View Full Version : Is there a good Eldritch Knight Build yet?
03-19-2014, 05:57 AM
Hello! I saw Eldritch Knight and thought it looked cool but everyone seems a bit dismissive of it. I've my old main (a 3rd life Half Elf fighter) with his +20 heart of wood that I was interested in changing into an EK of some sort but I don't really want to waste the +20 heart of wood if I'll end up with a gimp.
03-22-2014, 12:17 AM
My current TR is going through a wizard life.. i've used a bit of the EK stuff but as of level 15 it is rather unimpressive. The attack suffers the same problem the necro tree SLAs have, metamagics cannot be used on it. Perhaps i am doing something wrong, after all i don't have much experience as a wizard, but i would expect more than 40-80 damage out of the EK tree special attack as a level 15 wizard. My spells sure can zap rooms of monsters for a lot more than that (but then my metamagics work on those).
You might want to try a level 7 vet character or use an iconic to build a level 15 wizard to give it a shot before using the heart of wood, your own experiences with it may vary from mine.
03-22-2014, 10:47 AM
I like to think that I've put it to some good use - I've splashed it with my Fighter (Kensei) and I like it. Using Eldritch Strike when you have Power Attack on, and dual-wielding khopeshes (among other goodies from feats and enhancements) makes for some nice damage. Tossing Mage Armor and Shield on supplements existing good AC, and I plan to take the 'proficiency' enhancements to make spellcasting easier. (I use spellcasting right now as more of a boost to defense, or extra abilities without needing an item: Nightshield, Protection from Evil, Grease, Feather Fall, that kind of thing. Not really using offensive spells.)
03-22-2014, 11:19 AM
I've taken an EK to epic, and run with him for a while. (I do not recommend EK for EE.)
EK has a few severe issues that I'm going to point out. Mind you, I'll assume pure, just because multiclass is too hard to predict for.
First - Still a wizard. This means low HP, horrid fort and reflex saves, and a pathetic BAB. The BAB can be countered with the Tenser's Toggle, but that cripples your DCs and casting rate, so it's a tradeoff.
Second - That low HP almost forces you to use the top-tier Shield enhancement that gives you all the regenerating temp hp. And that basically locks you into sword and board, and we're all familiar with the reasons why that's not really popular, right?
Third - Limited options for 'optimal' gear. Yes, you can get medium and light armor profeciency. Unfortunately, you're still a wizard, and spell power and spell crit still matter, so it's pretty much Shadowmail, Whisperchain, and Blue Dragon. Maybe green. Maybe.
Spellpower does not affect your imbues (though if memory serves, it does affect the two cleaves, so crank that force spellpower and crit!).
Mind you, I TR'd out of it. Maybe someday I'll give it another shot, but right now? Nope.
Oh, and the reason I always say wizard instead of sorc is that going after Wraithform and Death Aura is too valuable to pass up if you're going to be in the middle of the mobs with wizard HP and mediocre or bad AC. Sure, Displacement will rock the house until something pops True Seeing, or it's a dragon hitting you. Then you'll just pop.
03-26-2014, 11:11 AM
Figured I'd chime in here, I'm no expert/meta player so YMMV but I like using EK. I've split it with PM for survival, use a 2 hander and run around smacking stuff and using a couple no save dps spells to help. Is it optimal? Heh, probably not but it's entertaining for right now, and I'd also say I highly doubt the viability at high levels of play
03-26-2014, 01:16 PM
I frequently run with a wizard-12/ranger-6/monk-2 and with a wizard-12/ranger-6/rogue-2
Both of them are pretty tanky, although the monk-2 is significantly moreso. The idea is that you layer your defenses thickly enough that your death aura is sufficient to soak up most of the remaining damage that you take. That means going for a high AC, high dodge, blur, displacement, incorporeal, etc. Your wizard levels are really mostly for utilities and to fuel your aura, since you're walking around in permanent tensors anyway.
03-26-2014, 03:40 PM
I've been experimenting with EK builds, my most recent being BF pal 14 / ftr 1 / wiz 5, though I've yet to make a "real" one. My main problem is I can't really figure out who benefits from focusing on EK:
If you're making a melee DPS build, there are better T5 bonuses than perma-Tensers and +3% doublestrike.
