View Full Version : Returning Player Question on State of Archers

04-20-2014, 09:46 AM
Question is what is the state of archers, as in has it changed much if at all since the enhancement revamp? Last I played if you wanted to play a pure/mostly ranged pew pewing you had to go Moncher what with the 10k stars n multishot combo. Has this changed much or has the ranged ranger received buffs to balance things out? Also is the fighter even a viable option?

I found that the utility the moncher brought to the table way out weighed anything the ranger offered with stunning fist, defensive abilities/enhancements, ect ect compared to the minimal at best the ranger brought. Was frustrating seeing how the monk was pretty much being forcefed down my throat. Wondering if things have changed at all since the last few updates or upcoming changes.

04-20-2014, 10:17 AM
Last I played if you wanted to play a pure/mostly ranged pew pewing you had to go Moncher what with the 10k stars n multishot combo. Has this changed much or has the ranged ranger received buffs to balance things out?
Not really: rgrs got some handy ranged abilities in the AA & DWS trees, but nothing which makes up for not getting 10K Stars, unfortunately. Monk 6 / rgr 6 is still a strong basis for a monkcher, with the remaining 8 lvls up to you. Pure rgrs are still best played as ranged / melee hybrids.