View Full Version : First rogue: Advices wellcome!

04-19-2014, 07:01 AM
Hi everybody! First Rogue attempt, I have the general idea what I'm looking for, but need advice about classes & races.

My vision: trap disarmer/door opener mech-oriented clasic rogue, primary atack short ballistic, secondary atack two weapons, looking for speed, atack speed, movement speed, acrobacy more than assasin...

I don't need a precise build, but general lines about multiclass / splashes. ¿x Rogue / y Ranger / z Monk? ¿x Rogue / y Ranger / z Barb? ¿Any other conbination? ¿Best race?

Thanks everybody!

04-19-2014, 01:30 PM
The main drawback to MCing a rogue is you give up the capstone (Assassin is the best, IMHO - +2 INT +4d6 SA) and possibly lvl 18 core enhs or rog bonus feats, depending how deeply you splash; you also reduce your Assassinate DCs, making it less effective.

See my Mechassin thread for one example of a Mechanic / Assassin hybrid. There's also some discussions about alternatives.

04-28-2014, 04:54 PM
Hi everybody! First Rogue attempt, I have the general idea what I'm looking for, but need advice about classes & races.

My vision: trap disarmer/door opener mech-oriented clasic rogue, primary atack short ballistic, secondary atack two weapons, looking for speed, atack speed, movement speed, acrobacy more than assasin...

Most people I know go either melee or ranged bit don’t mix the two. You can, but I just do see it implemented that way a lot unless you solo. As for what interests you most, any of the PrEs in the rogue line can cover everything you described you wanted out of a rogue.

You wants ranged? Go mechanic and repeater. Your only downside is getting bolts. A modest crafting skill fixes this.

You want melee? Acrobat and Assassin have that in spades. However, stealth is an Assassin’s best friend whereas the Acrobat is more about speed and strength. The former is a GREAT solo toon. The latter a great PUG toon. However, in any of these, trapping is part of the paradigm, and that is about half gear-related.

And all of them benefit from UMD. So you have heals and buffs galore if you allocate your points right. A decent INT score is required so that you have enough points to drop into UMD, and a good base CHR.

As for race, the basics are Drow, Halfling, Elf, Human, and of course the some of the iconics (as they are pay2win anyways). Right now I’m doing Drow, which gives me soke decent attributes. May last 2 lives were halflings, whose only real drawbacks were low CON and STR. This was a problem with HP, some undead, and elementals. You learn to work around these problems.

The Wiki has a decent layout of initial starting rogue stats. Right now I’m high INT with DEX and CHR being my runners-up on a Drow.

04-28-2014, 05:58 PM
Most people I know go either melee or ranged bit don’t mix the two. You can, but I just do see it implemented that way a lot unless you solo.
Main drawback (presuming pure rogue) is lack of feats. With only 7 or 8 heroic (depending on human or not) plus 3 epic feats, there's not enough to take all of the ranged & melee feats you would want. You can MC for extra feats, but losing the capstone is unfortunate, particularly if you're going for Assassinate DCs.

You wants ranged? Go mechanic and repeater. Your only downside is getting bolts. A modest crafting skill fixes this.
House Deneith (http://ddowiki.com/page/Favor#House_Deneith) sturdy bolts also help; or you can UMD Flame Arrow scrolls or wands.

04-28-2014, 06:42 PM
Hi everybody! First Rogue attempt, I have the general idea what I'm looking for, but need advice about classes & races.

My vision: trap disarmer/door opener mech-oriented clasic rogue, primary atack short ballistic, secondary atack two weapons, looking for speed, atack speed, movement speed, acrobacy more than assasin...

I don't need a precise build, but general lines about multiclass / splashes. ¿x Rogue / y Ranger / z Monk? ¿x Rogue / y Ranger / z Barb? ¿Any other conbination? ¿Best race?

Thanks everybody!

My Rogue Bullet Points:

UMD: Charmisa is the stat that influences UMD success. Embrace the UMD
Improved evasion, opportunist, skill mastery, skill mastery are the only class feats you should ever take. In that order.
Make sure you always have the best Search/Disable/Spot gear available at your level. I say this for the benefit of the future PUGs that you will join.
greensteel: smoke2 gear (+45hp, perma-blur), radiance weapon, triple positive weapon (undead beater).
Races: Human (bonus feat), elves (bonus will/enchantment saves), halfling (bonus sneak attack + some others), shadar-kai (shadow jaunt, 2 Sneak Attack Die, 3% dodge, (forget teh chain), Bladeforged (reconstruct, extra HP/DR/FORT/PRR)
Insightful reflexes is a feat that makes up for a low dex in a high int build.
Reflex saves are keeping you alive: be good to them and make sure they're as high as you can make them.

Anything else is just a re-hash of what other people have said.

04-29-2014, 03:11 AM
If you want to splash, try Rog18/Wiz2 with Eldritch enhancements. You will get Eldritch Strike, which can be performed while you are invs and sneaking without breaking (it may be bug). You will get Invis SLA, access to all martial weapons, shield, mage armor, PRR, +15 HP. If you are Hafling, you can pick Maximize Feat (Wizard class feat) and Lesser dragonmark to gain decent selfhealing.

05-06-2014, 10:00 AM
He's a lvl 28 drow mechanic. Even though I was constantly complaining about how weak and squishy he was, I kept playing him and respec'd him once or twice to try and get more hp's and strength. I always figured I'd be scrappin him and starting over as anything but a drow mechanic.
But now, he is my favorite toon.
His melee is really quite good, though not as good as an assassin or acrobat of course.
Due to his SR and high evasion, reflex and the ghostly from the whisperchain armor, he is rarely hit by anything.
The only trouble with him is he is not strong against skellies.

And I'm now working on the Unyielding Sentinel ED, which gave him a HUGE HP boost, I'm now pushing 900 with buffs.
Which is awesome, because not long ago he was 430 HP at lvl 20.

Oh, almost forgot, his ranged abilities are very good as well.

05-11-2014, 05:00 PM
The main problem I have seen with the few rogue newbies I met in PUGs is their difficulty to disable traps. The main reason is that they don't have the gear, and skill items have much harder to find than before. The easiest solution is to be a crafter, or to know one who could do the gear for you for a reasonable price. Otherwise, you risk facing frustration from not being able to do your job, even with a reasonable build.

05-11-2014, 06:59 PM
I'm currently running an elven rogue/ranger/artificer 13/6/1 build and I'm having a blast. It's built more for ranged sneak attack than anything, but it does well in melee with some good weapons. I went elven primarily for the dragonmarks (invisibility, shadow walk and displacement) because I love me some free invisibility :D.
Arty is there for conjure bolts and the pet to open doors and pull levers.
Ranger for twf feats, rapid shot and precise shot. Also dipping into the DWS enhancements.
Rogue for the mechanic tree mostly.

That being said, pure rogue is still better, if only for the capstone.

I'll try and remember to post the build later if I get a chance.