If you're making a S&B build, Stalwart / Sacred Defender have better synergies than EK.
If you're making a caster DPS build, all you really gain is some Force spellpower.
If you're making a ranged DPS build, you basically get bupkiss, unless ASF reduction or Imp MA/Shield are somehow useful.
Eldritch Strike / Tempest are okay if you've got decent spellpower; but the cooldowns are too long & the SP cost is too high to rely on them much, esp. since they can't be meta'ed like SLAs. Even WP Divine Vessel is better than EK Tempest: it costs fewer APs, uses zero SPs, and can proc every 25 secs; the only drawback is you can't control when it's unleashed, as it fires off automatically.
That said, it's not all bad. For 16-21 APs I can get both defensive (Imp Mage Armor / Shield, Arcane Barrier, +6 stacking elemental resists) and offensive (EK Strike, Spellsword, +4% doublestrike) buffs. I've been mulling some ideas for LRing one of my old Warforged builds into an EK tank: maybe something like wiz 12 / ftr 6 / pal 2?
03-26-2014, 04:47 PM
Dwarf 18/2 Wizard Fighter (can splash deeper, but keep at least 12 wizard for wraith) Fury of The Wild
Max con + points, rest into int and some into str
Dwarf - Throw your weight around (con to damage)
Wraith form (incorporeal 25%, +20 balance, PM self healing)
Fighter - Axe Kensei
Dwarf have boosts to axes, fighter martial proficiencies also gives dwarves their exotic Dwarven Axes (hand-and-half weapon, so has glancing blows when used on 1 hand only)
Great axe for max damage, d-axe and board for turtling.
- Easy to get around 60 con buffed
- incorporeal + extended displacement + extended haste
- pajamas for dodge, but can net some good AC and PRR from heavy armor. I didn't like armor.
THF, ITHF, GTHF. e-PTHF (+ shield mastery if going turtle route)
Won't qualify for Overwhelming Critical.
decent DPS for EH (and not so bad on EE), survivability covered, more HP than most melees around.
03-26-2014, 06:26 PM
Both are up to lvl 25 and I'm getting a good feel for what they can handle. Both are in EK as primary enhancement tree with Tensers always on.
My favorite atm:
Bladeforged 15 wizard, 5 rogue Dexterity build focused on quarterstaff stick fighting and running in Legendary Dreadnaught,
Currently sitting at 735 HP, 1500+ SP, reconstruct hitting for ~400 non-crits.
This is like a leatherman's tool...very versatile and durable and good dps (not great, but good).
DPS at about 95 non-crit without action boost to dmg., and 300's on crit. ...then there's masters blitz :-)
Power Word Stun and Otto's Irresistible dance are wonderful!
Extended displace and all other buffing spells are very nice.
Ran Haunted Halls Epic Hard last night in a full party, and my rogue skills were up to par and able to handle everything in the quest...this made me very happy.
My other EK character:
HOrc 10 fighter, 7 wizard, 3 Rogue Strength build focused on Greataxe fighting and running in Legendary Dreadnaught.
Currently sitting at 800+ HP, 600+ SP, twisted Rejuvenation Cocoon for self healing which isn't good enough...I'm still needing a healer if I want to push out max dps.
This is like a DPS machine, very good dps but needing a supporting healer.
DPS at about 130's?(need to verify...haven't played much lately) non-crit without action boost to dmg., 500's to 1100's on crit. to non-held mobs...not sure why the fluctuation...will have to test and define...will update here when I do. ...and then there's masters blitz :-)
Extended displace and fire shield and all other buffing spells are nice.
Ran an HH Epic Hard a week ago while solo, and my rogue skills were not up to par and I was getting hit too hard to where I had to slow down the dps to catch up on healing...this made me not very happy. Extended bosses were undoable. Rogue skills may be fixable though...I spread-loaded my skill points and maxed UMD...will instead focus on Search and Disable Device and UMD, throw away spot and open lock...bells of opening for the win :-( and then for the sake of comedy, spotting traps with my face!
Hello! I saw Eldritch Knight and thought it looked cool but everyone seems a bit dismissive of it. I've my old main (a 3rd life Half Elf fighter) with his +20 heart of wood that I was interested in changing into an EK of some sort but I don't really want to waste the +20 heart of wood if I'll end up with a gimp.
