's one bug that didn't make it in, thanks to being commented out...lol

Anyways...what I'm not finding in the current ddo.keymap file is any seperation/distinction between characters. Which is odd, because there's definitely a distinction in game. (I'll have to check old backups...)

The only references I'm finding to my "e" key in the keymap file are:

Interact [ User [ 0 DIK_E ] ]

DoNothing [ User [ 0 DIK_E ] 0x00000002 ]

This being my only clue, I'll have to go hunting for toons with 'DoNothing' having 'e' in them. (which again, wouldn't make any sense, as that's not a key-bind I'd ever use.):confused:

Not having any clue what the hard-code '0x00000002' represents doesn't help though...
Could be 'ignore this command if...' or could be 'sets global priority'...but that still doesn't add up, since Interact works on some toons, and not others.

05-31-2014, 01:37 AM
Well, after going through 13 different toons (the rest will have to wait)...

- "Mouse soft target" was enabled for all but one. 1 toon that had soft targeting off, still worked properly.

- Not 1 of the 13 that I checked have a modifier key assigned.

- There is no "Do Nothing" selection in any of the panels (UI, Gameplay, Keymapping, etc). So the reference
and code for that really makes me scratch my head now. Why the 0x0000002??

- 3 do not function properly (with regard to interactions -be it soft-targeting, or whatever it is).
[The one's that do not work: Pally, Monk, Cleric]

On the 10 that DO work...whenever I get close to anyone (NPC/etc) I notice there's a circle underneath (typically -did not get one at the ES mailbox, and PDK trader was delayed, but a circle did finally show up)
On these toons, I made sure that I *did not* have my mouse anywhere near their 'being'/outline, and when I clicked the "E" key, interaction was normal (window came up, or the spoke, or whatever). Just by proximity they function with the E.

All toons have "Interact" set as "E"

The majority had "Attack/Interact" showing "Button 0" twice, others once. Though again, changing them or even clearing it altogether had no effect. And one that doesn't work with that, had 5 others that did work with that same setting.

"Auto-Target" and varying sub-categories (breakables, non-monster, monster) were 95% checked off. A few did not have "auto-target monster" checked, however again, no consistencies.

No rhyme, no reason. Just consistently inconsistent.

05-31-2014, 05:53 AM
Fix posted in 1st post.