View Full Version : Feat Question.

05-17-2014, 03:28 AM
If I took a "Follower of" Feat before multi-classing into Paladin (who gets a "Follower of" Feat for free) will I get an extra feat when I take Paladin or will I have effectively wasted a feat?

05-17-2014, 04:02 AM
I have effectively wasted a feat

05-17-2014, 05:42 AM
If I took a "Follower of" Feat before multi-classing into Paladin (who gets a "Follower of" Feat for free) will I get an extra feat when I take Paladin or will I have effectively wasted a feat?

Talk to fred and swap out the feat before picking up a paladin level.

05-19-2014, 02:53 PM
Apropos to this, if I took an earlier feat that comes later as a free Class Feat (eg. Precise Shot taken before free at Rgr 4) and now I'm at say Rgr lvl 6, and Fred swaps only offers feats you were eligible for at the time you originally took said feat, if I swap out Precise Shot do I lose it?

I'm assuming yes, and that it's recommended to swap out a free Class feat just before you'd get it.

05-20-2014, 01:55 PM
Apropos to this, if I took an earlier feat that comes later as a free Class Feat (eg. Precise Shot taken before free at Rgr 4) and now I'm at say Rgr lvl 6, and Fred swaps only offers feats you were eligible for at the time you originally took said feat, if I swap out Precise Shot do I lose it?

I'm assuming yes, and that it's recommended to swap out a free Class feat just before you'd get it.


You can swap out a feat that you get later for free even after you've gotten the free version. If you look at your feats page you'll actually have 2 copies of the feat--free feats don't "overwrite" taken feats and make the taken feats disappear so that you "lose" a feat.

05-20-2014, 02:08 PM
If I took a "Follower of" Feat before multi-classing into Paladin (who gets a "Follower of" Feat for free) will I get an extra feat when I take Paladin or will I have effectively wasted a feat?

How did you do this?

If its from cleric or FVS, It should be the exact same feat anyway.

05-20-2014, 04:16 PM
How did you do this?

If its from cleric or FVS, It should be the exact same feat anyway.

... and given that it's technically a "free" feat again (Cleric 1, Paladin 1, FvS 1), not like there's much of a choice.

Actually, if I read the wiki right AND the information there is correct (the latter being the big question), if you already have 3 levels in Cleric (having taken "Follower of" at 1 cleric) and take a level of Paladin, my understanding is that you "should" be able to take the "Child of" feat in the 1 Paladin faith feat slot.

(I'm not immediately certain that this is necessarily a bad idea, if you know what you're doing. Multiclass ranger/cleric/paladin (11/7/2) of the Silver Flame, maybe?)

Would certainly make more sense than getting to pick a second faith... then again, there was that one guy in my home town, in real life...