03-26-2014, 07:16 PM
I've tested EK with both a Wiz18/Rogue and a Wiz12/Fighter6/Rogue2 in Solo, Group and Raid situations and it's highly disappointing for both.
First off both the mana drain from spell sword and the Eldritch cleaves is astronomical especially If your trying to keep your normal buffs (displacement, tensor's, haste, death aura,etc.) so despite being one of the better parts of the tree its actually detrimental to use. Than of course there's the huge timers 15second and 30-60seconds vs. Cleave/Great Cleaves 5 seconds cooldown (which don't cost mana)
Every point spent in EK is a loss in non-force spellpower as it only get 0.5 per pt spent as opposed to 0.75 of Pale Master or the whopping 1.0 of Arch Mage and unlike PM has nothing worth the loss of spellpower.
Alot of the enhancements are incredibly expensive (getting the eldritch tempest down to 30 seconds costs SIX!!! AP)
The near requirement for shields limits builds incredibly for my Wiz/Fighter that's fine since he's built to use shields but otherwise it's extremely limiting not to mention it doesn't fit the lore of EKs or Spellswords t all who traditionally only wiled a single one handed weapon wit the off-hand either empty or wielding a caster implement stave, orb, tome,wand,spell,etc.)
4 of the cores are all the same ability until the capstone. That shouuld be a single ability that grants all 4 elements (only one active at a time of course)
EK pretty much amounts to the following...Tensor's toggle, minor Defensive bonuses, eldirtch strike/tempest, asf reduction, a feel cool shield related things. it really doesn't amount to much...the only thing worth anything that doesn't require a shield above tier 2 is the tensor's toggle and eldritch tempest the former only being a minor convenience the latter not worth it due to the long cooldown and huge AP & Mana cost.
This makes EK work way better as a splash...for example a Pally15/Fighter2/Wiz3 can supplement their melee DPS quite well with Eldritch strike and the first spell sword than pop improved mage armor/shield for boosted defenses.
03-26-2014, 09:58 PM
This makes EK work way better as a splash...for example a Pally15/Fighter2/Wiz3 can supplement their melee DPS quite well with Eldritch strike and the first spell sword than pop improved mage armor/shield for boosted defenses.
I went BF pal 14 / ftr 1 / wiz 5: same # of feats (I wanted Quicken + Extend), but gain lvl 3 spells (Haste & Displacement). Plus it's a toss-up as to which PrE has worse T5s: KotC or EK. :rolleyes:
03-27-2014, 01:47 AM
it's a toss-up as to which PrE has worse T5s: KotC or EK. :rolleyes:
Lol can't argue for your sugesstion honestyl I'll pulled those numbers out of think air...the point is that 90% of the good stuff from the PrE can be obtained with only 3 levels of wiz/sorc. Also imoprved mage armor and imoproved shield should NOT stack with armor/'s an alternative.
03-27-2014, 04:11 AM
My horc fighter wizard ek/pm/kensai thf is doing very nicely at L24. 12wiz fig 8. However I +20lr'd into it from pure fighter at 20. I would imagine the build plan would make levelling awful as its statted like a fighter but the first 12 levels are all wizard
03-27-2014, 06:02 AM
My horc fighter wizard ek/pm/kensai thf is doing very nicely at L24. 12wiz fig 8. However I +20lr'd into it from pure fighter at 20. I would imagine the build plan would make levelling awful as its statted like a fighter but the first 12 levels are all wizard
Oh no one denies that Gishes work pretty good in the right hands, they always have...the thing is it has little to nothing to do with EK if anything EK is making you worse.
Also yes until you pick up at least Vamp form and death aura its a massive pain personally I mainline archmage and just act like a regular Wizard until than...this of course is depend amt on whether you dumped Int or not which imo kind of defeats the purpose.
03-27-2014, 06:40 AM
Oh no one denies that Gishes work pretty good in the right hands, they always have...the thing is it has little to nothing to do with EK if anything EK is making you worse.
Also yes until you pick up at least Vamp form and death aura its a massive pain personally I mainline archmage and just act like a regular Wizard until than...this of course is depend amt on whether you dumped Int or not which imo kind of defeats the purpose.
