View Full Version : Wild Shape Question

04-02-2014, 12:55 PM
Currently doing a funky ranger build, it has ranger levels for two weapon fighting, 8 druid levels for winter wolf, and 1 monk for the stances.

The monk was also for faster unarmed attack speed, and centered for +1.5 W in epics.

But I just noticed in the wild shape wiki:

If you have monk levels, the damage of your animal form matches that of your monk unarmed damage, which means at low levels it will decrease your damage in bear form, but as you progress, the damage will increase as normal for monk.

So does that mean my damage will only be a basic monk unarmed at 1[1d6] 20 x2 (though centered in epics it will be 2.5[1d6] 20 x2)

I was planning on winter wolf form, being 1[1d10] 19-20 x3 (ideally centered in epics 2.5[1d10] 19-20 x3)


I could use a lesser heart and change the 1 level of monk to 1 level of rogue, then use Thief Acrobatics for +15% attack speed (was planning on a quarterstaff anyway).

04-02-2014, 01:31 PM
That info is obsolete; Turbine fixed that bug ages ago. Note that inherent +[W] bonuses to unarmed dmg like higher monk lvls or Dance of Flowers (GMoF) will carry over on a Drunk; but bonuses on weapons do not.

However, I don't believe the atk speed bonus from Acrobatic will carry over to wolf-form; you may be equipped with a staff, but you're considered unarmed. I suspect the +1[W] from Shillelagh will apply, though, so it may still be worth having a staff equipped. Since TWF + animal forms aren't WAI, their interactions can be a little tricky to predict.

04-02-2014, 02:09 PM
Thanks a lot, you completely cleared up my question! Back to leveling.