View Full Version : Odd Sound Problem

03-27-2014, 05:48 PM
Hello Everyone!

One of my friends is having an odd sound issue that we have not been able to fix yet, so I figured that I'd check with everyone here to see if anyone has experienced something similar.

Whenever he enters a Party Chat Room, all DDO sounds/music starts to crackle. He can be playing for hours with no problems whatsoever, but as soon as we start chatting, the crackling starts.

He has isolated the issue (I believe) to whenever he clicks on "Enable Voice Chat" in the Audio UI. For instance, if we are grouped and he un-clicks Voice Chat, his sound is fine; but as soon as he re-enables it...crackling. Also, voices are crystal clear.

Has anyone else experienced anything like this?

Thanks for the help.

03-27-2014, 05:58 PM
Hello Everyone!

One of my friends is having an odd sound issue that we have not been able to fix yet, so I figured that I'd check with everyone here to see if anyone has experienced something similar.

Whenever he enters a Party Chat Room, all DDO sounds/music starts to crackle. He can be playing for hours with no problems whatsoever, but as soon as we start chatting, the crackling starts.

He has isolated the issue (I believe) to whenever he clicks on "Enable Voice Chat" in the Audio UI. For instance, if we are grouped and he un-clicks Voice Chat, his sound is fine; but as soon as he re-enables it...crackling. Also, voices are crystal clear.

Has anyone else experienced anything like this?

Thanks for the help.

I had something similar happen to me this week. Raid leader started to speak, crackle, no sound after that at all. Ran the raid in silence. I thought it was my amp fuse, so I put on some tunes and no problemo. Re-booted my desktop and the sound was back when I logged in.

The night before last the I got got disconnected from the chat server. We completed Haunted Halls and after the giant room a major malfunction occured and we were booted and I could not get back into game or on forums. I'm not sure if these 2 events are related.

03-27-2014, 07:22 PM
The night before last the I got got disconnected from the chat server. We completed Haunted Halls and after the giant room a major malfunction occured and we were booted and I could not get back into game or on forums. I'm not sure if these 2 events are related.

You know, we did complete HH a few weeks ago. I don't remember him mentioning the sound problem prior to that. Hmmmm...