You grossly overestimate my competence. I don't think I could pull it off without the ek/pm combo. Pm is giving survivability even in off destinies, ek adds to that and add not insignificant other benefits. Spellblades being not un useful DPS, but the strike and t5aoe are worthless damage and cost way too many sp for what they do. The ap are spread thin though to make this work there is no wiggle room. I think a pally sorc bladeforged would work better due to the higher spell pool and saves and extra healing options in a pinch... but would have to give up some feats. Either way DPS will be middle tier at best. The benefits of the build are extreme survivability (compared to my usual standard. I am not skilled) vs normal mobs.
My point is the best build several actual skilled minds could come up with is medium DPS, and satisfactory survivability. That is FUN and flavoursome and I love it. But my eyes are open- ek is like druid bear form -it has real inherent problems currently.
03-27-2014, 07:49 AM
My point is the best build several actual skilled minds could come up with is medium DPS, and satisfactory survivability. That is FUN and flavoursome and I love it.
Yes EK looked/sounded really fun, but as has been stated, in order to get to the T5 stuff it is costly, only to find out that EK Tempest is a hog for what it does.
I tried a couple times to build a melee focussed EK using a PDK Fighter/Paladin/Sorc 2/6/12. In the end it was pretty mediocre. Issues were with the AP (I really wanted the H-Amp and GH from PDK tree) and still trying for T5 (30+ AP) in the EK tree. The thinking behind this was:
1. Grab fighter for feats, haste, and extra action boosts (also avoid using a lesser heart).
2. Grab pally for some smites (to fill in cool down gaps), damage boost, and 4 LOH (helpful in heroics with decent CHA, figure with 6 Pally levels and 24 CHA = 144 hit points) and of course divine grace.
3. PDK (although human would also work) because I really like the racial tree.
4. Feats were plentiful, focussed on melee with THF (PA, Cleave, Great Cleave, THF, ITHF, GTHF), FOP, and later on grabbed Maximize.
Sorc spells were mostly buffs (invis, haste, blur, resists, displacement, rage, stoneskin) and the force missile spells for some ranged options.
I front loaded the fighter/pally a little for survivability in case of solo players, also because this toon is not designed as a sorc nuker, groups might be a little confused as to whether they got a sorc or a bard with them.
Starting stats were STR, CON and CHA at 16. Level ups into STR. Enhancements added to both CHA and STR.
Notable Enhancements:
Kensai Haste Boost (x3)
Kensai Extra Action Boost (x3)
KOC Damage Boost (x3)
SD Extra LOH (x3)
PDK Human Versatility: Damage Boost
PDK Action Surge STR (x3) and CHA (x3)
PDK Greater Heroism
Spent the most in EK tree, going all the way up to T5 for Tensors and Tempest - messed up though and could only grab Tempest x2, so would need to tweek the build because it's a big enough drain even if you get all three levels, let alone only two. I did not take any shield enhancements as this build is planned for a great axe only. I only took 3 cores, choosing shock and acid spellswords.
A great axe with a red augment slot for an impulse ruby would be nice with this build.
Hind sight - there are not enough AP's to get anything useful from the KoC tree (Divine Might and Divine Sacrifice specifically) as-is. Not sure what a good trade off would be. Maybe drop the 4 AP in EK Tempest and the 6 AP for extra action boosts? Still comes up a bit short though.
03-27-2014, 09:54 AM
I'll pulled those numbers out of think air...the point is that 90% of the good stuff from the PrE can be obtained with only 3 levels of wiz/sorc. Also imoprved mage armor and imoproved shield should NOT stack with armor/'s an alternative.
Like I said upthread, I think the most useful stuff in EK is the "low-hanging fruit" you get for the first 15-20 APs. My BF has Addy Body and uses 2H weapons, so Mage Armor & Shield provide AC & PRR bonuses which are semi-useful. I like Arcane Barrier - it's basically a free Radiant Forcefield which auto-procs when you drop below 50% HPs - and stacking elemental resists are welcome, though I wish you could get more than +6.
