View Full Version : TR Bank Destroying Items

03-24-2014, 09:52 PM
I had two Kilau's Bands (exclusive items), with different upgrades. I had one item equipped when I accidentally double-clicked on the one in my TR bank. I got the standard message that Kilau's Band is an exclusive item. Then the ring in my TR bank disappeared. (In the past if you clicked an exclusive item it would drop to the bottom of the bank, but now it's completely gone.)

Anyone else have this problem? Any luck getting your item back?

Anyway, be forewarned and I hope everybody else can avoid this problem.

Edit: the item eventually came back to me in the mailbox, so I guess they made it right. Still...

Warning still holds as far as the TR bank being bugged.

03-24-2014, 10:29 PM
This has always been the way the TR banks have worked for me (with the exception of the mailing the item back to you. That is relatively new.)

When pulling something out of your cache the system can't put it back in. So what I do is take it out to a regular bank slot and then from there to my inventory. That way the system can put the item back into my regular bank if I hit an error and I don't have to depend on the clean up script sending it back to me in the mail.

03-24-2014, 11:32 PM
I thoought you were going to post something like this:


04-27-2014, 10:54 AM
I had this happen. I logged out and back on and it was mailed to me.