View Full Version : High Rollers are looking for a few good dice chuckers!

04-20-2014, 09:14 PM

High Rollers is an established guild that has populated the Cannith server since the first days it was open. Started as a small guild of close friends, High Rollers expanded to include several people from across the globe. Known for it's annual Festivult Giveaways and Zealotry's guided tours, we flourished for quite some time. But, as we all know, RL happens and several members have left the game over the last couple of years.

We are looking to replenish our ranks and once again travel forth into the world, leading quests and spreading cheer! Here are our ground rules.

1. Must be 18 years or older
2. Must be accepting of other people's beliefs/lifestyles
3. Must be willing to accept PUGs into your groups
4. Must have a sense of humor and enjoy the game
5. Will have a 30 day 'trial period' to see if you fit in with the guild
6. Characters inactive for more than 6 months will be removed

If you feel like you might be a good fit, feel free to contact any High Roller. You can also contact an officer. Current ones are: Brighton/Compleat, Zealotry, Repulsive/Ingenue, and Bromuro/Angrista, Jodyanna, and Fiffar/Llanwylyn We would encourage people to run with us before they make a final decision about joining. Look for High Rollers LFMs and tag along. See everyone in game!

04-20-2014, 09:18 PM
At least two of those contact names are mine! :D

HR is a great bunch of folks - some of the best friends I've made playing this game or any other. I've had some of the best gaming moments I can think of as a part of the High Rollers, and I'm proud to be a long-time member and Officer.

Hope to group with y'all soon. :)

04-21-2014, 02:00 PM
High Rollers is a close-knit guild, but very happy to embrace new people. Probably the most enjoyable part for me is that every person is an individual with their own quirks, and a great sense of humor. :)

04-21-2014, 02:39 PM
Do you guys have a website or anything with a raid/event schedule posted? Or can one of you talk about what your guild runs usually include and how often / what times you run them?

I've been thinking about joining a guild. I mostly solo, and I'm not one of the top players, and I took a couple of years off from the game around the time MOTU came out -- so there are some big gaps in my knowledge, especially of "endgame" raiding. I'm a competent but not exceptional player, and I understand the game mechanics well and enjoy building characters. But I don't have a lot of endgame experience and I'd like to get more. I also missed out on the community learning time for most of the newer raids and now I'm a bit embarrassed to join a group and be clueless.

What I'd really like is to find a guild that still runs some of the older raids fairly regularly in addition to the new stuff. It'd be nice to get in on some regular Abbot runs, for example, since I've never run it much. Or the House C raids. Or even Reaver's Fate, to get some tokens to upgrade all my old loot. (Or maybe even VOD/Hound, though there's not much there I even want on TR lives. But my first SubT experiences were definitely in Zealotry's guided tours years ago.) Shroud, VON, and Tempest Spine seem to be the only old raids that are still frequently pugged. And ADQ, I guess, but I soloed that enough back in the day to get my torcs and mostly leave it alone now.

I guess this can all be summarized with:

1. What content do you run as a guild?

2. What days and times do you run it?

3. How much patience do you have for players who are good listeners and willing to do some research, but who don't know all the content yet?

04-21-2014, 03:29 PM
I guess this can all be summarized with:

1. What content do you run as a guild?

2. What days and times do you run it?

3. How much patience do you have for players who are good listeners and willing to do some research, but who don't know all the content yet?

We do not have a website, nor do we have a Teamspeak/Mumble/Ventrilo server. We do use and encourage others to use in-game voicechat but it is not a requirement at all.

We currently do not have a schedule, as such. We do try to run things with our guild and schedule those individual events/times using the Guild MotD. We hope, as our ranks grow, to once again be able to have regularly scheduled raids and events as we did in the past. We are always happy to run any content that we have characters available for that other members might want to run.

We encourage our members to PUG, both joining and leading, but accept and respect all play-styles. We do tend to be more deliberate in our approach to raids than some groups, and nearly all our LFM's are of the 'accept anyone' varieties. Not to brag (ok, bragging!), but the High Rollers have developed a reputation of having solid players who are an asset to any group, listen and follow direction well, and don't get bent out of shape by much.

Personally, I don't know the new 'end game' content well, but find that a /tell to the group/raid leader just letting them know that I don't know the content, but am willing to listen and follow direction sets a good tone.

As for your last question, that is pretty much what the High Rollers is really about. I don't think you will find many groups more patient or willing to help than HR; be that a vet learning new content, a returning player regearing and relearning the game, or a greenie right out of Korthos. What we really look for is attitude, humor, and the ability to accept and learn with grace - even if that means failing a few times.

And please, even if you find you do not have an interest in joining us because we're not quite what you're looking for - still send us a tell and we'll be happy to help if you have questions or need a hand. :)

04-21-2014, 05:24 PM
As for your last question, that is pretty much what the High Rollers is really about. I don't think you will find many groups more patient or willing to help than HR; be that a vet learning new content, a returning player regearing and relearning the game, or a greenie right out of Korthos. What we really look for is attitude, humor, and the ability to accept and learn with grace - even if that means failing a few times.