But then you get to tier-4 and it's basically a wasteland of meh: +STR, seeker bonuses, ASF reduction - booooring. Then you finally get to tier-5 - and yeah, perma-Tensers and +3% doublestrike ain't bad, but there are much better T5s out there for melees (Keen Edge being the obvious one). EK Tempest is kinda nifty, but too expensive (AP- and SP-wise) and too long CD to be truly useful.
Basically I would say EK can make a decent complementary PrE for a melee arcane, but you'll still be relying on other PrEs to do the "heavy lifting" of your build.
03-27-2014, 09:55 AM
My experience with my EK was actually pretty goood....though the EK component wasn't critical to the build as much as the wizard lives but it did help on the AC/PRR front and the extra dps from the weapon imbue is nice as well as the warning bell of Arcane barrier to heal yourself is awesome.
My build was/is Wiz13, Rog5, Pally2 Bladeforged - dex focused quarterstaff user (Sireth rocks) - Saves are off the hook even without insightful reflexes(57/65/53 before GH). The key, IMO, with EK is to build like you are building a melee and your castings are for buffing only - I don't even waste SP on dots. With this build I went tier 5 in acrobat - the crit enhancements are too good to pass up vs. Tensers which I can self cast and Tempest (as others has said) is a SP draining trap.
I am at 28 and have AC over 80, dodge 20%ish depending ED/gear/twist I am running, PRR will be in the high 50s(with Improved Shield running) when I get one more comm to get planar conflux PRR bonus, perma displaced, blurred, incorp (treads). HP over 750(fully buffed), SP only 1100ish but I usually have some left at shrines (in EH I can run the whole quest in Blitz without hitting any shrines to break blitz - EE I need shrines for healing SP).
Can I do better DPS wise yes, but the self healing, self buffing, high saves, good defense make up for it alot versus some of my glass cannons that are all dps but no surviveability.
03-27-2014, 02:40 PM
imo if they changed the tensor's toggle to an ability that doubled the effectiveness of extend and made the spellcaster immune to dispel/anti-magic effects it would be far more worthwhile and probably give you enough extra sp to actually occasionally use your EK abilities.
That said I think the spellsword toggle should just lower your Max SP by X% when it's toggled on instead of using x per second (I'd say current but I can see that bugging out and taking 20% of your sp any time you go through a loading screen) and the SP Cost, AP Cost and cooldowns should all be reduced for eldritch strike and tempest
Next they should make Improved Shield/Mage Armor and Light/Medium Armor Prof into the same enhancements where you select one or the other...the spells should NOT work on an armored person.
Lastly merge the spellsword core into a single core ability that works like monk get all four but can only be in one at a time.
Add in Heavy Armor Prof as the Core 18.
There's more but this post is already long enough.
03-27-2014, 02:53 PM
Next they should make Improved Shield/Mage Armor and Light/Medium Armor Prof into the same enhancements where you select one or the other...the spells should NOT work on an armored person.
I disagree: I think the fact they boost an armored toon is the only thing which makes the SLAs worthwhile. Plus ASF reduction is tied into the armor prof enhs, which is the real reason I even consider taking them.
04-01-2014, 02:03 PM
My EK is currently 8wiz/4FVS/2Rog WF with over 400HP and almost 2k Mana. Plan is 13wiz/4FVS/3 Rog
At level 14 I have 48str with my cha to str boost.
I use my arcane spells to heal, buff and add DPS.
Only problem I am having is making tough choices on enhancement points. Just too many places to spend. What I love about the end build is that I will get 30 PRR just from enhancements and extra DPS.
Tough choice is, do I go wraith which will cost at least 21points in PM or... get extra DPS from warpriest (str and greatsword bonus) and stay with vampire with extra 3str.
Another nice thing about my build is that it can easily translate into a Shiradi melee. Use spells with no saves at range (MM, CM, FM, Scorching Ray), then melee as needed.
04-01-2014, 02:25 PM
My EK is currently 8wiz/4FVS/2Rog WF with over 400HP and almost 2k Mana. Plan is 13wiz/4FVS/3 Rog
What are you getting out of the FvS levels? Just crit chance and Just Rewards, or are you going more melee and using warpriest/ameliorating strike?
I'm just intrigued by this split.
