View Full Version : Pale Cleric

05-22-2014, 12:56 AM
Allright, so I'm curious to see if a (somewhat backwards) idea of mine would work.

It's always seemed to me that the dark side SLAS for clerics are a bit lacking in usefulness, especially in comparison to the free flame strike. So I've been toying around with a build to potentially increase their usefulness, called "The Pale Cleric". You take 1 level of wizard for shroud of the zombie, then 19 levels of cleric, and you essentially use Negative energy burst and Mass Inflict to simultaniously heal and damage, saving sp for important things like implosion and slay living. Could potentially grab the skelly too, but I dont think it would be any use. This build would be focused on soloing, and would definitely have to grab equipment to make it tanky. I know that a WAY better self healer would be simply a pure cleric, and that it's probably idiotic to run something like this, but as a fun flavor build, do you think it would be viable?

05-22-2014, 02:44 AM
You need 3 wizard levels to get zombie form.

My (pure) cleric does much of its self-healing with aura and burst, which are even cheaper than SLAs.

The dream is a pale master than can natively cast Harm. Unfortunately this requires at least 11 cleric levels. In terms of how to make that work, a 17/3 cleric/zombie is probably one of the better directions to go in.

05-22-2014, 09:43 AM
Apart from Pale Master, wiz 3 splash would also open up some EK enhs: Imp Mage Armor & Shield (extra AC, +10 PRR), Arcane Barrier, EK Strike + Spellsword if you plan to melee. The main drawback (presuming this is a Necro cleric variant) is missing out on lvl 18 & capstone DiDi enhs.

07-15-2014, 11:44 PM
Before anyone goes ahead and tries this, there is also a bad bug preventing this making this pretty bad idea.

All the cleric slas, negative spells (except negative energy burst sla) require targetting yourself first in order to heal yourself. This includes harm.

I built this as a test on lama for u21 with hopes of just spamming and healing myself with the inflict mod wounds, mass spell.

I would not recommend trying it.

07-23-2014, 12:38 AM
Before anyone goes ahead and tries this, there is also a bad bug preventing this making this pretty bad idea.

All the cleric slas, negative spells (except negative energy burst sla) require targetting yourself first in order to heal yourself. This includes harm.

I built this as a test on lama for u21 with hopes of just spamming and healing myself with the inflict mod wounds, mass spell.

I would not recommend trying it.

I just did a pile of PL's using my Divine Disciple / Vampire Knight Framework (https://www.ddo.com/forums/showthread.php/441361-TR-Framework-Vampire-Knight) and I will say it is a blast.

However, the issue above does exist (although easily solved with having target self on a hotkey). I don't think I would recommend it for Epic levels... but is it completely indestructible (like leave the computer and go make tea while getting beat on by 20 mobs) at heroic levels.