Sounds great -- thanks very much for the response!

And please, even if you find you do not have an interest in joining us because we're not quite what you're looking for - still send us a tell and we'll be happy to help if you have questions or need a hand. :)

Thanks, that's really kind. I'll keep an eye out for High Rollers LFMs and maybe try a few runs to see how the fit is. Best of luck to all of you in finding new members!

04-21-2014, 09:56 PM
I have been with DDO since its beta inception in February of 2003. Mostly as a part-time player, I have had the pleasure to run with (literally) thousands of people on 3 different servers and the High Rollers have shown me that you CAN develop real friendships with digital people. The High Rollers are not a "get the best gear" guild; High Rollers play the game for what it is....a game. The fun and pleasure in playing the game with mature gaming professionals. I have been shown that if a High Roller needs a specific piece of gear and someone is not using it, then it is passed; without regards of oneself. It reminds me of the proverb "what is mine is yours". It truly does. If you are not a High Roller, you may not understand that we have each other's back, share amongst each other, and support each other when it is needed. This is why I choose to be a High Roller.

04-23-2014, 07:20 PM
I am a returning player and the people that I used to play with just aren't there no more it would be great to get with a group again :D and the way you explained how the group works with the loot passing is basically my natural philosophy and would be grateful to be in a group that did the same :D

04-24-2014, 07:37 AM
Basically we are gonna try to turn coal into gold with the new adepts that the guild takes under its wing, or, at least, give it a hand during its gaming time and with its endeavors whatever those are.

I guess i'm probably the most grumpy of the HR guildies (I blame to Harrycrumb xD), but some weird people still think that i'm cool and this always amaze me, i will always be in debt with people that sadly, doesn't play anymore.

HR has guided me, teached me, shared with me, and even failed raids with me without giving up or being childish or add any kind of drama. I know i can count on them having my back on every situation, and most of them besides distances ended up becaming a friend, i can't ask for more in a guild!

P.S: Besides Zealotry's voice is charming/mesmerizing and i bet she is a witch or a succubus disguised.
P.S.2: Besides if you think you don't fit well with us, you will always have Zerg's Tribe xD

04-24-2014, 11:45 AM
I am a returning player and the people that I used to play with just aren't there no more it would be great to get with a group again :D and the way you explained how the group works with the loot passing is basically my natural philosophy and would be grateful to be in a group that did the same :D

Raziel, please feel free to contact any High Roller you see in game. You can also look for those listed in the original post. Look forward to seeing you around!

04-24-2014, 01:44 PM
P.S: Besides Zealotry's voice is charming/mesmerizing and i bet she is a witch or a succubus disguised.

LOL, totally had to add that to my sig. :)

04-26-2014, 08:08 AM
(I blame to Harrycrumb xD),
P.S: Besides Zealotry's voice is charming/mesmerizing and i bet she is a witch or a succubus disguised.

I feel like I've heard this before. :p

... Zealotry has a soothing voice.

Zerg's Tribe xD

04-29-2014, 12:12 PM
Plot twist: I am Bromuro.

04-29-2014, 09:50 PM
Plot twist: I am Bromuro.

Stop lurking forums and trying to impersonate other person and come back to the game you pacco!!!!!, haven't you heard? HR is recruiting and a noob like you could get some benefit in grouping with experienced players and who knows, maybe (just maybe), you could learn to play better too... xD

P.S.: And yes, we know you miss us ;)

04-30-2014, 10:29 AM
Must... log... into the game...

04-30-2014, 09:10 PM
As a former member and officer of High Rollers, I must say they are awesome. I had a lot of fun running with these guys and still do on occasion.

I guess i'm probably the most grumpy of the HR guildies (I blame to Harrycrumb xD), but some weird people still think that i'm cool and this always amaze me, i will always be in debt with people that sadly, doesn't play anymore. Bromuro is definitely cool!

P.S: Besides Zealotry's voice is charming/mesmerizing and i bet she is a witch or a succubus disguised. This.

P.S.2: Besides if you think you don't fit well with us, you will always have Zerg's Tribe xD

Must... log... into the game... Back from the dead?

05-07-2014, 11:32 PM
Are there any officers on during the day time, I understand with work and all, but I have tomorrow off.

05-08-2014, 01:50 AM
Are there any officers on during the day time, I understand with work and all, but I have tomorrow off.
What time of day and in which time-zone?

That being said, any time you are on and you see a High Roller - send them a /tell. If they are not an Officer on an alt, they can at least tell you whom would be best to contact or they can pass along your contact info. :) Very much looking forward to getting to know you.

11-22-2014, 02:47 PM
Just a bump, to say we are still looking for new members. Contact any High Roller in game with questions.