I've been trying to think of some kind of pale master eldritch knight acrobat, and I did consider taking 2 FvS for Just Rewards from AoV and the PRR/Smite/Divine Might from Warpriest. But I'm currently leaning toward 13 wiz / 5 rogue / 2 paladin.
04-02-2014, 10:36 AM
What are you getting out of the FvS levels? Just crit chance and Just Rewards, or are you going more melee and using warpriest/ameliorating strike?
I'm just intrigued by this split.
I've been trying to think of some kind of pale master eldritch knight acrobat, and I did consider taking 2 FvS for Just Rewards from AoV and the PRR/Smite/Divine Might from Warpriest. But I'm currently leaning toward 13 wiz / 5 rogue / 2 paladin.
Depends... in melee configuration, you get PRR, smite, divine might and bonus to Greatsword enhancement, +2 str , 5 DR and shield of condemnation at level 3 FVS.
in Shiradi, you get just reward and spell implementation (big with new crafting in Thunderholme.)
Only problem is you have to make a choice, because you really do not have enough points to get everything you want.
04-10-2014, 12:06 PM
I think it'd be nice if the EK core1 make your weilded weapon a spellcasting implement (like how Arcane Archer does with bows), and maybe replace the item defense, wand and scroll mastery, and crit accuracy buffs with "wielded weapon gets +1 enhancement bonus" like what Cleric Warpriest gets (not stacking with the Warpriest enhancement, though). That'll help with the spell-power issue, since with a +5 weapon you'll be getting another 15 spell power (if it's not a spellcasting implement already) and another 9 just from the new +3 enhancement bonus you got from the Warpriest enhancement borrow.
04-10-2014, 12:29 PM
I think it'd be nice if the EK core1 make your weilded weapon a spellcasting implement (like how Arcane Archer does with bows), and maybe replace the item defense, wand and scroll mastery, and crit accuracy buffs with "wielded weapon gets +1 enhancement bonus" like what Cleric Warpriest gets (not stacking with the Warpriest enhancement, though). That'll help with the spell-power issue, since with a +5 weapon you'll be getting another 15 spell power (if it's not a spellcasting implement already) and another 9 just from the new +3 enhancement bonus you got from the Warpriest enhancement borrow.
That's actually an awesome idea, although I'd say move it to at least the 2nd core or even a tier 2+ enhancement. It seems a little too powerful to give with a 1 wizard splash, especially since 1 wizard already gives Magical Training and a free feat.
04-10-2014, 12:48 PM
That's actually an awesome idea, although I'd say move it to at least the 2nd core or even a tier 2+ enhancement. It seems a little too powerful to give with a 1 wizard splash, especially since 1 wizard already gives Magical Training and a free feat.
Maybe either tack it onto the (new) T2 +1 weapon enhancement or attach it to the the Weapon Proficiency and double-strike enhancement we already have?
17 hours in paint
Moved the proficiency and doublestrike enhancement over, removing the crit buffs, item defense, and wand/scroll mastery to make room to splice in the warpriest weapon enhancement line.
04-10-2014, 02:10 PM
I can't say it it's "good" or not, but I've been having a lot of fun with my Sun Elf 2 Cleric/everything else Wiz EK build.
Fay tap works well, Rejuvination of Dawn helps with the healing - as do Cure wands enhanced by the EK Wand Mastery, double up the EK and Sun Elf racial armor penalty reductions have made heavy armor a breeze, plus more SPs via Arcanum. I'm also using a Maul, so while not optimal - I'm getting to use the Sun Elf weapon perks there as well.
Sure, it may not be an optimal build. But, as I said I'm having a lot more fun with it then I expected - and is pretty durable to boot. So if one defines "good" by those parameters, and for me at least fun is the only measure for a good build, I'm pretty happy with how this has turned out. :)
04-10-2014, 08:27 PM
I made a build that uses the EK tree and the Tenser's toggle. Its not pure wizard (12 wizard, 6 monk, 2 ranger) but EK is more for splashing anyway in my opinion. The build is basically a staff build with centered and WF self healing with some manyshot. Working well into endgame, I can run EE with it and still contribute to the party. Full build is in my signature.
04-22-2014, 07:03 AM
I am having fun with a bladeforged Sorc16/Paladin2/Monk2 thf melee EK. With that split I have to reserve a twist to get turn undead uses for Divine Might and actually think more paladin and less sorcerer may be better; Sorc12/Paladin6/Monk2 could have Bladesworn Transformation *and* Tensor's at the same time :)
04-22-2014, 01:48 PM
My EK is currently 8wiz/4FVS/2Rog WF with over 400HP and almost 2k Mana. Plan is 13wiz/4FVS/3 Rog
At level 14 I have 48str with my cha to str boost.
I use my arcane spells to heal, buff and add DPS.
Only problem I am having is making tough choices on enhancement points. Just too many places to spend. What I love about the end build is that I will get 30 PRR just from enhancements and extra DPS.
Tough choice is, do I go wraith which will cost at least 21points in PM or... get extra DPS from warpriest (str and greatsword bonus) and stay with vampire with extra 3str.
Another nice thing about my build is that it can easily translate into a Shiradi melee. Use spells with no saves at range (MM, CM, FM, Scorching Ray), then melee as needed.
Whats your stat distribution on this one?
05-13-2014, 09:50 AM
I think the Eldritch Knight/Pale Master mix may even be overpowered when done right, but it takes dedication to the art of wizardry. I've found a very good way to use Eldritch Knight, but it may only be useful when you're a high level and maybe only if you have faith in the melee strength offered by an all- or nearly all-wizard build.
I have a level 24 character who is entirely all-out wizard and he is the best melee fighter I could ever hope for. I took on A Lesson in Deception on normal (level 26) by myself with no trouble at all. My AC is high enough that things miss me fairly often. The level 20 Cloak of Night from the Mabar festival gives me DR 5/Good. I have a high regeneration rate. I use power attack and do decent damage with my sword alone. Having maxed the Draconic Incarnation tree, I consider myself the ultimate self-dependent tank with more style than any fighter could ever muster. It's sweet. :)
I have reached the top of the Eldritch Knight tree and it mainly serves to increase my defenses as I charge into the fray. I wear a robe and my AC is still well over 60. I maxed Improved Shield and Improved Mage Armor. I also maxed the shield and armor proficiency enhancements. I use a large shield. I always have the Eldritch Knight's Tenser's Transformation active. Speaking of which, you can't cast spells when under a normal Tenser's Transformation. With Eldritch Knight's transformation, however, you can! I hope to use medium Red Dragon armor in the future. With the right items and enhancements your armor class may not reach a fighter's, but it could be considerable. Shroud of the Wraith matched with maximum Bone Armor and my cloak offer me 25% incorporeality and a Dodge chance. When things hit me, my cloak also gives me DR 5/Good. Any damage that gets through can be mopped up by my Death Aura. If things ever start to look bad, the emergency Arcane Barrier will automatically activate to save your hide. As for attacking, Tenser's Transformation makes me into a fighter. Eldritch Strike gives me a good punch. Eldritch Tempest is good for when I don't want things hitting me back. Pale Master and Eldritch Knight have laid the foundation for invincibility. Draconic Incarnation then offers me the full attack power needed by a melee warrior by giving me a variety of abilities that do over a thousand damage each with a low spell point cost.
06-04-2014, 08:21 AM
1 fighter 2 rogue 17 wizard Warforged. I put about 20ish points in Eldritch Knight and that's it.. high Web DC from Archmage Tree and no Pale Master points because I don't like dying to flashes of light.. the powers/abilities in the EK tree are garbage for the most part. 1 point for the free aoe attack isn't a bad option.
I do play a Melee type Wizard that would probably be considered more of an Eldritch Knight than what the tree actually has to offer..
Pale Master is out of the question for me.. Quicken Reconstruct is by far way better than anything the PM tree could possibly offer.
06-06-2014, 04:59 AM
The EK tree is in desperate need of a buff...
As for a potential build, i'm waiting u22 to try a 3Bard splash. In the Swashbuckler tree you can get INT to dmg while Single Weapon Fighting. 17/3, max INT high CON, Pale Master Drow. You should be able to mantain good DCs, while dishing out tons of dmg
An alternative with survivability in mind would be adding 2Rogue for evasion (and traps)
Just theorycrafting now, but i have high hope for this.
06-06-2014, 10:27 AM
Only problem I am having is making tough choices on enhancement points. Just too many places to spend. What I love about the end build is that I will get 30 PRR just from enhancements and extra DPS.
Tough choice is, do I go wraith which will cost at least 21points in PM or... get extra DPS from warpriest (str and greatsword bonus) and stay with vampire with extra 3str.
The only problem with Vampire is that utterly vicious sensitivity to light spells. And while Vampire gives you extra strength, Wraith gives you incorp., and less sensitivity to light. My opinion is that I’d sacrifice DPS just for some of the nice benefits Wraith offers for a melee.
You’d have to weigh the costs and the benefits, but the reality is that even if Warpriest gave you a boost in DPS, EK is not an uber-DPS melee toon. So, what you’d gain, in my opinion, would be marginal at best, while leaving you with this really nasty weakness with a range of spells that do indeed get cast in upper level content – more frequently than you think.
06-06-2014, 11:20 AM
The only problem with Vampire is that utterly vicious sensitivity to light spells. And while Vampire gives you extra strength, Wraith gives you incorp., and less sensitivity to light. My opinion is that I’d sacrifice DPS just for some of the nice benefits Wraith offers for a melee.
You’d have to weigh the costs and the benefits, but the reality is that even if Warpriest gave you a boost in DPS, EK is not an uber-DPS melee toon. So, what you’d gain, in my opinion, would be marginal at best, while leaving you with this really nasty weakness with a range of spells that do indeed get cast in upper level content – more frequently than you think.
12/6/2 wiz/bard/rogue is fairly strong as undead swashbuckling ek. You choose between swash t5 and ek t5...
06-24-2014, 02:56 PM
I've got a solid EK build currently at level 26. It can handle EE's in groups, though it isn't pure. It's a 12 Wiz/6 Fighter/2 FvS split, but I've been loving it. Great for melees that want to grab the wiz PL without being a caster, or even for a caster that wants a wiz pl before doing a wiz that needs more spell pen.
Here's a link that shows when I took which levels, and the enhancements I took. While I agree undead form is another great option to go for EK, this build is just a warforged :)
06-24-2014, 05:21 PM
I've got a solid EK build currently at level 26. It can handle EE's in groups, though it isn't pure. It's a 12 Wiz/6 Fighter/2 FvS split, but I've been loving it. Great for melees that want to grab the wiz PL without being a caster, or even for a caster that wants a wiz pl before doing a wiz that needs more spell pen.
Here's a link that shows when I took which levels, and the enhancements I took. While I agree undead form is another great option to go for EK, this build is just a warforged :)
To clarify this is a good battle mage that combines the abilities of Warforged and Stalwart defender to make a pretty tough wizard (palemaster is actually better overall for this) EK does have a few ok enhancements but have little to nothing to do with the success of these builds which I and many others have been playing and surprising Pugs with for a long time.
06-29-2014, 12:25 AM
The SWF chain (specifically PSWF) has opened up some interesting possibilities for Wizard Eldritch Knights. Vampire + PSWF + Draining/Feeding weapon = 10% chance of two negatives levels every swing and +30% attack speed. Should make a decent dent in mob HP.
07-02-2014, 10:22 AM
EK is a great enhancement to a bladeforge build. I really like how the globe procs at low hp, as it is a great visual reminder to hit reconstruct. I have been playing with EK builds since they came out and have some great EE builds. My first nice one was a sorc/paly/rouge two handed fighting with energy burst twisted. My main is a completionist I am really enjoying the wiz/ranger variant I made. I like to build mine with enough caster levels to cast reconstruct to go along with the bladeforge sla.
07-02-2014, 02:05 PM
EK is a great enhancement to a bladeforge build.
If you are going Bladeforged there is no reason to take that many caster levels. You can stop at 6 wiz and take 12 fighter/2monk and enjoy all the benefits of a centered Kensai with a few EK goodies tossed in.
07-03-2014, 10:41 PM
If you are going Bladeforged there is no reason to take that many caster levels. You can stop at 6 wiz and take 12 fighter/2monk and enjoy all the benefits of a centered Kensai with a few EK goodies tossed in.
Yes, there are good reasons to take that many levels of wiz. The self buffs and recons are the difference between living and dying. Perma tensors is also worth it. Last life i did the cetus build, and mine is more survivable
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